Raw Exposure (19 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #interracial, #Contemporary, #bw/wm

BOOK: Raw Exposure
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“What are you doing in New York?”

“On vacation with a friend who’s here for business.”

“Really? What’s he do?”

She smiled and touched the glass. “So sure I’m here with a man?”

“Nope, hoping you’ll tell me he’s a she.”

“Well, he is. A she, that is.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“I’m sure she is as well. Be kind of a shock for her to find out, after all these years, she’s not who she has been.”

Reeve’s chuckle had her smiling. “Somethin’ ya needed which prompted this call, Reeve Leighton?”

“I need you near me, sweetcheeks. I’ve not seen you in a while.”

“Not since Ireland.”

“I know. My hand is getting old.”

She laughed. “So this is about ya just wanting me fer sex?”

“No, don’t even think that.”

“I’m good with that. Least I know where I stand with you then.”

“Were you with me, there wouldn’t be much standing, unless it was against a wall so I could fuck you there. Maybe with you bent over the couch.”

Heat flooded her, and she bit her lower lip as a moan escaped. “I’d love ta be bent over a couch or pressed into a wall with you there, Reeve. But right now, I dinna need to be all hot and bothered.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want my fingers. I want you. Yer thick cock filling me full. Making mah screams fill the room. Having ya pull mah hair as ya pound me past losin’ the ability to scream anymore.”

“Affrica.” His voice, graveled and raspy, stroked her. Her nipples peaked, and she wanted to rub them against something.


“Where are you staying? I’ll come there.”

“Nae. I’m nae here for that, Reeve. I have plans.”

“And they don’t include me?”

“This time? Nae, they dinna.”

“This is why you didn’t tell me you were coming to the States.”


“But if I showed up, would you push me away?”

“Ne’er. Just so long ya realize I’m here for mah friend. Not ta have sex with ya.”

“Where are you, sweetcheeks?”

Affrica gave him her information and hung up the call. She rested her head against the cool glass and sighed heavily.
Am I foolish? Why would I even think I can be more to him than a bed warmer?

Shaking off her onslaught of doubt, she went to take a hot shower. They ate in the hotel’s restaurant that night then went back to crash. The next morning, as they were walking across the lobby to head out, a man caught her eye, and she paused. She pivoted and tried to locate him again but to no avail.

“Everything okay?” Tori asked.

“Thought I saw someone.”

“It is a big city. You probably did,” she teased.


“Affrica.” That timbre, that voice, and the man who it belonged to made her smile.

“Reeve.” She turned back to find him striding across the floor to where they stood.

Damn. Man is just too good looking.

“Damn,” Tori echoed her thought.

He stopped before Affrica and cupping her cheek, swiped his thumb along her lower lip. “Hello, sweetcheeks.”

She plastered her hands against his hard chest and the white button down which covered it. “Hello, Reeve Leighton.”

The kiss was tender, mind-blowing, and over way to soon. He focused on the woman beside her.

“I’m Reeve.”

“Tori Vaser. You’re the one who’s got her all weak-kneed?”

“I hope it’s me,” he replied with a grin. “Can I take you to ladies to breakfast?”

Affrica’s refusal was cut off by Tori’s agreement. “Definitely. I want to hear all the nitty gritty details of the two of you.” She gazed at Affrica. “I know he’s got to be good in bed.”

Reeve laughed and tucked Affrica closer to his side. “I think you and I are going to get along just fine, Tori.”

That’s what I’m afraid of. I think I’m in for an evening of stories I wouldn’t have shared with him any other time.

That evening, after Tori had gone into her suite, Affrica closed the door behind her, leaned against it, and stared at the man sprawled on her bed.

His bare chest encouraged touching. Hers. Lots of it.

“What are you smiling about, sweetcheeks?” He beckoned her closer.

She listened and began tugging her shirt free from her pants. “Thinking about how tactile I’ve become since meetin’ ya.”

He reached for her, drawing her down when she placed her hand in his.

“Is that bad?”

“Nae. I like being tactile with ya.” To prove her point, she spread the fingers from one hand over his warm skin, allowing them to indulge in his definitions.

He captured her hand and moved it to his mouth. “I like it, too.” His words dragged his lips along her palm, sending shivers of want throughout her entire body.

Affrica straddled him, allowing her lower body to grind over his groin. His chocolate brown gaze heated as he positioned his hands on her hips. She removed her shirt and leaned forward to join their mouths.

“I’ve missed you, Affrica.”

“I’ve missed you as well, Reeve.”

He cupped the nape of her neck and teased her skin. “I say we make up for some lost time.”

“Aye.” She couldn’t agree more.

* * * *

Reeve watched Affrica as she and Tori acted like kids out in Central Park. They were having a great time and he didn’t mind watching them. Granted, it was more, way more, that he watched Affrica than Tori.
What can I say? I want to stare at my woman.
Part of her hair had been gathered in a handcrafted pewter stick hair accessory. The Celtic knot on the design was beautiful; she’d just smiled and told him who’d made it for her. She had canvas shoes on her feet and a pair of jeans, which she wore a little loose. Her long sleeve had a shamrock on it and the words: Kiss me, I’m Irish. He’d personally taken the message to heart and had listened.

He sat up a bit more when someone called out Affrica’s name. His confusion turned to amazement as a tiny pink wearing pixie strode up. The women hugged, and he headed toward them as Affrica introduced Tori to Landi, Dimitri’s wife.

“Reeve?” Landi asked when he made it to Affrica’s side. Her gaze flitted between Affrica and himself. “Oh boy. How unhappy is he?”

“I’ve nae talked to him in a few weeks.” Affrica shrugged but he could hear the hurt in her voice.

Landi, bless her, just rolled her eyes. “Aidrian will get over it. I think the two of you make a cute couple.” Her smile stayed in place even as she looked at him. “But I’ll be leading the women when we come after you if you hurt her, Reeve.”

Shit, she never even missed a beat when she said that. And the smile stayed in place.
“No plans to. Jayde already warned me.”

Landi nodded. “She’s bloodthirsty; you wouldn’t think so but she is. Probably the worst of us all. Doesn’t help you never see it coming from her. I mean, she’s so quiet, you wouldn’t expect it. If she did as you say, Reeve, trust me. It wasn’t a warning. It was a promise.”

Like that didn’t shrink my balls.

“Wonderful, now, are you ladies ready?”

“Yes.” Tori spoke while Affrica gave a nonverbal agreement.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m taking Tori to a meeting with a man for her work. Affrica is coming along because someone else there wants to talk to her about her pictures. You can come along if you want but it may be boring for you.” Landi scrolled through her phone.

“I’m in.”

The four of them walked to a waiting car. The women got in the back, and he took the passenger seat. He took in the sights of New York as he listened to their chatter and laughter. Three women, three accents. New York for Landi, British for Tori, and of course, his lovely Affrica and her Irish one. He loved it.

At their stop, he got out and watched the women depart. With a nod for the driver, he trailed them inside and up to the tenth floor. Models were everywhere in various stages of dress as they talked and moved. He looked around as he followed the trio he’d arrived with. Some of the women stopped and smiled at him. He returned them but kept on.

In the back, in an office, he watched as Landi got each woman to the person they needed to go to before she focused back on him. She strode up to him and stared at him, her gaze sharp and assessing.

“What’s your game with Affrica?”

He paused. “Excuse me? My game?”

“Is this something so you can get at her brother, or yours? Because if it is, let me—“

“Hold up now. I’m with Affrica because I want to be. Not because of who her brother is or how it may affect my relationship with my own.”
Christ, two inches over five feet and she’s like a pit bull.
“It has nothing to do with any of the team. Just me and her.”

“And you think you’re good enough for her?”

“Nope. Not yet, but I’m not the person I was when I first met her either. I’m changing, becoming a better person.”

She led him to a coffee bar, and following her lead, he fixed himself a cup. Then, they went to another office. Hers. She settled behind the desk and leaned back, watching him. He figured he was there for a bit and sat.

On the wall behind her was a full image of the suit she’d designed with her husband in mind. He’d heard the story of how she’d done that, and Dimitri had shown up at her show wearing that suit. They’d married that very night.

“I’m not going to tell you you should leave her alone; like I said, I think the two of you make a cute couple. Just don’t hurt her.”

“I’ve been warned.”

She nodded. A brilliant smile lifted her lips, and he wondered if he’d passed some kind of test. “So, since we have this time together and I’m horribly nosy, tell me more about you, Reeve. What do you do and all that jazz?”

He flexed his fingers along the cup.
Great, so much for keeping her on my side. What am I supposed to say? I don’t have a job, I live off and spend money I didn’t do a damn thing to earn and act like a brat. I buy expensive things and live in a condo. I used to go through women like people change clothes. Yeah, that will keep her on my side about dating Affrica.

Nothing like feeling ashamed for how you’ve lived your life in the past. He took a drink of coffee and began talking. She didn’t appear to like him any less when the time came for them to leave. The four of them rode down in the elevator to the ground floor.

He had his arm around Affrica as they stepped from the car and had just brushed his lips along her temple when she stiffened.


The word was drenched in fear and disbelief. Reeve’s protective instincts raced forward as he tried to figure out what she saw. The gunshot took him by surprise. The guard went down, and people screamed.


A man stepped from the left, his weapon trained on them. The woman at his side vibrated but Reeve wasn’t sure it wasn’t with anger.


Now, he was sure it was anger. Derision dripped from his name. Reeve knew the name; this was the man who’d sold her out in Australia. He stepped forward, shielding her with his body.

Miles tsked and waved the pistol. “Get away from her.”

“No way.”

“Affrica, tell your wannabe protector I will shoot him if he doesn’t get away from you and you come to me.”

She put her hand at the small of his back. “Dinna push him, Reeve. He’s nae all there.” Her voice, which had been at a whisper, grew louder. “Why are ya doing this, Miles?”

“You belong to me. I was promised you in Australia, and you vanished. Years, I’ve wanted you, but you thought you were too good for me.” He shook his head. “Come here. We’re leaving.”

She took a step but Reeve stopped her. “You’re not going with him.”

Affrica looked at him with her large brown eyes. “Aye, I am. I’ll nae hae anyone’s death on my hands. I go. You get that man help, and you know who to call.”


Reeve let her go with the most reluctance he’d ever felt in his entire life. A low growl erupted when the man clamped a hand around Affrica’s arm.

“Affrica,” Reeve called.


“I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Shut up!” Miles yelled. He pointed the gun at Reeve. “I see anyone stick their head out the door, and I blow it and her away. Got it?” He sniffed. “In fact, I think you need another injury to keep you here.” The man fired, and Tori jerked and screamed. Reeve caught her before she hit the ground and lowered her gently as blood poured from the wound on her side. Reeve couldn’t keep his eyes off the woman he loved. Affrica struggled, crying out for her friend, but Miles dragged her back to his side and toward the door.

Landi crouched beside Reeve and put her hand over the injury as he stared at the man he wanted to kill more than take his next breath. If this was how those men of the Megalodon Team felt, he understood why each of them were so protective of their wives. As well as why they’d not wanted him around Affrica at first—he hadn’t been worthy.

Affrica’s stricken expression was the last thing of her he saw as Miles vanished from view.

I’m going to make you pay, bastard. I will find you and get her back. You? You will die for what you’ve done here today.
Anger coursed through his blood, and he longed to cause injury.

Tori cried again, a mix of sobbing and asking what had happened to Affrica. He tore his attention from the door, knowing Affrica wasn’t about to walk back through it, and looked to the woman bleeding on the floor.

“Tori,” he said. “Hang in there.” He whipped out his cell phone and called the cops. It did his heart some good to see Landi on the phone as well—he knew who she was calling.

A few hours later, after the cops and the ambulance had gone, he and Landi stood over the bed where Tori lay recuperating. He’d gone through her phone where he’d found her parents’ number to call them and let them know what had happened with their daughter.

The hospital room door burst open and through it stepped Dimitri, Hondo, and Maverick. Each man had a scowl on his face, although Dimitri’s softened as he gathered Landi close.

“What happened?” Hondo demanded in a tone which sent chills up Reeve’s spine.

“Miles showed up. Shot a guard and then shot Tori to keep us from following.”

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