Raven and the Rose (2 page)

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Authors: Charisma Knight

BOOK: Raven and the Rose
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“Pearl told him she lived in Raven’s Falls?” Tobias asked

“Apparently. Someone else knew, as well.” Rose frowned.

Leslie squinted at her. “Rose, with all due respect, won’t you tell us what’s going on? My

men are getting restless and some have even discussed moving out of town. Is this something you can put a stop to?”

“I assure you, my family and I are working on these issues.” She couldn’t very well tell the

citizens of Raven’s Falls they were in danger because her powers were waning. How would that

make them feel? She owed them so much more, like a solution to end the problems once and for


“We know it’s something more than just break-ins,” Luke offered. “If you need any

assistance, I’ll call in my pack. We have many generations in Raven’s Falls and this is my home.

I refuse to move anywhere else.”

Tobias placed a heavy hand on the officer’s shoulder. “Thank you for your support. If we’re

in need of your assistance, we won’t hesitate to let you know.”

Luke nodded, extending his hand to shake theirs. “It’s a pleasure to live and serve in a

wonderful community. I’m sure this will be resolved quickly.” With that, he turned and walked


Rose glanced over at Leslie. “Hold Louis here before releasing him to the outside police

force. We need to observe if anyone makes contact with him and find a way into his memories.”

“Will do.” Leslie nodded. “I just hope things don’t spiral out of control any worse than they

already have.”

When Leslie left them, Tobias released his breath as he and Rose strolled out of the police

station. “What are we going to do now? Vampires are sharing blood with outsiders and clearing

their minds. For what?”

“The memories are hidden in their blood, but we need a vampire to obtain them.”

“Oh, don’t tell me...”

“If we want to find out what and who we’re dealing with, we’ll have to invoke Niall’s


“Rose…” Her cousin’s voice rang with apprehension.

“He’s been a pain in our family’s ass for years. But we need to do this, Tobias.”

“And of course, there will be a price to pay for his damned assistance.” Tobias snorted as

they walked the cobblestone streets of Raven’s Quarter Blvd.

“Unfortunately. But, I’ll handle him.”

A twig snapped, averting both their gazes into the thick brush of the woods.

“Are you sensing that?” She gripped Tobias’ wrist.

“Yeah.” Tobias squinted in an attempt to see what lurked in the woods. “Who’s there?” he

called out then pointed. “Look, do you see it?”

Rose managed to catch a glimpse of a dark form moving swiftly among the trees. She balled

her fists as feral yellow eyes stared in her direction. Immediately, she hurled a bolt of energy at the thing spying on them. The sound of thunder clapped through the night as a large branch fell from the tree.

“You missed.”

“Shut up, Tobias.” Tight lipped, she hurled another, and felt satisfied when an eerie death

wail split the silence of the night.


“My powers are fucked up but give me some credit.”

They both ran towards the woods, while hearing a rustle in the trees.

“Do you see anything?” she called out to her cousin while peering into the black of the



“I hit the damned thing,” Rose sneered bitterly while searching the ground for blood but

found nothing. “Dammit!”

“Calm down, Rose. Come on, it was probably just the wolves.”

She shook her head in disagreement. “Tobias, what we saw just now was far from a wolf.

And before you say anything, it wasn’t a vampire, either.”

“What was it?” Tobias breathed the shaky sounding question out.

“Let’s pray the Book of Whispers can tell me something because I don’t know,” she stated

as they quickly exited the woods and headed back to McQueen Manor.

“I’ll check things out,” Tobias suggested. “You need to reserve your energies. If it runs too

low, you’ll pull more energy from everyone else. Take your time, take it easy and get some rest.

Promise me?”

Although she didn’t want to, Rose would heed his suggestions. She couldn’t afford to take

any more chances. “I promise, Tobias.”

Chapter Two

eneath the light of the full moon, Gypsy Rose slipped out of her black and red robes to step into the tepid, healing water of Raven’s Falls. When she and Tobias returned from the police station, she looked and listened to every passage in The Book of Whispers to no avail.

Tobias suggested she take the night off while he contacted Niall and searched for an

explanation of what they saw in the woods.

She walked away from the bank until the water covered her bosoms. She bathed in blessed

herbs while the beams of moonlight caressed her bare skin until she felt powerful enough to

return to the banks to deal with the narcissistic vampire, Niall. While dressing in her robes, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end, alerting her to Niall’s presence. Sucking in a breath to deal with the fiend, she turned.

“Do you always bathe in the Falls at midnight,” Niall asked with a cocky grin. He ran his

hands through the blond mass of shoulder length hair.

Anger rushed through her veins at the sight of him. It pissed her off even more when she

recalled what Louis had told them at the police station.

Icy blue eyes peered at her through the darkness.

“This is my ancestral home, I bathe wherever I please, vampire. Has Tobias explained to you

our situation?”

“Yes, Rose. Tobias has told me everything.”

“Have you shared your blood with outsiders, allowing them entry into Raven’s Falls?”

The vampire’s face wrinkled in confusion. “That would violate the pact between our

families, I’d never do that.”

“Well, someone has. A vampire has shared blood with the werewolf, Louis Rosseau.”

He smiled. “You don’t say? Glad it wasn’t me. Since I’m able to sense your fear, it proves

how quickly your power is fading, Rose. But don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.” He

leisurely walked toward her until he stood within arm’s length of Rose.

“If it wasn’t you, Niall, then who?”

“I have no reason to lie to you, but I must be honest in saying I could care less and see this as an opportunity to gain what has been taken from me.”

“What do you want?” Her mind sought answers and terror struck fear in her heart. If there

were more vampires in Raven’s falls, where were they hiding?

“To walk in the daylight.”

His tone sounded low and gravely, sending a chill down her spine. “You know I cannot do


“Can’t? Or won’t?”

She didn’t answer.

“You’re getting ready to piss on a centuries old agreement between your family and mine,”

he warned her. “You know the cost of that, Rose.”

“Raven’s Falls will not be your feeding grounds,” she reminded him.

“Rose, I hunt, taking only what I need. The time is approaching when our families must join

forces once again.”

“That was centuries ago, Niall. Times have changed.”

“Yet, you’ve called upon me to help you out with your little wolf dilemma.” He chuckled.

“How ironic. You need me to pull forth the memories from the wolves’ blood.”

She did hate having to ask for help, but what could she do? She couldn’t allow pride to put

the lives of others in any further danger. “Yes, Niall, I do need your help. We need your help.”

“For a price.” He grinned. “I want to walk the daylight or no deal.”

“All right,” she caved. “But first, we’ll go to the police station and find out who’s behind all of this.”

“Bossy, little witch, aren’t you? I don’t like to be bossed around. Even your niece knows


His fierce expression felt unnerving. “I told you to stay away from Dehlia,” she muttered. “I

swear, if you lay a hand on her, I’ll—”

Niall gripped her by the throat, lifting her until her feet were several inches off the soil. “Or, you’ll do what?”

Summoning her powers, Rose looked the beast in the eye. His hand grew hot as his pale skin

turned reddish blue. Immediately, his grip loosened and he released her with a tormented cry in the night.

He backed away, but she followed. “Do you know I could kill you right now? Don’t you

put your hands on me again, Niall! Our families have agreements, yes. But, I will not allow you to think you can push me around. I’m not so young and naïve like Dehlia.” She released her

power over him, and he fell to the ground.

Immediately, he healed and rose to his feet. Niall grinned, cocking his head to the side.

“Foolish mistake, witch. Dehlia works at my company, and I have unlimited access to her. Don’t

think I won’t coerce that young, sweet, innocent witch into doing anything I please.” His facial expression changed and a sly smile slid across his face. “But wait, she simply adores me, so I

don’t have to place her under the power of Coercion. She’ll fall to her knees in front of me if I ask her to.”

“You common bastard.” She balled her fists in anger.

Niall nodded and smiled. “Your niece wants me, there’s no denying that. Whenever she’s

around me, I can smell that intoxicating fragrance of her needy cunt.” He inhaled deeply. “Her

flesh calls to me, begging me to sully her.” He grinned before licking the tips of his fangs. “I wonder what McQueen blood and pussy tastes like.”

Disgusted, Rose sucked in a heavy breath, averting her gaze in another direction. Because of

how he spoke of Dehlia, she could kill Niall with her bare hands if she chose to do so. “You’ll never know. Just for the record, I think I’ll keep you bound to the darkness,” Rose grated out.

Nothing would please her more than to wipe that smug look from his face.

“And you’ll change that if you want my assistance,” he angrily assured her. “If you don’t

bless several charms to allow me and a few others to walk in the daylight, you’ll get no help from me.”

Rose smirked. “I don’t take kindly to your threats, Niall. As for my niece, I’m going to have

a talk with her tomorrow. I’ll provide you with a potion you’ll have to ingest because you’re not getting any charms.”

Niall’s smile turned to a cruel curve. His eyes became soulless and black. “You’re going to

regret this.”

“Potion…” Rose gambled he’d take her up on the offer.

The vampire snarled. “Fine. We have a deal. Tomorrow, during the day I’ll question the



He looked her over. “Mmm, I don’t think you’re hiding any potions beneath that robe of

yours. I suggest you start making it tonight and deliver it at first light. Potion first, then I’ll do as you’ve asked. Oh, and just for the record, I
seize the opportunity of tasting your niece and there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Think on that, witch.” With that, he quickly turned and walked away.

Rose released a breath and closed her eyes. Her chest tightened. She hated confrontations

with vampires and loathed Niall even more. They were unpredictable and totally untrustworthy.

But, Clara Rose had benefited from their union long ago. Rose hoped she wouldn’t have to do the same. She smiled when another familiar, more comforting presence made itself known
. “Storm,”

she whispered.

The raven circled above several times before squawking and landing directly in front of her.

Immediately, he shifted and stood naked in front of her. His smooth tan skin glowed beneath the light of the moon, and his powerful muscles bunched with every step he took in her direction. His thick black windswept hair rained past his collarbone, giving him a regal, yet mystical


God, the man is always such a sight for sore eyes. He almost made her forget the

confrontation with Niall as she struggled between being woman and her duties as a witch.

“Storm.” Her heart fluttered and her voice cracked with emotion as her eyes misted over in tears at the sight of her powerful mate. “Is Seneca’s spirit safe in the Higher Realm?”

Whenever a McQueen witch died, without passing along their magic in the way of The

Heightening, they were vulnerable to warlocks and other beings seeking to lay claim to their

powers. The job of the raven was to protect and escort the spirit on their journey to the Higher Realm.

“Yes, and she’s adjusting well. Fear not, my sweet Rose, for she now walks among the

family of McQueen witches past.” He smiled, pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“Thank you, Storm,” she whispered to his lips and squeezed him tight.

When she gazed up at him again, he frowned. His brown eyes darkening with anger. “I heard

what Niall said about Dehlia. I should have killed him on the spot.”

“And that would have violated Clara Rose’s pact with his family,” she reminded him.

He grasped her in his strong arms, ensuring she wasn’t hurt. Storm rested his chin on top of

her head and squeezed her tight. “If he ever hurts you, I swear I’ll incinerate him with the sun.”

“I know.” Rose leaned in, pressing a finger to his lips before kissing them. She felt the

vibration of his groan against her lips and broke the connection. With a seductive smile, she

swept her hands over his broad chest, then leaned against him. The wild pounding of his heart

drummed against her skull, and suddenly her heart matched the beat of his.

“Woman, I heard everything. Although, I do not agree with any of this, I trust your

judgment.” He tilted her chin back to meet his gaze, brushing his lips sensually against hers. He slipped his tongue between her lips, lightly stroking hers.

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