Read Reckless & Ruined Online

Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Chicago War

Reckless & Ruined (33 page)

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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Alessa sighed, rocking her body into his thumb. “You’re going to make me come again.”

“That’s the plan. You’re not the only one who enjoys the show.”

“Mmm. Since when do you miss your alarm?” she asked, breathless and soft.

Since someone woke him up in the middle of the night and he had a hard time falling back to sleep. Adriano decided not to mention Damian’s presence the night before. It wouldn’t do any good except maybe put Alessa on edge.

“You woke me up, so that’s all that matters.”


Adriano thought about Damian’s demand. “I have to make a detour before taking you home today. That okay?”

Alessa swallowed a whine as a tremor rocked her thighs. “Perfect.”

“You sure? Your brother—”

“Yes. Abriella said Joel didn’t come home last night. Apparently he left a message saying he’d be back in the evening. I called her after I woke up. It’s only five.”

Adriano checked the clock, noting she was right.

“We have to get going,” he murmured.

“Not yet.” Alessa lifted off his body, held the base of his cock, and lowered down on his length with a slowness that was sure to kill them both. Her heat and tight channel hugged his cock in the best way. Fucking heaven. A wet, hot heaven. “Fuck, right there …”

He grabbed her waist and turned them around fast so Alessa was under him. Her legs spread wider, letting him get deeper with every hard thrust. She pushed her hands into his wild mess of hair and pulled, arching off the bed.

So beautiful.

One more wasn’t going to hurt anything.

A few more minutes wouldn’t kill anybody.

“Harder,” Alessa breathed. “Fuck me harder, Adriano.”

Sweet Christ.

“One more time,” Adriano mumbled. “And then we have to go.”

Alessa nodded, but her eyes were already dazed and her stomach clenched with her need to come. “One more.”




lessa melted into the bed, content and blissed. Adriano’s arm curved her lower back as he kissed a path over her sweaty cheekbone.

“God, don’t start us again,” Alessa warned, feeling out of air and hot at the same time. “I don’t know how to say no to you, Adriano.”

Adriano hummed against her shoulder, smirking wickedly. “It can’t be that late, Lissa.”


His hand slipped between her thighs, widening her legs without a word. Alessa found herself propped up to her knees, her face buried into the blankets, and Adriano behind her. His cock found heaven and home, driving her up the bed with the first thrust of his body against hers. He took her hard, rough, and fast. Deep, quick plunges that reached every possible inch it could.

Alessa felt him everywhere.

She fisted the bedsheets as he grabbed her hair and yanked her upward into his chest. The sting in her scalp was lovely. The sound of their flesh meeting was even better.

She was sticky.



She smelled like him and sex.

It was fucking wonderful.

Adriano’s mouth found her neck and his teeth marked her skin. It was enough to send her into another orgasm that left her drained of energy and gasping for air.

“Fuck, I love feeling you come,” Adriano growled into her ear. “So hot and tight, Lissa. And my name in your fucking mouth—nothing sounds like that.

He wasn’t the only one.

She felt his pace pick up, his body driving into hers even faster and harder.

“Come,” Alessa begged. “Let me feel it. I want to feel it, Adriano.”

He came with a thick groan, pushing them both down to the bed. Alessa felt his cock jerk with spurts deep inside her tender pussy, filling her full.

,” she breathed, happier under his weight. “So good.”

Adriano mumbled his agreement.

Alessa laughed. “We have to get up.”

“We will,” he assured. “But I like this.”


“Us. In a bed together. Nothing else matters. I like it.”

Alessa smiled into his arm as he rolled them over so she was tucked into his side. Adriano’s fingers ghosted down her arm before coming to a stop on her finger. Alessa stilled, remembering the piece of jewelry that should have been there but wasn’t because Adriano took it.

“How’d this go over?” he asked.

“No one has noticed yet.”

Adriano barked out a bitter laugh. “Seriously?”

“They’re all too focused on other things to be bothering with me. I’ve passed them by a lot over the last week. I’ll figure out something when they do notice.”

“Don’t let him put another one on there, Lissa.”

Alessa glanced up at him. “I don’t have a choice.”

Adriano’s gaze darkened. “I’m the only fucking man who gets to put something on that finger of yours. You’re mine, Lissa.”

Alessa wasn’t going to argue that fact.

“Promise me,” Adriano said quietly.

“I won’t let him put another one on me.”


“Because I’m yours.”




Alessa heard Adriano’s curse just as she closed the bedroom door.

“Uh, hey, Eve,” Adriano said loudly.

Alessa cringed.

Maybe their one more time had turned into two or three.

The small hallway that led out to the kitchen and living room of the loft apartment kept Alessa hidden well enough. She turned to go back into Adriano’s bedroom, but stopped when Evelina started talking.

“You are not nearly quiet enough, Adriano,” Evelina said.

Alessa’s cheeks turned pink at what Evelina implied.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Adriano muttered.

“Right,” his sister drawled. “Where is she?”

“I don’t know—”



Alessa walked out into view of the kitchen and leaned in the small entryway.

Evelina looked her over and nodded like she knew something was up. “You’re quite a sight this morning.”

Alessa shrugged. “Yeah, well …”

She needed a shower, a hairbrush, and a facecloth to clean the smeared makeup she sported. Alessa wished she could find it in herself to care about her appearance.

“Walk of shame,” Evelina said to Adriano. “I can’t believe you were going to let her leave here looking like she just spent the night with someone. Are you stupid?”

Adriano glared. “I didn’t want to wake you up.”

“And we have to leave soon,” Alessa added.

“Too late, I’m already up,” Evelina replied. “And seriously reconsidering staying here if I have to wake up like that again.”

Adriano cleared his throat. “Sorry.”

“You know what is sad about it all?”

“What?” Adriano asked.

“I wasn’t even surprised and I didn’t even have to wonder who it was you brought home. That … says a lot, Adriano.”

“We good?” he asked.

“We’re good. And of course, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

Alessa laughed under her breath. “Thanks.”

Evelina nodded at Alessa before pointing at the hallway. “I bet you know where the bathroom is. You’ll find what you need in there.”

“Five minutes,” Adriano said to Alessa.

She’d make it two.

With a detour still to take, they were running out of time.



“Stay put,” Adriano said. “I’ll be five minutes, maybe ten at the most.”

Alessa leaned over and kissed him quickly. It was only a quarter to eight in the morning. “I’ll be fine.”

“And quiet, huh?”

She got his point without needing to ask.

Dino DeLuca’s home and property rested just outside of the Chicago city limits on a private estate. After Adriano made a stop at a warehouse and came out with a black bag and no answers, he’d driven them straight to Dino’s place.

Or, it used to be Dino’s.

“I heard Lily got the house and property,” Alessa said.

“She did, apparently,” Adriano replied. “Theo picked up the businesses and some trusts. Dino had it all settled and ready. Odd how that worked out. Like he knew or something.”

“We all know, Adriano.”

“Hmm?” he asked.

“We all know it’s where we’re going to end up. Dead, I mean. It’s just a matter of when and how. I’m more surprised when a man in the mafia doesn’t have something set up in case of his death. Men like that think they’re untouchable. That’s a bad place to be.”

Adriano frowned in his seat. “That’s an awfully morbid way to look at it, Lissa.”

“I see it like it is.”

“And say it like it is,” he said.

Sometimes life was too brutal to think about it differently.

Alessa didn’t like to live in the clouds. Sometimes, when she was with Adriano, she found herself there all the time. High up, looking down. So high, actually, that nobody could reach him or her.

She knew that was wrong.

Somebody would reach them. They weren’t the untouchable ones.

“Hey,” Adriano whispered.

Alessa let him catch her chin between his forefinger and thumb. He turned her head so they could stare at one another. The flecks of color in his green irises drew her in like a moth to the flame. Fitting, since they were both waiting to be burned in one way or another.

“Hey,” Alessa said back.

“You’re a special kind of crazy beautiful. You know that, right?”

Alessa smiled. “I do now.”

“This is all going to work out, Lissa. You and me, it’ll work out.”

“I’d like to think so, but … more often than not, the bad guys win, Adriano.”

“We are the bad guys.”

Were they?

“As long as I’m bad with you,” Alessa said, grinning.

“Cute.” Adriano sighed, eyeing the quiet, large home. “This is just one more step in everything. One more goal to hit before we’re closer to the end.”

“I’m almost tired of running to it. Isn’t that what we’re doing; running?”

From responsibility, fears, and life. They ran. Maybe he liked to use the excuse that they were running toward something, but she figured they were constantly running away.

Adriano smirked. “Just keep running, Lissa.”

“Why should I do that?”

“I like the chase,” he said.

Alessa blinked, feeling his thumb roll over her bottom lip soothingly. “Love you.”

“Always,” he echoed. “I’ll be back in five, like I said.”

“Go. I’ll wait, Adriano.”

Adriano got out of the car, tossed her a wink, and closed the door. Alessa watched in the rear-view mirror as Adriano popped the trunk and pulled out the black bag. He didn’t even make it half way across the driveway before the front door opened to the large home. Damian Rossi stepped outside. The two men met one another in the middle.

Despite knowing better, Alessa rolled down her window to listen.

“That was quick,” Damian said.

Adriano shrugged. “I think we all have our reasons for wanting to get this done, Ghost. Better to do it fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid.”

Damian eyed the car, his gaze falling on Alessa. “Why did you bring her here?”

Alessa wasn’t offended by the question, but she had to admit, Damian could be a little intimidating. For the most part, the man stuck to the shadows and out of the spotlight.

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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