Rags to Riches: My Thug Angel 2 (5 page)

BOOK: Rags to Riches: My Thug Angel 2
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Chapter 6:


“I said that I wasn’t in the security business anymore, but I see ya’ll really need my services so I will call my men up and we will be here daily. I have a day crew, and when I leave a night crew will be here.”

“I really appreciate that, Rico.”

“You know it’s nothing. Well I’ll see you tomorrow. I gotta go home and get everything prepared for tomorrow.”

I walked outside and hopped in my white 2015 Tahoe and left out through the gates. It’s crazy how I can feel certain vibes. I could tell his girlfriend was staring through me, but I acted as if I didn’t notice. I really hoped she didn’t become a problem because I didn’t have time for drama in my damn life.

As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by Jayla.

“Daddyyyyyyy!” She’s my little seven-year-old princess. “Da da.” I looked down and Christian was crawling toward me, slobbing as usual with his chunky self.

“Hey baby,” my wife Layla said, giving me a kiss on my lips.

“Wassup baby, how you feeling today?”

“Better. Much better.” She had been suffering with depression lately. Her ex-husband Jayce, Jayla’s biological father, died almost five years ago, and I’m guessing it took her a while to come to terms with it and actually grieve. It makes me feel like an inadequate husband at times, but I’m trying to support her throughout all of her hard times.

“Hello, Mr. Martinez,” our nanny Tati said to us. She was an old Hispanic lady who I hired when Layla started to get more depressed. I don’t think she would ever hurt our kids, but you can never be too safe when it came to your kids.

“Tati cooked Daddy, and it’s soooo good,” Jayla said, stuffing her mouth with the chicken and rice Tati had prepared.

“I bet it is good; how was your day at school, princess?”

“It was good. I have a boyfriend.” I snapped my neck around so quickly I’m surprised it was still on my shoulders.

“No the heck you don’t, Miss Martinez.” I looked over at Layla, who looked like she was trying not to laugh. “So you think this shit funny?” I asked, pointing at Jayla. I walked over and sat at the table with Jayla. “Listen sweetie, boys are no good and you should stay away from them.
Papá te ama
” (daddy loves you).

“Okay, love you too Daddy
” she said before finishing the food on her plate. I picked Christian up and kissed his forehead.

“¿Que has estado haciendo hoy?” (what have you been doing today). He looked at me
putting his hand in his mouth and wiping the slob in my face. “Gross
” I said before getting a napkin and wiping my face. Tati came and took him out of my arms
taking him in the kitchen to his high chair to eat.

“What you did today?” I asked Layla.

“Nothing. I did some reading and started on some designs that have been waiting. It felt good to get some work done.”

“Well I’m glad you’re feeling better
” I said before hugging her.

After everybody ate and I tucked Jayla in
Tati took Christian to his room to put him to sleep
and I walked into the room where Layla had just gotten out of the shower. I hugged her from behind
and I’m sure she could feel the stiffness in my pants. I kissed her neck.

“Rico. Not tonight
okay?” I let out a dramatic sigh. It had been months
and lotion just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

“I’m sorry
baby. I just feel weird.”

“You feel weird having sex with your fucking husband? We haven’t had sex in months. I’ve supported you through it all. Been a great man to you Layla
what else do you want me to do?” I said in a curious tone. She let out a sigh and continued to get dressed for bed. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower to try to ease my mind. I don’t know where to go from here.

I woke up the next morning ready to get my day started. I got dressed. Since there have been so many problems at Ace’s house
he told me to dress comfortable just in case things got wild, so I put on some black cotton sweatpants, a Nike Under Armour shirt, and a Nike dry fit hoodie since it was rainy today. I put on my all black Roshe’s and grabbed my extra shirt, just in case it got hot. I walked in the kitchen where Jayla was eating her breakfast.

“Hello Mr. Martinez,”
Tati greeted me, sitting my breakfast on the table.

“Hey Tati, didn’t I tell you to call me Rico,” I said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek; she was like my grandmother, and I really loved her. “Your English is getting so good, Tati.”

“Yes, Jayla has been giving me lessons,” she said with a thick accent.

“Hey princess,” I said, walking over to Jayla and giving her a kiss on her forehead. I heard faint cries, and Tati got up.

“It’s okay, I’ll go get him,” I said, allowing her to sit and eat her breakfast because once I left, Christian could be a handful. He always wanted to eat all of everybody’s food. I walked in his room and picked him up out of his crib.

“Hey big boy.” He gave me a big toothless grin. I touched his diaper and felt that it was full, so I laid him on his changing table and cleaned him up before buttoning his onesie back up. He was a really chunky six-month old. He started sucking his fingers, so I took him to my room



“Here,” I said, handing him to her.

“Hey big boy,” she said happily. She looked at me. “Do you want me to take Jayla to school today?” she asked while unsnapping her breastfeeding bra to feed Christian.

“Nah, I’ll take her. Have a good day,” I said before kissing her and Christian on the cheek.

“Have a good day, princess. Papá te ama”

“Yo también te quiero papá,” she replied before giving me a kiss and walking to her class that was sitting on the benches outside. Her teacher waved goodbye, and I left in the direction of Ace’s house. When I got inside the gates, I said a silent prayer and got out of the car, ready for what the day was gonna bring.

“What’s good, Rico,” Ace dapped me up. I looked outside, and the rest of my security team was arriving; they knew to wait in their cars until I came out to give them directions.

“Nothing much, just ready to walk and feel my way around this place.”

“Be my guest.”

“I have to go on a business trip today, I gotta go tell my girl. I want you to drive her everywhere. Let her go nowhere alone. I’m taking a jet, so I’ll be back around 5.”

“Okay cool.” I heard him call his girl down on the intercom. She came downstairs with a robe on.

“Yes, Ace. I was trying to get my beauty sleep. Oh, hello Enrico,” she said, waving at me. I waved back and walked in the next room, examining things and giving them a little privacy—even though I could still hear their whole conversation.

“Baby I have to go on a little trip.”

“Wow,” I heard her say.

“I’ve been doing a lot of staying home since we got together, but I got money to make. I’m trying to take over the streets in Cali so I can bring this shit to a whole new level. The more I make, the quicker I can get out of the game,”

“Whatever, Ace. You told me that we were gonna go out and spend some time together today.”

“I know, baby, I’ll be back at five. We can go to dinner.”

“Okay Anthony, bye,” she said, and I could hear them exchanging kisses. I came out of the room and dapped Ace up. We both walked out of the house, and I introduced him to the other four security guards.

“I’ll see ya’ll later, man,” Ace said before getting in his car and driving through his gates.

“I can already tell that this is gonna be a long ass day,” I said to myself, walking over to where my boys were located. “I want all of you guys to walk around the outside of this house and tell me anywhere it would be possible for somebody to get into these gates. I’ll do the inside of the house, ‘cause he doesn’t want many people coming in and out. I’m gonna install cameras in the appropriate places after we all do our rounds and meet back up.”

After we all met back up, everybody gave me what they had on their mini maps, and I sat at the kitchen table and spread out a huge map of the whole house. I grabbed my pencil and started making notes where every camera needed to be. I heard footsteps and looked up from my paper. Rayna was coming down the stairs in some yoga pants and a sports bra, with her curls up in a bun.

“Good morning,” I said to her, trying not to look at her fit curves.

“Good Morning Rico, can I call you Rico?”

“Yes, that’s fine. I prefer it mostly. I have been directed to drive you anywhere you need to go; things have gotten thick, and Ace want’s you and baby Ahleya protected. May I ask where she is?”

“She spends some nights with her grandmother; they’re head over heels for her, but I miss her so I will probably go get her today.”

“I’ll take you wherever you need to go.”

“I guess I look too young to be able to handle myself? I’m not a baby. I’ve had to defend myself all my life. I’m nineteen, not twelve.”

“Well excuse me, I’m only following directions that I’ve been given by Ace. Just doing my job.”



“Well excuse me, I’m only following directions that I’ve been given by Ace. Just doing my job,” he said, not even looking up at me and paying attention to what looked to be a map of our house.

“Let's not make enemies, I’ll do what I please in my house.”

“I’m not really worried about making enemies, and yes you may, but when you walk or drive out of those gates, it won’t be without me with you. We can do this the easy way, or I can lock all this shit down and you can keep having tantrums. It’s your pick,” he said, still looking at his paper. I rolled my eyes and walked to the fridge to get some orange juice. I heard him pick up his phone, and he started speaking in Spanish. I always loved the language. I took Spanish all throughout high school, and I was fluent. A lot of people didn’t know that about me though. I have a few hidden talents. He hung up the phone and went back to his work.

“I didn’t know you were Hispanic.”

“Oh really, what did you think?”

“I thought you were mixed with like white and black or something.”

“Boring,” he simply stated while making some marks on his paper.

“Well I didn’t really get a good look at you, so...” 

When I said that, he finally looked up from the paper and flashed the most gorgeous million-dollar smile with the deepest dimples. He was chuckling while I was sitting there close to falling out. I got myself together and headed to the gym until I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door.

“Let me get it,” Rico said, walking past me.

“I’m already tired of yo ass,” I said under my breath.

“Watch it, I could be the nigga that saves your life one day,” he said before opening the door. I walked to the door.

“Is Ace here?” I heard a female voice ask. I walked to the door.

“No, who’s asking?” I asked before Rico could answer.

“Oh, you must be the new flavor of the month.” As soon as she said that, I started itching to stomp this skin and bones looking hoe.

“Ma’am this is my house, so please respect me. What would you like?”

“Ace is the father of my two-year-old son, and I need him to step up because my son needs a father.”

“Seems like all you need is a simple DNA test hunny, and if it’s his I will see to it that he is taken care of.”

“DNA test? Hell no. For what! He knows that this is his baby.” Just then, Mrs. Camila walked in the door past Karen with Ahleya in her arms.

“Hey mommy baby,” I said, giving her a kiss. “Hey Ma, I’m handling something. Could you take Ahleya in her room please?”

“Sure. Holla if you need me,” she said, glancing at Karen who looked like she was ten times madder than she was when she first got there.

“So this nigga can be a daddy to that little bastard, but can’t take care of my child?” That right there is where I drew the fuckin line.”

“Listen bitch. If I ever in my life hear you come out yo mouth sideways about my baby, I will skin yo ass.” I could feel Rico step closer to me.

“Bitch, you won’t do shit.” All I needed was a single letter to slip out of her damn mouth. I instantly lunged at her, knocking her to the ground.

“Bitch! Don’t. You. Ever. Talk. About. My. Damn. Child,” I said, punching her with every word. I felt myself being lifted off of her. I turned my head, and it was Rico holding me with two hands. “Put me the fuck down. I’mma fuck that hoe up,” I said, squirming and trying to get out of his grasp.

“Girl, calm down,” he said in my ear. Karen took this as an opportunity to lunge at me but I stuck my foot out, kicking her in her mouth. “Get the fuck away from here hoe, before I give you more.”

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