Raine on Me (16 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Raine on Me
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River’s gaze lifted to the ceiling when he hung up the phone. Brit was a sweet woman, vulnerable even though she tried to hide it, and the idea of any man hurting her ripped right through his gut. He’d never been so hung up on a woman and wasn’t sure how deep his feelings ran, but she meant a hell of a lot to him. No way would he allow her to run away. He’d keep her safely at his side where he could protect her.

River’s jaw clenched along with his fists. He wasn’t letting her run. He forced his feet to move, his body to relax, and flexed his jaw to loosen it up. Keeping her safe had become his priority. As thrown off as he felt with his strong attachment to her, he wasn’t going to worry about it now. He’d just go with it, see where it led, and worry about how deep his feelings went later.

He heard the water in the bathroom going when he paused in front of the closed door. His cock hardened instantly just imagining what he wanted to do to her. The smile came next. Brit made his blood boil. He couldn’t get enough of her. It wasn’t just sex. The sound of her laugh and the sparkle in her pretty eyes left him feeling gut punched every time.

Brit waited naked in the shower stall when he shut the door behind him and locked it. He reached for his shirt as he toed off a boot. She opened the door, already wet, and that smile of hers made his cock instantly hard. His fingers twitched to touch her. She wiggled one of her little fingers at him to motion him to her and he knew in that moment that she could totally wrap him around it with no effort at all.

Oh hell
, he thought.
I’m in love

Chapter Ten


Brit laughed, her hands on her jeans-clad hips, and shook her head. She watched River brush off his jeans as he struggled to his feet in the horse stall. His sheepish grin made her laugh again.

“So what was that about you saying you were some super horse wrangler? I

thought that would mean you could ride.”

“I can.” He shook his head in mock disgust, deeply amused. “Brownie here is mad at me for being gone so long. He’s got a pissy attitude.”

“He just threw your ass off him. Maybe you shouldn’t try to ride bareback.”

“He is showing me how displeased he is that I haven’t ridden him in five months.”

She released her hips and carefully approached the mustang that blew out air and sidestepped away from her. Her attention fixed on him.

“Easy, Brownie. If you really want to make him mad, let me climb on you.”

“Hell no.” River kept his voice low, all traces of humor gone. “No one rides him but me. He’ll buck you off.”

“The way he just did you?” She smiled and flashed him an amused glance. “What do you mean, no one rides him but you?”

“He won’t allow it. He was born wild and got injured. This rescue outfit caught him and decided to put him down after he tried to kill anyone who got close enough to try to treat the nasty infection. I bought him from them to save him. I transported him here and had to tame him a bit just for him to not take a chunk out of me while I doctored his leg. We think a wolf bit into him. It took me months to get him to let me ride him but he refuses to allow anyone else to.”

“And you haven’t been home in five months?”

“I know. Don’t give me that look. My brothers take real good care of him, he’s got plenty of running room on our ranch, and he likes his freedom.”

“I’d buck you off too if you neglected me for that length of time.”

River chuckled. “I promise I’ll ride you many times every single day.”

Brit decided not to comment on that. She focused on the horse instead, opened up her hands at her sides, and approached him slowly. “Easy, Brownie. Good boy. I won’t hurt you.”

“Hon, back off. He isn’t tame. I’m really the only one he puts up with. I don’t want him to hurt you.”

“Did that mean ole River take off and leave you?” She ignored River, stepping closer to the horse. “It’s okay.” She started to hum a lullaby.

8Brownie tossed his head, his wary gaze fixed on her, but he let her inch close enough to lift her hand in front of his nose so he could take a sniff at her. He danced a little where he stood but he didn’t move away.

“He could bite.” River’s voice was closer behind her and softer. “Back up, Brit. I mean it.”

She kept humming and then rubbed Brownie’s nose. He froze but didn’t try to snap at her. Her hand inched upward, petting him, and then she reached for his face with both hands to rub by his ears.

“Damn,” River muttered. “He’s letting you touch him.”

“I’m good with horses,” she whispered. “I bet he’d let me ride him in five minutes or less. He’s a big ole puppy of a horse. He just wants some love and attention.”

“So do I.” River stepped against her body and wrapped one arm firmly around her waist. His other hand lifted, petting Brownie’s neck. “He likes you.”

“I have that effect on stubborn males.” She turned her head, smiling up at River.

“As you know I also get that same reaction from jackasses.”

His hand on her stomach gripped gently. “Watch it or I’ll see if you’re ticklish.”

“Not near a skittish horse you won’t. It’ll scare him when I scream.”

“I wouldn’t have to tickle you within an inch of your life if you didn’t call me names.”

“If the personality fits…”

“I’m a bit mule-headed, I admit, but a jackass?” He winked at her. “Really?”

She smiled, looking back at the horse. “No. I just like to tease you.”

The sound of a vehicle made Brit tense. She instantly feared it could be related to Kyle. Last night she’d tried to talk River into fixing her car but he’d adamantly refused.

Under threat of chaining her to his bed to keep her there, he’d made it crystal clear she wouldn’t be leaving the ranch. Half of her had been relieved, terrified of being alone, and not sure where to go. Returning to her apartment would be the fastest way for her ex-husband to find her. The other half of her had been frightened. The thought of Kyle hurting River or anyone in his family made her want to leave.

“It’s just my brother. I’m expecting him. Sorry. I should have said something over breakfast this morning when we said goodbye to Trina and Nav before they left for Houston.”

“Which brother?”


Confused, Brit released the horse and turned in River’s hold to frown up at him. “I thought your brother and sister-in-law were visiting him?”

“They are going to stay at his house but he came here. He’s doing some work for the family.”

“He’s a lawyer, right?”


Brit suddenly remembered that Trip was in the process of obtaining a divorce. “Oh.

Right. Trip.”

River nodded. “Yeah. He is helping him.”

She relaxed.

“Where are you?” The voice was deep and sounded a bit like River’s.

“In the fourth stall,” River called out, keeping hold of Brit as he turned to face the open door.

Drake Raine didn’t look anything like Brit imagined he would. She’d pictured him in a suit, considering his occupation. He looked a lot like Navarro with his piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair but he kept his cropped hair short to his head in spikes. She had to keep her mouth from falling open from the shock of seeing his black leather biker jacket, the leather chaps he wore over dark blue jeans, and her gaze ended on a pair of kick-ass black leather boots.

“Where’s your Harley?” River’s arm tightened around Brit.

“At the house. I didn’t want to drive it on our shit roads.” Drake flashed perfectly white teeth. “I borrowed one of the ranch trucks to come out here since they are already dusty as hell. I could barely see out the windows. Don’t you guys ever wash them?” His attention fixed on Brit. “Hello.”

“In your riding gear?” River chuckled. “Nice. This is Brit. Brit, this is my oldest brother. Drake’s really a lawyer but he’s a weekend biker wannabe.”

Drake raised a tan hand and lifted his middle finger. “I ride my bike everywhere unless I go on a date or it’s really crappy weather.” He winked at Brit. “It’s nice to meet you.” His gaze lingered on River’s arm around her waist and then shook his head.

“Already grabbed her up, huh? Some things in this family never change.”

“Excuse me?” Brit frowned.

Drake grinned. “You’re pretty.” He winked. “With us Raines it’s always about who has the best luck.”

She wasn’t sure how to take that. River chose that moment to speak. “Trip is going to be happy you’re here to help him with those divorce papers.”

Drake’s smile faded. “I see.”

“Why don’t we go back to the house and then you can call him and let him know you’re home.”

“Sure.” Drake glanced at Brit. “Nice meeting you, darlin’.”

“What is it about this family and nicknames?” She shook her head as she pointed to her chest. “My name is Brit.” She shot a glare at River. “Not baby, not darlin’, or any other term.”

hates it when I call her fu―”

Brit elbowed River hard, silencing him. “Don’t even say it.”

8He laughed, winking at her. “I was going to say feisty.”

“Sure you were.” She rolled her eyes. “Behave.”

Drake laughed. “Do you know River at all? You may as well expect the wind to stop blowing. It comes that natural to him for his mouth to get him into deep shit.”

“It’s a family trait,” River chuckled. He winked at Brit. “I won’t say what you think I was about to.”

“You were going to say it.”

He had the nerve to laugh. “Guilty.”

“Let’s get to the house. I missed breakfast and I want out of these chaps. Damn, it’s hot out here.” Drake turned, walking away.

Brit watched the oldest Raine swagger out of the stall. He had a really nice ass. The arm around her tightened.

“Were you ogling my brother?”

She turned her head and grinned up at River. “You all pretty much have the same body type.”
Big, muscular, and impressive
, she thought. “I was just noticing.”

He laughed. “You can notice all you want but remember whose bed you belong in.”

She turned to face him, her arms lifting to grip his broad shoulders. “The bed that has chains hidden in the canopy. That’s hard to forget.”

He grinned. “You liked them.”

“I like you.” It was getting easier for her to admit that. She knew she was getting too attached to River and when he wasn’t a part of her life anymore, she would miss him. Sadness swelled at the mere thought of when it would come time to leave the ranch and the man who was becoming someone important to her. Fear came next at realizing it would seriously hurt when that day came. She was falling in love with him, had to admit that, if she wasn’t already there. “I’m not interested in your brothers.”

“Good. I’d hate to have to kick their asses and if one of them tried to flirt with you that’s what I’d do. You’re mine.” His other arm wrapped around her as the sound of an engine flared up outside. “We should get out of here and go back to the house. Drake gets testy when he skips meals. It’s never a good idea to have a hungry shark on the loose.”

She smiled. “I bet it’s convenient to have a lawyer in the family. Has he ever had to bail you out of jail?”

“Just once.” He chuckled.

“What were you arrested for?”

“Underage drinking when I was seventeen.” He winked. “It’s not on my record since I was a minor but man was Drake pissed. He was still in law school and it embarrassed him.”

Brit was relieved it was something that minor. “I am ready for lunch.”

9“I’m ready to eat too.” His gaze lowered to her chest. “Just not for food but yeah, let’s go.” He released her and stepped back, glancing at the horse. “I’ll be back later, Brownie.”

The horse snorted. Brit laughed, walking out of the stall with River right behind her. He opened the truck door for her and helped her in. She flashed him a grin of thanks. He did small things like that for her. Opened her doors, held her hand, and just treated her as if she were special to him. Watching him walk around the truck, she reflected on just how different he really was from her ex-husband. The way River had announced she belonged to him should have caused a feeling of terror. It was something Kyle had told her often, instilling that fear, but with River, she just felt happy when he said it.

I’m in deep shit
, she thought, staring at River when he settled behind the wheel. He turned his head, catching her expression, and frowned.

“You okay? You look a little pale.”

“Yeah.” She reached over and rubbed the top of his thigh. “I’m actually great.”

His large hand settled over hers and he squeezed gently. “I won’t allow anything to happen to you.”

“I believe that,” she said honestly.

“Good.” He released her hand, threw the truck in reverse, and backed away from the barn.

* * * * *

River watched his frowning brother pace Nav’s office. His fingers drummed the desk and his gaze slid to the closed door. Brit was making them lunch. She’d offered, and he’d agreed since he really wanted to hear what Drake had found out. He turned his full attention on his brother.

“How bad is it?”

Drake stopped and faced him. “Kevin has it out for that woman in the worst way.

Word is that he’s got feelers out everywhere and if she pops up on the radar he’s got men he pays who automatically go fuck up her life. They make sure she gets canned from any jobs or tossed from where she’s staying.” He paused. “How invested are you in this woman?”

River leaned forward, his hands fisting in front of him. “Very.”

“That’s what I was afraid of. I don’t know how much of it is true but according to my sources she’s got a drug habit, went after Kyle for his money, and set him up to go to prison.”

“I don’t buy that.” River had no qualms about it being bullshit. The woman he’d come to know wasn’t the type.

9“I didn’t either at first.” Drake sighed and then moved closer to bend over the desk.

“I had you turn on the computer for a reason.” He grabbed the keyboard, turned it his way, and started to type. “This is going to be hard for you to see. I’m just warning you.”

River wasn’t concerned until a website loaded and he saw the content. His breath caught and then rage hit him as he jerked his gaze to Drake. Drake met that dirty look with a frown.

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