Razer's Ride (19 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #The Last Riders#1

BOOK: Razer's Ride
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“Oh, that’s cool.”

“Your man’s?”

“The Last Riders.” Even Beth wasn’t oblivious to the respectful look that appeared on their faces.

Sex Piston snatched the paper from Beth’s hand. “We’ll keep in touch.”

Beth smiled and hurried back to the bikes. “Sorry I took so long.” Getting on behind Razer, she noticed Shade had cut his lip, but the drone of the other bikers leaving distracted her from asking if there had been trouble, Beth reminded herself to ask Razer later. Another hour ride and they pulled up in front of Lily’s dorm. The men patiently waited outside as Beth went inside to surprise Lily.

It took several knocks before Lily opened her door, only answered after Beth called her name.

“Beth.” Lily threw herself into her sister’s arms.

“Lily, what’s going on?” Concerned, Beth drew her sister inside her room and sat her sister down in the only chair in the small room.

“Nothing.” Giving a lie to her words, she burst into tears.

“Don’t tell me nothing is wrong. I want the truth Lily,” Beth said firmly.

“I just don’t fit in here, Beth. All the girls hate me, and the boys just stare, it creeps me out. I wanted to come home, but you said I couldn’t.”

Beth felt terrible. Because she had tried to protect Lily from whomever was trying to kill her, she had wanted Lily to stay at college until it was safe, but she could see that had been the wrong move.  She should have come down and spent the weekend with her. Lily had to have stability in her life, if anything changed, it frightened her. Beth’s father’s rules had stymied Beth’s emotional growth, but the same rules had been a lifesaver for Lily, giving her the feeling of being protected and loved.

Beth had carefully been working on loosening the control Lily needed while at the same time trying to encourage her to spread her wings. Instead, it had made Lily feel lost and alone in a new environment. She wasn’t flourishing, she was retreating.

“Well, I am here today.  We are going to go out to lunch and do a little shopping.”

Lily’s bright smile rewarded her efforts.

“Let me get my purse.” Lily threw herself in Beth arms, this time with a beautiful smile. “I am so happy you came to see me. I have missed you so much.” As Lily let Beth go, she grabbed her purse from the desk. Beth took her sister’s hand.

“I didn’t exactly come alone. A couple of friends brought me.”

“Evie?” Lily liked Evie, developing a guarded friendship.

“No, Razer and Shade. You remember the men who gave us a ride home when you were released from the hospital?”

“Why would they bring you?”

“Well, I am kind of seeing Razer. I really like him Lily and I want you to like him also. I swear they won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable or I wouldn’t have let them come.” Lily trusted her sister, even the thought of being near the two men made her sick.  Beth never asked anything of her in return for taking care of her.  If Beth wanted her to get to know her friends, then it was important that she try.

“Then I am sure I will like him too.” Lily squeezed her sister’s hand in return.


When the women walked outside hand in hand, Razer and Shade could only stare. Still just as awestruck by their beauty as they had the first time they had seen them together. One was so light and golden, her smile as bright as the sun. Her loving nature was obvious as she held her sister’s nervous hand. The other, a dark enigma, that only let her guard down when she looked at her sister. The students walking by stopped, appreciating the beauty walking among them. The female students on the other hand were not as appreciative.

“Bet you a six pack those bitches hate her guts,” Shade muttered.

Shade let his gaze catch several of the men and women and they all soon hurried on their way, smart enough to know they were out of their league.

Beth smiled at Razer and Shade.

“Lily, you remember Razer and Shade.”


“I told Lily we could go eat lunch.  Maybe a little shopping if it won’t put you guys out.”

“Not at all. You girls climb on the bikes.”

Beth climbed on the back of Razer’s bike, but started to get back off, noticing Lily had not moved. Razer’s hand on her thigh stopped her.

“Stay put.”

“Come here, Lily.” Shade ordered.

Lily’s body tautened and she threw a wild look at her sister.  Before Beth could do anything, Shade threw his extra helmet at her.

              “Get on the bike. I’m hungry, move that sweet ass or I’ll put you on the bike myself.”

Lily got on the bike, putting on the helmet as Shade started the bike. They pulled out with a roar of motors. The restaurant was small with a family atmosphere, they sat talking until the waitress started throwing them dirty looks.

Afterwards, they drove to the small strip mall, the sisters wandered around arm in arm window-shopping, occasionally going inside one of the small stores. Razer and Shade sat on their bikes, keeping a close eye on the women. They came out of one shop with several bags laughing, then when they saw the guys they stopped.

“What wrong?”Razer asked.

“How are we going to get the bags to campus?” Razer and Shade split the bags between them, loading the bags of clothes into their saddlebags. One bag dropped and a waterfall of colorful underwear fell to the pavement.

“Oh.” Lily immediately bent, hastily putting the clothes back inside the bag. One bright red pair fell by Shade’s boot; before Lilly could pick it up, he had the silky material in his hands, slipping it into the bag she held in her hand.

              Red as the underwear she had just purchased, Lily could only mutter her “Thanks.”

              “No problem.” Shades response was just as strangled.

              Their shopping completed, they got back onto the bikes, returning to the small campus. The men got out Lily bags and said their goodbyes.

“Thank you for bringing Beth. Goodbye.”  Beth walked Lily back to her dorm room, happy to see the color and life back in her eyes.

“I will come down next Saturday to spend the day and night with you. How does that sound?”

“It’s sounds wonderful. I will see you then.” With hugs and promises of phone calls, they also said their goodbyes. Beth left happy that Lily would be fine until next weekend.

              The ride back was relaxing as it was starting to get dark. Beth didn’t worry with Razer guiding the bike across the dark roads, almost sad the day had come to an end when they arrived back at the well-lit club.

The house was filled again, but Beth and Razer were tired, going to their room. Shade disappeared into the kitchen without a word.

Showering together, Razer and Beth languorously washed each other before grabbing towels. Razer sprawled naked on the bed, watching as she put on a t-shirt and new purple thong. Brushing her hair he caught a glimpse of her ass every time she lift her hand to move the brush through her hair.

When she went to get in bed, Razer stopped her. “Come here kitty, you are not done riding tonight.”

“Razer, I’m a little sore from being on the bike.  Can I suck you off?”

Razer shook his head. “Had that pussy pressed against me all day, I want pussy tonight. You are going to give it to me.” Arrogance poured out of him, but he was making her wet with his words. Beth crawled towards him, kissing his lips with tiny nips. Razer’s hands swallowed her breasts, massaging them until she tried to fall back and pull him between her legs. Her body had become accustomed to having Razer several times a day now he could look at her and it was torture. She just wanted to feel the pleasure of his cock within her.

“No kitty, I said you were going to ride.” Still, when Beth tried to straddle him, he stopped her and had her facing away from him, placing a leg on each side of his hips.

“I am going to see that pussy take all of me.” His hands brought her down on his cock.  Beth began moving slowly up and down, sliding his cock deeper and deeper within her.  She faced the door, which had a mirror on the back, giving Beth a view of what was happening on the bed. A hand at her back had her leaning forward, bracing her hands beside his knees she continued to ride up and down his large cock. Helplessly watching the mirror.

“I can see all my kitty’s cream this way. That tight little pussy stretching to take my cock.” His fingers slid through the cream escaping her sheathe, rubbing his thumbs in it and slickening his fingers before moving them to her tiny rosebud.

“Are you a sweet little virgin here to?” His thumb began to probe her ass. Startled, Beth almost jerked of his cock to move away from his touch.

A hard smack to her ass had her settling back down, until once again his cock was deep within her.

“Bad kitty. Now be still.” His thumb circled her rosebud before he began inserting the thumb inside her, past her restricting muscles trying to keep him out.

“Fuck me harder.”  Razer ordered. Beth’s trembling body followed his commands as she once again found a rhythm that was bringing them the most pleasure. Tiny whimpers were escaping her at the feel of his thumb pushing into her ass in combination with the glide of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Her hands threatened to give out, but she managed to maintain the position he wanted.

Another thumb pushed in, stretching her hole, Beth’s whimpers increased at the bite of pain.

“Now that’s a very good Kitty.” Razer crooned as his thumbs began a scissoring motion that had her trying to clench her ass. Her pussy was tightening on his cock and his hips finally started to thrust upward driving his cock harder into her.

She had been slightly sore before they started having sex and with the motions of his cock and thumbs in her ass, the pain was adding to her stimulation, making her body move to capture it, the exquisite pain breathtaking as the orgasm she was desperately reaching for.

“Going to have trouble walking tomorrow. Everyone’s going to know I fucked you hard and long tonight.” Razer’s hard thrusts were driving her insane. “You ready to come?”

“Yes.” Beth whimpered.

Razer pushed his thumbs deep into her ass and thrust up inside her pussy with his cock hitting just the right spot to send her flying. Soft mewls were escaping her as he pulled his thumbs out, lifting her off his cock.

“Now, it’s my turn.” He slid out from under her flipping her to lie on her belly, he raised her hips sliding a pillow under her pelvis. His sheathed cock slid in out again, grinding into her until his balls were against her ass. Her fingers grabbed the bed sheets holding on for dear life. His hands pulled her hips back against him, making sure his cock went as deep as possible.

A series of hard thrusts later had him coming with Beth going over the ledge once again, this time unable to prevent the screams torn from her throat.

              Razer disposed of the condom and gently cleaned Beth, He pulled her to him, both lying on the rumpled bed, too hot to bear the covers on top of them. Their legs tangled, Razer’s hand found his resting place on her breast.

“I can now see why it took two women to satisfy you,” Beth said wearily. Razer didn’t correct her misinformation. Sometimes he could go through three or four, depending on how energetic or inventive he felt. But tonight, he was oddly content and satisfied with just Beth. Not wanting to think about it too closely, he closed his eyes and went to sleep, unconsciously trapping her with a lean leg thrown over hers.




Beth woke up mid-morning regretting that she was unable to go to church again that Sunday. It was a habit she had, and the church was a part of her life.  Razer was sprawled on his stomach, Beth was tempted to wake him, but he had early shifts the coming week and she wanted him to catch up on his sleep.

She grabbed a quick shower, dressing in a pair of cut off jeans and an overlong t-shirt that had a cat playing with a ball of yarn. Smiling mischievously, she thought Razer could appreciate the humor. Closing the door behind her, she went downstairs to the kitchen. The house was filled with the aromas of coffee and bacon. Her stomach growled, she had not eaten since yesterday with Lily. Beth would make sure that she saved Razer enough food, he would be even more starved than she.

“Best night I ever freakin’ had,” Natasha was telling Jewell, “He was a fucking machine.”

When the women saw Beth approaching, they changed the subject, talking about the chore board they had sitting in front of them. Beth tried not to let it bother her.  She liked both girls and had thought they liked her also. Beth smiled at both of them.

“What’s for breakfast?”

Beth walked to the counter pouring herself some coffee.

“There is some eggs and bacon left. Evie made some awesome cinnamon rolls. They are in the oven.”

Beth checked and saw that they had been put in there to be kept warm. Tearing one off the baking sheet, she went to the counter and sat down sipping the coffee. The cinnamon roll melted in her mouth. Licking her lips, the sugar glaze melted against her tongue.

Warm arms slid around her waist, a hand in her hair pulled her hair until her head fell back on his shoulder. Lips fastened to hers, licking the sugar glaze that had clung to her lips.

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