Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1)
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She wanted to yank that remote from his hand, but the thought flew from her head as she crossed the line from general enjoyment to impending orgasm. “Sir, please let me come.”

“Yes. Scream for me.”

The climax took her hard. She rocked into the butterfly, drawing it out for as long as she could. The vibrations decreased, but they didn’t disappear. She shot Theo a grateful look. He caressed her bare thigh, sneaking his hand under her skirt as he navigated the interchange that would take them from Brighton to Ann Arbor.

“Halfway home.” He slid a finger between the butterfly and her clit. The little nub retreated to hide from the overstimulation, but he chased it and massaged her swollen tissues, coaxing it back to the party.

Evidently satisfied with her progress, he withdrew his finger and turned up the rate of vibration. Darcy worked her hips back and forth, but this freeway had more traffic and fewer fields. Cars traveling with them distracted her. She shifted her position and wished for a blindfold to block out the extra stimulation. The links in the chain chimed with small pings every time she moved, further distracting from her goal. She rested her head against the seat and whimpered.

“Stage fright?”

She nodded. “I do better in public after a spanking or a whipping, but you already know that.”

His fingertips traced a path down her thigh to her knee. “We’ll get you over these hang-ups sooner or later, sweetheart.”

Perhaps if she weren’t so sexually frustrated right after having had an orgasm, she would have been able to appreciate his noble endeavor. The promise of experiencing a single tail for the first time backed just out of reach. She didn’t bother with an answer.

The speed of the vibrator picked up again, wringing a gasp from between her lips. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She conjured the image and the feel of Theo’s hand slapping the bare flesh of her ass as her pussy ground against his thigh.

A blessed climax loomed just ahead. “Sir, may I come?”


This one broke, smaller and fleeting, just as they passed under the sign that signaled the freeway split that meant home was seven minutes away. Without pausing to enjoy any aftershocks, she ground her pussy against the butterfly, thrusting with everything she had.

“I love the sight of you working so hard to please me. You’re a beautiful, sensual woman, and you deserve to have another orgasm. Come for me, my sweet Darcy.”

She loved the way he said her name. His low, breathy praise screamed sex and made promises that warmed her insides.

The car came to a stop in her driveway. Hidden between the vinyl siding of her house and her neighbor’s wooden privacy fence, she groaned her frustration and slumped forward. Her forehead banged into her knees. Nasty words rolled from her tongue as she vented.


Malcolm felt his brow lift as he gazed at the woman folded in half on the passenger seat of his car. He’d seen her on the verge of frustration once before, and her language had been foul then. Of course, that had nothing on the raunchy quality of the muffled curses filling the interior of his car. He cut power to the vibrator.

“Three. Motherfucker. Three. In an hour. With a vibrator. In public. What kind of fucking idiot does something like that?”

He pressed his lips together. He had zero problem with hearing her swear. She was welcome to vent her anger however she wanted. He did, however, have a distinct problem with being called names. Settling back, he waited patiently for her to finish her journey to a place where a modicum of calm existed.

After several minutes, she sat up. Her gaze locked on the small chain linking one cuff to the other. He wondered whether she blamed the cuffs, the presence of traffic, or herself more. As a Dom, he’d decided to help her conquer the fear of public scrutiny. She might be submissive, but he questioned whether she had actually ever admitted she couldn’t control everything.

It would take time, but he would earn her complete and total submission.

At long last, she turned those tear-bright baby blues on him.

“Are you finished?”

She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“I’m pleased you feel comfortable enough to lose your composure in front of me. However you have earned a punishment. I don’t take kindly to being called an idiot or a motherfucker.”

Color drained from her face, and her gaze turned introspective. He realized she hadn’t been completely aware of what she’d said. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

He lifted his chin in acceptance of her apology. “Let’s go inside.”

She grabbed the handle of her purse and pushed open the car door with surprising dexterity for someone not used to being bound. He hustled around to her side to help her out. While he wanted her to see that being bound didn’t necessarily translate into being helpless or powerless, the low carriage of a sports car meant she would have trouble getting out even without her wrists chained together.

“Thank you, Sir.”

He kept his arm around her waist, lending physical and emotional support all the way to the front door.

She fumbled in her purse for the key, but she found it before he could offer to help. She handled the door without incident. Once inside, he wrapped his hand around her upper arm and turned her to face him.

“Before I punish you, I want you to understand exactly why you’re being punished. I don’t punish for fun. I take great pride in giving my subs pleasure. I want to challenge you, push your boundaries. You want that too.”

He waited for her sign of agreement. She nodded, but her eyes narrowed. “How many subs do you have?”

“Just you.” He resisted the urge to smile at her small show of possessiveness. “And you agree that a spanking or a whipping isn’t something you consider a punishment.”

The small gleam of hostility left her eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

“Darcy, I welcome any honest emotion from you, but I will not tolerate disrespect. The things you called me were disrespectful. I’m sorry the challenge was too much for you. Having achieved two-thirds of my demand would have earned you a smaller reward. You were close to having that last one. Next time have patience.”

He would have helped her climax again. One pleading look and he would have been putty in her hands. Still flushed from her activities and a little red from her embarrassment, she presented a disarming, sexy figure.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

Pushing her bangs away from her eyes both sated his need to touch her and his need to provide comfort. Such a sweet and generous person would punish herself far more than he ever could. Part of the reason he needed her submission was so she would trust him to dish out the punishment, leaving her free to move on.

“Bend over and brace your hands on the third step.” He closed the front door to preserve her modesty. She bent, and he moved to stand directly behind. “Spread your legs wider.”

When she complied, he lifted the back of her skirt. She truly had a lovely ass. He could spend hours playing with it, and she would no doubt enjoy every single second. Right now his palm itched to spank and caress, but he had a punishment to deliver. After tucking his thumbs into the leg straps, he pulled the butterfly off and tossed it aside.

Reaching underneath, he ran his fingertip along her slit. She sucked in a sharp breath. He pushed his finger into her dripping vagina, and she dug her nails into the finish on the step.

“What color, Darcy?”

“Green, Sir.”

No hesitation. He smiled and extracted his finger. She whimpered. Digging a condom from his pocket, he ripped the foil with his teeth as he jerked open the fly on his pants with his other hand. This wasn’t the way he wanted their first time to happen, but finding a suitable light punishment for a Painslut wasn’t easy. Most subs would be adequately chastised with a spanking. Not Darcy. She found that to be a pleasant pastime, and he wasn’t the kind of man who liked to deny his sub anything she wanted.

“I’m going to fuck you, Darcy. You aren’t allowed to come. Do you understand?”

The answer came slower, resigned. “Yes, Sir.”

He fed his cock into her wetness. Her pussy gripped him and sucked him deeper. She gloved him like velvet heaven.

She bucked and thrust back, seating him fully inside. “Oh God!”

Her guttural exclamation hid his groan. She was so tight, and he realized he had to be her first sexual experience in almost a year. The knowledge combined with the heady effects of the intimate feel of her to rocket his control out of reach. He pumped into her and vowed not to punish her if she climaxed against his orders.

She moaned and clenched around his cock. His balls drew up, and he slapped her ass hard. She cried out, and her cunt quivered. Half of him wanted to send her over the edge, to make her come with him. The one shred of sanity in his brain arrested his hand just before he struck her again. If he made her fail at this, she would never forgive herself, and any progress he made with her would be erased.

“Theo, oh God, Theo.”

She stopped short of begging. He gritted his teeth. Her willingness to accept the punishment touched him to the core. With one hand, he grabbed a handful of hair and yanked her head back. With the other, he rained smacks over her ass. “Come, Darcy. Oh, sweetheart, come for me.”

The dam broke. Her body bowed, and she screamed. Her pussy seized around him, and the sharp edge of pain triggered the blinding white flash that came with his orgasm. Hot ejaculate filled his condom. He released her hair and grabbed the banister to stop from collapsing on top of her.

“Stay here.” He didn’t bother to check her response to his hoarse command. She wasn’t going to have the energy to move for a while. Drawing on his reserves, he disposed of the condom and washed his hands in her half bathroom.

When he returned, she had fallen to her knees, and her face rested on a smooth wooden step. Her arms, still bound, were folded under her body. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight. He flipped her skirt back down and scooped her into his arms. The sofa was only steps away, but it seemed miles. He flopped onto the cushion and held her tight against his chest.

He cradled her until they both returned to normal, stroking his hand along the length of her hair. Her breathing normalized, and she traced her fingertips over his lips. He closed his eyes to magnify the pleasure she gave with that gentle caress.


“M—” So great was his need to hear her say his true name that he nearly corrected her and blew his cover. He drew out the sound, hoping she took it as an invitation to continue.

“Why did you let me come?”

Without pausing the soothing aftercare, he shifted and lifted her chin. She pinned him with that brilliant blue gaze, and he felt that place deep inside him seize. “Did I get my point across? Did you feel suitably chastised?”

She searched his eyes as shadows danced behind hers. “Yes. I’m sorry, Theo. I sometimes have quite a temper.”

He chuckled. “I noticed. As long as you refrain from calling me names, I don’t mind your temper. I like your passionate nature. Never hide that from me.”

With that, he closed his mouth over hers and drank her addictive flavor.

Chapter Eight

Darcy set the freshly cleaned toys on a towel folded in half lengthwise on her dresser. After dinner but before he’d disappeared into the shower, Theo had laid out several items from his backpack. He’d brought the flogger he’d purchased especially for her, but he’d left it in the bag. On the dresser, she found a blindfold, a heater, two different paddles, and a crop. Several coiled restraints nestled neatly against the heater’s falls. The cane and the single tail he’d mentioned earlier were nowhere in evidence.

She smiled wryly as she realized he planned to keep those to dangle in front of her, carrots for future challenges. How in the world had he come to understand what motivated her so quickly? Though it hadn’t taken her much time to figure out her triggers, Scott had taken a lot longer. To be fair, Theo came to her with experience. If she had died and Scott had found another submissive, he likely would have seemed just as competent to his new lover as Theo seemed to her.

Shaking away the comparisons she couldn’t seem to stop making, she focused on the task at hand. Theo had asked her to lay out a few of her favorite toys. She’d chosen a powerful vibrator, a clitoral stimulator, several smaller vibrators, and a pair of clover nipple clamps that had real bite to them. She opted to keep the attachable weights in her toy box until she got to know Theo a little better. The anal plugs remained put away. She would eventually use them to push his boundaries, but they weren’t appropriate for their first real scene together. Everything up until now had just been foreplay.

She pulled back the covers and spread a large, soft towel over the sheet. Next she set several hand towels on the dresser near the toys and her preferred lubricant.

Large, hot hands closed over her shoulders. Darcy jumped. So occupied with her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the absence of running water in the next room. Theo pressed a kiss to her neck.

“We don’t have to do this if you’re not sure about it.”

While she appreciated his offer and his sensitivity to her emotions, she really, really wanted this scene to happen. In the past week, she’d felt so alive. Life had taken on a vibrancy she missed. Doing a scene with Theo would only enhance their relationship.

“I’m sure about this, Theo. I’m sure about you.”

He turned her to face him, and she realized he was completely dressed. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but to find him wearing everything but his shoes disconcerted her a bit.

Ignoring her surprise, he slid his hands to her waist and closed his mouth over hers. His tongue traced the seam of her lip as he licked his way inside. Anticipation turned to acceptance, and she melted, sagging against his solid length.

He pushed her away and helped her to balance under her own power. His fingertips skimmed over her cheeks and brushed her hair back from her face. “Tonight is about pleasure. I’m going to pleasure you, my sweet Darcy, and you’re going to pleasure me.” He traced his thumb over her brow and her lip. “Any questions?”

She shook her head, moistened her lips, and forced out a verbal response. “None, Sir.”

The hand that put her under his spell dropped away. He had yet to look at the selection she’d laid on the dresser. “I’m going to undress you. Your job is to not move unless I specifically tell you to.”

Coming from anyone else, that might have been a gentle reminder. Coming from Theo, Darcy knew it meant he was going to make it difficult for her to keep still. Her panties suddenly became uncomfortably wet. “Yes, Sir.”

Once again his lips captured hers. She struggled against the urge to tilt her head and part her lips to invite him in. He nipped her lower lip and feathered kisses over the small sting. Then his head tilted. He gripped her hair at the base of her neck and pulled her head back, lengthening and exposing the column there. The pattern of kisses, bites, and licks played down her neck to the hollow of her throat. A steady thrum heated her bloodstream, magnifying each tiny sensation. Then he reversed direction, discovering the sensitivity of her neck just below her ears on both sides.

Electric need zapped Darcy. She moaned, and her body swayed. Immediately she opened her eyes. She hadn’t realized they’d closed, and she needed her sense of sight in order to avoid moving without permission.

He released her hair slowly, and she returned her head to the facing-forward position, reasoning that when he’d ordered her to not move, her head hadn’t been tilted back. He smiled his approval and kissed the tip of her nose.

Keeping one hand on her hip, he rounded her body. His hands, palms open, fingers spread wide, glided over her hips to encompass her waist and press flat against her abdomen. Between that and the solid feel of his body against her back, he surrounded her completely, trapping her senses and shrinking her world to a bubble that included only the two of them.

He held her like that until a sigh of contentment escaped from between her lips. “”“”He slid his hands lower, finding the hem of her shirt and slipping them underneath to rest on her expectant skin. She liked the way he moved slowly, taking the time to establish his control of the scene. If things were left up to her, they’d both be naked and fucking as fast and hard as they had on the steps earlier.

The roughness of his fingertips came as a bit of a surprise. Then she remembered his love of solving puzzles, whether they involved numerical sequences or mechanical parts. Of course his hands would bear evidence that would whisper over her skin and raise gooseflesh.

“Like that?” His hot breath fanned just behind her ear, eliciting a shiver that caused her eyeballs to roll back in her head and her thighs to quiver.

“Yes, Sir.”

He lifted her shirt and tugged it over her head. In the brief moment the shirt took her vision, he whirled her body and moved her to a different place in the room. When the confusion cleared, she realized he’d moved her to stand in front of the mirrored closet doors.

Her reflection, wearing a pale peach lace bra and a navy blue miniskirt, greeted her rebalanced senses. Theo stood behind her, his appreciative gaze raking over her reflection.

His hand came up between them. A tug at the clasp, and her bra took a slow tumble to the floor. He cupped her breasts underneath, his tender hold turning hard as his caress continued upward and he mashed the pale globes against her ribs. The unexpected and controlled violence stole her breath.

When she tore her gaze away from what he did to her breasts, she satisfaction glittering from his dark eyes. The fact that he openly took pleasure in controlling her pain sent shock waves to her pussy. She squeezed her thighs together to capture the feeling.

“You’re ruining your perfect posture, sweetheart. I have a spreader bar in my bag if you need it.”

A threat disguised as an offer of help. She had expected him to be as clear and direct as he had been up until this point, not to veil his warnings. Still, it worked. She stepped her feet shoulder-width apart. The shock waves dissipated, but pleasure over his compliment kept the glow alive. At one point in her life, she’d practiced how to stand and how to kneel so much they became natural and effortless responses to domination. It looked like it was going to take some effort to reestablish those habits.

He pinched and rolled her nipples, a reward for correcting her mistake so quickly. Darcy moaned and bit her lip in her struggle to stay still. The shards of pain stabbing from her nipples to her pussy eased.

“Your lip, Darcy. What did I tell you about biting that lip?”

“I’m not allowed to inflict pain on myself. I’m sorry, Sir.” She wondered if he would take away anything from the whipping she hoped he planned.

“Are you nervous?” His brown eyes searched her face in their reflection.

“No, Sir. I’m just very turned on.” She grinned, trying to erase that line between his brows with reassurance. “Perhaps a good flogging would teach me a lesson?”

He smiled, and a short, low laugh rumbled out. “I told you tonight was all about pleasure. I’ll flog you, sweetheart. Have patience. This body is mine, and everything tonight happens on my timetable.”

She lowered her gaze, a little ashamed to realize she expected him to choreograph the scene exactly the same way Scott would. He had liked it rough and gritty. It was nothing for him to grab her hair, haul her across the room, and toss her on the bed or ram his dick down her throat. Theo’s approach was decidedly gentle, almost like he was making love to her. Scott had only been gentle when they had vanilla sex. With a start, she realized how thoroughly Theo had listened when she told him what she liked. He was combining all the things she had said she wanted.

Confusion wreaked havoc with her emotions. She breathed against the weight in her chest that had everything to do with her growing affection for Theo. As she wrestled for and won control, Theo waited patiently for her to return to him.

She lifted her gaze back to meet his in the mirror. “Thank you, Sir.”

“It’ll take time, sweetheart. There’s no shame in that.” At her nod, he smiled. “Give me your color.”

Her answer came out on a soft whisper. “Green, Sir.”

He lifted her hair and grazed his lips over the back of her neck. One hand remained on her breast, plucking and rolling her nipple. The dual sensations elicited two kinds of passionate responses. One sent a sharpness she craved through her body. The other filled her need for simple affection. Both kept her on edge, which, she knew, was exactly where Theo wanted her.

The kiss moved lower as he licked and feathered light touches over her back. Soon he knelt behind her. He slid her skirt over her hips and down her thighs. His lips and the gentle caress of his hands followed.

By the time he lifted her foot to completely remove the skirt, he’d lulled her into such a relaxed state that she couldn’t open her eyelids more than halfway. Her breasts were heavy with need, and her glistening vulva pulsed, pleading for attention. The scent of her arousal drifted up to tickle her nose.

He gripped her hips and licked the small of her back along her spine. When he stood, he had something long and white coiled in his hand. He held it in front of her. She started at the length of thick, twisted nylon rope. A few loops squeezed the middle of the circle together until it resembled a figure eight.

Trepidation made her wish they’d done this before dinner. If he tied her with that rope, nothing she did would loosen the bonds enough for her to slip free.

“Touch it.”

She lifted a trembling hand and ran her fingertips along the rope. The soft, smooth texture would slide sensuously against her skin without poking or abrading.

“There are many kinds of bondage, my sweet. This one doesn’t tether you to anything. It can, and once you’re used to it, we’ll explore that side of bondage. For now I want to show you how good it can be.”

He wasn’t exactly asking her permission, but she appreciated the explanation nonetheless. So far, he’d held down one of her wrists or cuffed them together. She wondered what he meant to do with the rope if he wasn’t going to tie her to anything.

With a tug, he untied the intricate knot holding the rope in its neat configuration. He measured off an arm’s length, and then he wrapped the rope around her rib cage four times. He messed around with it in the back, brushing his fingers against her skin as he looped and wove. When he returned to stand in front of her, she observed the intense concentration on his face.

By the time he finished, the rope covered her ribs and framed her breasts so that they jutted out and swelled with expectation. A pretty, perfectly symmetrical woven pattern crossed her sternum, squeezing her framed breasts together. More rope looped over her shoulders and between her legs, subjecting her labia to the same treatment as her breasts. Darcy’s sex organs felt heavy and full. Wetness dripped from her aching pussy. This wasn’t what she had imagined when Theo mentioned bondage.

Theo stood back and surveyed his work. He walked around her body, checking the angles. Darcy’s gaze was drawn to him almost as much as to the genius of his macramé bondage technique. He had used one length of rope on her entire body. Nothing poked into her uncomfortably. If anything, he’d created a feeling of sensual security.

Finally he pronounced judgment. “Not bad. You look amazing. Once you’re used to this, there’s so much more we can do. Of course, this corselet is one of my favorites. What do you think?”

The question hadn’t been expected. Her opinion shouldn’t matter. She stuttered a bit. “I—it’s comfortable. It makes me tingly.”

He kissed her, and while she enjoyed the kiss, her attention was drawn to how he held her tightly against his body. The dueling pressures created by his chest and the ropes made her breasts pulse and sent small shocks directly to her core. She moaned and whimpered, on the verge of begging for his touch. It didn’t hurt, but it provided some of that same sense of urgency, almost like it gathered and pooled her sexual energy.

Stepping away, his gaze traveled up and down her body, openly admiring his handiwork. “On your knees.” His voice had taken on a hoarseness that robbed him of volume but not authority.

Sinking to her knees had never felt so decadent. The ropes near her pussy tightened as she bent, emphasizing her need. If only one would roll to put some of that pressure on her clit.

But Theo had done his job well. Nothing moved.

His smile grew smug. Then he turned away and crossed to the dresser. When he turned back to face her, he had a blindfold in his hand. Without a word, he slipped it over her eyes.

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