Raven and the Rose (13 page)

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Authors: Charisma Knight

BOOK: Raven and the Rose
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“Good to be back.” With that, Wes and Shawn strode out of the parlor.

Viola smiled and patted Rose on the knee. “The witching hour,” she joked with a chuckle

and rose to her feet. “We all should get some rest.” She hugged Storm and Rose tight. “I’ll see you both in the morning,” she said then slowly strode over to the double doors.

“Wait, Aunt Viola.”

She turned around, lifting a brow.

“Other McKays will track Raven’s Falls, won’t they?” Rose’s stomach trembled at the look

in Viola’s eyes.

“Let’s pray not too many, or it will be McKay Plantation all over again,” Viola said before

taking her leave with Walter and Jesse by her side. “Tomorrow, we’ll imbue The Book of

Whispers with what I’ve spoken of tonight. Goodnight, my sweet darlings.”

Jasmine and Dehlia followed. “Night, you two.”

“Ah, Dehlia.” Rose called after her niece. “Can we speak tomorrow?”

“Aunt Rose, seriously?” Dehlia huffed.

“Baby, I think this can wait,” Strom urged

Rose nodded. “We’ll speak tomorrow.”

“Good night,” Dehlia told them while rushing out of the parlor with Jasmine following her.

“Goodnight,” Storm and Rose said simultaneously as the woman opened the doors, letting

herself out.

Storm ran his fingers through his hair. “I never knew such a history could exist,” he admitted

as Rose leaned against his chest. Gently, he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “The spirits only reveal to me what is needed,” he said breathlessly. “I love you Rose.”

They both rose to head to their chambers. “And I love you,” she told him as they talked

while strolling through the corridors.

“You know, it feels good to finally have some semblance of peace,” Storm told her. “I have

you. My powers are back. And everything’s going to be okay.”

“For now,” Rose whispered as they crossed the threshold to their chambers. Once inside, she

undressed and slipped beneath the covers of their bed.

“Rose, you can’t be like that,” he admonished while slipping in bed beside her.

“The Heightening is tonight. Aunt Viola—”

“Shh. Everything will be all right. This is something that has happened many times in the

McQueen family. It is the way. Power must be passed down to later generations. Elders must

descend to The Higher Realm. It is the balance that must be preserved, Rose. There is no other


“I’m trying to have an open mind, but I’m dreading this,” she admitted. “I feel like a thief for taking her power.”

“Many years from now, Dehlia will be where you’re at and you’ll be in Viola’s position.”

“Dehlia’s hell bent on having a vampire at her side,” Rose whispered. “How is that to be?”

“Everything happens for a reason. It is not up to us, and as you know, we can’t help who we

fall in love with.” He chuckled.


“Sweet Rose.” He settled down in bed with her, pulling her close to his body. “Sleep.”

Sweeping his fingers beneath her chin, he bent down to plant a breath-taking kiss on her lips.

It made her insides turn to jelly. “Storm,” she murmured before drifting off to sleep.

Chapter Eleven

ou’ve got a hell of a way of putting a woman off.” Rose strolled up beside Storm as he dressed. She quickly dressed and glanced at the clock. “Ten o’clock. I didn’t sleep too late.”

Storm turned and winked at her as he dressed in a white button down shirt. “You would still

be sleeping if we’d made love. You would have been in a weakened state and that we cannot

afford. You need all your energy for tonight.”

“I needed my man,” Rose challenged.

“You know, with The Heightening so close, that we must abstain from sex,” he reminded her

gently. “Don’t you think I wanted it too?”

“But, I need you. I want you.” She pouted slightly before smiling. A witch had to refrain

from having sex before The Heightening to ensure a safe transference of power. “I understand.”

“Looks as though the woman now battles the witch,” Storm told her with a smile as she


She frowned at the admission. “Am I deserving of Viola’s powers? I don’t know what’s

wrong with me. A part of me wants to shirk my responsibilities. Yet, I can’t.”

Storm ran his fingers through her hair. “Everything will balance out once The Heightening is

over. Viola has told us this, remember?”

She shook her head. “I feel like I’m on edge. There are so many emotions bubbling over

inside of me. Everything is bleeding together,” she explained as they both made their way


“I know, Rose. Let’s focus our thoughts on other things today. Maybe a trip to the magic

shop after breakfast?”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

“Hi everyone,” Storm greeted the family.

“Welcome back, stranger.” Corey raised his orange juice.

“Hey, how is everything?” Rose asked.

“Things are back to normal. The wolves have been contained and answered for their crimes

in other parts of the country. Once again, Raven’s Falls is safe for our citizens.”

Rose smiled as she sat down, but then she noticed Dehlia giving her an evil glare. “What’s

wrong, Dehlia?”

Her niece narrowed her eyes. “I received a phone call earlier this morning from my boss.

Rose, how could you!”

“What’s going on now?” Walter asked as he took a sip of orange juice.

“The potion you gave Niall has worn off. Only he didn’t know until he was away from his

sanctuary in the bright-ass sun!” Dehlia chastised. “You broke your word to him and he’s coming over tonight. He’s so pissed off.”

“Whoa. He’s not welcomed here. Especially not during The Heightening,” Viola told them

both. “Rose, you’d better fix this.”

“He can’t be allowed to walk the day, Viola.” Rose said.

“I agree a hundred percent, but didn’t you give him any warning?” Jesse asked.

“At the time, I made the decision based solely on this family’s welfare, without violating

Clara’s pact,” Rose informed them. “He wouldn’t have helped us had he known the potion was


“He’ll never help us again, should we need anything. Do you now that, Rose?” Dehlia

sputtered. “You almost cost me—my job!”

“Well, you don’t need to work for him. Vampires and witches, doesn’t bode well Dehlia. I’m

only trying to protect you.”

Dehlia pushed her chair away from the table and stood. “I don’t need your protection. I do

fine on my own. Not everyone is destined to pair off with a raven,” she chortled before throwing the blue cloth napkin on the table. With that, she stormed from the dining room.

“Well, that went swimmingly,” Jasmine observed in a hushed voice.

Rose looked at Viola. “What am I doing wrong?”

“Oh child, don’t let that girl get to you. She’s in love, or so she thinks.”

“Who am I to tell her who she should love?” Rose bowed her head. “I’ve made such a mess

of things.”

“No, you haven’t. You’re just a little emotional over your niece, that’s all.” Storm patted her back gently. “It’ll pass, I promise.”

“I don’t think it will. At least, not anytime soon.”

“Rose, do you have plans for the day?” Viola asked.

“I’m going to the magic shop in a little while. Why? What’s up?”

“Mind if I come along?” Viola smiled while pouring herself another cup of coffee.

“Sure. I’d love the company.”

“Jasmine, honey, you mind taking a day off from the shop?” Viola asked.

“And have the day to myself?” Jasmine mused. “Absolutely.”

“Ah no, young lady,” Walter firmly reminded her. “This is the perfect opportunity to brush

up on your potions and herbs.”

“But, Uncle Walter.” Jasmine pouted. “I know plenty about herbs and potions. I work at the

magic shop, remember?”

“There’s a difference in preparing the potions and selling them.” Jesse folded his arms across

his chest. “If Walter says you need to brush up on some much needed skills, then that’s what you need to do, young lady.”

“Okay.” Jasmine shook her head.

“Since Viola and Rose will be running the shop today, would you like to join me on the

grounds for an archery challenge?” Jesse asked Storm.

“I’d love too.” Storm quickly gobbled the rest of his food down before giving her a quick

peck on the cheek.

“No cheating, Uncle Jesse,” Rose teased.

“Are you kidding me? I need all the knowledge I can get from this man.” He slapped Storm

on the back.

They both laughed while leaving the dining room.

“It’s good to see everyone striving for knowledge,” Viola said with a smile as Jasmine and

Walter got up to clear the table.

“Need some help?” Rose offered as she collected a few plates and put them in the large

double stainless steel sink.

“No, you two go along.” Sadness glazed Walter’s eyes over while clearing the rest of the

table. “You should learn all you can before tonight.”

“Jasmine?” Rose lifted a brow.

Jasmine carefully placed leftovers in plastic ware. “I’m good. Being held hostage here today,

but don’t you worry about me.”

Rose slung a dishtowel at her. “Silly.”

“Have fun,” Jasmine said with a chuckle.

Rose watched her uncle clean the table. Everyone was dealing with The Heightening and

Viola’s impending death in their own way. Even Viola had shown a bit of sadness, but it was a

McQueen witch’s duty. She noticed her mother and Wes weren’t at the table. Shawn had been

very close to Viola and must be taking it extremely hard.

“You ready, girl?”

“Yes, ma’am. Just give me a moment to get my purse.”

“You two have a good day,” Jasmine called after them as they left the dining room.

Rose and Viola walked out the kitchen door, went around back to the parking garage to her

car and got in. She hit the button and let the windows down before turning on the air. “Balmy out today,” Rose stated as she pulled out of the large parking garage.

“Yes, it is,” Viola agreed.

For a long moment, silence hung between them as they drove out of the McQueen Manor’s

long winding driveway.

Once Rose turned onto Raven Blvd, Viola sucked in a breath before speaking. “You don’t

have to walk on eggshells around me, Rose.”

As she drove along the roadway, Rose tightened her grip on the steering wheel. “I feel awful

about The Heightening. I knew this day was coming. Didn’t you feel guilty when Clara passed

her power to you?”

“She was dying of tuberculosis.”

Upon hearing the pain lingering in her aunt’s voice, Rose cringed. “I knew that.”

“And I fought to save her. Tried every spell. Every potion known to a witch, but it was her

time to pass into the Higher Realm. Just as it is my time.” She turned her head to look at Rose.

“It’s the way things happen in our family. I honestly felt relieved when she passed. She was in so much pain.”

“You’re not sick.”

“Sick and tired of living,” Viola snorted. “You’re doing me a favor.”

“Why are you telling me this Aunt Viola? Aren’t you afraid?”

“I can’t wait until it’s over if you want to know the truth. Even with that, there is a small part of me that fears the unknown. But damn, I’ll get to see Clara, and so many others who have

crossed over and I don’t have any regrets. When you’ve lived as long as I have, you welcome


“I’ll be honest. Sometimes, I’m not sure I can handle this responsibility. What if I fail

everyone?” They arrived at Gypsy Rose Goddess and parked the car. She turned off the engine

and released a long breath.

“If you weren’t meant to have this power, it wouldn’t have come to you.”

“It was mom’s turn.”

“You have to be ready and able for McQueen power. You can’t go against what The Book of

Whispers tells you. The Ancestors choose, girl,” Viola said with a laugh, opening the door and

stepping out of the car.

Rose slipped out of the driver’s side. As cars drove past, some honked their horns, giving her

thumbs up. A group of teenagers rode by and honked their horn. “McQueen!”

“Well, looks as though Raven’s Falls has returned to normal,” Viola observed.

“A month ago, they wanted to mob us,” Rose grumbled as she sought the key to the shop.

They strolled up the brick steps to the black iron door.

She unlocked the door and pushed it open.

Viola inhaled while opening the blinds to the shop, then turned to look around. “Ah, the

smell of myrrh. I’ve always loved this place. Makes me feel like I’ve just stepped into another time.”

Rose chuckled. “Actually, you have.”

“Oh, stop your sassing, girl.”

Her aunt straightened a few books of spells, charms and potions on the shelf.

With a smile, Rose went behind the counter, lit some incense and turned on soothing New

Age music.

“What the hell are you playing?” Viola asked, placed her hands on her hips. She wrinkled

her nose. “This is my last day on earth. I don’t want to listen to music that’ll put me to sleep.”

With a snap of her fingers, the station changed. “Now, that’s more like it.”

Rose laughed as the woman shook her body in time to the seventy’s style dance music.

“What am I going to do with you today,” Aunt Viola?”

“When lunchtime rolls around, let me order one of those cheese steak subs smothered in

onions with Jalapeño poppers on the side from the sub shop across the street. That damned Walter is so hell bent on me watching my blood pressure.”

“He’s only looking out for you,” Rose told her.

“Well, between you and me I’ve been eating whatever the hell I want.” Viola snapped her

fingers to the tune and walked behind the counter with Rose. “Let me go over the inventory. It’s been a long time since I’ve done this.”

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