Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10) (17 page)

Read Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10) Online

Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Hostage Rescue Series

BOOK: Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10)
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Things had been going well between them lately. The counselor had suggested they go back to doing things they’d done early on in their relationship, to try and rekindle the spark they’d lost.

He’d come home one night last week to find two loaves of homemade banana bread waiting on the counter, the entire kitchen smelling like heaven. She knew it was his favorite, so she’d baked them before work and dropped them off on her way to the office.

That weekend he’d taken her hiking, to one of their favorite spots up in the hills of West Virginia. Today, he’d planned this. Normally the drive-in was closed for the winter but Christmas was right around the corner and the weather was good so the owner had advertised a Christmas-themed double feature to begin at dusk.

Sitting on the edge of the bed he’d made up for them, he began unlacing his boots and looked over at her. She was watching him, unmoving. A little stiff. He smiled to put her at ease. “You nervous?”

She flashed him a shy smile that hit him square in the heart and tucked a lock of hair beneath the knit cap she wore. “A little.”

“Don’t be.” He understood why she was nervous though. It had been a couple of months since they’d had sex last, and for various reasons it hadn’t been very good for her, despite all his efforts. She’d been too deep in her head, stiff, and hurting inside. He got the impression it had triggered a lot of stuff for her emotionally but she hadn’t said anything.

Since then she’d pulled back and they’d barely touched one another, with the exception of a few kisses and hugs over the past couple weeks.

That was all changing tonight if he had anything to say about it.

Hard as it was for him not to jump back into a sexual relationship with her—because he was dying to be intimate with his wife—he’d give her the time she needed.

In all honesty he was actually looking forward to this chance to ignite the fire between them once again. He’d begun to rebuild her trust in him brick by brick. He wouldn’t risk ruining everything now by rushing things.

Holding his hand out, palm up, he reached for her. “Come on.”

She looked at his hand for a moment, then put her hand in his, curled her fingers around his own. Just that simple touch meant so much to him. An unspoken show of trust that he wouldn’t have gotten a few months ago.

He tugged gently until she came down to kneel on top of the sleeping bag. “I won’t bite.”

Her cheeks turned even pinker and she grinned as she began to undo the laces on her running shoes. “I should warn you that I’ve been up since four and I worked really late last night. I might not make it far into the movie.”

“That’s okay.” The whole point of tonight was to reestablish the intimate bond they’d lost. As long as he got to hold her for a while, he didn’t care if she fell asleep.

The first movie was already starting, the audio coming through the open window at the back of the cab.

He pulled down the top sleeping bag and settled beneath it, his back against the pillows, held it up for her. Summer scooted in next to him and mirrored his position, close enough that their hips and thighs touched. Leaning over her, he tucked the sleeping bag around her and reached under to lace their fingers together.

Turning her head, she gazed up at him in the pale purple light, her gaze soft. “This is really nice. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Thanks for coming,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze.

Summer shifted closer and leaned against him, then rested her head on his shoulder. That simple gesture shouldn’t have affected him so much, but it did. Releasing her hand, he lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. She rewarded him with a sigh and snuggled closer.

As the opening credits rolled, he reached over and took out the bag of M&Ms, opened it and offered them to her.

She shot him a mock scowl. “You’re an enabler,” she told him, taking a fistful.

“They’re so little, they barely count in terms of calories.”

“Easy for you to say, with your muscle mass and the way you guys work out. You can eat five times what I can and never gain an ounce.” She popped a few into her mouth and sucked on them. She always ate them that way, sucking off the candy coating first, never crunching them.

Neither of them said anything for a few minutes but he could already tell that something was definitely different between them tonight. The lingering tension that had been present for so long wasn’t there. He felt utterly relaxed and at peace as he cuddled with her, and she seemed just as content to be here, pressed up against his side.

About half an hour into the movie, her head became heavier and heavier on his shoulder. He glanced down, found her eyes closed, lips slightly parted.

Adam stared. He’d always taken her for granted. He hadn’t meant to, he’d just…gotten lazy and assumed she’d always be there. Now he’d had months to wish he’d been more careful about that, wish that he’d been more supportive and understanding while she’d grieved for the children they’d lost.

He studied the sweep of her lashes, the freckles she loathed, and felt himself falling in love with her all over again. She was so precious to him. Smart and fiery and capable and independent. He loved a thousand little things about her.

Her eyes flew open when her head slipped a notch. She jerked upright, gave him a guilty look. “Did I fall asleep?”

He shook his head, lifted his hand to brush a stray strand of hair back from her cheek. “Just dozed a little.” She stilled at the touch, her eyes on his, but didn’t pull away. “You warm enough?”

“Yes. Can we lie down though?”

I thought you’d never ask.
“Sure.” He scooted down and adjusted the pillows so that just his head was propped up.

Rather than stretch out alongside him, however, she chose to sit between his legs and lay back against his chest. She tilted her head back to look at him. “This okay?”

“Yeah,” he answered, his voice sounding a bit strangled. In this position her ass was snuggled right up against his groin. That was all it took to make him hard. She didn’t seem to mind though, just sighed and settled her arms atop his, which he’d folded over her stomach.

He had no clue what was happening on the screen. All he could focus on was Summer, the feel of her and the warm, sweet scent of her perfume drifting up in the cold breeze.

He bent his head to inhale, his blood pumping hotter when she leaned up to press her temple against his mouth. Kissing her there, he followed the line of her cheekbone to her jaw, let his lips skim the sensitive flesh below her ear.

She shivered, tipped her head to the side to give him better access.

He took it. One hand coming up to cradle her jaw, he rubbed his nose and lips up and down the side of her neck. She made a purring sound and shifted in a purely sensual move that told him she was getting as hot as he was.

Then she surprised him by sitting up and turning around to straddle him, one knee on either side of his hips.

He didn’t dare say anything as she stared down at him in the light coming from the screen down the hill, her fingertips tracing the line of his nose, his jaw, his lips. He grasped her hand, held it while he kissed her fingertips, earning a secret smile from her that turned his heart upside down.

“I’m not really into the movie,” she confessed in a whisper.

“What movie?”

She laughed and framed his face between her hands, leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose, let her lips brush the edge of his mouth. “You’re still so gorgeous. Sometimes I can hardly believe you’re real,” she murmured. “And I’ve missed you. Missed this.”

A wave of raw emotion hit him. He tightened his arms around her back, pulled her closer with a groan. “Me too.”

And then she kissed him. A slow, sensual melding of lips that made arousal burst to life inside him. She teased him for long moments, building the anticipation, and he stayed still, one hand splayed between her shoulder blades as he waited to see what she’d do next.

Her tongue darted out to taste him, following the seam of his lips once, twice, before gently sliding into his mouth. Adam groaned and palmed the back of her head, tugging the knit cap free so he could slide his fingers into the cool, silky fall of her hair.

She tasted like chocolate, her tongue gliding silkily against his, fueling the craving he’d been trying to suppress. His cock was rock hard and aching, trapped behind his fly.

Still kissing him, she slipped her fingers down to grasp the zipper at the top of her jacket and draw it down, shrugging out of it and tossing it aside. A second later she opened his and stretched out atop him, her breasts flush to his chest.

Going with his instinct, he rolled them, reversing their positions. With his hips lodged between her thighs and his forearms braced on either side of her head, he lowered his weight onto her, watching her face. Her lashes fluttered and her head fell back, a low groan of need and enjoyment rising from her throat.

God, he wanted inside her so badly. Would have given anything to peel away the rest of their clothes and sink into her heat. But it was too soon. Much as it killed him, he had to leave them both wanting more.

Summer wound her legs around his thighs and sank her fingers into his shoulders. Even through his shirt he could feel them digging in.

He skimmed a fingertip down the center of her throat, following the V at the front of her sweater to touch the skin there. She stared up at him, waiting. Wanting.

Leaning down to kiss her neck some more, he reached down to ease the bottom of her sweater up. A see-through red lace bra met his hungry gaze, a little jingle bell nestled between the cups.

“It’s an early Christmas gift to myself from you,” she whispered. “Thanks, by the way.”

One side of his mouth quirked up. “You’re welcome. Damn, I have good taste.”

“Yes you do.” She sucked in a breath as he flicked the front clasp open and brushed the cups aside. Her small, firm breasts spilled free, her nipples a deep pink and flushed from either the cold or arousal, or both.

He couldn’t wait a moment more to taste them.

Cupping one breast in his hand, he lowered his head and took the taut center into his mouth. Summer groaned and plunged a hand into his hair, holding him close as he sucked her, dragging his tongue repeatedly across the straining flesh. When she was moaning and writhing in his hold, he switched to the other breast to give it the same loving attention.

“God, Adam,” she whispered, reaching down to grab his ass and grind her pelvis against his swollen cock. When that wasn’t enough she tried to reach beneath him to undo his fly.

He shook his head, reached down to grab her hand, stilling her. “No sex,” he reminded her, then leaned in to suck at the spot in the curve of her neck he knew made her crazy.

She made a frustrated sound in the back of her throat, rubbed against his covered cock. “Why not?”

Yes, why not
, his cock screamed. Hell, his entire body screamed it. “Because the counselor said so.”

“Screw the counselor.”

He grinned against her velvety skin, amused by the annoyance in her voice. He loved knowing she wanted him so badly, but sex wasn’t going to fix their problems. No matter how much he wished it would. “I’m gonna tell him you said that.”

“Good.” She rolled her hips against his, tightened her thighs around his legs. “God, I’m so damn wet and…frustrated.”

Her words made every muscle in his body tighten but he ignored the painful throb between his legs and leaned down to suck her nipple again, reveling in her moan, the way she arched and gripped his hair.

Releasing the taut bud, he raised up to take her mouth in a consuming kiss. A reminder of how good they were together, how much he wanted her. That she was his.

Summer twisted beneath him, restless. Adam pulled back to stare down at her, and the sight of her made him bite back a groan. Her lips were wet and swollen, her eyes heavy-lidded, naked breasts rising and falling with her rapid breaths, the deep pink nipples hard.

“Why did we stop making out like this?” he asked, perplexed. It was so fucking hot, turning her on this way. And there was something to be said for leaving them both wanting more, for taking the time to savor each and every sensation, the buildup. When in their relationship had sex become a race to the finish for both of them?

She made a growling sound and wriggled against him, her desperation clear. “Because it’s so frustrating,” she groaned.

Chuckling, he bent and kissed the bridge of her nose. This was total role reversal, him putting the brakes on. He searched his mind for the reason why he couldn’t peel her jeans and panties off her and bury his mouth between her thighs, slide his tongue into her tender core and make her come. “The counselor said it’s good for us. Gives us something to look forward to next time.”

At that she stiffened. He raised his head to find her glaring up at him. “Are you seriously thinking about leaving me all worked up like this?” She sounded outraged at the very idea.

He hid a grin. “Doctor’s orders, sweetheart. Sorry.”

“Sorry? I’m literally coming out of my own skin here. God, you can’t do this to me,” she whined in protest.

“If it’s any consolation, I’m hurting every bit as bad as you are, doll, trust me.”

She pouted, gazed up at him with those pale green eyes. “Please?”

He almost laughed, a big part of him wanting to cave. “No can do, sorry.”

With a defeated groan she closed her eyes and let her head drop back to the pillows, still breathing hard. “This is torture. I’m never gonna get to sleep after this.”

Good. He wanted her to crave him as badly as he did her. “Sure you will. One good orgasm and you’ll sleep like a baby.”

She opened her mouth to argue but he dipped down to nibble the soft skin at the curve of her neck, making her gasp instead. “After I drop you off tonight, I want you to climb into bed and spread your thighs wide, pretend it’s my tongue on your clit and inside you while you finger yourself.”

Her eyes sprang open, heavy with desire and challenge as she peered up at him. God, she fired him up. “You gonna think of me when you stroke yourself then?”

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