Raunchy 2 (61 page)

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Authors: T Styles

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Urban, #African American, #General

BOOK: Raunchy 2
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Back At The House

After everything was all said and done, she held the meeting with her girls. It went off without a hitch and at the end of the night outside of Passion’s hand being cut, and her face being bruised things between them were fine. After the meeting Jayden was clear that the girls knew their duties as far as Thirteen Flavors was concerned and they were going to handle them or she would cut them all off for good.

Jayden hadn’t expected things to go the way that they had with Coop but she needed her. Why? Because there wasn’t a thing Passion wouldn’t do in the bedroom, and that included licking ass, sucking toes and anything else Jayden could think of. When it came to Passion she was all game.

Passion was a goldmine and Jayden needed to keep her mind on business and out of the different niggas that ran in and out of her pussy. For free. Picking up the flyer they created she stared at it deeply. Passion looked like Crissa, Tisa’s mother. She was just as pretty and seductive and she may have even been the age she was the last time Jayden saw her.

After she held the meeting with the girls, she sat on the sofa and thought about her mother. She thought about her sister. She thought about life. Before spending time with her father, she hated Harmony and everything she put her through. But it was Jace who told her that Estelle was murdered in front of Harmony and that her father, Cornell was killed in jail. Jayden never knew any of these things because Harmony didn’t open up to them, ever.

She was just about to catch a nap. After all of the events of the day she was tired and wanted to be up around the time Passion had her session later that night. She was about to close her eyes when her phone rang. It was Mad.

“Jayden, can I come over? I really need to see you.”
“Madjesty, where have you been? I’ve been calling you for days.” “I know…I been through a lot. I just need to come over and talk to

you. Is now good?”
“You still got the address?”
“Yes. I’m on my way.”
So much for her nap.
When Madjesty got there she smelled of alcohol and her hair was

dyed red. The hair color change symbolized the blood that fell in her hair when Glitter’s life was stolen. Jayden noticed immediately that her eyes were slightly pink and she looked like she’d been crying.

“Mad, what happened?” She said, opening the front door for her. “Are you okay?” She held her tightly. “Are you hurt?”
She stepped inside using slow motions, her head was hung low and she looked beat. “I’m fine. Just had a long couple of nights.”
“Come downstairs. My room is there.” Jayden locked the front door and walked toward the basement with Mad following her.
“Who house is this?”
“A friend of mine’s aunt house. She works in the evenings and is hardly home. It’s almost like I have the whole place to myself.”
When they made it to her room she said, “Come sit on my bed.”
“It’s small in here.” Madjesty noticed. “You like it better than Concord?”
“It’s mine.”
“I feel you.” Emotionally torn down, Mad flopped down on her sister’s bed. “They killed my girl some nights back, Jayden. They fucking killed my girl right in front of me and I wanted them to kill me too.”
“Your girl?” Jayden was confused by her comment.
It was then that Mad realized she never expressed that she was what some people considered a lesbian. Personally Mad hated the tag because in her mind she was always a boy, and would always be one.
“Yeah…we were sitting in the truck and they fucking ran up to it and killed her. What I’m gonna do without her?”
“Was it the girl Glitter? The one I saw you with at the house that day?”
“Yeah. She gone!” She sobbed harder. “She fucking gone!”
“I’m so sorry, Mad.” Jayden hugged her again and rocked her like she did when they were boys on the bottom bunk in Texas. “It’s gonna be alright. I promise.”
Mad fell into her sister’s embrace and wiped the tears off of her face. Suddenly, for the moment anyway, everything seemed okay. “I need you, Jayden. I really need my sister back. I can’t do life without you no more. You know?”
Her strong embrace made Jayden uncomfortable. It didn’t feel right. “I know, Mad, and I ain’t going nowhere. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. So we could repair our bond.”
Madjesty held onto Jayden tighter. “Please mean that shit, Jayden. ‘Cause you said that before and the moment that nigga came into the picture, the one you met at the McDonald’s, you rolled out on me. We were always together before then and you left me.”
“Madjesty, ma said I had to get money if I wanted to keep you out that hole. I did what I had to for you.” She paused. “Plus I don’t even talk to that nigga no more.”
“I thought he got you this room.”
“Naw, his friend got me this room.” Jayden corrected her. “It’s a long story.”
“Jayden, don’t be no fucking whore.” Mad said seriously. “I know what these niggas be wanting and you can’t play yourself like that. Nobody likes a whore. If that nigga didn’t come into the picture we would never be beefing right now.” She was definitely drunk and it was changing the way she talked to her sister.
“I’m not a whore and I never left you!”
“You did, Jayden. And it fucked me up because I didn’t have anybody until Glitter came into my life. Now she gone and I need you back. So you gotta step up and be everything I need. Without you in my life I’ma lose it on these niggas, Jay. I’m serious!”
“I know, Mad.” She pried herself away from her sister’s heavy alcoholic smelling body.
“I think Harmony may be dead. I just wanna prepare you for that.” Madjesty said, knowing it had been a day since she left after stabbing her. She wanted her to die slowly. “Just letting you know.”
“Until they find her body, she’s still alive to me.” Jayden paused. “But let me go get you some coffee. We got stuff to talk about.”
Jayden went into the kitchen to make some coffee. When she came back Madjesty was sleep and balled up like she use to when they shared a bunk. For a moment Jayden looked at Mad from the doorway. A small part of Jayden, although tiny, was afraid of her. She’d seen her snap and knew if you were in the way when that happened, you could end up hurt.
Walking into the room and closer to the bed she said, “Mad, wake up. You gotta drink this.” Mad swung almost hitting Jayden in the face. Jayden jumped out of the way moments before she caught blows. “OH, MY GOD!”
“I hit you?” Mad asked.
“No! But you almost did.”
Waking up fully she said, “I’m sorry.” Then she looked at the coffee cup. “What’s this?”
“The coffee I was making you. Remember I told you I was going to get it?”
“My head fucked up right now, Jay. I don’t remember shit except the fact that my girl is dead.”
“I understand, but you gotta drink it so we can talk.”
Mad rubbed her head a little, accepted the coffee and said, “About what?” She drank as much as her stomach could handle.
“We gotta talk about Kali.”
“Kali?” She removed the cup from her lips. “Why we gotta talk about him?”
“You gotta stay away from him, Mad. He bad news.”
Mad’s eyebrows rose. “Why you say that shit?”
“My father told me about him and the relationship they had as kids.” Mad moved a little from irritation and placed the coffee cup on the floor. “Don’t be angry.”
“I’m not angry, Jayden. I’m just not trying to hear this shit.”
“But it’s important.”
“Is this the reason you wanted me to come over?”
“No. I miss you! But you still gotta listen to what I’m saying.” She paused. “I know you don’t like Jace, but he told me to talk to you about this because he’s worried.”
“That nigga don’t know me to be worried. He’s your father not mine.”
“He’s worried about, me.”
Mad was angry he cared so much about her because it proved once again that she was alone in the world. “Fuck that got to do with me?”
“Kali is not a good person, you gotta stay away from him.”
“So let me get this straight, your father is telling me to stay away from mine?” Mad laughed. “That shit don’t even sound right.”
“Tell me something, does your girlfriend’s murder have anything to do with Kali?”
Mad didn’t want to say yes because she didn’t want to give her the satisfaction, so she lied. “Naw. It didn’t.”
“Well Jace told me that some niggas are after him and they won’t stop until he’s dead. Kali got a price on his head and they’ll kill anybody who stands in the way of that.”
“Did he tell you that he’s the nigga with the price?”
“No but I had an idea. I mean I’m not stupid, Mad.” Jayden sat down on the bed next to her. “They fucked the same woman at the same time, and got her pregnant. How could they not have beef?”
“From what I saw, the beef is deeper than that. I don’t believe your sweet father would shut down a whole city block because somebody fucked Harmony’s nasty ass.”
“A whole block?”
“Yeah…he ain’t tell you that huh?” She laughed. “He trying to make it like he’s so nice and he’s so concerned about me. Well he ain’t. They killed a nigga in front of me. Shot him three or four times, Jayden. The nigga Vaughn. Then they killed my girl.”
“How you know my father had anything to do with that?”
“I saw the nigga get out of the car with my own eyes the night Vaughn got killed.” Madjesty paused. “And the dude who killed Glitter said Jace’s name.” Mad paused. “They were trying to kill my father but hit Glitter instead!”
“Your father?” Jayden repeated. “Now who’s claiming daddies?”
“Say what you want but I know the nigga Jace ain’t no angel.”
“Mad, you’re my sister, and I don’t want you hurt. Please, stay away from him okay?” She waited on Mad’s response until her phone rang. “Give me a second.” She stood up and answered the phone. “Hello.”
“Hey, Jay, I’m at the hospital.” Passion said.
Instead of being concerned Jayden was irritated. “Passion, why are you at the hospital?” Jayden looked at her watch. “You got a babysitting job in an hour and I don’t want you fucking around. After that shit tonight you owe me big time.”
She sighed. “I know, but I needed stitches in my hand because after I left the meeting, the cut started bleeding more. When I hit Coop over the head with the vase it must’ve really been deep. I won’t be here long though.”
Jayden rolled her eyes and put her hand on her hip. “Man…”
“You know it wouldn’t be too bad if you asked me if I was okay right? Since we friends.”
“Sorry…are you okay?”
Jayden rolled her eyes again. “Good. So what’s up? I got company now.”
“Your mother is here.”
“My mother?” Jayden said. “Why would my mother be there?”
“I don’t know what happened but I saw them bring her in a minute ago. She looks really bad though. Real thin and she’s badly beaten. Everybody been talking about it.”
“Wait a minute, is she alive?”
“Good…well how you even know what my mother look like? You never met her before.”
“This gossiping ass nurse was talking about how they found her in some hole in a house. She was almost dead and she’s not conscious.” Jayden placed a hand over her heart. “The nurse said they picked her up from Concord Manor and how when she was a kid she remembered when some big time drug lord name Cornell Philips got arrested from there. Anyway, somebody tried to kill her.” Jayden looked at Mad who had fallen back to sleep on the bed. “But thank God they didn’t’ get away with it.”
“Look, I gotta…I gotta go. Is there anything else?”
“Yeah, Shaggy is here too. He keep asking me about you. What you want me to tell him?”

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