Redemption's Warrior (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Morse and William Mortimer

BOOK: Redemption's Warrior
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Christopher releases a shaky breath, “Did you say island?”

Islas Tres Marias
is fifty or sixty miles southwest of Mazatlan.” Once again Daniel coughs. Christopher wants to do something, anything to quiet this racking cough. When he can, Daniel explains, “My cough comes from childhood. Worse with the beating… You have not answered my question. What did you do? What brings you to a Mexican Federal Prison?”

The question echoes thru him. Christopher feels wave after wave of burning indignation. Rage floods his body sweeping him into fury. Outrage scalds a swollen and bruised throat. “My car was stolen, by the police!

“I’m falsely accused of drugs! Set up by the Tuck and Roll… skunk… I’ve been badly beaten… Someone needs to go to prison but it’s not me.”

In a voice rough with compassion Daniel says “I understand

When Daniel’s cough quiets he confesses he shot a federal officer. “A man using his badge to molest my sister… he was beyond the law.” Daniel’s cuffs jangle when he waves his hands in the air. “Our confrontation ended in a struggle. His gun discharged twice.” Daniel is carried away in coughing. Bent over he tries to swallow. He cannot stop. He can’t breathe, and then mercifully the struggle passes.

Sitting upright Daniel continues, “The first bullet flew through pillows my sister had stacked on a leather bench. It traveled through the bathroom wall, exploding the ceramic bowl. That
carried a powerful gun, a Governor.

“The second bullet ripped through the cop. Guts spilled across the carpeted floor. My self-defense pleas were thrown out.”

In a quiet voice he explains, “Murder of a federal officer carries a mandatory life sentence.”

Daniel continues. Reaching for Christopher’s hand he says, “Remember no place or status can keep you safe on
La Luna
.” Daniel’s arm falls away. Christopher’s head leans against the truck panel. Eyes closed he falls into a restless sleep. Lost, irate, terrified, confused in his mind’s eye he sees Master Jojo. Sitting at attention, “You have everything you need to master each day Christopher.”

He curls tightly, arms casting his broken ribs, rolling to his side he pulls himself into the fetal position. He reviews events beginning with his drive across the border. He keeps each breath shallow to master the pain. He feels his parent’s terror. “You have everything you need to master each day, each challenge.”

When the van grinds to a stop at a dock in La Paz Christopher guesses the time around midnight. A flood light hangs on a tall light post encircled by hundreds of bugs and swiftly darting bats. From the boat a rough voice commands, “Do your business off the dock. We are many hours to Mazatlan and our stop for supplies. My guard will shoot you if you try to run or swim away.”

Hours later, huddled in a corner of the boat, Christopher agonizes over the fear his parents are suffering. The burden too much to bear he shuffles over to Daniel, “Please, tell me more about the island.”

Daniel moves to accommodate his bruises. He nods. “Okay
. Sixty miles southwest off the coast of Mexico, in the center of Hurricane Alley, are four small islands known as The Three Marias. First they were a hideout for pirates because the islands have artesian springs.”

“How did the islands become a prison?” asks Christopher.

“A deposit of salt discovered. Also discovered; an abundance of the agave plant used in producing
. The government wanted cheap labor to harvest both salt and agave.  The prison was set up in the 1930’s.”

Daniel coughs. Christopher can see the bruises of finger prints around his throat. They fall silent. He has fallen asleep when Daniel speaks again. Jerking awake, every bit of information is vital. “There are gangs who harvest the agave, others the salt, another gang does repair and maintenance. A leader will come and meet you.

“I’ll be whipped or worse…”

Daniel’s voice falls away, his mind absorbed in the punishments awaiting him. Black circles under his eyes speak to Christopher of a raccoon.
A raccoon chews off his own foot for freedom

Just past dawn they chug into the Mazatlan harbor. The skipper parks next to a yacht King’s Run, San Diego, California. A woman lounges on the deck. Christopher guesses her age in her fifties. Trim and toned wearing a one piece bathing suit and matching sarong tied at her waist. Christopher inhales sharply. Is this an opportunity for help? The Captain and boat hands climb the dock to organize several pallets of supplies.

Christopher seizes the moment. Half yell, half whisper he calls, “Hey lady! I’m a United States citizen. I’m kidnapped, held hostage.” She doesn’t move. He cannot discern if she heard him. He calls out more loudly, “My name; Christopher Marcos.” Still no expression crosses her features. Christopher’s anxiety soars. His heart pounds, he’s running out of time. Boat hands have started loading supplies. “Call Rabbi Foxx the Wilshire Temple in Beverly Hills,” enunciating each word carefully he continues, “tell him to look for Christopher Marcos on
Islas Tres Marias

Christopher is panting with the effort to yell without being overheard or exacerbating his injuries. Without glancing in his direction the woman pulls up her towel and leaves the deck for the stateroom.  He looks at Daniel. “I think she heard me. I told her to call my mother’s rabbi.”

Daniel remains unseeing during their Mazatlan stop for supplies. He stares to the far horizon. Christopher worries. After a bout of coughing Daniel motions Christopher closer. He says, “Prisoners walk freely around the island. Don’t be fooled. The ocean provides the bars of this prison. A little town where administration lives encircled by high security fencing and guard towers. The towers are armed with machine guns and assault rifles. Surveillance cameras record entrances and exits. Guards in jeeps and on foot carry pistols and rifles. Few inmates are allowed past the gates.”

Daniels eyes close. His head drops. Christopher hopes he rests. In a burst of panic, he stares to make sure Daniel’s chest rises and falls. Christopher’s body slumps, chin to chest. His mouth twists. How will his family begin to search for him? Will they discover his car made a border crossing? And police will say he took a trip: Nothing to investigate. The
cops made no arrest. No paper trail of his transfer to
Islas Tres Marias

How many stories has he recently heard of young American men trapped in the Mexican penal system?  The State Department makes only weak attempts to inquire. One man, a decorated veteran, was brought home when Fox News pulled strings behind the scenes and encouraged viewers to cancel their travel plans in Mexico. A potential crisis of their tourist economy at stake the veteran was released immediately.

Christopher happened to see an interview after the man returned home. One look at his face told the story of a broken man. He shivers at the memory, a decorated American veteran broken by Mexico’s prison.

What’s the difference in Christopher’s circumstance? That man kept chained to his bunk, beaten by other prisoners, did have a paper trail of his arrest. Family or friends could locate him. Lost in these endless thoughts Christopher floats, a downward spiral into hopelessness. Within the never ending horizon of the sea, time falls away. In this eternity Christopher is shattered.

The sun is high in the sky when dolphins break the surface, executing pirouettes. Even the crew shouts. Weaving in and out of the water, double flips in the air, the show continues for several minutes. Christopher listens to squeaks and grunts amidst their play. Their vibrancy, athleticism and gleaming health jolts Christopher free of despair. He’s completely absorbed in the unexpected wonder. In that moment he makes a decision to search out and look for life’s wonders. Watching the dolphins has provided him with a map. His first step for freedom he must to regain his health and athleticism. Within vibrancy and health he will pursue escape.

Leaning over the railing Christopher finds himself gazing into the eye of a Humpback whale. Grasping the railing he tunnels, falling, deeply into the mystery held within the whale’s eye. Crazy, he’s certain the whale understands his predicament. The giant surfaces spouting a spray of water and leaping forward. Taking a cleansing breath, Christopher feels liberated
. It’s some kind of inexplicable spiritual magic
. In this instant he knows,
wherever beauty lives, so can I.
These wild creatures are a sign. They are a reminder of many freedoms.

Resolving to keep faith with the indecipherable bond that connects him with these animals he can hear Master Jojo’s voice echo the corridors of his mind, “If you live in faith, through the bad times, you’ll come out of the difficulties better than before. Practice, Christopher, is the key, in good times and bad.”

“I’ll live in faith.”

Hard to imagine he can come out of this circumstance better than before but he pledges to stay true and keep faith with the goodness he saw reflected in the play of the dolphins. He’ll trust in goodness to guide him. He has only one goal: reclaiming his freedom.

A second whale joins the first. Christopher intuitively knows they are mates. With a final flip of their enormous flukes they wave,
Hasta Luego
, diving deep.

Christopher’s vow shudders through him. He will remember:
Just as whales can be hidden from sight in the depths of the sea; purpose, goodness, love can be concealed beneath the turmoil on life’s surface

In this way he suddenly finds himself prepared for the obstacles to seizing his freedom. After eight hours of blistering sun,
Islas Tres Marias
looms in the mist.


urricane Alley comes too soon for Daniel. Carved bluffs, white beaches, at first sight
Islas Tres Marias
reflects jagged cliffs, sparkling sand, a white church and a cluster of stucco buildings. In the background, beyond the church, a massive security perimeter protects the entrance to the town.

Cutting the engine, the boat drifts to the dock. A crew member climbs the ladder and catches bows and stern line securing the craft to the landing. Daniel stands, frozen. Tears run down his face. A handful of guards wait forming a straight line on the wooden pier.

In the center of the group a murky haze encircles a short man, standing legs wide and arms akimbo. Mirrored sunglasses reflect the light. His assault rifle casually loops over his shoulder. Christopher’s eyes widen and fix on a coiled circle…
a bullwhip? What? Daniel meant he’d be punished with this bullwhip? It will rip him apart, leave scars, permanent scars.

The charged moment fills Christopher’s vision with chaotic shards of light. He sees sweat break out across Daniel’s brow. Daniel trembles. The whip unfolds. Unanimated it lays heavy across the smooth boards of the wooden dock. Collectively the guards take an uneasy step backwards.

Watching the central man Christopher sees superimposed the thick bones, large feet, muscular neck and heavily muscled shoulders of the Spanish Fighting Bull. The gloom deepens around him. Muddled dusky streaks of aggression fly at Daniel.
The flying bolts a precursor to the whip

Christopher wonders,
are these men accountable? A prison isolated, in the middle of, what’s it called? Hurricane Alley?

The air transforms dense and coarse with domination. Thick strands of muddy red encircle the man. He licks his lips, savoring the impending violence. The bull leans forward,
Bien venido a casa
, Daniel,” he bellows. “
Aqui ahora

Daniel pales beneath skin streaked red with sunburn. Circles blacken his eyes. Muscles bunched with dread, slowly he climbs the ladder. Christopher sees agile raccoon paws merging, hand over hand. “Please,
El Jefe
!” begs Daniel.

El Jefe’s
posture thickens. Like the bull, his bony head lowers. The whip arches. Meeting Daniel’s chest, leather has become a blade. Cutting deep through muscle and skin Daniel’s shirt falls away. Another crack and boom and the whip encircles Daniel’s naked waist. Micro-bits of flesh and blood fly thru the air. Daniel buckles, falling to his knees. Christopher hears his muffled prayer, “
Dios mio! Dios mio

Now laughing guards surround Daniel. The Spanish Bull grabs Daniel by the arm dragging him to a waiting jeep. “I have a special place in town for you serving the guards.” The whip winds around Daniel’s waist cutting, tearing muscle and skin while he stumbles forward.

Frozen with horror Christopher waits.

In the void of Daniel’s exit one man stands on the dock. He motions for Christopher to climb the ladder. Hand over hand, as Daniel climbed before him, Christopher trembles.

The dock, a whitewashed church, and hard dirt streets are juxtaposed against a brilliant sky. The church, freshly painted white stands outside the gates to the town. Tunneling his examination deeper Christopher sees a glimpse of shops and buildings inside the walled community. Now he understands what Daniel meant when he said the island had a town. Shifting for another angle he sees homes. He moves closer for a better view.
Shops and homes. So much to see
. His view blocked by the high security perimeter fencing.

“Marcos! Follow me. I’m Checo, maintenance and repair. You work for me.” Checo shakes his head grimacing. “Welcome to
La Luna
. You’ve arrived at the home of the dangerous and those of us who wish we were dangerous.” He barks a bitter laugh.

Christopher grabs Checo’s arm. “Will Daniel be alright? What will happen to him?”

Ignoring the question Checo continues walking and Christopher follows. Wild parrots soar thru the tree canopy. Christopher stumbles as they trudge up a dirt path. His ribs protest the movement. Sharp pains force him to take shallow breaths.

A well-muscled man Checo’s stride is full of confidence and swag. Tall for his Latin ancestry, even his features are European. Beside Checo standing in his shadow Christopher makes out a black Jaguar. Sleek with black-spots he prowls restlessly next to Checo.

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