Razing Grace: Razing Grace Part 1 (19 page)

Read Razing Grace: Razing Grace Part 1 Online

Authors: Amo Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Razing Grace: Razing Grace Part 1
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He rubs his palm over my bare ass before his fingers find my entrance and he dips one back inside. “Jesus, Millie, you’re wet as fuck.”

“Mmm,” I moan my response. “And what if I like it?” His fingers dip into my mouth and I circle my tongue around them, the metallic tang of blood mixed with something sweet touching the tip of my tongue and traveling to the back of my throat.

“Then you’re definitely not leaving.”

I was about to tell him that that wasn’t part of the deal when he brings me to my feet, gripping his hand around the back of my neck and pressing me down so that I’m bent over.

“Grip your ankles, pet.”

I do. The best way I can with the handcuff still around my wrist. I didn’t realize just how flexible I am until my fingers are wrapping around my ankles with ease. His fingers snake up over my clit from behind quickly before I feel the tip of his cock press into me and I am full of him again. Full to the rim of pure alpha-maleness. His fingers grip around my hipbones as he continues to slam into me until both of us once again reach our peak and my now very sore and very weak body drops to the ground in a hot mess.

Removing the blindfold as he unclips the handcuffs, I blow my hair out of my face and he walks to his sweatpants, shoving them back on. I grip around the end of the sheet and pull it off his bed, my body sticky from our activities. Wrapping it around my body, I continue to sit there on his floor. He sits on the ground and backs up opposite me, resting against the chest of drawers and pulling his knee up to his chest casually.

I just had sex for the first time, and it was mind-blowing, crazy, great sex with a really, really, hot man. Who is also dangerous. And who I also have no idea about. Oh and let’s not forget the fact that he stole and purchased me.

“So I’m not to see anyone else, but you have two other girlfriends that live in the house?” I question him, gripping the sheet around my chest.

He chuckles, his index finger running over his upper lip. “Why are you all the way over there?”

He changes the subject, but I’m a giver, so I give him more lip. “You didn’t answer my question, Raze.”

“I don’t answer questions, Millie. I’m the one who gives them.” I slam my mouth shut and stand to my feet. His dark hungry eyes follow me. “Where are you going?”

“To my room,” I answer deadpan.

“Pet,” he exhales. “Come here.”

I whip my head to him. “Why the hell do you call me that? It isn’t cute, it’s degrading.”

“Good,” he confirms. “It’s not supposed to be cute, it’s supposed to be exactly how you want it to be. And because that’s what you are.”

He stands and stalks towards me. I step backward, suddenly aware that I’m in the dragon’s lair. Not only that, but I’ve just slept with the damn dragon too. I let it tie me up, blindfold me, and spank me until I was begging for his dick to be lodged inside of me. I feel nothing again. All the good that I just felt from us having sex, all the pleasure, everything has disappeared again. There’s no way to know how long I will be able to have my feelings back before they’re being snatched away from me again.

“What am I?” I bait him, and I shouldn’t. I should bolt down those stairs and not look back.

“You’re my pet. My toy, something I can play with when and how I want.”

“Do you call Ella and Cassia ‘pet’ too?” I ask flatly.

His eyes narrow. “Jealous?”

I scoff, turning on my heel. His hand catches mine just as I’m about to make the first step towards my freedom. At least, my freedom away from his room. “Where’re you going?”

“Out,” I answer matter-of-factly with a smirk.


The next day, I flop into my bed after having the longest shower ever known to man. I need to get out of this place even if I have nowhere to go. Standing up, I walk into my closet and pull out some thigh high socks and a sweater which hangs comfortably down to my upper thighs, just covering my butt. Leaving my hair in a wavy mess, I walk out of my room and make my way to find Raze.

When I walk into the kitchen, Miles is in there talking with a freshly showered Raze.

“Can we talk?” I say to Raze.

“About what?” he bites back. Mmm, charming.

“About how we need to hurry your plan along or I’m going to bolt. And don’t try to threaten me with your dogs. They love me too much to eat me.”

He pauses, his head tilting before he walks towards me. “My dogs? I don’t need to use my dogs, Millie. I’d kill you myself if you tried to leave.”

“Well… even more reason for me to leave then.”

I knew that what we had done the other night was a one-time thing, and I’m okay with it. There’s a fire that burns in my belly that’s being fueled by an unhealthy amount of hate. Hate for Raze for how he took so much away from me. But then I hate how much he made me like it. All in all, he needs to pay, and he will pay. It may not come now, or tomorrow, or while I’m in this stupid house, but it will come. Was sleeping with him a mistake? No. Did I enjoy it? Immensely.

Will I use it as a tool when needed? Abso-freaking-lutely.

“Come on.” Raze nudges his head towards outside. I follow him, evil eyeing Miles, who was sporting the most asshole grin on the planet on my way out. “Sit.” Raze points to the seat that I was sitting on the other day when Miles came out to find me with Chucky. I take a seat, drawing my legs up. “What do you want to talk about?” he asks, leaning on the table in front of me with his arms crossed.

“This plan, or whatever it is you need me for. What is it?”

I look up at him. His fingers grip around the table, causing his veins to pop out of his hands and arms.

“How much do you know about The Devil’s Own?” he asks me, head tilting as he studies me closely. His eyes are like lasers that beam into me, looking at me from the inside out. When he looks at me, he does it with so much intensity I don’t know whether to fan myself or squirm.

“Not much.” I pull my legs down and cross them. “I mean, I know them, but not enough to tell you anything. Why?”

“Do I look familiar to you?” he asks, his eye twitching.

I shake my head. “I don’t know? Are you supposed to?”

“Don’t be smart.” He bends down in front of me. “Look at me. Do I look familiar to you?” he repeats.

“I heard you the first time, Raze, and the answer is still no.”

He watches me, his eyes moving between each of mine. “Beast is my brother, Millie. We have the same mother, different fathers.”

I don’t know Beast that well, so I don’t know if I should be shocked by this. The only real conversation I had with any of those boys was with Hella or Frost. Frost who, back then, would annoy me when he’d hit on me. Now? I’m thinking that wouldn’t bother me so much.

“Okay?” I answer flatly. “I don’t know enough about Beast. I know Hella, and I sort of know Frost.” I grin at the memory I have of him hitting on me in the kitchen at the clubhouse one day… and then at Hella’s, and then at Jada’s place, and then, lastly, at Beast and Meadow’s wedding. That was the same wedding I got ripped away from, the wedding Raze’s men put their hands on me, the night they hurt my sister, Melissa, to get me here… the night I still don’t understand why they took me in the first place. Why? My brain is clogged with unanswered questions.

“Why are you smiling?” Raze asks, his eyes narrowing on me.

“I’m not, now. I stopped smiling the second I remembered how I got here, which is something you still haven’t told me.” I stand and walk towards Raze.

His arms drop to either side of him and his stance changes. “I’ll tell you when I fucking want to tell you, Millie.”

I let out a frustrated scream. “For the love of all things, Raze! You need to give me something here. I’m sitting in this damn house, wondering what’s going on!”

His eyes search mine. “I can’t tell you yet, pet. The situation is fucking complex.” He turns to walk back inside.

“Um, is that all you’re giving me? How long, Raze? How long do I have to be here with you and your sick twisted wives? I’m not counting Miles,” I add softly. “He’s probably the only thing I don’t mind in this house.”

Raze stops and walks back towards me. “You want the girls gone? Is that it?” he asks, his eyes darkening.

“You’re so annoying,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Seriously! You always think this has to do with some sick jealous thing, but that’s not it!” I step up towards him with my index finger poked into his chest. “You think that I’m jealous because you sleep with them too?” I search his eyes. “That you run those same hands that explored my innocence all over their dirty bodies? No, because…” I wrap my fingers around his collar. “I. Don’t. Feel. Anything,” I whisper harshly, his lips hovering above mine, a mere whisper between us.

I drop my eyes down to his lips. Snaking his arm around my waist smoothly, he pulls my body into his. I’m about to protest when his lips come crashing down to mine. I open for him anyway, giving his tongue access. Raze is probably the biggest man I have ever seen, aside from Beast, but they’re brothers so I’m not surprised. I’m guessing Raze is the younger brother but he could still match Beast’s size. His kisses are demanding, domineering, yet soft, slow, and sensual. It flips my stomach inside-out as his hand glides down my back and grips onto my ass, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, twisting my fingers into his hair and pulling him closer, wanting more, needing more of him.

I moan into his mouth and pull back slightly. “Now I feel something.” I smile, leaning back.

The grip he has around my ass tightens. “You’re about to feel something more fulfilling too.” He smiles and damn it all if everything stops.

“Did you just smile? A genuine, non-evil, non-calculating smile? Sir, I’m shocked!” I gape at him in mock shock.

He throws his head back in laughter.

“Boss?” A suited man comes around the corner. “Yeah, we have a problem.”

“What is it?” Raze asks, his eyes remaining on me. I bend my face down and lick the rim of his bottom lip. He groans. “Fuck.”

“Ah, it’s Cassia.”

I snap my mouth shut and stiffen. Raze notices, his eyes narrow on me briefly before looking towards the suited man.

“What about her?”

“Yeah, she’s having an… episode.”

“Fuck,” Raze grunts, dropping me back to the ground. He pulls me into him, but it’s too late; my body is stiff again. Wrapping my hair around his wrist, he tugs on it until my head has snapped back. He searches my eyes. “This isn’t over.”

I smile sweetly. “Yeah, sure thing.” When he lets go, my fake smile instantly turns to a frown. I shouldn’t care, but a small part of me cares. I’m jealous, jealous that they have his attention too, maybe even more so. Feeling sorry for myself, I walk back into the kitchen to find Miles leaning against the kitchen sink, staring out to the backyard.

“Hey, creeper. Whatcha looking at?”

His face drops a little as he turns over his shoulder to look at me. “Are you okay, puddin’?” he asks with a small smile.

“Me? Always. Why?”

He pauses and turns around to face me. “You’ve been through a fucking lot, that’s why. I know your humanity is switched off right now so a lot of things that would usually irk you aren’t, but…”

He pushes off the counter and walks towards me. His finger snakes around the loose strand of hair that has fallen around my face before tucking it behind my ear. It was a sweet gesture, sweet for Miles.

“But?” I whisper.

“But I’ve been there. To hell, I mean. I’m sort of still there. Eventually, it’s going to catch up with you. All those suppressed feelings that you’re keeping bottled? They’re going to come out and you’re going to burst. The longer you keep them down, the worse it’s going to be.”

I raise my hand to his cheek. “Miles?” I say softly, my thumb circling his smooth olive skin. “Please don’t, okay? Stop trying to get me to feel, because if I do, it’ll hurt too much.” I swallow down roughly, wiping any emotion I let slip off my face. His eyebrows knit together, and his eyes flash with worry. “So anyway, Raze has something with Cassia. Must be her turn,” I mutter under my breath. “Can we do something? I need to get out of the house.”

Miles smiles, his chocolate eyes softening. “Yeah, why the fuck not. Bossman won’t kill me. He needs me too much.” He takes my hand. “Get changed and meet me out front.”

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