Red Star Rogue (41 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Sewell

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Law of the Seas Treaty

leaks: and books about Project Jennifer, and cause of sinking of k-129; and China-U.S. relations, and CIA cover stories/disinformation, about
’s mission; and lawsuits about
Glomar Explorer
, to press/Congress about k-129, and rivalry among U.S. intelligence services, to Soviets

Leeward Islands

listening posts, U.S.

Lobas, Fedor E.

location of K-129 wreckage: and confidentiality agreements, cover-up/disinformation about; and DIA probability assessment; and DIA search for k-129; and
Glomar Explorer
; and
; and Hawaii; and oil spills, secrecy about, and Soviet intelligence; and USRJC

Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Missiles & Space Company

Mao Tse-tung
See also

Mare Island Naval Shipyard

See also
specific person

microburst transmissions

military, Soviet,
See also
Army, Soviet; Navy, Soviet; officers, Soviet naval/military;
specific person

military, U.S.,
See also
Navy, U.S.

(research vessel)

mutual assured destruction (MAD)

mystery men, k-129

national emergency: Johnson declares U.S.

National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)

National Security Action Memorandum No

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Council (NSC)

National Security Strategy

navigational systems

Navy, Soviet: buildup in Pacific of, checks and balances in, codes/codebooks of; and Communist Party, competition between U.S. and, and crew size on submarines; and custodianship of nuclear warheads, dependency on diesel submarines of, 50th anniversary of, founding of, hardship compensation in, ignorance of K-129 mission of, image of; and K-129 plot; and KGB; and launching of nuclear weapons, loyalty of, manpower shortages of, modernization of; and Moscow Mini Crisis, orders in, procedures for, Red Star of, revenge against U.S. by, role in Soviet strategic ambitions of, selection of commanders in, special operations units of, Stalin’s purge of, submarine bases for; and substandard vessels; and U.S. role in missing k-129; and U.S. tracking/surveillance systems; and USS
See also
submarines, Soviet;
specific base or type of vessel

Navy, U.S.: ASW capabilities of, bases of; and books about Project Jennifer, budgets/funding for, bugging of Soviet communications by; and burglary at Summa Corporation; and cause of sinking of k-129; and China as threat to U.S.; and CIA takeover of submarine intelligence program, codes of; and commendations concerning k-129, competition between Soviet and; and cover-up of k-129, Development Group One of, and
findings; and importance of Rybachiy Naval Base; and items recovered from k-129; and k-129, plot, knowledge about K-129 submarine of; and location of k-129; and mission of k-129, modernization of; and naval families; and Pearl Harbor as Soviet target; and Project Jennifer; and
, reaction to missing K-129 by; and recovery of Soviet codebooks; and secrecy about location of K-129 wreckage; and secrecy surrounding sinking of k-129; and Soviet knowledge of U.S. information about k-129; and Soviet military buildup, Soviet revenge against; and stealth of Golf submarines, superiority in Pacific of, surveillance and tracking systems of, as threat to Soviets, tracking of Soviet submarines by, Underwater Systems Center of; and USRJC; and whereabouts of recovered K-129 parts,
See also
intelligence, U.S. Navy/military;
specific person, base, group or project

New York Times

Nike X system

Nitze, Paul H.

Nixon (Richard M.) administration: back-channel diplomacy of; and China-U.S. relations; and CIA, climate in; and commendations for Navy, cover-up and disinformation by, foreign policy of, impeachment of, inauguration of, initial reactions about K-129 in; and Kissinger-Nixon relationship, “madman strategy” of; and Project Jennifer, resignation of; and secrecy about k-129; and Soviet Union, “triangular diplomacy” of; and Vietnam War,
See also
elections, U.S.;
specific person

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Korea; and

nuclear-powered submarines

nuclear warheads/missiles: accidents with, Chinese, codes required to arm; and crew on Soviet submarines, on k-129, KGB control of Soviet, potential effects on Hawaii of attack by, procedures for launch of Soviet; and Soviet special operations units, U.S. supremacy in airborne,
See also
defense systems, U.S.

nuclear weapons,
See also
defense systems, U.S.; nuclear warheads/missiles

officers, Soviet naval/submarine: assignments of, commanders in; and Communist Party; and crew size on submarines, families of, filing of manifest by, indoctrination of; and
, lifestyle of, loyalty of, mandatory reports by, marriage of; and media; and missile launch codes; and Moscow Mini Crisis, as “new Soviet men”, pay and benefits for; and photographs of k-129, prestige and privileges of; and procedures for launch of nuclear missiles, promotions for; and recovery of K-129 bodies, as source of information about k-129; and Soviet search for k-129; and U.S. spy technology; and U.S. surveillance/tracking systems; and USRJC,
See also specific person

oil drillers: as crew for
Glomar Explorer

oil slick

ore mining story

Orechov, Nikolai


Pacific Fleet, Soviet, Amelko as commander of, authority of officers in; and China’s test of atomic bomb; and crew manifest for k-129; and disappearance of k-129; and
Glomar Explorer
’s mission; and hiding of information about k-129, investigation of K-129 by, lack of knowledge about K-129 in; and mission of k-129, mission of; and replacement crew for k-129; and reputation of K-129 crew, search for K-129 by; and takeover of k-129, U.S. surveillance/tracking of, vessels assigned to, Vladivostok as headquarters for,
See also specific person or vessel

Pacific Fleet, U.S.

Panarin, Gennady

Paratunka Village

patronage: and Project Jennifer

Pearl Harbor; and cause of K-129’s destruction, and
, Japanese attack on; and K-129 plot, and K-129’s last voyage, nuclear warheads stored at, potential effects of nuclear attack on; and Sea Spider system; and Soviet investigation of k-129; and Soviet search for k-129, Soviet submarine patrols near, as Soviet target; and U.S. defense plans, U.S. listening stations surrounding, U.S. Pacific Fleet at; and U.S. search for k-129, U.S. spy operations based in

Permissive Action Links (PALs)

Permit-class submarines, U.S.


photographs: and DIA probability analysis, and DIE, by
; and Project Jennifer, Soviet knowledge of contents of; and weapons on k-129,
See also
satellites, spy

Pikulik, Nikolai

Polaris missile system

political officers (
See also
Lobas, Fedor E.

preemptive strikes, notion of

Primakov, Yevgeny

probability assessment, DIA

Project Jennifer: cost/funding of, cover stories and disinformation about, effect on Cold War of, as failure; and Ford administration, Hersh’s investigation about, initiation of; and items recovered from k-129, lawsuits about; and media/books, mission of; and Navy; and Nixon administration, recovery of K-129 by, secrecy surrounding, as success; and USRJC; and Watergate,
See also Glomar Explorer


Puget Sound: Soviet submarine in

R-11 missiles

radiation: in wreckage of K-129

radio transmissions: from k-129,
See also
listening posts,U.S.

Reagan administration

recovery of K-129: CIA analysis of finds from, cover-ups and disinformation about, by
Glomar Explorer
, and initiation of Project Jennifer, items found in, media knowledge about, reasons for, secrecy surrounding; and USRJC

Regulus missiles

rogue states

Rostow, Walt W.

Russian Federation

Rybachiy Naval Base: description of, disappearance of K-129 crew manifest from, families of naval men at, as home for ballistic missile force, importance of, K-129 at, K-129’s departure from, Kamchatka Flotilla based at, as key to Soviet submarine strategy; and photograph of body of crewman; and proximity of U.S. bases; and replacement crew for k-129, as Soviet Pacific Fleet’s most important submarine center; and Soviet search for k-129, as threat to U.S., U.S. surveillance of, vulnerability of

Sand Dollar

Sark missiles

Schlesinger, James R.


SCUD missiles

Sea Island Oil Terminal (Saudi Arabia)

Sea Spider


Sentinel ABM system

September 11, 2001

Serb missiles

Shtyrov, Anatoliy

SLBM technology

See also
SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System)

Sontag, Sherry, SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System)

Soviet General Staff

Soviet Supreme Naval Headquarters

Soviet Union: détente with, economy of, Gates’ visit to, “have-not” strategy of, knowledge of U.S. information about K-129 in, learns of U.S. finding of k-129; and media knowledge of Project Jennifer, military buildup in, military strategy of; and Nixon administration, as nuclear power, power struggle in; and Project Jennifer as act of aggression, public knowledge about K-129 in, purges in; and recovery of k-129, revenge on U.S. by; and secrecy surrounding k-129, shipbuilding plants in, Soviet fears of U.S. strike against, strategic ambitions in, as supplier of nuclear missile and submarine technology, U.S. gift of K-129 bell to; and U.S. knowledge of K-129 sinking,U.S. scheme to blackmail,
See also specific person, nation, or topic

Spartan missiles

special operations units, Soviet


Sprint missiles

spy satellites, U.S.: and China, commendations for personnel with; and early U.S. findings about k-129; and explosion on k-129; and k-129, departure; and K-129 mission; and K-129 plot; and Navy’s reaction to missing k-129; and reconstruction of k-129’s voyage; and search fork-129, Soviet estimation of; and Soviet shipbuilding; and U.S. defense plans; and U.S. surveillance/tracking of k-129

spy ships, Soviet

Stalin, Joseph

State Department, U.S.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

submariners/sailors, Soviet

submarines: attack and Cuban Missile Crisis, defense against attacks by lone, diesel-electric, fuel used by, in post–Cold War world, salvage of surplus,
See also
submarines, Soviet; submarines, U.S.;
specific class of submarines

submarines, Soviet: Avachinskaya Bay as most important center for, buildup of, combat role of missile, crew on, design and construction of, in European areas, importance of, as major threat in Pacific, mandatory reports from, NATO classification of, operational officers on, Pacific bases for, in Pacific Fleet, patrols by, reputation of; and Soviet military strategy; and special operations units, takeover of, U.S. ramming of, U.S. surveillance/tracking of, in World War II,
See also specific vessel or class of submarine

submarines, U.S.

Summa Corporation

Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.

Suslov, Mikhail: and Andropov; and Brezhnev; and China; and CIA, as Communist Party ideologue, death of, home of; and K-129 plot; and KGB, and Khrushchev; and Moscow Mini Crisis, personal background of, reputation of, and Soviet economy, and Soviet-U.S. relations; and Stalin


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