Read Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10) Online

Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Hostage Rescue Series

Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10) (28 page)

BOOK: Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10)
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“Adam,” she whimpered, wanted to pull him up and slide onto the hard length of his cock she could feel against her thigh.

“No,” he insisted, his hands moving down to lock around her hips. “Lie still for me.”

That firm yet gentle show of authority turned her on even more. This is what it had been like between them before everything had begun to go wrong. It got her so hot when he took control in bed.

She let herself float in the warm current of arousal carrying her, getting lost in the caress of his hands and lips as he worshipped her body. She was so damn wet already, dying for him to ease the empty ache inside her. It had been so damn long since she’d felt this, let him take her on the dizzying climb to release.

When at last he knelt between her legs and pushed her thighs apart, she gripped his hard shoulders, breathing fast, her heart knocking against her ribs. He gave a low growl in the back of his throat, his expression absorbed, intense as his gaze locked on her slick folds, the anticipation so high she could hardly stand it.

She bit her lip, couldn’t hold back a soft cry of need when he bent forward and pressed his mouth to her aching core, then the tender, hot stroke of his tongue. The low, bass rumble of enjoyment he gave nearly undid her. Just that one caress and she was on edge.

His hands closed around her hips once more, holding her down in a silent command to stay still while his tongue licked and caressed her most sensitive flesh. Sparks of pleasure raced through her body, the sweet ache building inside her with every flick of his talented tongue. God, how had she lived without this for so long?

Never again. She couldn’t live without this, without him again. He meant everything to her and she was so damn grateful that they had a second chance.

“Adam,” she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut when he slid his tongue into her, the raw intimacy of it stealing her breath. Her hips rocked against his tongue, demanding more. He withdrew his tongue to swirl it slowly around her swollen clit, then paused to suck softly, his eyes locked on her face.

Impatient, desperate and already starting the climb to orgasm, she sank her fingers into his hair, tugged him upward. “Now,
,” she pleaded breathlessly, her entire body trembling with the force of the desire and emotions swamping her.

He made a sound of protest and kept on licking her, clearly wanting to make her insane. But she was already there and needed him inside her when she came this first time. She’d gone too long without him and didn’t want to wait another second.

She tugged again, and when he wouldn’t budge, sat up to grab hold of his shoulders and pulled. With a deep chuckle he lifted his head to nip at her abdomen, then worked his way up her body. “You want me in you.” His tone was pure seduction, knowing it would make her even hotter.

.” Greedy now, she reached down and curled her hand around the hard length of his erection. He groaned at her touch, bowed his head and shuddered with eyes closed, his expression tortured.

Her heart turned over.
I know, baby.

stroked him from root to tip, adding a swirl with her fist over the head. His breath was hot as it gusted against the side of her neck, his muscles twitching as she worked him. Needing her so badly he was practically shaking. It had been so damn long, she thought with a pang, too long for them both and she wanted to make this as good for him as it was for her.

Wrapping her free arm around his back, she kissed his temple, his cheek, the edge of his jaw, working her way to those full lips. Adam turned his head and crushed his mouth to hers, one big hand coming up to lock around the back of her head. He devoured her, nipping and licking and caressing until she was dizzy.

Then, finally, when she was gasping and trembling all over, he pulled free of her grip to settle over her and rested his weight on his elbows, both his hands holding her head.

She sucked in a breath as the hot, hard length of him rubbed against her wet folds with every slow motion of his hips, the tiny, maddening caresses teasing her throbbing clit. He stared down into her eyes, features taut with arousal, eyes blazing with need.

“My Summer,” he said in a possessive tone that shot a thrill through her as he eased back to lodge the head of his cock against her opening.

Summer couldn’t answer, could barely breathe. She nodded to acknowledge that she was his and his alone and wound her legs tighter around him, rocking her hips up to meet his.

Holding her gaze, his hands fisted in her hair, Adam pushed into her, burying himself to the hilt inside her.

Summer moaned and closed her eyes to better absorb the sensation of him filling her. Stretching her with all that hot, delicious thickness. “God, Adam… I’ve missed this so much,” she choked out, a knot of emotion lodged in her throat.

“Me too,” he groaned. They clung to each other for a long moment, savoring the connection they’d both missed so much.

“Want to feel you come around me,” he rasped out, slipping a hand between their bodies and began to gently circle her clit with his thumb.

The flame he’d kindled inside her suddenly burst into a raging fire.

Digging her fingers into his shoulders, she sought his mouth with her own and rolled her hips against his, the motion making pleasure burst deep inside her. Her throat tightened and she held him tighter. “Oh, Adam, more.

He groaned and plunged his tongue into her mouth, cutting off her pleading cries as his hips moved in a smooth but languid rhythm that drove her crazy. He knew her body so well. Knew exactly how to move, the angle and pressure she needed. The pleasure swelled higher and higher with each stroke, until she was ready to explode.

She loved him so much. Summer squeezed her inner muscles around him, flung her head back as that sweet ache exploded into pure rapture. She dimly heard her cries of release ringing through the room, clutched him tight to her while he drove deeper, harder, his movements growing rough and urgent.

He buried his face tight in her neck and plunged deep, a low, ragged shout of raw need and pleasure tearing from his throat. His big body shuddered, his muscles bunching tight beneath her greedy hands as he came.

At last he let out a deep, satisfied sigh and lowered his full weight onto her. She absorbed it gladly, arms and legs still wrapped around him, and smoothed her hands over the damp expanse of his back and shoulders. Holding him close, never wanting to let him go again.

The moment was so perfect, words would only spoil it. So she held him to her, savoring the feel of his heart beating strong and steady against her.

After a while he gently withdrew and rolled to his side, taking her with him. He slid one hand into her hair, his other arm wrapping around her back to hold her close as he kissed her, long and soft and tender. She melted into it, felt the sudden prick of tears at the backs of her eyes and let her fingers stroke over the back of his neck.

He sighed as he pulled back to smooth the hair away from the side of her face. “I’ve missed you so damn much these past few months.”

“I know. I’ve missed you too.” She swallowed and stared deep into his eyes, making herself completely vulnerable to him in a way she hadn’t allowed in forever. “I took you for granted. I didn’t mean to, but I did. And I’m so sorry it happened at all.”

“We both did that, both made mistakes,” he corrected with a shake of his head. “But I promise that going forward, I won’t let that happen again.”

She gave him a soft smile. “Me neither.”

His fingers combed through her hair in a gentle, lulling caress that had her eyelids dropping with a delicious sense of fatigue. “You talk to your family today about coming to visit?”

“Yes, on the way to the appointment this morning. They sounded like they were going to get on the first plane down here but I asked them to hold off until I’m ready.”

Her mom and sister hadn’t been happy about it, but they’d grudgingly agreed to give her some time. “I want at least a week or two alone with you before they come to visit. I know they mean well, but right now all I want is you.”

A low, possessive rumble of approval vibrated in his chest. “Good. Because I’ve got the next week off and I don’t plan to let you out of my sight.”

Her smile widened and she gave a mock shiver. “You know I love it when you get all possessive like that.”

His expression turned wry. “I seem to recall getting a verbal smackdown from you about it once upon a time, early on in our relationship.”

She lifted a shoulder in a careless shrug. “I just didn’t want you thinking you could control me or call the shots in this relationship.”

He laughed softly. “Trust me, those two thoughts have
crossed my mind in relation to you.”

She leaned in for another kiss. “Good. Means I got you trained early on.”

He pinched her butt lightly. “I just let you think that.”

Snickering, she snuggled down until her cheek lay against his chest, stroked his ribs. “I love you so much,” she murmured. “Thank you for not giving up on me, and for fighting for us.”

He squeezed her tight, whispered against her hair. “I’d never give up on you. Not if I thought there was even the slightest chance you still loved me.”

She shook her head, adamant. “I never stopped loving you. Not even once.” She was quiet a moment, collecting her thoughts, then leaned back to look up at him. She wanted—needed—to let go of the past and move forward. “Can we just start over again? As of right here and now?”

Adam’s eyes darkened and rolled her beneath him once more. “Doll, we can do anything if we do it together,” he murmured, and sealed that promise with a hungry kiss.




Chapter Twenty-Six



Twelve weeks later


“Don’t be nervous. They’re all great, seriously. You’re gonna love them.”

Sitting in the passenger seat, Summer flashed a smile at Taya and smoothed the folds of her dress down. “It just feels weird, showing up at a baby shower when I don’t even know any of them.”

But she’d meant it when she’d told Taya she planned to make an effort to get to know the team’s significant others. This was her chance to start building a relationship with the other women. Something that was long past overdue.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason she was feeling anxious about coming to the shower. Not that she was going to tell Taya the rest.

Taya waved her concern away with one hand and slowed at the stop sign at the next corner. “Don’t be silly, you’re one of us. After twenty minutes you won’t be nervous anymore. And the guys will be over for the barbecue in a couple hours anyhow, so you’ll have Adam there soon.”

“You’re right.”

“Of course I am,” Taya said with a grin. She pulled up in front of a high-end condo building and parked along the curb. Summer grabbed the flowers and the presents while Taya took a tray of cupcakes from the trunk.

“So, it sounds like a pretty big deal that Bauer and Zoe are having a girl,” she said on the way up in the elevator.

Taya let out a short laugh. “Oh yeah. It’s awesome, big, gruff guy like him being a daddy to a little girl.”

Yeah, that did sound pretty awesome. But from the little she knew of Bauer, she’d bet he would turn into a pile of mush the second that baby was born. Summer predicted that baby would have him firmly wrapped around her little finger within a matter of days after she was born.

She stood back a few steps as Taya rang the doorbell. Muted feminine voices came from inside the condo and a few seconds later the door opened, giving Summer her first sight of Zoe. She caught a glimpse of long, dark hair with a section of shocking pink in the front.

The mother-to-be’s face lit up when she saw Taya standing there. “Hey!” she squealed, reaching out to drag Taya into a hug.

“I love the new hair color,” Taya told her.

“Thanks. I thought I should match the baby girl theme Celida’s got going on in here.”

Those vivid gold eyes, made even more intense by the heavy black eyeliner and shadow, moved to Summer. Zoe gave her a friendly smile that showed off her perfect white teeth, a little diamond stud twinkling at the side of her nose. “And you must be Summer.”

“Yes, hi,” she began, and stepped forward to offer her hand.

Zoe looked at it in disbelief, then up at her. With a scoffing noise she reached out to grab Summer by the shoulders and pull her in for a hug.

Summer hid her surprise and put one hand on Zoe’s back, trying not to put pressure on the sizeable baby bump pressing against her stomach.

“Taya and I are the huggers in this group,” Zoe informed her. “You’ll get used to us.”

Summer smiled, completely disarmed and relieved by the warm welcome. Both Adam and Taya had told her not to worry about meeting the other wives/girlfriends and now Summer understood why.

Zoe released her and eased back, but kept hold of Summer’s shoulders, smiling at her. “It’s so good to finally meet you. And I love the outfit. You look like springtime itself.”

“Thanks.” She’d worn one of her favorite 50s-style dresses that she’d rarely gotten to wear the past couple of years. The strapless dress was made of pale yellow chiffon with pink roses on it. It had a pink satin sash around the waist, the skirt flaring out and ending at her knees. April in Virginia was still on the cool side so she’d worn her favorite bubblegum-pink cardigan with three-quarter length sleeves over top.

“Well come on in and meet everybody,” Zoe said, stepping back to urge them inside.

The spacious condo was full of pink streamers and balloons and bouquets of pink flowers, interspersed with touches of black. A stack of presents sat on one table and an array of food was laid out on another. As they walked toward it Summer immediately noticed that most of the dishes were black. One of the platters was in the shape of a coffin and a tray was shaped like a large bat.

My first Goth baby shower
, she thought with a grin, taking it all in.

“I know, it’s pretty awesome, right?” Zoe said, coming up beside her. She hooked an arm around Summer’s waist. “Celida’s my best friend for a reason. She knows me so well.”

BOOK: Reclaimed (Hostage Rescue Team Series Book 10)
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