Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) (78 page)

BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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“Answer me, Jaxon.”

“Yes, Tony. I’ll marry you.”

He kissed her like he was finally taking that deep breath after two weeks of struggling to find the air to survive. The second their lips met, he was whole again, and his battered soul began knitting itself together.

They were one.

When he pulled away, his eyes were filled with emotion.

“Thank you for chasing me,” she whispered, rubbing the pad of her thumb across his lower lip.

“Always, honey. I promise I’ll chase you into hell and back.”




Tony Magnus just may get his chance...










To Be Continued……













Coming Next:


Realized (book 2) Nov 2014

The Carter Chronicles


Heaven is Weeping (book 5) Jan

Croft & Croft Romance adventures





















Other books by Morgan Kelley:


Stand Alone Romance/FBI thrillers


The Junction

Serial Sins

The Blood Betrayal


Romance/FBI Thriller Series

Elizabeth, Ethan, and Callen


The Killing Times (book 1)

Sacred Burial Grounds (book 2)

True Love Lost (book 3)

Deep Dark Mire (book 4)

Fire Burns Hot (book 5)

Darkness of Truth (book 6)

Devil Hath Come (book 7)

Consumed by Wrath (book 8)

Redemption is Here (book 9)

Dead Shall Speak (book 10) Spring 2015


Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series

     Greyson and Emma Croft


Celestia is Falling (book 1)

Vegas is Dying (book 2)

Christmas is Killing (book 3)

Love is Bleeding (book 4)

Heaven is Weeping (book 5) January 2015


The Littlemoon Investigations Series

Julian and Tori Littlemoon


Blood Red Rage (book 1)

Lost & Broken (book 2)

Unthinkable Games (book 3) March 2015




The Carter Chronicles Trilogy

Callista, Nathaniel, and Lucas


Sinner Repent (book 1)

Sinner Realized (book 2)
winter 2014

Sinner Reborn (book 3)
summer 2015


The Oracle Chronicles Series

Nathaniel Carter and Avalon Miller


Oracle Rising (book 1) Christmas 2015



Harcourte Vampyre Society

       Jolie, Jacques and Flynn


Dangerous Revelations (book 1)

Dangerous Choices (
book 2)

Dangerous Misery (book 3)




      All the couples in one book


Illegal Fantasies-

Behind Closed Doors(1)


Romance Under Arrest- winter 2014

Behind Closed Doors(2)


Holiday Reinforcements-

Behind Closed Doors (3) 2015






Please feel free to visit her at her website
, or visit her blog at









               X~ MK ~ X


BOOK: Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)
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