Red Cloak of Abandon (12 page)

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Authors: Shirl Anders

BOOK: Red Cloak of Abandon
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down over her breasts baring them. Some buttons must have come

undone surely, he thought, as he ogled her very large breasts. “Cover

yourself!” he charged. It was furthest from what he really wanted, which

was to play in the bounty of her tits for hours.

“No!” Affinity quipped “Don’t you like them?”

She came up on her knees on the bed letting the gown fall to her hips

and upper arms as she thrust the large melons of her breasts at him. It was

as though she challenged him and her nipples were rucked outward like

twin bullets. He had never seen anything so extraordinary. His fingers


curled into his palms. “I ought to turn you over my knee,” he accused

harshly, turning his gaze away from those opulent breasts with a great

deal of willpower.

“Is that exciting, Law?” Affinity asked with an eager voice. “In a

sexual way?”

“Good Lord,” Law swore with his gaze tracing back to her breasts.

“Is that
you think of?”

“Yes,” Affinity answered without hesitation, and while swaying

those beautiful breasts before him. “With you,
you, it is all that I

think about!”

He was rather stunned. She appeared so honest. It shown heatedly

through her hazel eyes and he had to admit she was bared to him. He did

not think that he had ever experienced being the object of another

person’s desire before. It was unsettling. Could that be all that this was?

Could all these events that had transpired simply be because of Affinity’s

lust and interest in him? He was well read and knowledgeable about the

fact that women were purporting to revel in the use of their sexual wiles

to ensnare men in the great meanderings of fiction. Purposely, he began

to move about the room, looking at Affinity’s things, but mostly to keep

his gaze from Affinity’s compelling posture.

And added to that, he left her answer hanging a lonely death.

Oh no, he was not going to acknowledge her confession!

Affinity bit her bottom lip, watching Law’s tall shape traverse her

room. How could he ignore her enticing near nakedness? Everything that

Madame DeJonge had said meant that Law should be on the bed with her

with zee hard penis, not looking through her things. She really wished

that he would quit doing that also. However, she imagined that he had the

right to do it. But she was going to lose him! And, here she had him

beside her without any scheme of her own and now she was going to lose


Then suddenly, Affinity’s gaze focused on what Law held up in his

hand. It was her diary! She bounced off the bed with her gown falling

below her belly button. “Give that to me! That is mine!”

Affinity stopped at Law’s back as he turned to face her with his

hands and her diary behind his back. “And, this is
personal jour-

nal?” he asked, with his voice dripping in newfound slyness.

“It is mine!” Affinity exclaimed, trying to reach behind him, but

each time his larger body turned blocking her reach. “Oh you cannot have

that, give it back!”

“Where is
journal, Affinity?” Law asked firmly.

Affinity stopped bouncing around in front of Law and looked up into

his dark eyes.
Of course, what an idiot she was!
Then abruptly she turned

and ran back to the bed, diving under the pillow for Law’s journal. Once

her fingers curled around the leather binding she turned and rushed back

to Law.


“I never should have taken this and I do so apologize! I had every

intention of returning it!” Affinity exclaimed breathlessly, holding the

journal up to Law, who snatched it from her immediately.

Affinity watched Law’s journal disappear behind his back and when

his hand returned it was empty. “But where is
dairy?” Affinity started

to exclaim, however, she never got to finish, because suddenly Law’s

free arm was clamped over the small of her back. He tugged her up

against his unmoving body, jostling her breasts highly, as the air jerked

from her lungs. Then, Law’s upper body pressed forward, further and

further, until the buttons on his jacket were biting into the bare flesh of

her breasts and she was dangling arched over his forearm.

Oh dear.
Affinity clutched Law’s broad shoulders on either side with

her long hair dangling and pooling on the floor. Law’s lips were a breath

away, over the top of her lips. “I will
both.” His warm breath seared

her lips.
me,” he commanded.

Then, in her heightened confusion and well . . . to be honest, her

arousing excitement, Affinity only really registered the “kissing” part of

Law’s words. That compelled her, as her entire body and mind were

already allured to do, into the kissing him in a most urgent fashion.

However, if she started out the first to kiss, as Law commanded, within

one second she was the one being kissed. Consumed was a better word.

Oh my God
, and she could smell the scent of her desire still clinging to

him. She could taste herself on his mouth. A mouth that plucked her lips

open, just before his tongue swept inside. She moaned senselessly be-

neath the deeply wild kiss, and she remembered only one instruction

coherently from Madame DeJonge’s edification on French kissing.

where had she learned that? He should not be surprised, Law

thought as he plunged his tongue repeatedly into Affinity’s sweetly hot

mouth and she sucked his tongue with abandon. The feel of her dainty

inner mouth suckled around his wider tongue nearly lost him again as he

carried her back to the bed. Yet this time he kept his will stronger—

barely, as he kissed Affinity senseless for long drugging moments. He

knew that she was completely dazed, when he lifted his lips from hers,

because he was nearly so himself.

“If you speak one word of my hidden work as the Benefactor,

Affinity Redgrift, I will
your dairy,” Law said in a deep husky-

roughened voice against Affinity’s lips.

“W-What!” Affinity squeaked, trying to drag her mind into clearing

her thoughts. She had heard the words published and diary.

Her eyes popped open, though lethargically.

“Law!” she exclaimed, but her voice was too husky to sound sharp,

and she suddenly realized that Law was gone! She propped up on her

elbows with a wobble, looking about the room and the open French door

beyond. Law had seduced her with a kiss, and then he had stolen her



Affinity’s bottom lip quivered, and then she burst out laughing.

she should not be joyous, because it was terrible that Law now had her

personal diary. But all she could truly think of in her befuddled and

aroused state was that
this was going rather well!


Chapter Ten

. . . My life changed today. It is amazing that it can happen as

quickly as that. I have been warring against my existence for a long time.

I know the anger inside me has been simmering with indignation for

months since starting this first London season. Since I first realized that

I have been marked as unwanted and undesired by London’s finest.

What a large hole to crawl out of with my silly young dreams of

simply wanting to dance with a gentleman. A dance I shall never have.

However, today I threw away those silly young girl dreams and

became a woman instead. A woman that will dare to do or to try anything

to create the possibilities that I so long for . . .

Law dipped his head looking at the toes of his boots with his legs

stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He knew about

dreams and longing. However, he wondered if he were truly as brave as

Affinity? He thought not as he looked down at the open page of her diary.

He had decided that he would not rifle through her entire life by reading

the larger part of her written words. Nonetheless, he was compelled, well

actually overpowered, to read her thoughts since they had first met. He

consoled himself with the fact that it was now his right.

Simply dance,
he thought. Magdalena had danced with him once,

just a silly twirl around the room. They had known each other so briefly

actually, one week all told, but for some unfathomable reason he knew

that Magdalena would like Lady Affinity Redgrift. They both possessed

true spirit of life and dauntless bravery to see it through. He realized now,

they both possessed much more courage than he did. He who had hidden,

afraid to try again, afraid to forgive himself. A forgiveness that

Magdalena would have demanded of him if she were alive. Her life and

spirit showed him that.


Law turned his gaze to the next passage in Affinity’s diary and he

saw his name written there.

. . . Lawrence Fabier St. Martin. How can one look . . . one feeling

of a man’s aura, enamor me so? Am I so desperate? Am I lost? . . .

“No,” Law muttered. “No, Affinity.”

. . . Yet, I will follow my heart. I will say that I deserve to, for if I am

not brave enough to do this, then I am not worthy enough. But, oh, he

attracts me so and each new thing that I learn about him makes my

heartbeat flutter and my senses come more alive. Dare I say, even to

myself, how much I long to be close to him? . . .

Law tilted his head back closing his eyes. Affinity was simply

attracted to him. There was no other nefarious reason. She was simply a

woman using her god given and sweetly turned wiles upon him. Should

he be aghast at her audacity, taken back by her complete boldness,

concerned about her unconventional methods or should he simply be


He chuckled then, unbidden, and the image of Affinity with her hair

flowing about her and her breasts bared to his gaze, slipped through his

mind. She had vowed passionately that she was not out to catch him by

seducing him into taking her virginity, then crying foul. And now he

believed her. What was it that he had written to himself in his journal . .

. that he wondered if a woman ever thought to touch a man’s nipple?

Affinity would. Surely, she was a creature of passion. He began reading


. . . I climaxed, just watching Law. With only my gaze upon him . . .

Law inhaled an instantly heated breath.

. . . The pleasure of it thrashed through my pussy like a tempest storm

as I looked at Law’s hard cock bared to my view . . .

My God
, she had been watching him! Of course she had, yet he had

never realized. Those moments, those events were obscured in his vora-

cious arousal at the time. Now his cock was hard, now his cock was

calling to her with the thought that she had secretly watched him so

intimately and what her reaction to it had been. Then, he realized in his

pondering that he had only scratched the surface of erotic nature. This,

. . . them—
was the stuff of full-bodied carnal making.

. . . The heat of Law touching my cheek, my throat, searing my skin.

The feel of his chest compressing my breasts. The power of his body


encompassing me. His thighs so unyielding and his height over me. But

then, I felt true desire . . . Law’s rigid cock pressed into my belly. The feel

of it flooded my pussy, making the sheath inside me ache and throb. Then,

I touched him. I could not help myself. I had to! I touched the heated head

of a man’s cock this day. I caressed my finger through the slit and it

became wet with his seed dripping there . . .

Law swore, nearly tossing the diary aside as his cock

pitched heavily in his breeches. If he kept reading Affinity’s diary, he

would easily find himself with his cock in his hand. So determinedly, he

rose from his chair before the fire in his study, setting the diary aside to

adjust his evening jacket. Then, he tugged gingerly on the narrow pock-

eted front of his breeches, adjusting his hard cock to a more comfortable

tilt beneath. He had a feeling that the boxing match he was set to attend

this evening would be at a loss of entertainment for him. His mind would

be elsewhere . . . it already was elsewhere.

Where was she?
It had been three days since he had visited

Affinity’s bedchamber in the dark of night. By his reckoning it was her

turn for the next move. Law sighed and went to get his evening coat. He

really needed to decide what he was going to do about Lady Affinity

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