Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)
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“Fine. But I get the bedroom,” she stated firmly.

“That’s exactly how I want it.” Michael
at Razor before she excused herself to the kitchen. She didn’t need to be witness to their pissing contest.


Chapter Thirteen


Razor watched as Faith finished cleaning up lunch, which had been amazing. Maybe he should have let her cook when she’d stayed with him. He was so full of emotions he hadn’t ever really felt. He’d been devastated when he thought she was dead, and now she was alive and had just skipped out on him; he was pissed and
elated at the same time

Her brother had left with the rest of the Hellhounds. Oddly enough, he knew most of them. He or the others at the shop did a lot of their work. But just knowing that her brother, Faith’s older brother, was the president, set his alpha instincts into overdrive. His ego had taken a hit when Merlin claimed he could take better care of her than he could. Sure, he’d fucked up before, but that was done. She was his responsibility, and he was going to watch over her from now on.

Speaking of watching her, he noticed she was quieter than normal. Was she not feeling well
? Is she still recovering from her small slip?
But no matter what he thought, his cock seemed to have a different idea altogether.

The damn clothes she had on showed off her figure for the first time, and he didn’t like it. He was able to make out the swell of her tits, and they were a handful. A perfect fit for his large hands. It also
her small waist that peeked out from her too small shirt.

He needed to concentrate on how he was going to keep her safe, he had yet to figure that part out? Merlin had told him about a stash of guns, plus he had his
, but what bothered him was this whole staying in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. It was smart for her, but it would drive him crazy, only because he was stuck with her.

She was at the sink washing the rest of the dishes. He came and stood behind her.

“You okay, kitten?” After all, it wasn’t every day that people think
dead, and that was the reason he was giving himself for asking her that question.


Okay, he might be a man, but Sparkle and Mary Jane had taught him that a simple “fine” meant they really weren’t. Damn, he seriously hated fucking mind games with this woman. He didn’t want to play twenty questions to find out what was wrong. Why couldn't she just come out and tell him what was bothering her? Instead, he looked like a
standing in the kitchen while she washed plates and didn’t talk.

“Damn it, kitten, what the fuck is wrong? I don’t want to play games.” There, he said it, if she didn’t like it, well tough shit. He was having a bad week too.

“I don’t know why Michael brought you back into this. I was giving you an out. I just wanted you to know it wasn’t me, but damn it, Razor, I don’t want you to feel beholden to me because of him, or anyone. So I think that since this is one big, giant
clusterfuck, we should be civil to each other.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I’m simply giving you another reason to not be here. I don’t want you hurt or in danger. Michael can watch me, and I’m safe here. You don’t want to be here, so you can leave.”

“Not happening.”


“Fine? Really? That’s all you got? For a chick who’s smarter than most of the people I know, including Johnny, fine is all you come up with?”


“Now you’re just pissing me off, kitten.”

“Tough.” Again, she turned her back on him. Fuck
this; he
needed a drink or eight. But he needed to keep a clear head while watching her. She left him standing there and grabbed something from a cabinet. Sure enough, she was making a drink.


This time she turned and snapped at him.

“Drinking already?”

“Look, no one is keeping you here, and just like you, I have had nothing but a week from hell. I had to resort to coming to my older brother, who I was trying to avoid. Now I have men looking to kill me to make sure I stay quiet. But if I don’t get this information to the right people, then a lot of people could die. So excuse me, if for once, I drink something other than water.”

“At least you ate.” There, he’d had
the final word
in that argument. But the truth was she had had a rough week; just abo
ut as bad as he did, if not worse

He sat down on the small couch and looked out the window. Nothing outside but large trees and wooded areas. It wouldn’t be easy to see someone sneaking up on them.

The only thing in the small cabin was a twenty-four inch
TV, and even that had spotty channels. The news came in, which he was grateful for, and a few other stations. He didn’t watch Faith as she disappeared into the backroom. She came out about a half hour later with a blanket wrapped around her. She still hung on to her cup that was almost empty.

“I wanna watch a movie.”


“Well, Michael took my Kindle,
and I don’t have any books or movies, not that there was a Wi-Fi signal anyway. So, I want to watch a movie. I found some old VHS movies in the closet.” She looked at him with big hopeful eyes.

“Whatever.” Her childish excitement, complete with giggles, made him smile. She was well on her way to being happy, and it was just a movie. She took off running and came back with three movies. Looking them over, she had grabbed
The Breakfast Club
, and
Weird Science
. All 80’s movies. Yet all good in their own right. He watched as she grabbed one, stuck it into the machine, then walked over to the curtain and closed it. He sat at one end of the couch, while she brought her feet up and sat on the other. The movie started and right away, he knew she picked


Faith snuggled into the comforter from the large bed. She had drunk most of her happy
and she had to admit she was feeling pretty damn happy right about now. Did she want to get drunk? Right now, she just wanted to feel something or nothing. Razor had her emotions on a constant
rollercoaster; she
was getting dizzy from being thrown back and forth. He was so much like her brother it was scary. Both of them were tough on the outside, and kept people locked from them. But Merlin knew her and opened up to her, and Razor, well, he was slowing opening up to her. He had been friendly with people he knew at work,
and as much as people didn’t want to admit it. The gruffness was a façade, and she was determined to break his wide open.

Razor didn’t say another word as the movie started. She’d really wanted to watch the
but figured this would put him in a better mood. She drained the rest of her cup and stood up, going to the kitchen.

“Whatcha doing?” he asked.

“Refill,” she stated as she refilled her cup.

“Get me a soda
.” Was he asking, or
Shrugging her shoulders, she really didn’t care at this point and grabbed one from the fridge. She also brought back a bag of
she found. Chocolate chip cookies and happy juice. A girl could survive anything, well, maybe having ice cream would help some too.

Handing him the soda, she noticed he’d taken off his shoes and relaxed some. Doing the same, she took a drink before opening the cookies. She handed him one without his asking. Instantly he took it then took a bite. Smiling, she knew she’d
won the small battle of him grumbling about movies; she
was eating. The movie
and she felt much warmer now. Throwing off the blanket, she got up to pee, and he followed suit right after her.

She was looking at the movies when he returned.

“So what’s next?”

“This one.” She held up the tape labeled
Weird Science

“Never seen all of it, but okay.” She got up from the couch and pushed the tape in waiting for it to rewind.

“I miss DVDs,” she sighed.

“Yeah, forgot all about the whole rewind thing. Reminds me of when Johnny and I would rent movies from the video store. The stupid sign “Be Kind Rewind.” We never did, but then again, what do you expect from boys.” He laughed, which made her giggle.

“Yeah, Michael would get me movies, and he hated it. He could only watch so much
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Mary Poppins

“Good movies.” He didn’t say
. She hit play. The movie started fine. She stretched out on the couch some, not that there was a lot of room, but Razor didn’t seem to mind when her feet sat next to him. They both seemed lost in the movie when suddenly it turned to static.

“Huh, must be a bad tape,” she stated.

“Just wait a second, sometimes there’s a gap that needs to run its course.”

Just nodding, she waited, and it only took about thirty more seconds before the movie started. However, it was not the one they originally put in.

“What’s this?”

“Don’t know,” he answered.

They both watched as people talked back and forth, but before she could react a woman started to kiss the man on the screen. She could feel her face
as she could remember what she did not that long ago in the shower thinking of Razor. Just like her dream, this woman dropped to her knees and undid the man’s pants having his sizeable erection spring forward. Without a second thought, the woman started sucking on him.


“Shit, they recorded a porn over it,” Razor said, but just like him, she wasn’t moving as her eyes were glued
on the screen. For some stupid
reason, a girly giggle burst out.

‘“What? Don’t like pornos?”

“No, it’s not that, it’s just that do guys, you know?”

“No. What, kitten?” his voice took a husky tone to it.

“You know, do guys really like blowjobs and such? I mean in movies like these, it’s all oral and such.” However, her comment made him choke a little.

“Do guys like getting head? Hell yeah; well, if it’s done right with no teeth. As for eating a chick out, well that depends on the chick. Some are sweeter than others.” His eyes pinned her with his dark gaze.

“I call bullshit,” she stated, still laughing at herself. She wasn’t one for oral. She’d tried it once, but the guy she was with said it was dirty. Then again, the only three men she’d ever been with didn’t do much for her either. Hell, she normally went home and “showered”.


“Yeah, I don’t think all guys do.”

“Oh, we do, kitten,” he challenged.

Hmm, okay challenge accepted.
“Prove it.”


“Let me try it on you,” she said, much to her own surprise.

“I don’t think so, kitten.”

“Then see, I win. Not all guys like it.”

“No, you’re drunk, and well...” He was stalling. She took the opportunity, scooted over, and kissed him
on the lips.

“Let me try.”

“No.” His breathing was heavy, but he hadn’t touched her or kissed her back. Fine, she would push him then. Leaning in again, she kissed him, running her tongue along his mouth. He still held still.

“Chicken,” she challenged.

“I am not,” he snapped and took her lips in a scorching kiss, thrusting his tongue into
her mouth. His hand went into her hair holding her head in place. A moan escaped her as desire and need took over. This man played with her mind and body more than she wanted to admit.

He shifted to pull her astride his lap. Releasing her hair, his hand wandered down and squeezed her ass cheeks before running them up and under her shirt. He cupped her breasts finding her nipples hard and twisting them between his fingers. As much as she wanted to strip him naked, she’d challenged him. Moving off his mouth, she kissed his neck, nipping and sucking his skin. He was musky and smelled of soda and man.

He didn’t stop her as she continued her journey down. She reached his pants and if the bulge in his jeans meant anything, he was as turned on as she was. Moaning and skin on skin sounded in the background as the movie continued to play. Razor shifted as she popped the button and slid the zipper down. As she
her body off his lap and kneeled between his legs. He wasn’t wearing any
and his cock bobbed out, making it easier for her to get to him. Damn, he was huge. She looked at it, then up at him. His eyes were
hooded, and his breathing ragged.

“Kiss it, kitten.” She did as he said and kissed it softly. He was warm and soft, yet hard and strong. A mix of mismatched things and she was beyond excited. Sticking her tongue out, she tasted him for the first time as she licked the tip catching a drop of pre-come. He was salty, but not as bad as she thought. Taking a chance, she opened her mouth and sucked the tip in.

“Fuck me. Shit, Faith.” Oh, that was a good sound. She remembered what someone had told her about sucking and moving her tongue. She swirled her tongue over and around as she sucked him into her mouth moving up and down. Razor’s hands went into her hair holding her steady.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck, your mouth feels so fucking good. God, take all of me, kitten. Shit.” She sucked him in as much as she could before she gagged, but that didn’t stop him. His grip turned harder while he started moving his hips, pushing into her further. “I’m coming. Take it all.” Then he
and his come squirted down her throat to the point she didn’t know if she could do this. She gagged some, but he held her steading.
Eventually, she got it all down and released his semi-erect cock.

BOOK: Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)
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