Red Hot Letters to My Husband (3 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Letters to My Husband
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The next morning I rolled out of bed completely sated.  Not only had we shared a sensuous night but Tom had woken me with a vigorous bout of sex in the morning.

I stretched luxuriously, enjoying the feel of my body.  I trundled into the ensuite and dreamily soaped my body under the shower.  If this was the outcome of my letters I was going to be very happy.  After I’d towelled dry I gazed at my face in the mirror.  Normally I only gave it a cursory look as I applied a swipe of lipstick and a flick of mascara.  Today, I paused and looked at lips plump and ripe from kissing.  No lipstick required!

Given the way my body felt I decided to give it an inspection too.  Back in the bedroom, I opened up the wardrobe door and looked into the full length mirror.  I frowned at the image.  It had been a while since I’d looked at my body like this particularly given we had just emerged from winter where I pulled on clothes in frantic haste to avoid the cold.  I wasn’t too happy with the sight.  I’d always been buxom.  Tom loved it.  Unfortunately, buxom seemed to have turned into blob.  My waist had apparently disappeared and when I looked at my profile my double D cups seemed to go from my boobs to my groin.  Not an appealing look.

On the other hand, my arms were nicely toned from all the massage and manipulation that I did as part of physiotherapy.  Perhaps that’s why I hadn’t noticed the gradual spread to my waist.  I bent from side to side and was pleased with my range of motion which was good from t
he tai chi I did with Megan and Trish
three days a week.  I just needed to lose a few kilos and tone up my t
ummy and butt a bit and I’d be
fine.  I didn’t want to become a stick but I definitely could do with some work.

The following Monday I put my plan into action.  On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays I had the afternoon off to watch over my two boys as well as Megan’s boy.  On Tuesday and Thursday, Megan reciprocated on her afternoons off work.  The arrangement worked well, not only with care, but with the sharing of office space at our business Balaflame Therapy.

“Okay boys, before you play the Xbox we’re going for a run.”

“You’re kidding.” Sean, my ten year old groaned.

“I’m not going.  I’m old enough to stay by myself.”  Marc, my twelve year old, took an obstinate stance.

“Does my mum know you’re going to torture me?” Michael, Megan’s ten year old, demanded in an aggrieved tone.

“No, I’m not kidding.  Yes, you’re coming or you’re not playing Xbox.  Yes, your Mum knows and approves.”

Synchronised groans met my reply.

“The longer it takes us to get going, the longer it will be before you get to Xbox.  We’ll only be twenty minutes.”  It would probably be all I could survive.

Reluctantly, they pulled on sneakers.  Michael experienced a moment of hope that I’d be thwarted with the absence of his
but I’d planned ahead and asked Megan to bring them.  The light died in his eyes when I produced them.

We crossed the road and walked past a few houses to reach the entry to the reserve.  It was a lovely vast area stretching between
and provided plenty of walking tracks for us to jog along.
  I inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of eucalyptus trees and fresh air.

“We’ll start out with a walk to warm up.”
  We turned left onto a wide dirt track that sloped gently up hill.  It was bordered either side by grass yellowed from winter and sparsely dotted trees.  A minute up the track, we turned right onto the Casuarina trail which was marked by a black rubber path.  It was a steeper incline and would work well to increase our heart rates while we walked and warmed up.

Five minutes later we
came to an intersecting pathway that angled downwards and
broke into a jog.  One minute after that I staggered back to a walk.  This was going to take some training.  We alternately staggered and jogged for a minute.  The boys were just as glad for the walking breaks as I was.  This jogging thing was definitely a good idea.  The boys were getting too unfit sitting in front of the Xbox so much.
  Getting fit would be good for me as well.

Twenty minutes later we gasped our way into the house.  I was tempted to collapse on the couch while the boys fired up the Xbox.  However, I firmed my resolve and flopped on the floor for a few tummy and butt exercises.  I was determined to turn the blob back to buxom.



Chapter Four


Hot and Bothered


A few weeks later, I sat down to write my next letter.  Since I’d used Tom’s crystal wine glasses last time it meant my crystal candle holders were up next.  This was certainly expanding our sexual horizon.  I’d never played with candles before and wasn’t too sure what to do so I looked up the internet.  I felt a bit hesitant after that because I was not into pain.  The soy massage oils sounded okay but not terribly adventurous.  Since I wanted the night to be perfect I went out to the shops and bought some candles
so that I could
experiment, remembering not to get beeswax because it burnt so hot.  After that, I was finally ready.


Dear Tom

I’m feeling hot and I want to get hotter.

Do you know how much I love candles?  They add an air of romance and mystery.  When combined with aromatherapy, they can enhance a mood.  They can be used to drip hot wax on a body and make you burn.

Can you make me burn for you?

I want you to tie me down so I can’t escape your attention.

I’ll have a soy candle container next to the bed.  The wax will be hot and runny.  Slowly pour it over my breasts and massage it in.  My breasts are tingling at the thought of it.

Besides the container, will be a pillar candle.  Its wax is hotter.  I want you to drip it on me.  I’ll leave the pattern up to you.  It could be my back, my boobs, my thighs.  Wherever you think might bring me pleasure.  And it will be pleasure, heightened with a twist of pain.

How hot can you make me?

Love Sherry


On Friday evening, I prepared our bedroom for our candle experiment.
  I went for crisp white sheets this time with red soy candles dotted around the room for ambience.  For safety, I also had some ice, wet towels and a bowl of water nearby.

I was feeling a little nervous.  I wasn’t really into pain but my research into this form of submission had intrigued me and I was feeling excited as well.

I wasn’t sure how Tom was going to respond either.  He was a gentle soul.  He didn’t like to hurt anything.  He wouldn’t even kill a spider.  If he found one in the house, he would collect it in a container and take it outdoors.  Knowing he was going to be hesitant, I’d thrown him a bit of a challenge in the letter.  Now it was time to see where that challenge would take us.

I inhaled deeply.  The room was redolent with the scents of vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and lime.  The vanilla helped to calm and centre me while the other aromas would come in handy later.  They were a special blend that I’d recently created to promote desire, heat and communication.

I felt a moment of guilt as I lit the paraffin candle on the bedside table.  Trish would be incensed.  She was our resident candlemaker and only used natural products like soy and beeswax.  While I was intending to use Balaflame’s soy massage candle to start, I’d found the paraffin candle provided the perfect heat for what was to follow.

I heard the front door open and my heart began to race.  I wasn’t sure whether it was anticipation or fear.

Tom appeared in the doorway.  He’d already managed to take off his tie and shirt and I admired the broad plan
of his ch
est with its smattering of dark
highlighted with occasional silver

“Are you ready to get hot?” Tom asked.

  My voice was a bit squeaky with uncertainty.

“Take off your robe and lie on the bed.”

The robe slithered to the floor and I climbed on the bed.  By the time I was there, Tom had removed his pants to reveal a growing erection.  His grey eyes were smoky with desire.  It looked like he was on board with the evening’s entertainment.

“Put your hands above your head.”

Tom straddled my chest and reached for one of the scarves I’d left on the bedside table.  Threading it through the bedhead, he tied first one wrist then the other.  It allowed me some movement while keeping me restrained.

His cock was now fully erect and the hard length of it was an enticing temptation. 
Raising my head I swiped my tongue along the purpled crown of his erection.

Tom hummed his appreciation before he slid back to my hips.  “Cheeky woman.  I’m in control here.”

I grinned up at him.  “It was too good to resist.”

“Hmmm.”  Tom leant down for a heated kiss.

Rising up, he looked over at the bedside table where the container candle and pillar candle waited.  He reached over and picked up the container and raised it above my left breast.

My heart thudded in nervousness.  I’d experimented on my hand
and inner forearm

The hot splash had been a surprise but bearable.  Now, t
he thought of that burn on my nipples was terrifying.

I tensed as he slowly tipped the container.  A stream of
ran onto my nip
ple and over my breast

A trail of fire followed its path.  Followed by a blaze of pleasure.

I arched my back and gasped.  I wrapped my hand around the scarf and held on to it, glad for its anchor.

Tom massaged the oil
y wax
into my boob with his free hand, causing a glow of pleasure.

He lifted the container and looked at me, his eyes dilated.  “Again?”

I nodded.

Wax burned over my right breast this time.  I felt a splash of pain, followed by ricochets of pleasure that arrowed down to between my legs.  My clit began to throb and my pussy began to ache.
  This candle play was pretty good.

Tom massaged again before running a stream from one nipple to the other.  Placing the container down, he used two hands to massage my boobs.  He slid his cock forward between the two mounds and massaged them around the thick length.
  I loved how he expanded on my original idea.

“You feel so fucking hot,” Tom said.

“I feel hot.  My pussy’s pulsing hot.”

Tom lifted away from me.

I cried out in protest.

“We’re only just starting, sweetheart.  Roll over.”  Tom helped me roll onto my stomach.

Now I understood why he had only used one tie.  The scarf was twisted around with my arms still above my head.  It was too awkward to look behind me so I waited blindly.  My breath thickened and I tensed not sure when I would feel the next splash of wax.  I didn’t have to wait long.

A drop hit the top of my back.  Pleasure and pain streaked through me.  The wax was hotter than before.  Tom had moved on to the pillar candle.

“Tell me if it gets too much.”

A burning trail descended my back.  Each splash was a point of pleasure pain that had my pussy clenching in reaction.

When he reached my bottom, he spread the cheeks apart. 

I tensed.

“Tell me if you want to stop.” 

“Do it.”

Burning heat invaded my crack.

I cried out with the pleasure pain and my legs writhed in ecstasy.

Tom slid a hand between my legs.  “Are you feeling hot Sherry?”

“I’m burning up.  I need you inside me.”

Tom slipped a finger inside and I gasped my pleasure, trying to thrust down on the invasion.  My pussy was aching to be filled.  It wanted more than just a finger. 

“I can’t believe how wet you are.”
  Tom’s voice was a husky gravelly growl of excitement.

withdrew his finger.

I wriggled my ass.  “More,” I demanded.

“I don’t think you’re hot enough.”  Tom flipped me on to my back.

“I am, baby, I am,” I cried, spreading my legs.  “I want you inside me.”

Tom gave my pussy an appreciative view.  “Not yet.”

He picked up the candle and began to drip it from my hips to my pubic hair.  When he reached it he went back up to my hips and drew another trail, until he’d drawn a triangle of dots stretching from hip to hip and arrowing down.
  I’d never realised what an erogenous zone my hips were until those burning drips ignited a fire inside me.

Tom put down the candle and sat back on his heels and admired his handiwork.  “A pathway to heaven.”

My pussy was throbbing and empty.  I writhed and pleaded for him to enter me.

“Are you burning up?”

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