Raunchy (31 page)

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Authors: T. Styles

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Urban, #African American

BOOK: Raunchy
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I knew Dooway had a girlfriend and didn’t give a fuck. I wanted him and he wanted me. When we made it to the basement, he leaned up against the wall and dropped his pants. I got on my knees and took his thickness into my hands. Then I looked up at him, he winked and I stuffed his dick all the way into my mouth. He got hard in a matter of seconds and he grabbed the back of my head pumping into me. Spit covered his dick as I allowed him to gag me over and over again. He had so much spit on his dick, that you could barely see the brownness of his skin.

“Get up,” he told me. “And turn around. I want to get into that pussy.”

From the back he banged me over and over in my wet pussy. It felt so good I came after the second thrust but didn’t want him to stop. We fucked for twenty minutes straight until I came five more times to his two.

After we did us in the basement, we got dressed and he said, “I ain’t gonna be able to see you no more.”
“Why not?” I asked stopping what I was doing.
“I’m marrying, Diamond.” He walked up the steps leading out of the basement and I followed him.
“Diamond?” I said not knowing her name. “Why you gotta marry her? Why ain’t it enough just to live with her?”
“She’s, my girl, Harmony. And I just came over here to tell you that.”
“So you would fuck me first and then tell me you don’t want to see me no more?”
“Naw, you fucked me remember?”

After we were dressed we went upstairs and I almost forgot we were in his father’s house. I wanted him to tell me why he was cutting me off. I was tired of not having somebody for me. All my life I was second best, even when I thought I was first.

“So this is it, huh?”

“Yeah. We got us a place at Plum Creek Apartment in Houston.”

I don’t know what I wanted from him, but I knew I didn’t want him to leave me. But that’s exactly what he was doing, letting me go. He was at the front door when my kids came in.

“What’s up, lil' niggas.” He said taking Jayden’s hat off and palming his head. Ramsey just got both of them fresh haircuts the other day. “Where ya’ll been?”

“At Renee’s. We miss you, Dooway.” Madjesty said. “When you movin’ back?”

“Never. I got my own place now.”

Madjesty stepped back and appeared angry while Jayden put his head down in sadness. My kids both liked him a lot, and wanted the father figure I never allowed them to have. How could I? One out of four niggas could be their father and I didn’t know which.

“So what this mean, you not gonna fuck my mother no more?” Madjesty said looking dead into his eyes. “Since you moving out.”

Dooway stopped in his tracks and my mouth dropped. I don’t know what shocked me more. The fact that Madjesty talked so recklessly, or the fact that he knew our secret.

“I’ma check you later, homie.” He said softly punching Madjesty in the chest. Then he turned to me and said, “Harmony, I ain’t supposed to be telling you this, but I fuck with you. And I fuck with your kids.”

“What is it?” I said unable to handle any more bad news.
“You gotta get out of here. You not safe.”
He walked out the door and I was right behind him, on his heels. “What do you mean I’m not safe?”

“Son.” Ramsey said walking up to the house. We both didn’t see Ramsey there we were so caught up in the moment. Everything was happening so quickly. First with Renee now with Dooway and then here was Ramsey. Did he hear us? “What’s going on?”

Dooway looked at his father, and then at me, and walked to his car without speaking. There was something he was trying to tell me, but he wasn’t trying to tell me in front of Ramsey. Ramsey and me both watched Dooway get into his car and pull off.

“What I miss?” Ramsey said walking into the house, with me following behind him. He palmed the boy’s heads like he always did, and then stepped into the living room to take off his shoes. “He seemed to get out of here pretty quick. Did you two have an argument or something?”

“That’s your son not mine.” I said. “He came over looking for you, and then the next thing I know, he had to go.”
“Wow. That’s odd.”
“But he did say I’m not safe here. Do you know what he’s talking about?”

“I’m just as confused as you are.” He was lying. “So…What are you doing tomorrow? I wanted to take you out to eat.” He walked into the bedroom, took his pants off, threw them on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Nothing. Why…Where we going?”

“Nowhere big. I’m thinking of one of the restaurants in Houston. So you may want to put some nice clothes on.” He walked into the bathroom, pissed with the door opened and said, “Oh yeah…And bring the boys, too.”

“Bring the boys? You never want to go anywhere
with the boys. You know they don’t have any good clothes to wear.”

“Well I do wanna take them now.” He said giving me no real reason. Then he closed the door.

I took this moment to go through his pants while looking at the door periodically in case he came out. If I heard the toilet flush, I would stop what I was doing. But it didn’t take long for me to find a piece of white paper in his pocket. There were two numbers on it. One was Marisol’s which made me mad and the other caused my heart to thump. I looked hard at the number thinking I was seeing things. Or maybe he knew someone with the same name I knew all my life. And then it dawned on me, how many people in the world had the name Jace? I couldn’t think of but one.

I took the piece of paper, ran into the room and grabbed the boys. We took everything we could grab by hand and got out of the house. I never saw Ramsey again.


The More Shit Changes

2003 Five Years Later



My two-bedroom apartment was hot as hell and the fan I had in the window wasn’t cooling off shit. Every window in my place was open and all it was doing was blowing more hot air inside. My life turned out to be nothing as I planned. Here I was, thirty-one years old, with two kids fourteen years of age. And I didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I hated the world, I hated everyone and I was starting to hate myself.

I was sitting in the living room, trying to adjust the fan when someone knocked at the door. It was early in the morning so I knew somebody must’ve wanted to borrow something.

“Madjesty, hurry up and bring my plate and then go see who’s knocking at the door,” I told my son. He had just made my breakfast. “And, Jayden, bring me my coffee!” I yelled. My coffee consisted of one part coffee and three parts Brandy.

“Mam?” Madjesty yelled.
“I said bring my food, tell your brother to make my coffee and go answer the door!”
Madjesty pimped slowly towards me, gave me my plate and pimped to the door like he normally did. Once there he opened it wide.

“What up, Felicia.” Madjesty said not really caring for her. Madjesty could be a snotty ass kid if you let him. “Ma, it’s Felicia!”

I rolled my eyes because I already knew what she wanted, some liquor. Our friendship started as a,
‘you help me and I’ll help you’
, sort of situation, but lately it had turned into,
‘I do everything for your ass and you don’t do shit for me’

“Alright, let her in. And get Jayden and tell him to bring my coffee!” I repeated. “I’m tired of talking to him!”

“I’m right here, ma.” Jayden said walking into the living room. He handed me my coffee and both Jayden and Madjesty grabbed their book bags and headed for the door. Their style changed a little over the years. Madjesty wore his hair in short cropped style and Jayden liked his hair long and braided to the back.

“I’ll see you when we get back home from school.” Jayden continued.
“Ma, you got some lunch money for us?” Madjesty asked.
“You know I don’t have no damn money. Tell them people at the school to give you something to eat.”
“But they said you already owe too much money.” Madjesty continued. “And that you gotta start paying them back.”

“Don’t make me get up and fuck you up.” I paused, looking at him seriously. “Now get the fuck out of here and get to school. I said I don’t have no damn money!”

When they left Felicia sat in the living room with me and I poured a little bit of vodka into two glasses giving myself the most.
“Girl, your sons are too cute. They so pretty they look like little girls.” She said downing all of her drink.
“Bitch, don’t say no shit like that to me. I ain’t raising no girls, I’m raising boys!”
“That was a compliment.” She said frowning. “I wasn’t trying to make you mad.”
“Well I don’t like it,” I told her. “Would you want somebody calling you a man?”
“Fuck no.”
“Then so be it.”

“Relax, Harmony. I didn’t mean it like that,” she continued. “But I know you got so much to deal with, with the little girls calling here for them don’t you?”

She then shook her cup for me to pour some more vodka in it. I looked at her glass knowing full well I wasn’t giving her shit else.

“Yeah they call here all the time, and I give them young bitches the business, too. Especially Ivory, the little girl that likes Jayden. She relentless with her nagging ass. He ain’t feeling her too much though. He not like Madjesty who loves the girls 24/7.”

She laughed and said, “I heard that, girl. Uh…Can I have a little more?”
“Yeah…When you finally buy a bottle.”
She looked a little pissed but I didn’t care. “So you still fucking Diamond’s husband?”
I laughed and said, “So I wouldn’t give you some liquor and now you decide to ask me about your cousin’s husband?”

“I asked because I heard they were moving again ‘cause of you. Diamond said she think Dooway still fuckin’ you and she gotta get her husband out of here.”

“Her exact words was that she wasn’t gonna let Mrs. Scarface slash Ripped Earlobe steal her man.”
I laughed because the ugly jokes couldn’t hurt me no more. “Well we gonna do us. And that’s all you need to know.”
She laughed and said, “So, you got any smoke on you?”
“What you talking about?”
“Come on, girl. You know.”
I had a twenty bag of weed but I wasn’t giving her shit. “I got a little something but what you gonna give me for it?”
“What you want?”

“You know what I want. For you to testify against that bitch for me in court.” I told her walking to the cabinet to get the bag. “I don’t know why I got to keep asking you anyway. If you didn’t tell me it was cool to go in when I did, I would have never known about the money or the smoke.”

“She’s my cousin, Harmony. Damn, you know I can’t testify for you. You shouldn’t have broken into her apartment.”

“Nobody knows
broke into her apartment. Diamond just thinks it was me because she hates me. You the only one who knows for sure. But don’t forget you smoked her shit up right with me.” I continued. “All you got to do is tell the judge that I was with you that night. That’s it. If I’m with her cousin, you know they can’t pen this shit on me.”

She was silent for a while but I knew I finally had her. The only person broker than me was her. And if she didn’t have me as a friend, that meant she wouldn’t have liquor or weed. I could supply my own high but she couldn’t.

“Okay…Roll that shit up. And,” she paused, “pour me another glass of vodka too.”

I rolled my eyes and did what she wanted. We spent the next twenty minutes getting high and I couldn’t wait to get this court shit over with. I hated court and had been in court for more things than a little over the past few years. I had been locked up for shoplifting, for fighting, for selling pussy and for robbery. If my father could see me now, I wonder what he’d have to say about me. He probably would be disappointed. But I checked out on life a long time ago and now I just did whatever I had to do to get by. It’s funny how life can go a different way for you. I wonder where I’d be if my parents were still around.




“Is it your sworn testimony Ms. Felicia Koone, that Harmony Phillips was with you on the entire night that Diamond Koone’s apartment was broken into?” Judge Patricia Barksdale asked her.

I needed her to stick to our story and was confident she would. The only thing that gave me a little doubt was that I saw them talking to each other outside of the courtroom earlier. I hoped Diamond wasn’t able to convince her to go against me. Diamond wanted nothing more than to have me arrested, especially since I was fucking her husband. We were even together earlier in the day and had plans to be together later that night. He could give a fuck about me breaking into her apartment and told me several times he’d made a mistake by marrying her. I wanted Dooway to be mine. I wanted somebody to finally love me and I was hoping it was him.

At first I thought Ramsey would love me, since he couldn’t get a girl like me otherwise. But it turns out that he was setting me up for Jace to catch me. I didn’t even know what Jace wanted. Was he after the kids? Or did he know I was involved in the attempt on his life? Not only did Ramsey try to set me up, I found out how he knew how to get in contact with Jace. He had gotten back with Marisol and they had gotten married while he was living with me. That’s the day he got all nicely dressed. He was a married man and was going to deliver my kids and me over to Jace to get us out of his house. That whole thing he did by asking me if I wanted to go was to throw me off, and it worked. Turns out he never wanted me to begin with.

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