Read Reaper Inc. Online

Authors: Thomas Wright

Reaper Inc. (14 page)

BOOK: Reaper Inc.
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"To what
end do they work?"

"My guess
is the perpetrators have many deceptions in play. One of which is keeping the
possibility of a Cjittan invasion from the Alliance worlds. They have tried to
erase or undermine the information since the attack by the Cjittan at Hyson.
The ship we helped escape was at Hyson and carried many of the survivors. They
are all witnesses and the Colonial Navy under orders from Military Intelligence
was trying to take them into custody."

"It is
disturbing news, Benjamin. I will talk with Alona and see what she has to say.
Nedra, bring in Benjamin’s gifts."

Nedra walked in
carrying two crates. She sat them down and pried open the top. The emperor
stood next to Ben and the others all crowded in to see what she was unpacking.

She handed the
smaller item to the Emperor first. Ben saw a belt made of black webbing with a
long knife sheath hanging from it. It was too long to be called just a knife
and too short for a sword. The knife handles were a polished black material and
beautiful. The emperor pulled it from the sheath and the blade was a polished
black metal. The blade was curved much like E'Aria's short fighting swords.
Perfect for slashing. He handed it to Ben who felt its heft and balance. It
felt perfect to him. The emperor handed him the belt and sheath.

The Emperor
said, "Put it on, you will need both hands free for the next one."
Ben smiled and slid the belt around his waist. The next item was something
special. A two-handed battle axe made from the same black material. The cutting
edge was a wicked curve, about fourteen inches long with a round, pointed spike
gracing the top and a curved, flat double-edged blade with a wicked point eight
inches long on the back.

The emperor
hefted the axe and turned it over a couple of times in his hands, admiring it
before handing it to Ben.

"Both of
those are made from the same material that a battle cruiser hull is made from.
An additional alloy was added then it was submerged in a chemical bath that
gave it the black coloring. As long as you use them on flesh and bone, they
should stay sharp well into your old age.

sheath for the axe is unique in that you can set it so the shaft will drop into
your waiting hand. Then you just pull it free. Slip it on your back and Nedra
will adjust it."

"Hold your
arms at your side, Ben. The speed it drops out and into your hand is
adjustable. We will set it slower and increase it as you practice with
it." It was a lightweight frame covered in a leather-like substance. There
were holes up the middle of the shaft and a larger hole in the head for weight
reduction. The handle had no covering but the steel had an intricate design set
deep into the handle for grip. The design became shallower as it followed the
shaft flowing around the circles. It ended in a copy of his chest plate; the
hooded grim reaper skull on the larger flat side of the axe head.

Ben was at a
loss for words. He turned the axe over in his hands looking at every detail,
studying it. He felt the silence and looked up to find everyone staring at him,

you! Your Highness, I am at a loss for words. It is a magnificent weapon."

"It is
based off of a weapon that was used roughly two thousand of your earth’s years ago.
Our weapons masters have kept copies of all the designs for the last ten

Ben looked
again at everyone, his thoughts focused on a new subject. "I have often
thought about my life and the events that have occurred. I feel there are
answers to the questions I have waiting out there for me from people who I have
yet to meet. Right now, this second, I have a chance to ask a question and that
is why? Why have you given me a starship? I cannot fathom the reason, and now
more gifts that I feel I have done nothing to warrant them. I mean no
disrespect, Highness or to the rest of you. I would find it hard to walk out of
here wearing these not understanding their meaning."

Ben could hear
a number of the watchers make some form of noise. He glanced at the prime
minister and Captain Dakkon who still smiled. The general was the first to

"Do you
decline the gifts given to you by our Emperor and insult him in all of our
presence?" Ben looked at the emperor who had his poker face on, then to
the general.

Raza, I did not say I wouldn’t accept them. There are many true stories amongst
my people about gifts given sometimes for seemingly no reason but in the end,
there was a catch, an ulterior motive."

accuse our emperor of a deception? I should kill you right now."

this is why you and I are not politicians. We are out of our league when it
comes understanding the workings of those in power over us. I do not accuse or
imply anything, I just seek knowledge and to know my part. I am not a lover of

Minister Jinwasys said, "General, we have witnessed Benjamin as have you
display courage and honor while facing death. You sent him weaponless to find a
child and he returned with one. Fighting a beast off with stones and small
knife. Why did you not go yourself, General Raza?"

"Are you
questioning my honor, prime minister?" The General's deep voice boomed.

The emperor said, his voice even and stern.

Ben said,
"I am sorry, your Highness. I should have known the question would cause a
problem. I only wanted to know if there were strings attached or an obligation
that I could possibly not fulfill."

Benjamin. You can thank the general actually. His actions put an invited guest
in danger, you should have not been involved regardless of what the general and
the Princess Aok decided. These weapons carry the Imperial seal and can be
carried anywhere in the Allond Empire. You do not have to surrender them at
anytime. The general and I will speak later of your place in our society. The
ship was a gift at the urging of my brothers. It had been intended for the
chosen leader of the Allith but they refused our offers. My brothers felt they
saw something in you and I begin to understand. Your standing is a Ally of the
Empire. You may travel through our Empire with no fear. That I may seek your
council on occasion is the only string attached."

you, your Highness. I may want to stay and explore your world and your empire.
Does the offer hold to my crew?"

course, although you are responsible for their actions which I am sure you are
already." Ben secured his weapons and Nedra finished the demonstration.
Tensions had returned to normal.

The emperor
said, "Let us join the others in the reception. Benjamin, Nedra will take
you and the colonel as well as the captain. The rest of you stay and accompany
me. We will be along in a few moments."

Ben walked in
silence. Three Allond females glanced at him as they walked. Questioning the
emperor was not something that happened every day. Nedra felt the emperor had a
plan that involved Ben but was not ready to talk with him about it.

The great hall
had a large buffet set up. Ben stared in wonder at how many different races of
aliens were present. He looked for E'Aria or anyone from the crew but there had
to be five hundred bodies milling around.

are you? I am by the entrance with three Allond females."

course you are, you should mingle. Lorelei and I have dates for later for the
formal announcements and are busy right now."

"Ok, I
will see you later. I am going to my apartment."

can't. I am sure there are guests here who will want to meet you."

they are familiar with disappointment, if not I’ll introduce them to it"

"Thank you
Nedra but I am still a bit tired from the trip and having a gunship beat on me.
I am going to my apartment to rest."

"But it
has just started, later there is a formal reception."

"Yes, I
know. I hope the three of you enjoy yourselves. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t
do." Ben turned and walked out. It was not hard getting back to his room.
He really was tired and they had just arrived. He didn’t want to retell the
stories to every Tom, Dick and Harry who pretended to be interested.

Ben locked the
door and removed his battle axe, followed by the belt and long knife. He
removed his boots and armor and hung it up. He took off the thermal suit
leaving only his boxers. There was a very large rug in the area that
represented a large sitting room. Ben pushed the chairs and tables off of it
and began to stretch. After a few minutes, he put the battle ax back on and
cinched it up tight.

He had decided
to practice catching it on release and swinging it up into a two-handed stance
with the point targeting the opponent. He moved in exaggerated slow motion trying
to get a feel for the weight and balance; he didn’t want to accidently cut his
own leg off. He would access instructions on fighting with it tomorrow on the
ship using the gym there. He knew no one would be around.

He moved around
the room in a pair of boxers holding the axe with two hands spread about two
feet apart. He was imagining how he would use it if he fought someone with a
sword. Blocking then kicking or kneeing then two-handed swings in a figure
eight motion. It had turned into a workout as he pushed harder. Movement caught
his eye as he looked over to see Nedra, E'Aria and Alona watching him. Instead
of stopping, Ben went towards them, never missing a beat swinging the axe; he
never changed his expression just advanced. They backed out quickly, E'Aria
screaming in his head, Nedra and Alona eyes wide. He slammed the door and
propped a chair against it instead of locking it. Evidently, they could
override the lock.

He walked to
the shower taking his axe with him ignoring the knocking and yelling. Nedra
spoke into her com and waited.

"He is in
bathroom. I believe in the shower."

"You have
surveillance in his room?" Alona asked.

"In every
room, Prime Minister, but they are not being monitored unless there is reason.
Do not ask me anything else about it as it is not my decision."

"I am
going back!" E'Aria said, still mad.

"You and
the prime minister go, I will wait on him and have the guards drag him if
necessary," Nedra said.

Alona replied.
"Not advisable Nedra. Dear, just have patience."

Ben was out of
the shower three minutes later and the knocking on the door started again. He
ignored it and knew he was being watched, otherwise why would the knocking
start just when he came out of the bathroom. He didn’t sense E'Aria out in the
hall. He began to dress and decided he would stay on the Claymore.

Moving the
chair, he opened the door. Facing him was Nedra and three Allond palace guards.
He pushed the release and swung the axe up, stopping an inch from her face.

now!" Ben growled.

presence is requested at the reception. The Emperor has assured the requester
of your presence at this time." The guards were getting impatient and
angry. One started to move forward and Ben pulled the long knife pointing it at

"Are you
good enough? Another step and we will find out."

please, the Queen of the Cjittan has arrived at the reception and is asking for

Really? She couldn’t talk to someone else. She has to know someone there at the

Nedra asked again, pleading. Ben sheathed his knife and axe.

"Get rid of them. I am not
going to be escorted in under guard." He looked at the guards. "Get
out of my way." He walked towards the guards, giving them only a second to
move out of the way.

Chapter 18


Nedra led Ben
through the crowd. It was obvious where the queen and her entourage happened to
be. The wings of a beautiful giant moth were moving slowly up and down almost
silently compared to the on and off buzzing of the wings of a giant wasp which
was about every ten seconds. Ben wondered which one of the two was the queen.
Guests moved out of their way as they saw the warrior in black and the handle
of the battle axe a foot above his shoulder. It didn’t take too long to get
within 20 feet of the giant insects. Ben thought the queen would be telepathic
and would have said something by time he was within ten feet. He chose the
moth, hoping the beautiful creature was the correct choice. He removed his
gloves hoping his bare hands might not be intimidating. Maybe it was a good
call; the moth stepped forward.

Ben wasn’t sure
what would happen so he held his ground. He could see his reflection in the
large black eyes as he looked up. The moth dipped its head and gently bumped
Ben in the chest. It had a soft, wheat-colored fur. Ben reached out and
scratched it between the eyes. A long tongue unrolled and wrapped around his
other hand. There still was no communication, if the others could communicate
why couldn’t this one? He looked at the wasp the size of an elephant and moved
in front of it. He considered putting his gloves back on. The wasp seemed to
get agitated and the wings buzzed about every three seconds now.
. ."

Ben heard the
crowd backing away, the sound of shoes, boots and feet moving quickly. It
didn’t look like he was going to get a love bump on the chest from this one. He
was hoping it wasn’t the queen because he was about to punch her between the
eyes instead of a friendly scratching. The head came down with its maw already
making chewing noises. Ben waited and slapped the side of its mouth then
punched it between the eyes.

Ben yelled and held his arm out palm up. The wasp came in again and he slapped
the other side punching it again between the eyes.

Ben yelled over the constant buzzing of the pissed off wasp.

"Which one
of you is the queen? I am hoping it’s you." Ben turned towards the moth.

A voice said.
"It is neither of them." Ben turned to find the emperor and a half
dozen Allond he knew and someone he didn’t. The Allond were all smiling, Nedra
was behind everyone hoping Ben hadn’t seen her. The person directly in front of
him was out of ancient history.

may I present Queen Tazleaha of the Cjittan. Ben didn’t know where she was standing
when he walked up to the insects. He must have had tunnel vision not to see the
gold and silver armor and the long platinum hair. She was as tall as him, with
angular features and large black eyes and porcelain skin. She wore a metal
helmet that wrapped around her face with two fins on top. A high metal collar
protected her neck while the shoulders, elbows, and knees all had sharp spikes.
The upper torso, arm, and shin guards had the look of scales carved throughout.
She wore a long crimson cape that fell to about an inch off the floor. She
could have fit into many different ancient earth cultures. Ben didn’t believe
in any gods but he had read and liked military history which also touched on
the religious beliefs of the different periods.

Next to her was
a being as tall as an Allond pushing seven plus feet and every inch the look of
a killer. Its purple and black skin, sharpened teeth and horns flowing to the
rear was also right out of religious history. There was no tail or pitchfork,
just a very pissed off expression. It wore leather-like armor minus boots or
gloves. It had three-toed feet and three-fingered hands with wicked claws. No
one introduced it.

Ben figured to
push his luck and instead of greeting the queen, he stepped up to the demonoid.

Ben asked.
"What is your name, big guy?" No one spoke and it became very quiet.
"If I offended you then I am sorry, but if you’re just permanently pissed
off at the universe like me then I can respect that and we can give each other
some space."

believe he is the latter."
Ben turned to look at the Queen who was
actually smiling.

"Did he
understand anything I said?"
Ben remembered to add,

"No he
didn't, he believes you gave us insult by greeting our mounts first."
couldn’t hear her voice but she was still smiling and amused. Another telepath
it just keeps getting better.

"I am
sorry. Would you convey that I thought your mounts were so magnificent I
couldn’t help but look at them while I waited for you to finish your discussion
with the emperor."

the emperor and I were waiting on you."

he know that? Can he follow your conversations?"


"Ok, so
can you help me or am I going to get my new axe dirty?"
Ben smiled at
her hoping she could see he was still trying to work something out. Everyone
standing around them wasn’t sure what would happen next. They knew there was
communication between Ben and the Queen by their facial features. The queen
confronted whatever it was and sent it over to calm down the wasp who was still
slightly irritated. She turned and got right in Ben’s face.

Queen Tazleaha
said, "I have been hearing about you for quite some time. First from the
Allith, then my ministers who have been missing, possibly dead and lately from
Emperor Xamand." Ben looked into her onyx black eyes. She was so close he
could smell flowers and honey. It made sense; she probably bathed in a tub of
pure honey.

"I do,
does the smell please you?" She spoke out loud and was smirking. She did
that on purpose. Ben looked around and they were all waiting on his reply.

"Sorry, I
am allergic to honey." He lied and was glad he had his helmet on. The
queen frowned but only for a second, then smiled again. "It is known that
if you receive small doses of what you are allergic to, over time the allergy
may go away."

it’s life threatening. Then you could break out in all sorts of nasty things
and you could stop breathing and die."

"Do I look
dangerous to you?"

"Yes. I
think you are the most dangerous being in this giant hall."

understand your meaning young one, and take it as a compliment."

Ben unsnapped
his helmet and took it off. He put his gloves inside it and looked for Nedra.
"Nedra, would your hold these for me or have someone put them in my
apartment. It is unlocked, no reason to lock doors around here." The
Emperor heard the comment and began staring at Nedra, who was trying to shrink
her seven foot frame down to three.
"Payback's a bitch,"

Ben looked
around the great hall. He could see there were some empty tables. "Your
Highness, I have news of your ministers. If you would like to sit down I will
relay to you what I know as of just over a week ago."

The queen
nodded then looked at the emperor. "Xamand, would you like to join us and
have your staff bring us some refreshment?"

"Yes Queen
Tazleaha, I would love to join you. Let us all sit, my servants will attend

E'Aria, Alona,
Emily, and Lorelei sat with the Emperor, Prime Minister Jinwasys, Captain
Dakkon, Colonel Dakkon and Captain Jinwasys. General Raza was last to sit and
he positioned himself so he could watch the Queen’s bodyguard.

"It would
be faster Your Highness, if I just showed you. Everyone here has heard the
story probably more than once. There are parts I do not wish to speak of if
that is acceptable." Before she could answer, E'Aria interrupted.

"Ben, I do
not believe that is a good idea. Just tell her and be done with it." The
Queen looked at E'Aria her, expression neutral.

"He has
offered to share with me young princess, and I am inclined to accept that offer.
Do not interfere." She put her hands out in front of her. "Take my
hands if you would, Benjamin." He put his hands in hers.

He felt her in
his head like she just rented it for the summer. She grabbed his earliest
memories, most of which were the loss of his family. Then growing up next door
to Emily, his first love. She slowed as she watched his enlistment in the
Colonial Marines and his many battles with the Allith, Pirates and at times,
Rebels who got out of hand. Then his discharge and life on Anubis.

She saw his
mundane life till Andrea came along and she saw for a second the love but now
replaced by pain and sorrow of more current memories. She saw a warrior who had
loyal soldiers who would follow him anywhere. A warrior with the qualities to draw
good people to him who die for him even though he put himself in danger more
often for his people. The rescue of E'Aria and the Trillonds from Hyson and the
miners as well.

Ben had his
eyes closed as she watched his life unfold. He made noises and yelled at times
like it was a dream. She found her way to his meeting the Allond and the
skirmish with the Allith on the ship and his giving of the sword to the
Captain. She looked at the emperor when she saw the gift of the Claymore and
nodded to him her approval. The arrival of her scout ships was of interest to
her. She saw how the advanced scouts of the horde attacked the ships and then
saw where Ben returned to rescue his mate. He killed some of her soldiers but
then he met the ministers who were with the advanced scouting party.

The Queen
slowed it down so she could hear her ministers and Ben speak to one another.
She saw his anger, not for her soldiers but his own soldiers as he went to find
them. For the scene in the hold, she slowed to listen to him as he one by one
threw their bodies to their deaths waiting below and at the same time, forming
a bond with her ministers for what they took as a kindness. She was not
interested in his life on Anubis with Andrea and the rest, so she sped through
to their departure and again found him ensuring help to his friends in the

Now she arrived
at what he wanted to show her. The beacons on Hyson and her ministers and
soldiers. She saw his conversation with them and the battle with the young
spider. She looked at Ben’s chest and saw the scratches on the armor from the
spiders fangs. Then he did another kindness and wounded enough of the Allith
for her people to feed and survive. She would need to get a ship in to retrieve

The queen knew
she could stop at this point but she went ahead and saw the death of Andrea and
destruction of the gunboat. How his crew rescued them and then departed to
continue to Allond. His recovery was laced with anger and sorrow and blame. He
constantly blamed himself for all his losses; his family, his soldiers, his
mate. At the planet Lotham, he was sent weaponless to rescue a child in a
forest with large predators. Even when he should have killed the fat governor,
he walked away.

Ben had stopped
yelling about Andrea and had calmed down. He was sweating and his head lay
forward on their hands resting on the table. E'Aria was pissed and had to be
forcefully held by General Raza. Emperor Xamand knew Ben was in no danger other
than reliving his life in less than five minutes. If it would help to secure a
peace, then it was a small price to pay.

Queen Tazleaha
said, "Prime Minister Aok, it seems I have left some things on your planet
Hyson. Could you grant me permission to have them removed and brought home? I
will send a freighter not a warship to retrieve them. My freighter will have
some arms to defend against the small band of Allith that seem to call that
area home but nothing other than that."

Alona answered.
"With the emperor’s permission, I will send a communication to the fleet
when you provide the transponder code of your ship."

Ben had not
moved, his head still lying on his arm on the table. The queen, knowing or
unknowing, had begun to stroke his head running her fingers through his hair.
Everyone at the table noticed, some not so happy about the whole situation. The
Queen noticed the frowns and scowls and smiled.

"I know
you all now. I know what you mean or meant to him. I know his animal side that
just wanted to take some of you to his bed. His love prevented his lust from taking

I know how you
screamed Lorelei, as he cut your fingers from your hand because of the child
Natalia and his love for her like a father and Emily, who had to be popular and
in the end he protected you from your popular boyfriend. You knew he loved you
but he wasn’t good enough. Now you scowl at a queen who could order your body
ripped asunder in your next breath. Xamand, would you have them bring Benjamin
a strong drink?"

The queen
whispered a few words and was quiet for a second and Ben opened his eyes and
sat up. He looked at her first then looked around the table. No one spoke and
some tried to pretend like nothing had happened.

the queen said, "I will share my life with you when you are ready. I will
show you my life from a small child until now. I am far older than you so it
will take some time. It may even be terrifying at times but you should have no
pain watching, you are a warrior.

The servant
arrived with drinks for the whole table. Ben's had a clear liquid with
different fruits he had never seen before in it. He hoped they were fruits. He
plucked one out with his fingers and put it in his mouth. It was sweet, nothing
like he had ever tasted before. He took a slug from the drink and his eyes
watered. A warning label would have been nice. He sipped the next swallow. He
looked around the table and some of the tension he had felt earlier had drained
away. Some more of this alcohol and they would be dancing on the tables soon.

Food was
brought and Ben was happy to see the queen eating cooked meats, vegetation, and
fruits. He had another drink while he ate some roast animal. Food was taken to
the demonoid and the two large insects. Ben was on drink number three. The
general must have been feeling his liquor; he was bragging about all his personal
exploits to Alona, E'Aria, Emily, and Lorelei. He had Nedra next to him and
kept elbowing her to get her to agree thus solidifying his statement.

BOOK: Reaper Inc.
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