Redemption (6 page)

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Authors: Alla Kar

BOOK: Redemption
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But he released my waist and allowed me to stand which didn’t go very well. I stumbled to the left and caught myself on the small nightstand at the same time he reached forward to catch me. “Careful,” he whispered, and I didn’t have to look because I heard the smugness in his voice.

“I’m leaving,” I whispered helplessly. “Eat your food. I’ll be home today if you need anything.”

“And how do you expect me to get you?”

“Oh,” I said, meeting his gaze. “Here is your phone.” I dug it out of my butt pocket and handed it to him.

He kept eye contact but reached for his phone. “You looked through it.”

I swallowed, too stubborn to lie. “Yes.”

“And what did you find?”

I looked over at Lucy who rested her head on her front two paws, watching us. “Nothing. I found nothing.”

He nodded. “Good.”

We watched each other for several seconds, the obvious
he’s bad news
weighed between us. I needed to leave, because the small voice in the back of my head told me to ask questions that I was sure I didn’t want to know the answers to.

“Call me if you need anything.”

He nodded once, and I felt his eyes on me as I swayed my hips to the door. Once I shut the door, I used it as a crutch for my wobbly legs which threatened to betray me. God he was tense. I was tense. I was turned on beyond oblivion, a feel of desperation flooded me with need.

This isn’t going to be good.


“Where the hell is he?”

Aunt Shelly barged into the front door without knocking. She clutched her purse at her side and searched around the room like a mad woman. Her dyed blonde hair—that I insistently told her looked better brown—was straightened and not a hair was out of place.

“If the
you are referring to is the guy we found then he’s in the guest house out back.”

She dropped her purse on the bar and sneered over at me. “And
the hell aren’t you over there with him? Come over here and give me a hug, girlie. I missed my best-friend.”

I sank into her arms and pressed my cheek against her shoulder. She’d always been my mom for a lack of better words, and I missed everything about her. Even the perfume that was way too strong brought tears to my eyes. “So is he cute?”

I rolled my eyes and went back over to the refrigerator. 
Cute? God, he’s gorgeous, but I’d never admit it.
“He’s okay.”

She squinted her eyes and took a seat at the bar. “Then why are you blushing?”

“I’m not,” I said, grabbing us both a water from the fridge. “And is this the welcome I get from being gone six months?”

She rolled her eyes. “I missed you, Nev. But no one told you to be gone six months either. Have you heard from that bastard of a fiancée? Is he not worried that you’ll find some helpless gorgeous man to nurse back to heath?”

“Well, first off, I told you he’s
. Secondly, I haven’t talked to him since I left.”

Aunt Shelly’s mouth dropped. “You didn’t even answer the phone and hang up? What the hell? I was really looking forward to planning this wedding, ya know. You’ve crushed my dreams, Neveah. Oh, and I know he’s more than cute, because you won’t make eye contact with me.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. I’ll have a wedding one day. And he’s okay, like I said.”

She pursed her lips. “Well, let’s go take a look then.”

I lifted a brow. “No, I’m going for a run.”

She snorted. “I don’t need your permission to go look. I’ll just go introduce myself.”

“Aunt Shelly, I really don’t want to go back out there.”
And I really don’t want
to go back there.

She shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She dropped her purse and made a beeline for the backdoor.

. Lucy looked up at me, and we both started toward the back door. Aunt Shelly had already stepped inside when we made it to the porch.

She stood in the doorway, and I could tell by her tensed shoulders that she knew
really meant
gorgeously rugged
. “I’m Shelly. I’m Wes’ sister. It’s nice to meet you.”

Declan’s eyes cast toward mine and a smug smile drew from the corner of his mouth. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

She nervously tucked her hair behind her hair and turned to me with huge eyes. “Well, I hope you get better soon. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around. I just wanted to introduce myself.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you. You’ve got one hell of a niece, too. You doin’ alright back there, Angel?”

Angel! Ugh!
I tightened my fist, and Aunt Shelly lifted a brow. “I’m fine. Let’s go,” I snapped.

She gave him a wave with earned us both a wink.
Goddammit, I really need to change my panties now.

Aunt Shelly shut the door behind her and stared at me. “What the hell, Neveah. You said he was
and that’s much, much better than okay. He’s gorgeous!”

I shrugged. “If you like that kind of thing.”

She stared blankly at me. “I don’t know you anymore.”

I threw my arms in the air. “Okay, he’s freaking gorgeous. Can we get over it now?”

She sneered. “Someone needs to get laid.”

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t act like you don’t need some to get by. Since David and I split, I haven’t had nearly enough sex. I’m having withdrawals.”

Oh, God.
I could have went my entire life without knowing that. “Right, well, I’m not into one-night stands so I guess I’m out of luck.”

Aunt Shelly wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “You know nothing compares to sex but some retail therapy takes the edge off? You down for some shopping?”

I grinned. “I’m always down for shopping. I mean, if you’re paying.”

Chapter Six



All the lights were off when we got home. When Aunt Shelly goes shopping, the woman goes shopping. Three bags hung from each of my closed fists, and she was totally right, clothes do take the edge off.

Lucy laid in Dad’s lap in the recliner. His head thrown backwards, and his snores echoed throughout the silent house. Smiling, I covered them up and made my way toward my bedroom.

The crickets sang from outside, and I listened while putting away my clothes. Then I heard someone yell. I dropped my bag, and my blood turned to ice in my veins.
What the hell.

Again. Louder.

I couldn’t make out what the person said, but I knew where it come from. Before I thought better of it, I raced out the back door into the humid summer night and forced my way into the guest house.

Declan laid on the floor beside the bed with a confused look on his face. “Are you okay?” I asked.

His gray eyes found mine through the darkened room, and he slowly nodded. “I’m sorry. I must have fallen in my sleep.”

Then why were you screaming? I wanted to ask it. Something told me he wouldn’t tell me anyway
. He was in his underwear—a different pair from the morning—but still my dad’s. “Do you need help?”

A look of outrage crossed his face. “No, I can get up.” He grabbed the bed, and I watched as his muscles tightened as he pulled himself up and crawled into the bed.

I stood awkwardly, biting my lip while I watched, not wanting to make him mad. “It’s okay to need help.”

His gaze snapped to me, and I was pinned to my pathetic spot in front of him. “But I don’t need it.”

I raised my hands in surrender. “Okay then. Do you need anything while I’m here?”

His eyes swept me from head to toe, and he slowly shook his head. That I’m fucking you in my head look was on his face, and his parted lips made me want to give into my overly hungry hormones. “Not anything that’s morally right, you can’t.”

Red heated my cheeks.
Does that mean what I think it means?
“Okay,” I whispered. “I’m going to bed.”

“Where have you been?” he asked.

I bit my bottom lip
“I went shopping with Aunt Shelly.”

He nodded and glanced over me again, but this time I kept my eyes on him
“You wore that?” he pointed toward my tight jeans and shirt.

“What’s wrong with this?” I asked.

He growled and wiped his palm down his face. “Too many things to say,” he said. “Is that shirt low enough?”

My mouth dropped opened. “That’s none of your business. If I wanted to go out naked it wouldn’t be your business.”

His teeth gritted together, but he closed his eyes and took a breath. “You’re right. It’s not. No, I don’t need anything.”


I turned on my heel and marched angrily toward the house.
Stupid domineering asshole.


One week later


I refused to go back into the stupid guest house although I’d been dying to see him. Dad had brought Declan his food and made sure he was content. I no longer cared if he was okay or if he was hungry.
Well, not that much, anyway.

Lucy yawned at my feet, and I rolled around in the desk chair at the gym. The day had just started, and I felt like I’d been there for three hours already. At least my new yoga pants were cute.

The phone rang, and I nearly jumped to answer it.

“Joe’s Boxing Gym. How can I help ya?”


Oh shit
. The words in my mouth put on their brakes. There was no denying that Heath was on the other end of the line. I gathered my thoughts and cleared my throat. “Wrong number.”

“Please,” he choked out.

“How did you get this number?”

“I looked it up on Google. Please don’t hang up. I’ve been calling you for over a week. Nev you just up and left? What the fuck happened? You don’t want to talk about it? Neveah, you punched me in the mouth? My lip is busted.”


“Can we try to work this out? Do I mean nothing to you?”

Oh, I’m going to beat this guy’s ass.
“I’ll tell you what happened. You fucked another girl. Or were you not mentally present for our fight?” I yelled.

A random kid walking by hurried when I gave him the death glare.

“Baby,” he cooed. “I’m not going to deny that I messed up, but you can’t just leave? We’re engaged. We can at least try to work it out. Let me come see you.”

Is he serious right now?
I barked out a bitter laugh that I hope gave him the notion that it was
going to happen again because it wasn’t. “If you show up to this fucking place I will chop your balls off and feed them to Lucy.”


A low laugh sent chills down my spine. I dropped the phone against the desk with a loud thud. I glanced up, Declan stood in the doorway.
He was standing up, and he was tall—really tall.
Holy shit he’s staring at me
. “What are you doin’ here?” I asked.

His tongue dampened his lower lip, and he titled his head upward which gave me the perfect view of his square jaw. “I’m better, and I’m here reporting for duty. Is that a problem?”

. “Does my dad know you’re coming?”

He smiled, and I clutched the desk for support. That stupid shirt was too tight to his arms and stomach. I could make out the ridges underneath, and my fingers ached to touch. I had to make a run to the store so that he could wear things his size.
This isn’t working for me
. “You better get that.”

Get what?
I followed his pointed finger to the phone.
Shit! Heath.
The muffled sound of his screams were distant. “Neveah? Who is that?”

“Don’t call me again. Bye,” I slammed the phone down on the receiver and sighed.

His boots thudded heavily against the tile floor, and when I looked up he was leaning over the desk, staring at me. God, he needed to take several step back, or I was going to sweat. “That must be the famous fiancée of yours.”

Who told him about that?

He grinned, sliding the tip of his index finger along the mahogany wood of the desk. “I would hope so since Lucy is gonna be eating his balls and all.”

I didn’t want to laugh, but my giggle box betrayed me. “Ah, so she does smile,” he whispered.

“Don’t get used to it,” I said, before turning my back to him. “Dad, Declan is here to see you,” I yelled.

When I turned back his eyes drug up from my ass to my eyes. “You’re a runner, huh?”

I blushed but kept my gaze steady. “Yes, and why, please tell, do you think that? Is it because you were checking out my ass?”

His slightly upturned lip told me everything. “Absolutely, Angel. And what a nice ass it is.”

“Hey!” Dad said from his office. “Come back here, and we’ll get started. It’s so good to see you up and walkin’.”

Declan straightened, and I felt so small. “Yes, sir. I’m glad to be walking.” He casted his eyes toward me. “Nice talking to you, Neveah.”

I ignored him, pretending to me interested in a random file on my desk, then watched as he walked down the hallway toward my dad’s office. God, even the way he walked was hot. Confident without coming off
cocky, with his hands pushed down into his pockets. A swagger bone deep that he carried with every movement. It wasn’t something you could mimic.

I glanced down at Lucy who stared up at me. “It looks like this is going to be
harder than I thought.”

Most of my day consisted of phone calls and random people coming in to talk about our offers. I handled most of it while trying to spy on Declan. Dad had him sparring with the boys, and I could hear his laugh over every other one in the damn place.

Why did it have to be so sexy?

Dad knocked his fingers against the door, sending me upright. “Why so sad?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sad. I was just thinking.”

He leaned against the doorjamb. “About Heath?”

I snorted.
No, about jumping the new guy’s bones.
“No, Dad. Just thinking.”

He rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you come out here and spar for a bit? You haven’t been in the ring since you got back.”

I bounded out of my seat. I’d been needing an excuse to go inside all damn day.
You’re about three hours late, Dad.

“Sure can. I’ll be right there.”

The door shut behind him, and I all but ran toward the gym. The smell of sweat was heavy in the air, but it didn’t gross me out because that’s what I associated with this gym. The smell of hard work, determination.

It didn’t take me long to spot Declan. He leaned against the ropes, talking to my dad as Chase bounced around the ring. Both hands were wrapped around the ropes, his biceps flexed as he leaned forward, letting all his weight fall onto the ropes.

“Well, what do we have here?” I glanced at Chase who wore a huge smile and leaned over the rope toward me. “Is that little helpless Neveah?”

I grinned. “I’m in need of a hero, Chase. You’re in luck.”  Gripping the rope, I swung myself up and stopped an inch away from his face. Chase had been Dad’s prodigy since he stepped foot into the gym when we were both ten.

“You’re still as beautiful as the day is long,” he said.

“Hey,” Dad said. “Don’t hit on my daughter unless you’re trying to knock her around the ring.”

Chase barked out a laugh. “Then I’ll never get to hit on her. You know I can’t touch her in the ring.” He grabbed my hand and helped me over the ropes.

Another fighter asked, “You fight?”

I lifted my chin, ignoring the smug look on his face. “Better than you, I promise.”

Dad chuckled, but my eyes settled on Declan’s. His body language was tense, his muscles tight and eyes hard.

Chase’s laugh pulled my attention, thankfully. “Why don’t we show the new guys what you’re made of then.” He grabbed an extra pair of sparing gloves and tossed them to me.

Dad smiled. “It’s nice to see you two together again. I’ve missed this.”

I slid my hands into the gloves and watched as Chase stared at me from across the ring. “Ready?”

I lifted a brow. “Are you?”

Squaring his shoulders, he drug his glove across his nose. “You bet. I’ve been waiting for you to come home so I can hand you your own ass.”

“When have you ever handed me my ass, Chase?”

His grin said it all. “Y’all gonna fight or pull on each other’s dicks?” A kid from the side yelled.

Dad shot him a dirty look. “That’s my daughter up there, kid. Watch your mouth.”

He held his hands out in surrender, took a step back and pretended to zip his mouth closed.

Chase and I made our way to the center and knocked gloves. “Get ready for an ass whopping,” he said.

I rolled my eyes and took my stance. Chase was good enough to go pro, but I knew every trick he had up his sleeve. His foot tapped before each swing, and his eyes moved to the opposite side he was going to strike.

He swung gently toward my left, and I sidestepped him. “Are we bullshitting or boxing?”

His grin widened. He swung an uppercut my direction. We’d drawn a crowd, their voices louder with each swing and miss. “Damn Chase, I thought you were the champ. You’re lettin’ a girl kick your ass!”

Chase grunted when I hit him in the ribs and fell on his ass when I stuck my foot out. The entire gym erupted into laughter. All my problems left my body at the sight of Chase’s big ass on the floor.

“You still got it, baby girl,” Dad shouted behind me.

Chase wiped the sweat from his eyes but despite the humiliation, he grinned. “Goddammit, I’ll never live that one down.”

Smiling, I offered him my hand. He grabbed my wrist, pulled me to the floor, slung a leg over me and straddled my waist. His blue eyes were playful. “Cheater!” I screamed.

“Get off my daughter, Chase!”

“Your daughter likes it!” Chase yelled back.

I erupted into a bellyaching laugh. Tears spilled from the corners of my eyes, because this felt so normal. This was my life, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed it.

“Two seconds more and you’re running laps, Chase!” Dad yelled.

Chase smiled down at me. “Good job, babe. I missed you.”

Rolling my eyes, I shoved his chest until he helped me up. Chase wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my hairline.

“Anybody else interested in letting my daughter kick their asses?” Dad asked, hands outstretched, a smug grin on his face. 

Wiping my brow, I dropped my head and laughed.
God I miss this place.
When I glanced up I couldn’t help but look at Declan. My inkling was right, he was glaring at me. And I felt it. Something heavenly dark swarmed his face and drew point in his dark eyes. My mouth dried, and my sex clenched tighter. I felt myself matching his heavy breaths and not caring that he was mind-fucking me in front of a room full of people. There was absolutely no denying that he was turned on beyond belief and angry as fuck.

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