RainRiders (7 page)

Read RainRiders Online

Authors: Austina Love

Tags: #Paranormal, Romance, Ghost, Shapeshifter

BOOK: RainRiders
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“I’m overwhelmed.” She looked from one man to another. “Is this for real?” Her gaze stopped on Trip.

“Yes,” he replied. “The farm is yours again, babe…free and clear.”

“Then why is Gage still tied up?” she asked in a soft voice.

Trip took her hand in his. “I could tell you that we forced Gage to sign the land over to you and that La faxed the papers here while you were gone. But I doubt I could win a battle of words with this man.”

“Is that what happened? Or is Gage telling the truth? Did he come here to make amends?”

“Yes, that’s how it went down and no, he didn’t come here with good intentions. We did drag him in and tie him to the chair. He wasn’t a willing participant, but I won’t defend my actions,” Trip told her. “He’ll only twist them around. You’ll have to search your heart and believe what you feel is right.”

Knowing what had happened to Carter, she wanted to believe Gage’s profession. All along she’d wanted to believe he had fallen into the wrong crowd and had been forced to cooperate. Now that Carter was indeed gone and Gage had signed her farm over, she couldn’t help but wonder if everything he said was the truth.
And if so, why is Trip holding him hostage?
There didn’t appear to be a threat to her wellbeing and the blackmail ploy of marriage was clearly off the table.

Still, Trip hadn’t gone overboard in self-defense, which made him appear more confident in his words. Yet Gage’s timing was perfect. Only he or someone close to him could’ve known about Carter’s demise, which would indeed lend credit to his account.

“Seems your boyfriend is so hell bent on avenging his brother’s death that he’s willing to hold an innocent man prisoner until he gets his man,” Gage added.

“Trip?” She stared at him with questioning eyes. “Why
you keeping him here now that he’s no longer involved?”

“I am this close—” He pressed his thumb and index finger almost together, leaving a small space between them. “To bringing in Ty’s killer. I can’t risk Draven getting away through a legal loophole created by his attorney friend here. And…we can’t be sure Gage will give us accurate details on the next big deal. If he’s free he’ll lie and they’ll disappear again especially since the farm will no longer be available to them. We have to make him lead us to Draven and his crew.”

“See, Shye?” Gage wriggled in the chair. “Trip’s top priority is going after Draven instead of placing your needs first. I got your farm out from under Carter and as soon as the way was clear gave it back to you. But Viper isn’t happy with that. He won’t be happy until Pike is dead.”

Shye raised her hand in a motion for him to stop. “Please…let me think. I am very grateful to you, Gage, for what you have done, but I need to make up my own mind about Trip.”

“Well you’ve known me almost all of your life, darling. He road into town for one thing and is just using you along the way.”

“Gage!” Shye waved him off and walked into the kitchen area.

“You lying prick,” Trip growled barely loud enough for her to hear.

This was not the reunion she’d expected upon her return. Traveling with the Rain Riders had been incredible—gripping—liberating. She hadn’t wanted the experience to end. Never did she expect to find Gage bound to a chair when she walked through the door. She’d longed to share her thrilling encounter with her fiancé. Though he hadn’t yet presented an engagement ring, she assumed his proposal had been sincere.

Now she had her land back! She could move her parents back home without delay. Would Trip honor his words and move onto the plantation with her? Was he sincere when he’d agreed to make her home his too? Or would he take off again in pursuit of Pike and leave her behind?

She wanted to believe both men—that Trip loved her as he said and Gage was innocent like she’d hoped.
Why can’t they work together to capture Pike? If Gage is innocent then wouldn’t he want the men who’d been forcing his hand put behind bars? And is it possible that avenging his brother’s death is more important to Trip than a life with me? What if he doesn’t catch Pike this time? What if the evil man slips away? Will Trip follow him around forever? When will this nightmare end?

“Hey…” Trip spoke softly upon his almost silent approach. “Are you okay, my love?”

She turned slowly. “Am I
your love
, Trip? Or do I come second to your thirst for revenge?”

“If you have to ask me that then maybe we aren’t meant to be as I thought.”

“You’d give up just like that?” Tears formed but she fought them back.

“I won’t defend myself against that bastard. Every word I said, though significantly less in number than his, was the truth. I’d never lie to you. If you can’t trust me then we have nothing.”

His blunt statement hit hard. He was a man of strong conviction. She loved that about him.

“Then release him. End this and go after Pike on your own.”

Trip shook his head. “I explained why I cannot do that. Please trust me and accept my methods. I stood by you from day one without asking you to go against your gut instinct. If we are to be married, then I’d hope you could do the same for me.”

“But I wasn’t holding an innocent man hostage at gunpoint.”

“No…” He gave a light laugh. “You were only robbing and blowing up banks and using me as your getaway driver.”

She shrugged her brows and grinned. “Touché.”

“Then you accept my way of handling this matter?” Hope shone in his alluring dark eyes. “That is not an innocent man in there. Do you trust me?”

“I do…”


“I can’t be a part of it…I’m sorry.” She placed one hand alongside his face. “I understand, but I don’t feel right taking action against Gage when he just signed over the farm.”

A frustrated look swept over Trip’s face. “He wasn’t exactly willing.”

“Then tell me…how did he sign all those papers with his hands tied behind his back if he didn’t arrive with them already signed?”

He shrugged and nodded in open understanding. “I can see how that seems impossible. He is outnumbered. We held him at gunpoint then tied him back up.”

“This is a lot to digest, baby,” she said with pointed brows. “I just can’t see him doing all that against his will.”

“He said he was almost glad to get rid of the place.”

“Now that does not sound like Gage. I’m not comfortable with this situation. However, I do respect your need to handle it your way.”

His arms slid around her waist and pulled her close. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t.” She laid her head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. “I wanted so much to tell you about my experience, but it will have to wait.”

“I’m sorry, babe.” He nuzzled her neck. “Please stay with me. I need you.”

Her lips touched his, lightly at first then hungrily as they sunk into a heady kiss laden with passion. He swept her into a powerful embrace while kissing her with hot desire. Her body ached to join with him—to stay. Yet she couldn’t take part in a kidnapping. Trip had been riding on the edge of the law for so long that she worried he may have lost sight of the line between justice and revenge.

“Forgive me,” she whispered in the few seconds their lips were free. “I must go.”

He reluctantly let her ease from his arms. Tears welled in her eyes over the hurt she saw in his. Her spirit tumbled as she turned and walked out the back door.

Crouching near a stream deep in the woods behind Remle’s cabin, Shye waited. Her stomach growled with hunger as the sun climbed to its highest point of the day then began inching downward in a clear blue South Dakota sky. She’d been in prayer all morning after leaving Trip with that heartbroken look in his soulful eyes. She missed him already. As she arose from prayer, a majestic bald eagle soared overhead then dipped lower until its shadow settled over her.

Thank you, Wakatanka.
She stood with shoulders pulled back while clutching the black feather.
I am ready, Nagi.

Instantly feathers replaced her arms and fingers. Her feet shifted into awesome talons that looked powerful and sharp. The icy chill of assuming the shadow of another creature and shifting into its form settled over her. She then knew that the transformation was complete. When in the shadows her body felt cold and she could merge through any solid surface while in her shifted form. She’d grown accustomed to the bone-chilling sensation though each time a feeling of awe fell upon her—astounded by the gift her ancestors had given her.

Up, up she floated on the summer breeze until buildings looked like dots and people were specks to her keen eagle eyes. This was where she found peace and the best place to think. While she didn’t fault Trip for his tactical methods, as they both had strong military backgrounds, she simply couldn’t play a part. If Gage was even slightly remorseful, as he’d said, then she felt compelled to back away until the situation sorted itself.

Her faith was based on honor. She couldn’t disobey that.

While gliding effortlessly on massive wings she kept watch for something to satisfy her hunger. She enjoyed the glorious feeling of freedom while soaring on a strong wind current. Below a river sparkled beneath the sun and she caught sight of a huge fish hovering near the surface of the crystal clear water.

After releasing a piercing call, she swooped rapidly down and snatched the fish straight from the water with her talons. Carrying her prey to a nearby cliff, she laid it down and proceeded to eat. The fish tasted fresh and clean and stilled the grumbling in her stomach. Once her meal was finished she spread her beautiful feathered wings to soar upward again.

She hadn’t been flying very long this time when something in the distance caught her side vision.

The Rain Riders!

Flapping her wings, she followed, wondering why they’d returned. The wrong had been righted and the stolen land that had belonged to her family for generations was now in the proper hands.
Who have the riders come for?
Her focus honed in on a couple of people riding north on the highway far below. Dipping lower, she recognized Trip and Remle on motorcycles with Gage riding bitch.

Oh no! The deal must be going down tonight and they are taking Gage along as insurance.
Panic deluged her. She drifted lower, but took care to remain behind the Rain Riders as they thundered across the sky. A glance at the sun indicated she had only a few hours of daylight left before she’d be forced to shift back or remain forever in darkness. Flying alongside the riders thrilled and terrified her in the same light.

What if they mistake Trip for one of the drug dealers? Or worse, what if they’ve deemed Trip guilty of a crime against Gage since he returned the farm?
Her heart beat faster. She could do nothing but watch and hope that the man she loved hadn’t made a fatal mistake.

The three men below looked up. She could tell by their horror-stricken expressions that they’d spotted the riders. Trip swerved as the herd of approaching horses made contact with the road. He laid his Harley down and skidded at least fifty feet before coming to a stop. Gage had been on back with him and rolled off the seat a short distance away. Both men appeared shocked into disbelief.

Remle on the other hand pulled his bike to a stop before colliding with them and jumped off to watch. She knew that as Chief Blackwater’s adopted son, Remle had nothing to fear and he most likely was more awed than anything. Yet she couldn’t help but wonder if Remle feared for his longtime friend as she did now.

Gage sprung to his feet and took off running down a steep embankment. She didn’t understand why he’d be afraid. He grew up hearing the stories.
Surely he knows that the riders only take those who have committed a crime against their ancestors.
His remorse and return of the land had indeed been a step in the right direction. Then her gaze shifted to Trip who walked to the middle of the road and stood with his shoulders squared and head lifted with impressive dignity.

What is he doing?
She swooped lower, wanting so badly to help him, yet knowing she was forbidden to interfere. Her heart sank as the riders moved in swinging their rain sticks with loud cries of war filling the air. In the midst of utter chaos Trip stood strong and proud like warriors of old. A sense of pride flooded her even in her fear. She’d never seen a more strikingly handsome man who exhibited the courage of a bear.

Please…don’t take Trip!

They descended upon Trip in all their fury then in the blink of an eye switched directions and headed over the hillside. Gage’s screams of terror rose and reverberated off the rocky caverns. Shye flew closer and watched in shock as the rider on the red-coated horse swung his stick at Gage. One final scream and Gage turned to dust, then she saw his shadowy form riding on back of the sorrel horse.

Oh my god!
She couldn’t gasp in eagle form but felt a rush of wind hit her full force as the Rain Riders blew past her. Gage’s hollow eyes met hers for an instant before he was taken away. She doubted she’d ever forget the look of sheer dread in those haunting depths.
Gage…Gage is guilty! How?
Soaring on spread wings she circled above while keeping a trained eye on the two men below. Remle rode off in the direction of his cabin but Trip headed off toward town.

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