Read Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World Online

Authors: Jane McGonigal

Tags: #General, #Technology & Engineering, #Popular Culture, #Social Science, #Computers, #Games, #Video & Electronic, #Social aspects, #Essays, #Games - Social aspects, #Telecommunications

Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World (58 page)

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games in alleviating of
low-engagement activities and
dice games
discovery work
distributed computing initiatives
Donath, Judith
Dorsey, Richard
EA Sports
EA Sports Active
ecosystems thinking
Edelman, Joe
Einstein, Albert
Eklund, Ken
Ekman, Paul
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
emotional activation
feedback systems and
fiero in
as fix for reality
game design and
intrinsic rewards of
state of flow and
of working at limit of abilities
energy crisis
games as sparking creativity and activism in
online conservation games for
environmental crisis
epic scales as fix for reality
of game context
of game environments
of game projects
of global collaboratories
of “god games,”
intrinsic rewards in
massive collaboration in
of Neolithic-era environments
in sports genre
of world-changing massive collaboration projects
epic wins
in social participation games
eustress (positive stress)
Evans, Simon
Evokation Station
experience sampling method (ESM)
Extraordinaries, The
extrinsic rewards
Fahey, Rob
feedback systems
ambient avatar
in crowdsourcing projects
intensity of
leveling up in
in massive collaboration projects
phasing as form of
positive failure in
potential downfalls of
in real-life activities
three types of
festivals, game
First Aid Corps
flexible optimism
flow, state of
Fold It!
food crisis
forecasting games on energy crisis
on food supply issues
long-term thinking in
optimism in
organizing planetary change in
as raising public awareness
on refugee crisis
social innovation skills in
strategies for keeping players engaged in
superstructures invented in
worst-case scenarios imagined in
see also
world-changing games
Free Rice
Friedman, Thomas
Friend, Tad
fun failure
game communities
collaborative culture in
collective intelligence in
creating of
in crowdsourcing and massive collaboration projects
discussion forums in
user profiles in
game consoles
Game Developers Conference
game industry and design
addiction dilemma and
collaboration innovations in
emotional evolution of
epic aesthetics employed in
growth of
positive psychology and happiness engineering in
gameplay emotions
ambient sociability and
awe in
empowerment in
eustress in
fiero in
in fun failure
happy embarrassment in
hard fun and
industry research on
neurochemical reactions in
relentless optimism in
satisfying work in provoking of
state of flow in
vicarious pride in
see also
emotional activation
gamer regret
addiction of
collaboration skills and superpowers of
creative abilities of
cultural bias against
diverse demographic of
Einstein as
emotional advantages and skills conferred on
epic wins of
fun failure of
growing numbers of
helpful behavior displayed by
interest in music of
“mass exodus” of
neurochemical reactions in
planet craft skills of
problem-solving abilities of
real-world causes taken up by
ten-thousand-hour theory and
as valuable source of participation bandwidth
volunteering by
Gobekli Tepe
“god games,”
good game community
good game mechanics
Google Apps
Google Docs
graveyard games
Greece, ancient
Guitar Hero
Gupta, Vinay
Halo 3
collaborative creation system in
collaborative knowledge projects in
epic context of
epic environment of
Hand, Nathan
ARGs for adopting habits of
four secrets to making of
in hard and satisfying work
in hard fun vs. relaxing fun
neurochemistry in
prosocial emotions and
state of flow and
in wholehearted participation
see also
positive psychology
happiness activities
dancing as
games for participating in
neurochemistry in
see also
intrinsic rewards
happiness hacks
Happiness Myth, The
happy embarrassment
hard fun
Hawkins, Robert
health care games
Hecht, Jennifer Michael
hedonic adaptation
Hersman, Erik
Hide & Seek Weekender festival
high ping quotient (high PQ)
high-stakes work
Howe, Jeff
How of Happiness, The
Huizinga, Johan
human intelligence tasks (HITs)
in citizen science research projects
in Investigate Your MP’s Expenses
Independent Television Service (ITVS)
in-flight games
injury and illness recovery games
Institute for the Future (IFTF)
Ten-Year Forecast of
International Olympic Committee
crowdsourcing projects on
discussion forums on
game-learning resources on
see also
online games; social networks
intrinsic rewards
extrinsic vs.
four categories of
of wholehearted participation
see also
Investigate Your MP’s Expenses
jen ratio
Johnson, Clay
Johnson, Simon
Juul, Jesper
Keltner, Dacher
Keyes, Corey Lee M.
Koster, Ralph
Lazzaro, Nicole
Left 4 Dead
Leith, Sam
leveling up
in alternate reality games
in educational programs
in massive collaboration projects
life-management ARGs
Little Big Planet
live event ARGs
location-based games
Long Game
long-term thinking
Lost Joules
Lost Ring
chaotic storytelling in
Codex of
collective intelligence and knowledge-sharing in
global cooperation in
massively distributed content in
strategies for inspiring global cooperation in
Luce Foundation Center for American Art
Lyubomirsky, Sonja
MacShane, Denis
Mann, Merlin
Maslow, Abraham
massive multiplayer games
massively multiplayer collaboration projects
massively multiplayer foresight
see also
forecasting games
massively single-player online games
phasing in
resource building in
satisfying work in
social connections and rewards in
Wikipedia structured as
see also
crowd games; online games
Maxis Software
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Mechanical Turk
M.I.N.D. Lab
mobile phone games
closing generation gap with
as creating communities in real-world spaces
for developing countries
as motivational platforms for challenging hobbies
for social innovation
as social motivation platforms
of social participation and volunteer work
Molyneux, Peter
Moses, Edwin
mutual regard
narrative ARGs
NCAA Football 10
negative stress
Neolithic era
Nesse, Randolph
Never Saw It Coming
New Games Book
New Games movement
New Stone Age
Nobel Peace Prize
O’Donnell, Martin
Olympic Games
organizational ARGs
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
participation bandwidth
gamers as valuable source of
party games
Pearsall, Paul
Persuasive Games
Peterson, Christopher
Pew Internet & American Life Project
Piazza, Alberto
pilot experimentation
planetary simulation games
planet craft
PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Pleasures of Sorrow and Work, The
(de Botton)
Polack, Trent
Popović, Zoran
positive psychology
positive stress (eustress)
postconcussion syndrome
posttraumatic bliss
Prensky, Marc
prosocial emotions
protein-folding games
Putnam, Robert
Quest to Learn
Reiss, Allan
resource building
Rigopulos, Alex
Robertson, Margaret
Rock Band 2
Rock Band
role-playing games
leveling up in
satisfying work in
rules, as game trait
Salen, Katie
Sameshima, Pauline
satisfying work
actionable next steps in
ARGs as turning real world tasks into
blissful productivity of
in casual games
clear goals in
in crowdsourcing and massive collaboration projects
“endgame” payoff in
as fix for reality
in games vs. work in reality
guarantee of productivity in
intrinsic rewards of
leveling up in
as pushing to limit of abilities
resource building in
in social network games
types of
unnecessary obstacles in
Schwartz, Aaron B.
Season Showdown
Secrets of the Ancient Games (podcast series)
seed ATMs
self-help paradox
Seligman, Martin
Selvadurai, Naveen
SETI@home (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at home)
shared intentionality
Shirky, Clay
Shop Class as Soul Craft
Simon, Nina
Sims 3
single-player games
casual games as
smart meters
Smithsonian American Art Museum
social connections
ambient sociability and
ARGs and
closing generation gap in
combating loneliness with
community-building games and
in crowd games
in crowdsourcing and massive collaboration projects
eye contact and touch in strengthening of
as fix for reality
forging new relationships vs. strengthening of existing
intrinsic rewards of
introverts and
in massive multiplayer games
in mentoring
in party games
prosocial emotions and
social conjunctions and
BOOK: Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
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