RaleighPointRescueSue (2 page)

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Authors: Victoria Sue

BOOK: RaleighPointRescueSue
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His eyes fastened on the trembling figure in front of him.
Short gasps tore out of her throat. Head hunched down, arms tightened around
the knees, and clasped against her chest.
Hanging on.
Filthy sweats, worse than some he’d thrown away. Goose bumps pricking her bare
arms. The only bright thing in muddy looking, matted hair, was red.
A drop.
God, had they hit her? She hid her face, alternated
between shivering and rocking, except with no chair.
What the hell did they do to you, honey?

Lisa? Yeah, that was what Brett said her name was. Mac
cleared his throat. He had to get her out of here, and he didn’t have time to
be gentle.

“Lisa? We need to get you out of here.”

He placed one hand on her shaking forearm. He caught the
swift arc of her arm trying to connect with his face.
Whoa, well, that was definitely an alpha reaction. Taking me on?
have laughed if it were funny—at all.

“No one’s
hurt you. Don’t
get out of here?
go.” He shrugged out of his sweatshirt.

Thin arms stiffened but stayed still, and her chest rose at
a slower rate when he’d gently pulled the sweatshirt past her eyes. “So, you’re
not ready to try and take me out, huh?”

She lifted her face finally.

Oh God, now?


Of all times and in all places, stuck in some dingy shit
excuse for a hospital, with some girl who looked like she needed far more care
than he could give. His bear clawed frantically at him to get out, nearly
bowling him over in the rush to get to her.


Mac growled and hung his head in despair. He hadn’t been
able to smell her because of everything else, and it had taken brushing the
side of her arm to help her with his sweatshirt as she lifted her face to him
to know.

God, what a mess.


A soft touch pulled his gaze. Possessiveness whirled around
Mac as he struggled not to gather her up and bury her in his arms. Need stabbed
him. Confusion chased the gold flecks in her gorgeous eyes, and he wanted it
gone. He wanted those incredible eyes clear and focused—on him.

He realized she would feel a connection, but her ignorance
and whatever drugs she had in her system masked it. She lifted a shaky hand to
touch the side of his face, but still didn’t say one word. Deep purple marks marred
her neck. Mac’s body
and a shallow breath
managed to escape. He took in her pale face under the bruises and gazed at the
chipped stubs of filthy, bitten fingernails as she lowered her hand back to her

Mac pulled himself together. “Lisa, we need to get you out
of here, okay?” He gently helped her stand. She winced as he looped an arm
around her side to steady her.

He took one look around the bare room and didn’t bother to
ask if she needed to take anything. Taking one cautious step, she tried, but
her knees buckled. Mac caught her before she got anywhere near the floor.
Without thinking, he brushed one kiss on her forehead and looked into those big
eyes that were fighting to stay open. She blinked at him slowly, easier breaths
ghosting his face, and Mac’s arm tightened as her head lowered.

In that small, cautious, trusting movement, Mac heard his
bear roar protectively as his arms tightened around her. No one would ever hurt
a hair on her head again. While he still had breath left in his body, she would
be safe, she would be cared for, and she would be




Chapter Two



Mac got out of the car carefully when the driver opened the
door for him. He said not one word to a startled Zack. With Lisa clutched
tightly to him, he bent and ran for the helicopter. He shouted for Zack to
lower the rear seat that would take a stretcher and to get the helicopter ready
to go.

Mac quickly got her strapped on and made a call to Riley as
they took off. He needed Riley’s skills as a healer, and he didn’t mean the
let’s mix a few herbs together
but a magical
put his hands on and mend
this bullet hole
kind. He’d grown up watching him set broken bones and mend
torn skin, and just hoped he could cope with this.

That’s why Brett hadn’t suggested getting any immediate
medical help for Lisa. Brett knew Riley’s skills, and they all needed a
breather first. Get her home, get her cared for, and then they’d see.

Mac screwed his eyes shut as he relived the scene with the
two apes trying to restrain Lisa. He wondered why they’d never questioned her
strength, even drugged. He also knew they would have had to give her very large
doses to sedate her, as shifter’s metabolism burned quickly through drugs. He
wouldn’t even think about the possibility that those long-term drugs had
damaged her.
going there.

Mac gazed at his mate. After all the ragging he’d always
given Riley, it had happened to him. Riley was born to be a mate. He’d always
wanted to settle down. Have cubs. Mac leaned his head back slowly. It’s not
that he’d never wanted this exactly. Just he wasn’t expecting it anytime in the
next decade or so.

Mac gazed at Lisa properly for the first time. Her short
brown hair looked like it had been cut with a cleaver, and it was impossible to
make out most of her features through the grime and bruising. She wasn’t little
though. As they’d taken a step together before she collapsed, she’d nearly
reached his jaw and at six feet four, his jaw was a long way up. He looked down
at her body encased in the filthy sweats and his sweatshirt. Not what he
normally went for. He smiled wryly, thinking of the stick thin models he
usually had hanging on his arms. But that was okay. Suddenly the thought of
something a bit more to take hold of was looking very appealing.

By the end of the ride, Mac’s mouth was set in a grim line.
His eyes had catalogued every bruise, every cut, every nick, and those were
just the ones he could see. God knows what the rest of her was like. As they
landed in the secure clearing near their cabins, he promised himself when Lisa
was well and taken care
he would make another
visit to the zoo he’d just left.

Leaving Zack to sort out the helicopter, Mac gently lifted a
barely conscious Lisa into the back of the SUV that Riley had pulled up in.


Riley looked once, and his mouth straightened as he saw the
state that Lisa was in. He pulled up at the large, fourteen-bedroom home their
dad had built with the help of a local contractor who just happened to be a
jaguar shifter. Raleigh Point was the center piece for their two hundred-acre
community that over the years had expanded to about twelve different families,
all shifters, some bears like his family, but wolves also. Their mom and dad
tended to attract waifs and strays that weren’t always welcome in a traditional
pack, and for whatever reason, it worked out okay.

Mac barely registered the faster heartbeats from his sister
as he walked in. He knew her worried glance mirrored his as she met him at the

“I’ve got the closest spare room ready. It’s across from

Mac nodded gratefully as he followed Cassie. He laid Lisa
down gently. She’d closed her eyes again.

Cassie’s hands flew to her mouth as she took in the state
Lisa was in. “The poor kid.”

Riley stepped forward, a frown of concentration on his face
as his hands hovered above her head. Mac knew his brother had zeroed in on the
blood visible in her hair and was checking that out first.

“Cassie?” Riley murmured quietly without opening his eyes, “I
need you to help undress her.”

Mac growled softly. He couldn’t help it. He knew what Riley
was doing, and he would trust his brothers with his life.

Riley’s eyes flew open at the sound.

“What?” Cassie asked, her eyes flying back and forth between

Mac sat down heavily and gazed at Lisa. “She’s my mate,

“Oh, but that’s wonderful, Mac.” Cassie’s mouth curved in

Mac was grateful Riley didn’t say anything, and he was
completely amazed that Zack hadn’t. There was no way his brother wouldn’t have
noticed his behavior on the way home. Mac moved uncomfortably. He wasn’t sure
he would have given his brothers the same break.

Riley lowered
his arm. “I need to check her side, Mac. There’s a lot of pain coming through
from that area.”

Mac nodded, concerned. “I never knew you could sense pain,

“No, it’s new.” Riley glanced up and shrugged. “I think some
of my senses are more acute recently.”

Cassie gently eased Mac’s sweatshirt off Lisa. Lisa had her
eyes closed, head lolling to one side slightly. Mac cupped her face so her neck
wouldn’t hurt while Cassie removed her clothes. Cassie looked at the grubby T-shirt
and hesitated. Mac nodded, and he and Riley turned away while Cassie pulled it

Mac heard a sound and turned back. Cassie had half pulled
the T-shirt up and had frozen in horror. Lisa’s side from her ribs to her
abdomen was black. Layer upon layer of yellow, black, and purple bruising stood
out against the white of her skin.

Mac’s chest heaved on a breath, struggling for control, and
he could feel hair sprouting through the skin on his forearms.

His brother’s hand gripped his. “Rein it in, Mac. I can’t
afford to expend energy calming you down. Your mate needs all I’ve got, and
then she
you. That’s the human you, not the big
badass five-hundred pound, hairy you.”

Mac nodded curtly and forced his bear to recede. “What can I

“To be honest?
Not a damn thing
yet. Cassie’s going to clean her up best she can. Is she aware of you?”

Mac started to shake his head. He knew Riley was asking if
she was aware they were mates, but as he started to deny it, he remembered the
soft hand on his face in the hospital.

“Maybe, but she doesn’t even know what
is yet.”

“Then sit quietly and hold her hand. She will be able to
take comfort in your touch, even if she doesn’t know why.”

Mac sat. He very gently took a spare washcloth from the
supplies Cassie had brought and bathed Lisa’s face and hands as Cassie worked
on the rest of her. Cassie quickly cut the grubby T-shirt off and buttoned a
loose shirt around Lisa to give her some privacy.

Riley sat, pale and sweaty, as if all the energy had left
and Cassie squeezed his shoulder.

Riley swiped a tired hand over his eyes. “Okay, so I have no
idea what she did to her side. I’ve healed three broken ribs. I’d have said she
either had a bad fall or was in a car wreck except they weren’t all broken at
the same time.” Riley looked at Mac, concerned. “To be honest, I think she’s
been kicked, repeatedly. She has a lot of tissue damage and very extensive

Mac wanted to stand. He had to physically choke angry roars back
down. Red spots dusted his vision, and it took all his strength to calmly sit
and hold Lisa’s hand.

“I know.” Riley nodded quietly in understanding. “She’s
lucky.” Riley laughed shortly. “If that’s the right word, as I can’t find any
internal organ damage. The blood on her head was nothing.” He paused.

Mac immediately zeroed in on him. “What? What else?” Cold
steel fingers clutched his gut.

“I don’t know what crap they’ve given her, but her
like soup.”

Mac lifted horrified eyes to his brother.

“Shifter metabolism, as you know, burns human drugs real
quick, but Brett said they’ve been giving her high doses, and for a very long
time. Until she wakes up a bit more, I can’t promise there isn’t going to be
any long-term damage. I’m sorry.” Riley’s hand rested briefly on his brother’s

Mac nodded. He was having difficulty swallowing. He didn’t
think, at that moment, he could have forced words out if his life depended on
it. “Should, is there?”
there anything else I should do?”

Riley shook his head. “She needs to sleep and get the drugs
out of her system.”

Cassie asked, “Do you want me to stay?”

Mac shook his head and cleared his throat. “I’ve got this.”

Riley stood. “We’re here. Anything you want.”

Mac nodded again gratefully.

“I’ll check her again in the morning. Call me as soon as she

Mac, realizing it was quite late, looked down again at his
mate. He wondered what to do. He quickly went to the bathroom, leaving the door
open so he could hear if Lisa needed him. He relieved himself and brushed his
teeth. When he came back into the room, Lisa hadn’t moved, and he touched her
Quite warm.
He half-smiled.
You’re only doing that `cause Mom always

With a soft knock at the door, Cassie poked her head around.
She put a small cooler on the floor. “Some
bottles of water, juice, and a few sandwiches. Anything else she needs, you
call me.” Cassie looked fierce.
“Straight away, Mac.”

Mac blinked. His baby sister suddenly didn’t seem so much of
a baby now. He nodded and swallowed—hard.

Cassie smiled and quietly closed the door.

He shrugged out of his jeans, but left his shorts and T-shirt
on, and then sat down in the chair next to Lisa. It was going to be a long

About an hour later, a sound made him open his eyes. He wasn’t
asleep, and his shifter sight didn’t need a light on to see her face. He sat on
the bed and caught her hands that were thrashing from side to side. Her face
was flushed, and she moaned. Concerned, Mac touched her head. Hell, she was
like a furnace. He jumped off the bed to give her some room.

Mac looked up at the soft knock, and Riley peered around the
door. Seeing Lisa thrashing about, he came in. Mac knew his brother would have
sensed her distress.

“What is it, Riley? She looks like she’s got a fever,
infection?” Mac leaned down quickly to catch her arms
worried she would hurt them on the nightstand.

Riley closed his eyes in concentration, but as soon as Mac
touched her they shot open. “Mac, get in with her.”

“Are you mad? She needs to cool down. She’s like a furnace.”

“Trust me.”

Mac blew a breath out at Riley’s level look. Of course, he
trusted him, but
she was burning
up. Even he knew first aid, and that meant she needed to cool down fast.
Shaking his head slightly, he cautiously climbed into bed. Immediately, Lisa
sought him out, and her thrashing calmed.

“What the hell?” Mac lifted an astonished look to his

Riley waved an impatient hand. “She’s an alpha female,
remember? She needs this. There’s no sign of infection. This is her mating
cycle. If she wasn’t full of drugs, you’d have a lot more on your hands.”

Mac’s jaw fell open, not even wanting to know how Riley knew
all that. Lisa chose that moment to rub
up and
down his side. Frowning, he took a harsh breath and clamped his body down.
his dick chose that moment to
recognize his mate also. His bear was practically dancing. He wanted to poke it
with a stick.

Riley grinned. “I’ll leave you to it, little brother.”
Laughing softly, he left the room.

Mac clamped his jaw and tried to catch Lisa’s hands again.
He was so not going there. He liked his women fully awake and begging for him.

Who am I kidding?

There would be no
now. His bachelor days were well and truly over, even if he had to become a
monk. Mac sighed. Lisa’s breathing eased as she snuggled in closer, and she
didn’t feel as hot as before.
maybe not quite a monk. He could get used to all this cuddling shit and dropped
a kiss on her forehead again. Lisa seemed to quiet some more at that, so he
feathered one or two more on her face. Yeah, he could do this. Everything was
under control.

Her harsh breathing suddenly stopped, and he looked at her
face. Those big eyes were open and focused intently on him.

Brushing another soft kiss on her head, he mentally tried
counting to five to give him some idea of what to say.

“Lisa, you’re safe. No one’s
hurt you here. You can stay here with my family as long as you want.”
but now wasn’t the time to get
into that. “My name’s Mac.”

He could feel his bear pacing.

“Lisa, can you hear me?” Mac frowned as the big brown eyes
were showing no sign she was taking anything in. His heart stuttered in fear as
all his worries about permanent mental damage came flooding back. She steadily
relaxed again. He thanked God she wasn’t screaming and running from him. “Do
you need some water?” but as Mac glanced down, hearing a soft sigh, her eyes
were once again closed.

The next time he opened his eyes, he knew straight away she was
awake. She laid still, curled into him, and her breathing was slow. He glanced
at those big open eyes.

“How are you feeling?” Mac asked, cautiously, searching her
gaze for any sign she knew what was happening. His heart jumped when she
answered with a tremulous smile. She licked her dry lips slowly. Instantly
kicking himself, Mac grabbed the water bottle from the nightstand and angled
the straw, so she didn’t have to sit up.

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