Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (78 page)

Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Todd!”  I said, my frustration breaking through my resolve.  I was impatient, and the tick, tick, tick of the contraption on my chest was causing me to be desperate.  “God doesn’t want this!  Do you think God wanted you to kill that man that was guarding the door of Mike’s house?”

He looked at me quizzically, as if he barely remembered what he had done to Sonny.

“That guy?  Oh, no!  I only knocked him out, he didn’t die.  And God told me to do that, Daisy.  I had to do it so I could get to you.  If you were a better disciple, God would talk to you, too, you know!”

I groaned in frustration.  He was completely deranged.

“So what’s your plan, Todd?  This bomb is going to go off, and kill us both.  Then what?  What will you have accomplished?”

“Don’t you see, sweetheart?” he asked, his hand caressing my cheek, his face still too close to mine.  “I’ll have saved you. When your blood is finally shed, then you will be forgiven.  We’ll die together, we’ll be sealed together in death, my love.  We’ll eternally live in Heaven together.”

“What about Rosie?”  I asked.

“Rosie? Oh, of course I’ll let her go.  I just brought her here for fun.  I thought it would be nice to have a little adventure together before we leave these mortal vessels.  I just thought I’d give her father a few minutes of hell to pay for the suffering he brought me.”

His eyes clouded over with pain.

“He should never have touched you, Daisy.  None of this would be necessary if he hadn’t laid a hand on you.  It’s all too late now.”

He stood up quickly and began pacing around my chair again.  After a moment, he walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.  When there was no reply, he gingerly opened the door and peered inside.

“Rosie?”  he called, walking into the bathroom.  “Dammit, she crawled out of the window!”

My heart raced with fear for her.  Now, she was all alone in the middle of the night in Los Angeles.  I almost wished she were back in here with me, but I knew she was smart.  She would find help. She would tell someone what was going on and they would rescue me. 

Be safe, Rosie, I silently pled.

“So what now?” I asked the angry freak as he looked out of the curtains onto the parking lot outside of the door.  I was hoping like hell he wasn’t going to go after her.

“We wait,” he whispered.  “Till the strike of midnight.”

What does the number twelve mean to you, child? Lady Sylvia’s words ran through my head and I shuddered in fear when I realized what she was trying to tell me.  Remember child, after the darkness comes the sun.

Slowly, he turned to me, with a wild look of desperation.  

“Why didn’t you just kill me at the house?  Why didn’t you just kill me months ago?  You’ve been watching me all this time, haven’t you?”

“Of course, my love.  I had to make sure you were safe.  I was with you from the very first rest stop you stopped at after you left.”

I felt sick to my stomach, knowing he had been watching me all that time, and I hadn’t known.  I felt like a naive idiot.  I thought I was actually free.  I wasn’t free for a second.  As I looked up at him, I had no doubt in my mind that he was serious.  He planned to kill us both.

“Todd.” I said, a plan forming in my mind before I formed the words.  “I have an idea.”

“What’s that, sweetheart?”  he asked.

“You said we needed to be sealed together,”  I looked over at the clock and saw that it was a little after eleven o’clock.  I didn’t have much time. “How can we do that if we’re dead?”

My stomach churned with disgust as what I was about to propose.  It was the only way I thought I might be able to reach him.

“Look, Todd.  You’re right.  I did sin.  I sinned against you by being with Mike.  I’m sorry.  I apologize.  Will you forgive me?”

He rushed over to me, tears beginning to fall down his ugly, gullible face again.

“You do? Really? Oh, see Daisy, I knew you would come around.  You just needed a little guidance, that’s all.”

“You’re right.  But don’t we have to lie together to be sealed?”  I said, my voice quivering.  “How can we do that if we shed our flesh?”

He cocked his head.  He hadn’t thought about that.  I was hoping to convince him to have sex with me, so that he would have to remove the bomb.

“I hadn’t thought of that…” he said, once again pacing as he contemplated my words.

“Okay, you’re right,” he said suddenly, as he began untying the ropes from my legs.  “Get on the bed.  We must be fast, though, because I’m sure that sweet little Rosie is going to find some one to try to rescue you.  I really hope they don’t get too close, I’d hate to hurt anyone else during our journey.”

What a sick fuck, I thought.  I despised Todd, but at least I was making some progress.  

“Take off your clothes,” he said after he untied me, pointing the gun at me still.

“I can’t do that with this thing strapped to my chest, Todd.”  

I was hoping he would take it off.  It was strapped around my torso with two leather belts, and the incessant ticking was slowly driving me crazy, each tick sounding like a nail being driven into my coffin.  I had to act fast.

“Oh, that?  No, it stays.  Just take off your jeans, and lie on the bed.”

Fuck!  There goes that idea.  

I’ll have to take him down myself, I thought.  Everything I had learned from Justin in my self-defense classes ran through my mind.   If I could get him in a finger lock, I could bring him to his knees.  I could even break a finger or two, but then what?  He was crazy enough that it might just make him angrier.  I wasn’t sure what effect pain would have on someone in the process of a mental breakdown, but it was the only chance I had.  

I had to hurt him.

A lot.

Eyes, ears, throat, groin.  Justin’s words ran through my head.  You must cloud the mind of your opponent.  Stay calm, and concentrate on your breathing.

Considering Todd’s mind was already clouded, I figured I had one advantage there.  

But first, I had to get him in a vulnerable position.  I had to play along, make him think I was absolutely serious that I wanted to have sex with him.  Just the thought made me gag, but I held myself together, and gathered every ounce of willpower and began unbuttoning my jeans.

He watched, his wild eyes glued to my flesh as I shimmied out of my jeans.  He walked over to me as I straightened back up.  I was still wearing my panties as he stood in front of me.  Small bits of drool began forming at his mouth, his sickening smile shooting electric shocks of fear straight to my heart, as he began caressing my face.

“You’ve always been so beautiful, Daisy,” he said, his resolve weakening quickly.  He was such a fucking putz.  So gullible.

“Todd, really, I’m so very sorry for everything,” I said, reaching out and touching his hand with my fingers.  The bomb ticked between us, and I struggled to push it out of my mind.  The first thing I needed to do was incapacitate him.

I smiled up at him, trying to conjure up even a glimmer of love in my eyes.  I needed to convince him I was sincere.  But, that was the problem.  I had no love for this awful creature.  

I thought of Mike, his smile, his quiet strength, his gentleness and the confident, respectful way he touched me, and I used that.  I needed to get back to Mike.

“Baby, I just don’t know what I was thinking.  I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, Todd.  I panicked.  I left, and I’ve been missing you this whole time,”  I said.  He smiled at me, his breathing soft and calm, as I obviously pleased him with my words, the words he had been wanting to hear all night.

“Really, Daisy?  Oh, honey, I love you so much.”  He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and I fought to not turn away in wretched disgust.  I still had his hand in mine, and I took my other hand and discretely cupped it under our two clasped hands.  As I kissed him back, I slid my thumb between his first two fingers, and once I had a good, firm grasp, I wedged his fingers up and pulled down as fast as I could, holding his hand from underneath so that he couldn’t pull away.

I had practiced this move so many times with other women in class, and I had only imagined how satisfying the crack would sound if I ever had to use this to actually defend myself.  When I felt his fingers give way as I bent them backwards violently, coupled with the loud cracking sound, I almost smiled.  

As he went down, his twisted face looking down towards the stained carpet, yelling at the top of his lungs in pain and holding onto his broken fingers, I brought a knee up and slammed into his nose.  

When I saw the blood, I remembered what he had done to me.  I remembered why we were here, what brought us to this moment - the most fucked up, insane moment of my life - and I brought my knee up a second time, hitting him in the nose even harder than the first.

He was barely holding onto the gun, and I struggled with him briefly trying to wrestle it away.  But, just as I expected, his anger raged even more savagely in his eyes and he stumbled backwards, the gun pointed right at my heart.   

“Don’t fucking move, you manipulative whore!”  Blood poured from his nose as I put my hands up and froze.

“It’s okay, Todd.  It’s okay.  I’m sorry.”  I said.  

Tick, tick, tick.  The red numbers on the bomb counted down.  Ten minutes left.

I thought about Rosie, and realized she was the only hope I had left.



The sound of rumbling Harleys filled the parking lot of the Azul Inn Motel.  Flashing lights from police cars lit up the dirty white paneling of the motel rooms.  Guests were being evacuated and were streaming into the parking lot with frightened faces as I pulled up.  None of them were more frightened than I was.

I was just taking off my helmet when I saw Kelly standing against a cruiser, holding hands with Rosie.  My heart soared with relief, and I ran over to her as fast my boots would take me.

“Daddy!” she cried, flying into my arms and sobbing against my shoulder.  I held her tightly, never being so thankful to see anyone in my life.  I looked over her shoulder at Kelly and saw her smile at me.

“Are you okay, baby?”  I pulled her away from me, inspecting her.  “Are you hurt?”

“No, Daddy, I’m not hurt at all.”

“Oh, thank God, baby.  I love you so much, Rosie!”

“I love you, too, Daddy.”  She clung to me tighter than she had ever done before, tears streaming down her face.

“It’s okay, baby.  You’re okay.  Daddy’s got you.”  I murmured into her ear.  Her body was shaking.

Rosie wasn’t about to let go, so I carried her over to Kelly, frantically searching the parking lot for Daisy.

“What’s going on?”  I asked.

“Your daughter is very brave.  She escaped through a bathroom window.  Daisy is still in there with him.  Room number 106.”

“Rosie, I gotta go. Stay with Kelly,” I said, untangling myself from her grip and putting her down.

“Wait!”  Kelly said, grabbing my arm.  “There’s something else you need to know.”

“What?”  I asked, gruffly.  I was seeing red and I wanted a piece of this asshole more than I wanted anything ever in my life.  At least now that I had Rosie back.

“There’s a bomb.  Rosie said he strapped a ticking device with an alarm clock onto Daisy when they got to the room.”

“Fuck!”  My mind reeled with worry for Daisy.  

“I know.  We can’t just go barreling in there without a plan, Mike.  We gotta be smart.  The bomb squad is on its way right now.  They’re just moments away.”

So, I thought to myself, this guy wants to play dirty.  I can do that.

“There’s no time, Kelly,” I said, turning away from her.

I spotted Sandman across the lot, watching me with the other brothers.  I grabbed Rosie’s hand and we walked over to them.  

“Hey, boss, what can we do to help?” Sandman asked.

“This asshole has a bomb on Daisy inside the room.  I want you to take Rosie and get her far away from here, in case it goes off.”  I said, leaning in to him to whisper in his ear.  “Take care of her.  If anything happens…”

“Nothing is gonna happen, brother.  I’ll get her to clubhouse.  We’ll see you there soon.”

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