Real Vampires Get Lucky (27 page)

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Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Horror & Ghost Stories

BOOK: Real Vampires Get Lucky
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I tried for a snappy comeback but gagged instead. Since he could read my mind, I just kept it blank and pulled away. Thankfully he let me go without a struggle and I walked off to track down Lucky with a mantra, "I hate Simon," to keep me from tearing an innocent bystander's throat open.

During my search, I discovered Lucky had managed to put Buster and Sam in a closet while Flo and Richard had been watching the concert. That reminded me. I hoped we didn't run into my roommate and her boyfriend backstage. They had a really bad history with the leader of the Energy Vampires. Or maybe I hoped we
run into Flo and Richard. Right now three against one sounded like pretty good odds, especially with this fury I had boiling inside me.

Etienne saw me coming with Simon and tried to steer Lucky away. Well, of course. He was another enemy of the EVs, but I guess he didn't feel up to a confrontation.

Simon apparently had no qualms and wasn't going to let such a connection go to waste. He rushed forward, leaving me in his dust.

"Etienne, surely you were going to say hello to me." Simon smiled at the woman clinging to Etienne's side. "Introduce me to your lovely companion." It was clearly an order.

I hurried up before Etienne did something stupid like start a paranormal turf war in full view of about fifty mortals who were breaking down sound equipment and packing it away. This had been the last stop on a long tour for Ray.

"Simon, let
introduce you to Lucky Carver. Lucky, this is Simon Destiny, a very powerful man who should be able to help you find some of those"-I looked around-"um, debtors, you're searching for."

Lucky smiled and held out her hand. Obviously she'd forgotten Etienne's story of the whole sunlight room fiasco. Then her smile widened. "I know who you are! The king of that group that makes"-she leaned closer and whispered-"Vampire Viagra. You didn't bring along a free sample, did you?"

Simon glanced at me and flicked his wrist. I got the message. My work here was done. I couldn't get away fast enough so I could wash off Simon's stench and slime. As I headed back to the dressing room, I stole a look at Etienne's face. He was not pleased, but not about to tell his meal ticket to shut up either. Simon handed Lucky a packet of pills. Uh-oh. That got the crew of mortals excited.

"Hey, that guy's dealin'."

"You take Visa?"

"Move over, I've got cash."

"I got to know what he's sellin'. I got hold of some bad shit in Houston. I'm still peein' purple."

"That's not from dope, fool. That's from that beet salad your mama made. I saw it on

"Outta the way. I heard there's hash back here."

"No, man. It's X."

"Forget that. Make mine-"

I was grinning as I walked into Ray's dressing room.

"What's so funny? Oh, yeah. I guess it was a hoot watching me hit the wall like that. Or maybe you got a chuckle out of finding Buster and Sam in a closet." Ray was throwing stuff into a duffel bag.

"That was Lucky's work. No, none of that was funny, Ray." And none of it was anything I wanted to get into now. Not with Ray in a snit. "Are we ready to leave?"

"Guess so. I told Nathan to meet us in the limo." Ray zipped up the bag. "That Simon a vampire too?"

"Oh, yeah. Not all vampires are nice like me, Flo, Richard."

"I guess not. What about in New York? I really need to get back there. That's where my life is."

"Your old life is over, Ray." I hated to say it. Hated the look on his face as he sank down on the couch. No, it really hadn't hit him yet. Probably wouldn't for a while. He still couldn't quit staring at the bottles of Jack Daniels on the bar. Like I'd stared at the poker tables when I'd still been in Vegas.

"Look. I know this is hell. But I need for you to work with me for a while. Until I've clued you in to what you need to survive."

"And it has to be here? In Austin?" He got up again and actually walked over to the bar, fondling the Jack bottle like he could get some kind of pleasure from it. Yeah, right. And solitaire would do it for me. Uh-huh.

"There's a lot you don't know, Ray. Your life depends on learning what you need to know to survive as a vampire." I tried to put my hand on his arm, but he stepped back.

"I don't suppose you could come back to New York with me." He said it grudgingly. Of course he really didn't want me along, but I wasn't giving him any other options.

"No. I've got a business to run." I hated myself that this next one took effort. "And a boyfriend."

"Then I guess I stay for a while. I get that you're doing me a favor." He gave up on the bottle, picked up the duffel and finally looked at me. "Like you say. My survival depends on you."

Well, gee, he didn't have to sound so grim. I tried to think of something to cheer him up. "You're immortal now, you know." He stopped, stared at me for a heartbeat or six, then dropped the bag and pressed his fingertips to his eyes. "This can not be happening." Finally he dropped his hands and picked up the bag again. "Immortal. Well, shit." He opened the door. Seventeen

I walked by his side, dodging fans and photographers until we were back in the limo, where Nathan waited for us. The bubble of happiness at playing the role of Israel Caine's girlfriend had burst for real this time. I just wasn't feeling it. But I kept my fake smile on. We were halfway to Sixth Street before I finally tuned in to the conversation between Ray and Nathan.

"Ray, you really should come back to the hotel. We're supposed to fly back to New York tomorrow. Start work on the new album." Nathan was working his cell phone and his BlackBerry. He'd been very pleased with the concert and had been rattling off numbers like gate receipts and percentages. You see why I'd tuned him out?

"Cancel my flight. I'm staying in Austin for a while." Ray hugged me close, like I was the reason for the change. Good acting. I wondered why he hadn't tried Hollywood.

"You sure?" Nathan poured himself a large Scotch, then looked at us. We both shook our heads. "We've got the studio all booked, Ray, you know that. It'll cost a fortune to reschedule. Besides, the band's psyched, that new song's being scored-"

"Cancel it all, Nate. Maybe I'll look for a studio here. Austin's a great music city. I like the vibe here." Ray actually kissed the top of my head. "I'm not saying it's a done deal, but I'm keeping my options open."

Nate drank half his scotch before he spoke. "Sorry, man, but I don't see it. You can get pussy-" He was wearing the rest of his drink and Ray had Nathan's shirt in his fist before he could finish his sentence. "Respect the lady, Nathan, or you can get the hell out of the car and walk."

"Hey, ease up, man. I'm sorry. You caught me off guard or I never would have gone off like that. Glory, excuse me." Nathan's face was flushed. "I'm

Ray released him. "You should be. You don't like my choices, you pull me aside later. We don't do this in front of the women. Ever."

"Yeah, Ray. Right. Out of line. Totally." Nathan answered his phone, sliding as far away to the other side of the limo as he could get to talk.

Ray looked at me. "I believe that's what Valdez wanted. Right?"

"Yeah, but he's not here. And I won't tell on you, Ray." I'd hoped it was what Ray
, but I guess that had been too much to expect. He obviously didn't figure a vampire could
a lady. He really was a hell of an actor. Nathan had bought every word.

"We're here." Nathan snapped his phone shut. "Can I call you in the morning, Ray?"

"No." Ray started to open the door.

"Man, don't let this ruin our friendship. I said I'm sorry. I guess I'm tired. It's been a long road trip and there've been lots of . . ." Nathan didn't say it but his meaning was clear. Women. "Anyway, I had no idea you were getting serious so fast. But if you're happy, bud, I'm happy."

"No, Nate, it's not that. I mean, I'm happy, sure. But-" Ray stopped and ran a hand over his eyes. "Call me after sunset. We're both tired. Maybe we're getting old." He poked Nathan on the arm. "We'll touch base tomorrow night. After I sleep all day. You know we'll always be tight. What do we say? Sorry, Glory, but women come and go, friends are forever." I smiled at Nate. Little did he know that Ray really would be forever while he . . . I'd lost more mortal friends than I could count. It came with the territory, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Poor, clueless Nate just smiled back.

"Gee, Glory, you're taking this really well, most women shoot me the finger when Ray says stuff like that."

"What can I say? I'm a lady?" Then I stepped out of the car. Every swear word I'd ever heard in every language I'd never learned came to mind. The paparazzi had camped on my doorstep, and a million flashes went off in our faces. Women screamed Ray's name and I braced myself for a rain of undies again. Cheapskates. I knew discount-store bikinis when I caught them. They'd bought these in the bargain pack. And the sizes! One look at this crowd and I could tell there wasn't one butt that could squeeze into the tiny panties being launched like missiles at Ray's head.

He just laughed and batted them away like pesky mosquitoes. When he accidentally caught one, the crowd moaned in ecstasy. Poor Buster and Sam did their best to keep the crowd back. Sam took a hard hit from a black satin bustier that could have fit a cross-dressing linebacker. It was all he could do to stay on his feet. Then a really nice black lace thong hit Ray's left ear. I tucked that one in my purse. Hey, it'll wash.

I did what Ray had told me to do, holding on to his arm and smiling like I didn't have a care in the world. At the door, while I punched in the code, he surprised me by turning to field a few questions.

"Who's the babe, Ray?"

"Glory St. Clair." He spelled it for them.

Everyone wrote it down.

"Ms. St. Clair, are you the owner of this store here?"

Okay, business first. It looked like someone had been doing homework.

"Yes, Vintage Vamp's Emporium. I sell vintage clothing, antiques and collectibles." Another big smile while I held the door ajar. A red bikini hit the door and I kicked it in. I'd check the label later.

"You planning to stay in Austin awhile, Ray?"

Ray took the door and looked down at me. Close up, I could see he wasn't exactly thrilled, but reconciled to the near future.

"Yeah, I figure I'm here at least until New Year's Eve."

"Give your lady a kiss, Ray. Something for the cover."

I didn't know whether to be grateful or furious. But Ray is media savvy and tabloid covers must be near and dear to his heart. Before I could dash inside, he leaned down and planted a big wet one on my open mouth. Oh. And oh. And um. And ah. Just when I'd decided the cover would have to be X-rated, he eased us both inside the building and slammed the door shut. I was still dazed when I noticed him scrubbing his mouth on the bottom of his T-shirt.


"I can't believe I did that."

"What?" My vocabulary was now one word.

"Kissed a freakin' vampire. I swear to God I could feel your fangs."

"I didn't ask you to stick your tongue in my mouth, Ray." I stomped ahead of him up the stairs, fighting tears and pretending that the star of my fantasies since he'd first sung "My Own True Love" hadn't just shaken me to my toes.

"Reflex." Ray stomped right behind me. "God, I hate how I just went off on my best friend. Hell, I hate the whole friggin' thing. We're freaks, lady. You, me. Freaks with fangs. And now I can't even wash the taste of you out of my mouth with a decent drink." I stopped at my door and turned to face him. "All right, listen. I guess I should be honored, you being the legendary Israel Caine and all. But, honey,
. Not only that, but judging by the bulge pushing against your zipper, you didn't exactly hate it." Ray looked down. "Get real. That's just another reflex. Happens with any woman who's got the necessary equipment."

"Nice, Ray. Real nice." I fumbled in my purse for my keys, then unlocked the door. Valdez took one look at my face and growled at Ray.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"Just told her the truth."

"Which is?"

"I don't want to be a freakin' vampire. You hear me?" Ray slammed out of the room. I heard him open the refrigerator, a stream of profanity chronicling his realization that there was only one choice he could make in there. He came back with a bottle of my old Fangtastic. Like at least that was a different brand from the one I'd given him. He sat on a chair, so I couldn't get close to him, I guess, and opened the bottle. Then he just stared into it.

"How was the concert?"

We both shrugged.

"Come on, now, Glory. An Israel Caine concert? Surely there's something to talk about. I've been stuck here all night with
nothing to do but lick my

"Simon showed up."

"The hell you say."

Israel finally took a sip of his drink and made a gagging noise. Valdez and I ignored him.

"He wants to hook up with Lucky. Figures the EVs could get into loan sharking. Seems like a good fit to me." Valdez chuffed.
"Those two probably deserve each other."

"He said he was a drug dealer. Nice friends you got there, Glory." Ah. Israel decides to enter the conversation.

my friend. But I told him I'd hook him up with Lucky, Valdez. He's going to help me find her killer. It's a win-win." I finally looked at Israel. He'd conquered his revulsion and was drinking the Fangtastic now. "I know you don't care about this, but Lucky's father is offering a reward if we can find out who attacked her. I could use that money." Ray tipped his bottle at me. "Good luck. I wish to hell you'd left her to bleed out. Then maybe my life wouldn't be in the crapper."

"Glory was a hero that night. You shoulda been there. We didn't know we was savin' a psycho."
Valdez lay at my feet in a show of solidarity. I pulled off my boots, then rubbed his head with my toes.

"Thanks, puppy. But I guess I understand your attitude, Ray. You want to tell us about your history with Lucky? Or did you really just dump her because you were an immature jerk and deserve all this payback?"

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