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Authors: Ann Cory

BOOK: RattlingtheCage
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Chapter Twenty-Three


Montana scrambled into the truck. She barely had time to
shut the door when Lawson accelerated. Her body thrust around as if she’d
climbed onto a mechanical bull. Dirt and gravel showered the windows of the

“Jesus, Lawson, give me a chance to sit down, will ya?”

Montana strapped the seatbelt on and smeared hair from her
face. She got comfortable and pulled her feet in when she banged her heels
against something. A metal box. She reached down and pulled it out. “What’s

“Take a look.”

She opened the lid and gasped. “Oh my god. You found the

“That’s only a small part of it.”

“There must be thousands in here.”

“At least.”

She put her hand to her mouth and stared at all the bills.
“I didn’t even know Rattler City had this much.”

“A good chunk of it is yours. You worked for it, and you
deserve it.”

“So do you.”

“I’m not a big fan of money. Never did understand its

Montana closed the lid and pushed the box back behind her

“Now hang on tight, I’m going to turn this sucker around.”

He circled the truck, his hands overlapping the steering
wheel. She gripped the side, convinced they were going to tip.

The truck came to a screeching halt. Lawson kicked open the
door and grabbed a gasoline can from behind the seat.

She tore out of the truck and rushed to his side.

“Wait. What are you doing?”

“I told you what I planned to do.”

“But that was before,” she said, her voice squeaky. “Things
are different now.”

“Get back in the truck.”

Montana grabbed his arm. She wanted to shake him. “Hang on.
Is this necessary?”

“I know what I’m doing,” he shouted.

“Will this bring your grandfather back? Your family? What
will you get from this?”

“Closure. Now get back in the truck. Please.”

“Closure? By blowing shit up?” She knew he was dangerous,
but did she miss he was crazy too?

“My grandfather would’ve done it for me.”

“But you said he didn’t believe in violence.”

“In his own way he would’ve sought justice.”

Hands to her hips, she realized nothing she said had any
impact. “Just tell me what you’re going to do.”

“Explosives are in the jail, the bank and Mitchum’s house.
Russ and Corbet already made a trail of gasoline from the house and jail. I
light the fuse and that’s it. All three disappear.”

“Where’d you get explosives?”

“Brought them with me. Kept them below my seat.”

“But…we had sex on that seat.”

“It was a blast,” he said with a wink.

She groaned at his attempt at humor. “You sure nothing else
will blow?”

“It’s all safe. With Mitchum out of the way, the town can
thrive. Stan’s in charge of the town, and he’ll see to it that people are
treated well. I’ll explain it all to you on the road. Now get back inside the
truck. Once I light this baby we’ll need to haul ass.”

Montana glimpsed the townspeople all huddled far enough away
to be safe, but still able to watch. To appease him, she got back into the

Lawson opened the gas can and poured the flammable liquid
all along the ground.

He opened the door and flipped open the lighter.

“Shit! The flame won’t start.”


Frantic, Lawson fumbled under the seats and along the back.
“Do you have matches, a lighter, anything?”

Montana shook her head.

“Never mind.”

He drove forward. A young boy with big brown eyes sat
hunkered down by a bench in front of the old dress shop.

Lawson waved him over.

“Son, do you know where I can get some matches or a lighter?”

“Have a lighter in my pocket, mister.” The pug-nosed boy
held it up, its silvery case shiny against the sunlight. “I hide it from my
papa ’cause I don’t like it when he smokes.”

“Smart boy. Think I can have it?”

The boy’s mouth curled up in one corner. “Gonna have to pay
for it, mister.”

Lawson chuckled. “Fair enough. Name your price.”

The boy shrugged. “I dunno. A dollar?”

A smile spread across Lawson’s face. He reached into his
jeans and pulled out his silver dollar. “This here is special, you hear? Don’t
ever let anyone tell you different.”

He ran the coin along his knuckles, kissed it and flipped it
with his thumb to land in the boy’s palm.

“Thanks, mister.” On tiptoes he reached up and placed the
lighter in Lawson’s hand.

“Now, I want you to stay back. There’s going to be noise and
a lot of smoke.”

“Yes, sir.”

Lawson put the truck into reverse.

Montana grabbed his arm. “I don’t think this is a good

“It’s perfect.”

“Jesus, Lawson.”

“Do you trust me?”

She stared into his eyes. “Yes. You know I do.”

He stopped the truck, jumped out and flipped open the
lighter. A trail of flames burst to life.

Lawson ran back and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Now hang

“Wait,” she cried.

“There’s no time.”

“I said wait!”

Montana rolled the window down and pulled the horseshoe
necklace from around her neck. “It’s bad enough I have his blood. I sure as
hell don’t need any fucking mementos.” She tossed the necklace into the flames.

“I’m ready. Let’s go.”

Lawson slammed the pedal to the floor. With each thunderous
boom, the darkness inside him faded.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Excitement coursed through her. She’d never expected to
leave Rattler City. Hoped for it. Dreamed about it. Wished for it. But never
believed it.

At the far edge of town, Stan Flogelman raised his hand and
stepped out to the road.

Lawson slowed beside him. “Hey, partner.”

“Looks like justice got served.”

“Hope this new start will be what the town needs,” said

“I know it will. Jake would’ve loved this.”

“Wish he was here to see it.”

Stan attached a shiny silver star to his vest. “He’s here.
He’s watching.”

“Bet you’re right.”

“You know you’re welcome here anytime. Wouldn’t be the same
without a Cage visiting once in a while.”

“I’ll consider it.”

Stan ducked down and nodded at her. “Take care, Montana.”

“You too, Stan. I always knew you were a good guy.”

“Glad someone did. Even I’d forgotten.”

“You’ve got all kinds of time to make things right.”

“I sure do.”

Lawson tipped his hat. “Take care of this town.”

“I will. Bye now.”

They drove on, passed the sign that now read
Leaving Cage

She glanced at Lawson.

“I’m sorry your original plans didn’t work out.”

“I’m not. Things ended up better for it.”

He turned to look at her and flashed a dimpled smile.

“You paying attention to the road over there, Mr. Cage?”

“Trying to. Got distracted for a minute.”

“You’ve been distracted ever since you got into town.”

“That’s your fault.” Their eyes met and he snorted. “What am
I going to do with you?”

She shifted her body toward him, her hand propped on the
seatback. “You’re going to love me, Cage. Against your own stubborn will you’re
going to love me. And the day you do, I’ll be beside you, naked, and spent from
riding your cock raw all night.”

“There’s one small problem,” he said.

“What’s that?”

“I already love you. Didn’t you figure that out? There’s no
way you’d be sitting in this truck if I didn’t.”

Her face and body heated. “Well I-I’d hoped. I didn’t know.”
Her nose tingled and her eyes welled with tears.

“You made sure of it,” he said and pointed his finger at
her. “The way you swing those hips. The sparkle in your eye when you bitch me
out. The sweet way you taste. You set out to snare me and you damn well

Montana glanced at her nails. “Now I did not.”

“You did too. Look at me and tell me to my face that I’m

“Well. You know, it’s a wonder I fell in love with you at
all. With your big ego and stubborn ways. And especially after you almost
killed me with those stray bullets.”

Lawson swerved and pulled the truck over. He turned, his
face flush. “That was you I shot at? Jesus. I’m sorry.”

“Someday I’ll forgive you.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t stay away. Not knowing what I
might do.”

Shivers raced up her back at the way his eyes smoldered.

She ran her fingers along his forearm. “Guess I’m attracted
to danger.”

“Guess I’m attracted to trouble.” He rested his hand against
her cheek and leaned in. His lips burned. It seemed forever since they’d

“You’re my light,” he murmured. “You guided me from the

“You’re taking me away from mine.” She caught his lower lip
and kissed him deep.

“We make a good pair.”

“Yes, we do.”

Lawson pulled back onto the road, his arm holding her close.
“I’m yours. I hope you don’t regret it. I’m not the easiest guy to love.”

“Good. I hate easy.”

Montana snuggled against him, ready for whatever dangers and
adventure lay ahead. Maybe she couldn’t tame the rattling cage within him, but
she’d love him through every sunset and sunrise for the rest of her life.

About the Author


Erotic romance author Ann Cory invites you to sample her
literary offerings in the hope of leaving you with an acquired taste for
sophisticated reading.



Ann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website
and e-mail addresses on her
author bio page





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Also by
Ann Cory


Angel with a


Next Floor

Snake Charmer

Witching Well


Print books by Ann Cory


Glamorous Garnet

Witching Well




Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Rattling the Cage


ISBN 9781419941320


Rattling the Cage Copyright © 2012 Ann Cory


Edited by April Chapman

Cover art by Kendra Egert

Photos: Gert Hochmuth, Nataliya Piechniakova and


Electronic book publication August 2012


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