Razor's Traitorous Heart: The Alliance Book 2 (15 page)

BOOK: Razor's Traitorous Heart: The Alliance Book 2
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Kali refused to show her fear. “What do you
mean, you’ve gotten rid of Parks?” She asked coldly.

Badrick’s thin lips curled into a nasty
smile. “Now that you are out of the way, Razor has ordered the city
to be destroyed. As soon as the weather clears, there will be no
more Chicago.”

Kali’s fist tightened around the curve of
the spoon. She had turned it so the handle was sticking out. It
would work just as well as any knife if thrust hard enough through
vital, undefended tissue such as an eye or throat.

“Kali. Kali, are you ready?”

It took a moment for Kali to realize that
Chelsea was talking to her. She nodded her head and took a step
back, never taking her eyes off the gloating ones staring back at
her with malignant pleasure. She finally broke contact when Chelsea
held out her cup of coffee.

“Are you okay, sugar?” Chelsea asked in
concern, glancing back at Badrick who continued to stare at them.
“That alien is one scary dude. My Thomas said Colonel Baker isn’t
happy that he is here. None of the head guys like him. Take my
advice, Kali, don’t go anywhere alone. You keep that Trivator with
you. No one will mess with him, including that guy.”

Kali gave Chelsea a small smile. “I don’t
think any of them are safe to be around. I’d like to return to my
room, if you don’t mind,” she added quietly, dropping her full cup
of coffee into the trash as they walked down the corridor. “I’m
more tired than I thought.”

“That’s a good idea, sugar,” Chelsea replied
with concern. “Just make sure you lock the door behind you.”

“I will. Thank you, Chelsea. For
everything,” Kali whispered, hugging the older woman for several
long seconds. “You be safe yourself. He isn’t a good person to make
angry at you.”

Chelsea’s soft chuckle echoed in her ear. “I
wasn’t always a nurse, Kali. I was one of Washington, D. C.’s
finest. I know how to kick a little ass when it needs to be

Kali pulled back and smiled. “I just bet you
can,” she said before her smile faded. “Just be careful. Good
night, Chelsea.”

“Goodnight, sugar,” Chelsea murmured,
waiting until the door closed firmly and she heard the lock click.
“I hope that alien knows what he’s gotten himself into. That little
girl is going to keep him on his toes.”

Chelsea turned and began humming under her
breath as she walked back down the corridor. She wasn’t lying when
she said she had been one of Washington’s finest. She had spent
over twenty years with the FBI before getting her nursing degree.
She hadn’t missed the way Kali was grilling her for information or
the way she was memorizing the layout of the armory. That girl was
planning to escape the first chance she got. She couldn’t wait to
share everything with Thomas later tonight. He was going to love


Chapter 17

Razor paused outside of the door to his
quarters. It was almost two in the morning before he was able to
quit for the night. Several minor issues had come up, primarily due
to the weather. He had also spent a great deal of time researching
the fight rings and Spaceports in the Tressalon galaxy.

He inserted his card into the locking device
and waited for the light to turn green. Once it had, he quietly
pushed open the door. A soft light from the bathroom cast a glow
into the room illuminating the bed.

He silently breathed a word of thanks to the
Gods when he saw Kali’s relaxed face. A touch of guilt flashed
through him as he studied her before he quickly pushed it away.
Closing the door, he engaged the lock before walking over to the

Ten minutes later, he once again pulled the
covers to his bed aside. He slid down between the sheets and turned
to pull Kali into his arms. A slight smile curved his lips when he
realized she came to him with barely a touch. Her sweet scent mixed
with the scent of his shampoo and soap flowed his senses. He gently
rubbed his mouth against her hair as she snuggled closer to his

His arms tightened around her as she
burrowed closer. He wanted her. This was beyond the normal need for
relief. He… needed her. That was something he had never felt toward
another female, even with Rainiera. They had both come together
simply for relief. Neither one sought the company of the other
afterwards. In fact, they had never slept together much less simply
held each other for the enjoyment of the act of being close. No,
this was something much different, much… stronger.

“Jason,” Kali murmured, restlessly moving in
her sleep. “Jason, help me.”

Pain exploded through Razor at her softly
muttered words. This pain was different from any he had felt
before. It came from inside him radiating from his chest. He lay
stiffly as Kali continued to move restlessly against him. She
didn’t call for the other male again, but her soft whimpers cut
through him with a precision any assassin would be proud of.

After several minutes she finally relaxed,
settling into a deeper, calmer sleep. A sense of despair struck him
hard, pulling a soft moan from him. Instinctively, his arms
tightened around her. He had never been prone to thoughts of doubt
or despair before, or even fear. He wasn’t sure how to handle them.
Drawing in a deep breath, he wondered if he should have talked to
Jesse as well. Another moan escaped him as Kali rolled further onto
her side. Her left leg pushed between his and her arm wrapped
around his waist, laying on his hip. They fit together as if made
for one another.

“I will not let you go, Kali,” he murmured,
staring up at the ceiling. “I can’t.”


Kali woke slowly. She knew it was still
early. She had always been an early bird. It used to drive Destin
insane as he was a night owl. There was no talking to her brother
before ten in the morning if you wanted either a coherent
conversation or to keep your head attached to the rest of your
body. Personally, Kali loved the early morning before the sun came
up when everything seemed new, reborn and peaceful.

She lay perfectly still. She knew the moment
she woke that she wasn’t alone. Her gaze ran over the male sleeping
peacefully beside her. They were both lying on their sides facing
each other so it was easy for her to see him. Asleep, he seemed
softer, less threatening. She carefully studied his features,
taking her time to really look at him. He wasn’t handsome in a
classical way, but in a darker, more serious and dangerous way.

With his high cheekbones and olive
complexion, he could almost have been a mix of Native American and
European descent. He wore his hair cut short instead of longer like
most of the Trivator warriors she had seen from a distance. His
nose was broader with small ridges along it. He had sharp teeth
instead of smooth ones like a human. She thought that would have
been a turn off, but it wasn’t. He had a strong jaw line that was
covered in a five o’clock shadow of whiskers. Overall, he had a
surprisingly large number of human characteristics in his features.
She knew there were more subtle differences though. He was taller
than the average human male, broader, more muscular, and definitely
faster. She had seen a few of Trivator warriors in action over the
past six years and had a healthy respect for their fighting

The biggest thing that confused her was her
reaction to him. She wanted him physically. The ache inside her
grew as did the need to touch and taste him again. She wasn’t
ignorant of what was happening. It was impossible to live in close
proximities like she did and not know about the physical needs
between a man and a woman. Hell, as Destin’s personal guard, she
knew more about her brother’s love life than any sister should
know. While the desire to explore and enjoy a physical relationship
was new to her, she also knew it was because she hadn’t found a guy
who made her as curious as this male did.

Unable to resist, she reached out to touch
his hair. A small smile curved her lips when she found it was just
as soft as the first time she had touched it. Threading her fingers
through it, she watched as his eyes slowly opened.

“I never got a chance to see if it was a
soft as I thought it was,” she murmured quietly.

“And what are your findings?” He asked in a
husky voice, his eyes darkening with desire as she continued to run
her fingers along his scalp. “Is it?”

Kali rose up on one elbow so that she was
above him. The move forced him to roll onto his back. She moved
with him, curling her fingers in his short hair. She found herself
lying partially over him. Her own eyes darkened with desire at his
swift intake of breath.

Moving slowly, she slid her leg over his and
shifted until she was straddling him. The thin shirt she had found
in one of drawers rose up around her thighs. She wasn’t wearing her
panties as she had washed them out and left them to dry in the

“Kali,” his thick voice held a thread of
warning as she settle down over him, trapping his throbbing cock
along her heated flesh. “You are playing with fire. I am not like
your human males. I will take you.”

Leaning forward, Kali threaded the fingers
of her other hand through his hair trapping his face between them.
She glanced down at his lips before looking him in the eye again.
Hot moisture pooled between her legs, making her want to rub it
along the thick shaft pulsing against her.

“I want you,” she whispered before pressing
her lips to his.

It was as if a switch, one that had been
dormant or forgotten for the past six years, had been turned on
inside her the moment she met Razor. She had done a little bit of
experimenting when she was in high school, but those feelings were
nothing compared to what she felt now. After her mom was killed and
the alien warships appeared, she had lost all interest in exploring
her own sexuality. It was as if her body had been placed in a deep

She didn’t know if her physical attraction
to Razor was normal or not. All she knew was she wanted him… badly.
For once, she was going to be greedy and take what she wanted, even
if it was just for a short time.


Fire exploded like a raging inferno inside
him at her whispered words. When he felt her tentative touch it had
taken every ounce of discipline in him to remain still. The feel of
her fingers scraping along his scalp had finally been too much for
him and he knew he had to see her reaction to him being awake. The
look of hunger in her eyes took his breath away.

He ran his hands up her bare thighs to her
waist. His first thought was to roll over, but some instinct told
him to let her take the lead – for now. One thing he realized as he
opened to her, he liked the way humans kissed. His hips pressed
upwards as he pulled her down against him. He felt as if all the
blood in his body was pooling around his cock.

“Kali,” he moaned when she pressed tiny
kisses to the corner of his mouth and along his jaw. “
I will not last long if you continue this.”

She pulled back, running her hands along his
face down to his chest. This position had her sitting on him. Sweat
beaded on his brow as her eyes drooped with desire and she rocked
her hips against him.

“What does ‘
mean?” She asked
in a husky voice.

“It means… fighter. You are my little
fighter. The way you defended yourself against the men who opened
fire on you… You are my fighter,” he groaned shifting his hands to
lift her slightly up.


The sound of his name on her lips washed
away the doubt he had experienced earlier. It was his name on her
lips now. Her eyes connected with his as she lay with him. It was
him that she said she wanted.

He lifted her just enough to release his
cock. Her eyes widened as he shifted enough to align his hard shaft
with her slick entrance. His mouth tightened as he carefully
lowered her over it. He didn’t want to hurt her. He suspected that
Trivator males were larger than human males. There were so many
questions he should have asked Hunter!

Razor locked his hands around her waist to
keep them from trembling as he slowly impaled her. He had never
taken a female this way and wasn’t sure how it would work.
Everything about this experience was making him feel like a young
warrior experiencing his first lover.

He paused when she whimpered. Her eyes
darkened with uncertainty and pain. He began drawing in deep
breaths through his nose as he fought for control. Everything
inside him wanted to thrust upward in triumph at his claim

“Razor, I… you are…” He watched as she drew
in a deep, shaky breath. “You’re kind of bigger than I thought.
I’ve never done this before. At least, I never got this far
before,” she admitted.

“I do not want to hurt you,” he ground out
in a voice filled with frustration and need.

“Just, give me a second,” she whispered,
closing her eyes and leaning forward.

Razor closed his eyes and tried counting to
help relieve the pressure of disappointment inside him. He knew it
was possible for a Trivator male to fit with a human female. Hunter
and Jesse were proof of that.

Gods, I should have asked Hunter more
he thought in despair as his hands fell to the bed
and he clenched at the sheet below.

Kali’s nails curled on his chest and she
rose up on her knees slightly until he was barely inside her heated
core. If he lived through this, he would be contacting his younger
brother again. This time though he wouldn’t let him go until he
knew everything there was to know, even if he had to direct some of
those questions to his new sister. He didn’t care how embarrassed
his brother got. He needed to know how Hunter was able to fit with

His eyes flew open when Kali suddenly
widened her legs and sank down on him all the way. A low moan
escaped her and her head fell forward. His hands rose to cup her
face, lifting it so he could see it. A shimmer of tears glistened,
but none fell.

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