Ragnar the Murderer (17 page)

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Authors: Lily Byrne

BOOK: Ragnar the Murderer
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Quiet!” shouted Arnbjorn.

The Jarl and Steinar went round the crowd to subdue them, but they weren’t enough and the Huskarlr had to break rank and join in.

Eventually they restored order.

We have all noted that grave insult to Bjarni and Ragnar. Insults such as this should be punished by exile or death,” said Arnbjorn. “It should also be noted that Bjarni is married to Saehild, daughter of Aldulf, and Ragnar, obviously, is in love with Aelfwyn, also daughter of Aldulf. So their honour is not stained.

Continue please. Why did you tell Bjarni?”

He was- he- I-“

Because I was telling him how decent and honourable the Jarl and his lady were,” interrupted Bjarni. “I said the Jarl would never believe he’d kill Eadbald and so justice would be done. Little did I know that the Jarl had been corrupted by the whisperings of an immoral lady, who-“

Sh!” corrected Ragnar. “Don’t make it worse.”

So, Kjartan and Yngvild blackmailed Ragnar to keep him quiet,” summarised Arnbjorn. “Then Kjartan testified that he saw Ragnar creeping out of the Huskarlr longhouse on the night of Eadbald’s murder, carrying the sword later found near the potter’s body.

Can we believe the testimony of this dishonourable man?” Arnbjorn gestured at Kjartan and turned to the crowd, who booed and jeered, waving anything they could get their hands on- farm implements, spears, fists.

We should hear from him, I think.” He turned to the white-blond Huskarl.

When you realised Ragnar knew about lady Yngvild and yourself, did you think he’d keep the secret? Didn’t you suspect he’d go to the Jarl and tell him?”

I thought he would.”

So you blackmailed him. With what?”

I didn’t blackmail him. I said he could use the cave when he wanted. To take women there, you know.”

The crowd laughed, making lewd noises.

But you didn’t think this was enough to keep him quiet. Tell me, what happened on the night of Eadbald’s murder?”

I saw Ragnar sneaking out with his sword under his cloak.”

How do you know he had his sword?”

I could see he was holding something under his cloak. I presumed it was his sword. Either that or he was going to meet Aelfwyn holding his stiff love weapon.” He laughed.

The crowd laughed again in accord with him. Bjarni and Ragnar exchanged uneasy glances.

How did you know he intended to kill Eadbald?”

I didn’t. I just worked it out afterwards. Anyway, they found  his sword near the body, didn’t they? So it must have been him.”

Did you follow him? Did you see him go to Eadbald’s hut? Did you see him kill him?”


Why would he kill Eadbald?”

Because he was marrying Aelfwyn of course. Ragnar was jealous. He thought killing Eadbald would free Aelfwyn for him.”

But Ragnar has always been honourable. Wouldn’t he have left things as they were?”

But he didn’t want that fat pig’s bladder on top of his woman, did he? It drove him mad to think of her with the potter’s spear driving into her again and again. He knew she’d have a terrible life with that puffed up toad.”

That’s no way to talk about the respected and well loved potter of Byrnstanham! A far greater man than you!”

Respected and well loved? More like dishonest and cowardly! He went back on his word to me with no thought!”

Why would he keep his word to you? You were beneath him.”

Beneath him? Not in honour! He made an agreement with me then broke it. I never go back on my promises. He crossed me, so I paid him back with my sword.”

Kjartan bit his lip, realising what he’d just said. The crowd hushed, listening intently.

But you kept your honour?” continued Arnbjorn, taking the attitude of a concerned friend. “Eadbald broke your agreement, so should have been the one to pay. That sounds reasonable to me.”

It was! He owed me money for what I promised, I needed that money!”

What did you promise?”

Kjartan hesitated.

You have gone too far now not to tell me. Continue.”

He knew that Ragnar was the lover of Aelfwyn and stood in the way of the marriage. He wanted Ragnar out of the way and so did I, so I promised to kill him in return for money. Then I could run away with Yngvild and have enough money to be happy with her.”

But he changed his mind? And wouldn’t pay you? Did he threaten to expose your agreement?”

Yes. I had to keep him quiet, so I slit his throat and stuck my sword up his arse to show what type of man he was.”

The crowd gasped and stared in shock. Clouds began passing overhead.

So, you killed Eadbald in a fit of anger because he went back on his word.”

Yes! He jeered at me, saying I’d never be worthy of the lady Yngvild and I was lower than a slave. He intended to marry Aelfwyn so Ragnar would just have to bear it. I needed that money to run off with Yngvild. Then I thought if I killed him and made it look like Ragnar had done it, I’d get revenge on both.”

So you went out that night to kill him and lied about seeing Ragnar leaving the longhouse.”

Yes. If he hadn’t told Bjarni about me and Yngvild, it would have all worked out.” He glared at Bjarni and Ragnar, who glared back.

My lord, that was the testimony of Kjartan Flokisson,” said Arnbjorn to Jarl Thorvald. “We must now decide on his punishment.”

Drops of rain began to fall. The twelve Huskarlr conferred, then the leader stood.

We favour execution, my lord. For the framing of the innocent Ragnar, the murder of Eadbald and the gross insulting of Ragnar and Bjarni’s brotherly relationship.”

Kjartan sneered, but Yngvild cringed.

And what do you say about the lady Yngvild’s crime of adultery?” asked Arnbjorn.

The leader of the group replied.

We favour exile in this case, as she has dishonoured her husband severely.”

Yngvild gasped and tottered, steadied by Kjartan. Exile meant an uncertain fate.

No!” he exclaimed. “Don’t exile her, she won’t survive!”

Her life, like ours, depends on the will of the gods,” said Arnbjorn, glancing at the strained face of the Jarl.

Kjartan brought his hands from behind his back, holding the short seax he’d used to cut his bonds. He grabbed Yngvild and held the knife to her neck.

Come near me and she dies!” he growled. “Then she’ll come with me to death and we’ll be together forever!”

The Jarl stepped forward, torn between duty and the woman he still loved. The rain fell harder.

Kjartan hustled her away from the open grass area towards a thicket of trees, the edge of the wood. Everyone exchanged worried glances.

Let me after them, I must challenge him to satisfy my honour,” hissed Ragnar to Bjarni, who promptly cut his bonds with his sword. Ragnar loped after the pair, following them into the wood.

The other Huskarlr readied themselves to follow, but Bjarni stepped in front of them.

No! It’s Ragnar’s duty to do this.”

Understanding, they set about calming the crowd, which had broken into brawls and arguments, the sudden rain adding to their annoyance.

The Jarl waited anxiously, his feelings mixed.





In the wood, Ragnar accosted Kjartan and his prisoner in a clearing. The rain fell heavily now, beating down into their faces.

You owe me, Silverhair! You damaged my honour!”

It was no more than you deserved! You spoilt my plans!”

He set Yngvild down on a tree stump.

And you must give the lady back to Thorvald!”

Never! You won’t take her!”

The two Huskarlr circled each other. Neither had swords so they prepared for hand to hand combat. Ragnar leapt forward first, pushing Kjartan to the ground by the neck, trying to strangle him. They slid around awkwardly on the wet grass. But Ragnar’s rage grew at the thought of how he’d been made to suffer and nearly lost everything. All because Kjartan lusted after Yngvild.

Why did you do this?” he snarled. “You should have known I’d keep the secret!”

He braced his foot against a tree root as the rain soaked ground was too slippery by now, and dug his fingers into Kjartan’s neck. He deserved to die for what he’d done.

Kjartan’s hands were round his opponent’s wrists, desperately trying to break his hold. With an effort, he succeeded.

I didn’t trust you!” he spluttered. He pushed Ragnar back and they wrestled on the ground, earth and grass flying up all around them, muddying and soaking their tunics. Yngvild watched anxiously, fiddling with the ropes round her wrists.

Be grateful I killed Eadbald and not you!” growled Kjartan as they fought, falling into the spreading mud, which stuck to them, getting into their hair, on their faces and clothes. Kjartan’s pale hair began turning brown. Rolling out of it, they moved onto stones, which tore at their clothes and stuck to the mud like flour. The rain beat down still.

Kjartan somehow managed to slide one hand down to his boot, brought out the seax, and pressed it against Ragnar’s throat. The auburn haired Dane froze.

He sat up with him, both soaked and panting, their tunics clinging to their chests, hair sodden down their backs.

I could kill you now.” He pressed the knife harder into Ragnar’s neck.

You really want the lady to see you kill me?” He glanced to Yngvild, who watched with her mouth open, rain running down her hair and cheeks, adding to the tears.

Kjartan followed his glance so Ragnar took advantage. Grabbing his wrist, slippery with rain and mud, he skilfully twisted the knife out and held it against his throat, pressing on it until a little blood seeped out.

It’s I who should kill you, for nearly getting me exiled and stealing the lady away from my father.”

Oh no!” burst out Yngvild. “Please don’t kill him! I love him! His plans were only so we could be together forever!” Her soaked dress clung to her body too. However simple the dress appeared, the cut still flattered her as a high born woman’s should.

Ragnar’s eyes widened. He’d thought her relationship with Kjartan had been merely a sexual one. He kept his hand steady on the knife hilt despite the torrent of water running down it.

Well?” he asked his captive.

I love her too! We just wanted to get away and make a new start together.”

I can’t forgive you for what you did to me.” He seized Kjartan’s mud darkened hair and tilted his head back, moving the seax up to cut Kjartan’s cheek deep enough to make a scar. “You will remember me by that.”

Kjartan glared at him, still breathing hard.

But it’s the same old story,” Ragnar continued.  “The younger woman gets bored with her older husband so she turns to a younger man.”


I’ve done what you did and I didn’t even love the woman.” He hadn’t even thought of Mildrith until the last few moments.

He abruptly threw the seax into the dripping bushes.

Go. While I feel merciful. Go away from here and never come back. Never come near me or Aelfwyn again. I’ll kill you if we meet again.”

He stood up, dragged Kjartan to standing, and pushed him towards Yngvild. They both stared at the chestnut haired Dane in awe. Then Kjartan undid his lady’s bonds and embraced her, neither caring about spreading the mud between them.

Ragnar turned to go but Kjartan stepped up to him.

Brother. I’m sorry.” He clasped his hand, still awestruck. “We will do as you say.”

Ragnar nodded, and strode out of the clearing, his feet squelching in his saturated boots.

We didn’t deserve that,” said Yngvild to her lover as they embraced and kissed again, rain running into their mouths.

No. He has a soft heart, luckily. But you acted well back there. They believed you were terrified I’d kill you.” He went to find his knife.

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