Raising a Cowgirl (13 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #9781301619559

BOOK: Raising a Cowgirl
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Chapter Fifteen


Jolie waited. Sammi had been put down for a nap, and David was on his was back to
the ranch. She was worried. Jolie and the others heard the screaming from the back,
but before she could make it, Gage was gone. The others were worried so Alex and
Slone had taken off after him.

He did not need to be alone right now. The emotions were too fresh and raw, the pain
could be unbearable, bring up so many memories. David was going to pick her up and
take her with him as they searched. Alex and Slone had not found him yet, they had
been a few minutes behind.

Sable stood next to her, “You gonna be okay?”

Jolie nodded and stared at the road willing David’s truck to appear. “Yeah, I know
what he is going through, both professionally and personally. This is a fucking mess.”

Sable agreed and told her the story about when Alex had an episode in town when Sable's
stalker had found her. Jolie listened and nodded, PTSD manifested itself in many
different ways. She felt sorry for all these guys, they needed to have someone that
truly understood their moods and behaviors. It could take days, months, hell even
years, for some of the symptoms to start. They needed someone around who could deal
with it and not freak out. There were many methods to treat episodes like these.

Gage needed touch, something to hold onto while he fell apart, she could see it.
Marie and Ted had been his anchor. With them gone, he needed a new one. Someone
who would not run screaming when he got the detached feelings.

Finally, she saw the truck barreling down the road. David had heard the panic in
her voice when she called him. Thank goodness she had, he understood her need to
go and find Gage, not sit under lock and key. Jolie called goodbye to Sable, ran
for the truck, and hopped in right when he stopped. Seconds later they were on the

“What happened?” David asked, gritting his teeth.

“The funeral,” Jolie said and stared out the window. “He had a meltdown. I couldn’t
get to him in time.”

“We will find him, don’t worry,” David said with determination.

Jolie nodded and continued to scan the field for a glimpse of Gage,
he had to be here,
she thought as she scooted closer to David, wanting to feel his comfort. He took
one hand off the wheel and put arm around her shoulder.

“There are Alex and Slone,” David said as he slowed down. The guys looked like they
were heading back to the ranch, slowly.

Jolie stared dejectedly as they pulled up to the two riders. She could see the worry
in Alex’s face.

“We lost him,” Alex said. “Found him for a second back there, then he was gone.”

David stared for a moment and then it dawned on him where Gage was going. To the
river on his land. He had taken Gage there a few times and each time the man had
told him it was peaceful.

“I know where he is. We will call if we need help,” David said soberly.

The guys nodded and then nudged their horses out of the way. Jolie braced herself
when he took off quickly. “Where is he?” she asked.

“On my land. Trying to find peace,” David said with determination.

It only took ten minutes for them to roar through his gate and out on the pasture,
moving fast. Neither said a word, both concentrating on different things. But when
David slammed to a stop, she bolted from the truck before David could say a word.
She had to get to Gage. She had to help him.

For a second she paused, listening for a sign. David came to stand next to her and
pointed. “The horse,” he said and followed Jolie.

When they found Gage, he was curled in a ball next to the river, wet and shivering,
in his own little world. David cussed and ran back to the truck. Jolie approached
slowly, knowing this could be volatile.

“Gage, honey, you got to get up. You are wet,” she whispered and saw him flinch a

“They won’t stop,” Gage said hoarsely.

“Who won’t, honey?” she asked and moved closer.

David came back with a blanket and first aid kit and laid it next to Gage.

“The noises, I keep hearing the guns, explosions, death,” Gage whispered and closed
his eyes again, shutting them out.

“Listen, Gage,” David said and covered his friend with a blanket. “We talked about
this, they will stay with you and when you least expect it they will come. We have
to deal with it, man.”

Jolie started talking to him softly. Talking about Sammi and the others who were
still alive. Talking about the last time she went to the beach, whatever to make
Gage relax and let go. For an hour they sat there, talking to him, to each other,
hoping that soon Gage would come back.

When David and Jolie were talking about taking Sammi to the zoo, Gage started crying.
Then they all were, as Gage raged against the unfairness of it all.

“Why them, why not me. Ted had so much to live for, Sammi and Marie. I only had
myself, no one that was dependent on me. Hell, only the guys cared whether I lived
or died,” Gage cried.

They let him go on, beating himself up and getting rid of the pain, then Jolie turned
the tables.

“Gage, honey, what would Sammi do without you. Not the guys—you,” Jolie whispered
laying down next to him and taking his hand. His eyes focused on her and she held
her breath, hoping this would work.

“She would have you. Marie named you as co-guardian, did you know that?” Gage whispered.
“She was right, you are so much better for her.”

“How did you know that?” Jolie said confused.

“Let me tell you how fucked up I really am. I can see Ted and Marie. I knew she
was dead before we found her. Even all of the guys, the ones from the team that had
died. They are still here, asking us to do certain things for them. Alex can see
them, too, but now it is my turn. Ted asked me to find Sammi. I was supposed to
be looking after Marie—I failed. They told me you were her guardian,” Gage laughed

“Okay,” Jolie said slowly and looked at David who was smiling. “We can come back
to that.”

“No, that is the point. I am fucking crazy. There is no way I should be that baby's
guardian,” Gage laughed and stood suddenly.

Jolie stood as well and put her hands on her hips. “Stop it,” she ordered and Gage

“Stop what? Stop telling you, your friend is standing next to you, pissed that I
am a mess? Oh wait, how about Raider who is laughing because he knows I have gone
around the bend?!” Gage yelled.

“Gage, not possible. We just need to sit down and talk about this. We can get you
help,” Jolie said. David groaned and put a hand over his face. “David, get the hell
up here.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, no can do. I believe in ghosts, and I have seen the evidence,”
David said.

“See, we are all nuts!” Gage yelled and then Jolie paused.

“Fine, ask Marie to tell you what she said to me before she left,” Jolie said, hoping
to bring them back to reality.

Gage smirked and laughed, “She said when all of this was done, that we are going to
a male revue, release some excess stress.”

Jolie’s eyes almost bugged out of her head, “How the fuck do you know that?!” she
screamed, finally losing it a little under all the emotional pressure.

Both of the men stopped in their tracks as she began to babble to herself. Gage was
completely spent, the emotions sucked the life out of him. Or so he thought, it made
him feel lighter, even better, even if it sucked. Seeing someone losing it as much
as he did—somehow made him feel better. Gage moved over to where David was standing.

“I am an intelligent, logical woman, ghosts are not real. How did you know that!”
she yelled again. “Not possible, if I believed in all of that shit, I would have
to believe the guy who was talking to Cheerios actually heard them speak.”

“She gonna be okay?” Gage asked.

“Probably not, I thought your meltdown was bad, or so I thought. I don’t know. She
may have you beat,” David admitted.

“How should we get her to stop. I mean that whole talking to me worked. I think
I was just on emotional overload. Not saying I am cured or anything. Just saying
when I heard you and Jolie I realized I wasn’t alone,” Gage admitted. “It was the
first time in my life, I felt like I belonged to a family.”

“Good, you do, let’s grab Jolie and take her back to my place. I will call everyone
and tell them we are okay,” David said.

“Sounds like a plan,” Gage agreed.

They herded Jolie to the car while she continued to talk to herself. Ted and Marie
smiled and drifted away. Gage smiled at them and nodded. David talked on the phone,
telling everyone at the house they needed some space so they would be staying at his
house and would be back in the morning.

As they were getting into the car, Gage put a hand over her mouth, looked at her in
the eyes and said, “Sweetheart, we are gonna provide you with all the stress relief
you need, right now.”

Jolie stopped talking and her eyes grew wide as she realized what he said. “Okay,”
she said weakly, then looked out the front window and tried to be calm.

Walking through David’s house was a blur. The men hurried her up to the top floor
where there was only one room. She was shocked when she saw the huge open-bedroom
that was the size of the whole house. Jolie took it in. There was a huge bed in
the center of one of the long walls. It was a gorgeous antique cherry wood four-poster
bed, covered with reds, golds, and browns.

Jolie saw the matching furniture of the dressers and nightstands. From there her
eyes traveled to the comfortable living area, which was still probably the size of
her whole apartment. It was the same color theme, with three couches and a big-screen
television hanging on the wall. A full-fledged office was in the corner, and held
a cherry desk. The walls were cream colored but filled with gorgeous works of art
and a few pictures here and there. Overall, it was a home. The entire floor was
David’s home.

“Well shit,” she whispered.

“What?” David laughed.

“You have taste.” Jolie looked at them stunned.

“It happens you know, men can have a little taste,” David argued.

“I love it.” She smiled.

“Oh, good. Now I have food, but why don’t we take the edge off first, shall we?”
David looked at her like a hungry animal, she felt her panties go damp with the thought
of what was about to happen. Gage stood very still as if waiting for her to come
to her senses.

Jolie stood still, waiting and when neither of them approached her, she thought it
was probably because they were waiting for her. She had to make up her mind. Like
there was an option for her.
Hmm, one sexy hunky Sheriff and a steamy hot SEAL, was there really an option?

She moved to the side of the bed, turned, and smiled at the men who were still frozen,
she held up her hand and gestured for them to come closer and that was all it took
for the men to descend on her.

Gage reached her first and cupped her face with his hands and kissed her passionately,
kissing her like he owned her, she freely gave herself over to them.

“We start as we mean to go on, I know this isn’t the whole flowers and candy dating
thing. But, sweetheart, I feel it, the bond we have. David, you and I, we are in
this together. We have to be in this together.”

Jolie whimpered from the need she was feeling and said shakily, “I understand, we
are in this together.”

“Good, sweetheart,” Gage said and pulled her up onto shaky legs. “Let’s get comfortable.
Before we start can I ask what your sexual experiences are?”

She smiled and said, “I am not a virgin, sorry.”

David laughed and kissed her, “Okay, have you ever had anal?”

Jolie blushed and then put her head down.

“Sweetheart, we have to know,” Gage whispered.

Jolie mumbled something. Both me leaned over to try to hear. She rolled her eyes
and said, “Fine, I have a toy, one for uh, both entrances.”

She saw their eyes darken with desire and they grinned.

They undressed her with care, moving slowly around her arm, both kissing her seductively
and slowly. They left her bra and panties on while they moved quickly to undress.
She grinned and thought she was getting her male revue right now.
When they turned to her naked, her breath caught.
Holy shit they were big, just like her dream.

Her legs gave way and her butt dropped to the bedspread. Goosebumps covered her body,
but they weren’t from the cold but rather from the anticipation. Gage knelt in front
of her, when he leaned forward his lips came close to her breasts. Her nipples hardened
and her pussy gushed.

Don’t analyze. Just enjoy
Let your feelings show them you love them, no matter how fast and crazy this is, you
do love them. For their strength, their understanding, hell, even for their craziness.

The moment he slid her bra strap over her shoulders, the wonderment sunk in. She
was about to make love, not fuck her two men. She didn’t want to say or do anything
to spoil this moment, so she remained quiet.

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