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Authors: Boston George

Redrum (15 page)

BOOK: Redrum
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Kendu looked through the peephole and saw Diamond standing on the other side. He put the safety on his .45 as he slipped the gun in his pocket, and cracked the door. “Wassup?” he asked, peeking his head out the door.
me!” Diamond pushed her way up in the house. Immediately she spotted Crystal sitting on the couch sipping on a drink. “Who the fuck is this bitch?”
“Listen,” Kendu said, grabbing her arm, “don't come in here with that bullshit. This my peoples, and we just chilling.”
Diamond looked at Kendu like he was insane. “Y'all just chilling?”
“We are not together anymore, so what's the problem?” Kendu said, still holding her back.
“Either you put the bitch out of our house, or I'ma do it!” Diamond yelled. “And I ain't playing.”
Crystal hopped up off the couch and smoothly slid out of her heels. She sat her drink down on the coffee table and put her hair in a ponytail. “Why the fuck is you yelling all up in my man's face?” she said.
Once Crystal got close enough, Diamond swung around Kendu and hit her in her face. From there it was on. Kendu stepped out the way and watched as the two women got busy, grabbing one another's hair and going to work on each other, tearing up his house in the process.
Kendu let the two get it outta their systems before he stepped in and broke up the fight. He then roughly escorted Diamond outside. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he barked. “Don't come over here fuckin' my shit up then go back to that other nigga crib and play house!”
“Fuck you!” She swung at Kendu, still caught up in her feelings.
Kendu quickly grabbed her arms and pinned her down on the hood of Crystal's Lexus. “We are not together anymore,” he said, looking in her eyes. “You chose who you wanted to be with. You been living your life, now let me live mine.”
“Get the fuck off me!” Diamond said, tears pouring down her face. She knew she was wrong for what she did, but she just couldn't stomach her husband fucking another woman. Something inside of her just wouldn't allow her to just look past that, whether they were together or not.
“I'm sorry.” Diamond got up, wiped her face, and headed back to her car.
Kendu just looked on as he watched her walk to her car. He still loved her, but he wasn't just going to sit around and wait for her to decide if she loved him again.
After Diamond's car pulled off, Kendu went back inside. As soon he stepped foot back inside the house, the first thing he did was apologize to Crystal, who had a few scratches on her neck.
“No, I'm sorry. I should've kept my cool.” Crystal sipped from her glass. “Sorry for messing up your house.”
“It's okay. I wanted to re-decorate anyway,” Kendu joked.
He went to the bathroom and returned with a warm wet rag. He sat beside Crystal, and gently applied the rag to her scratches.
“You know what would feel better than that rag?” she said in a seductive tone.
“What?” Kendu asked, tossing the rag on the coffee table.
Crystal whispered in his ear, “I think it would be better if you kissed my wounds.”
That being said, Kendu leaned over and began to kiss and suck all over Crystal's neck. He then made his way to her lips, and their tongues intertwined in a slow dance.
Crystal stood up and slid out of her one-piece dress. She stood before Kendu wearing nothing but a black thong. Kendu stood up and removed his wife-beater, revealing his six-pack. As the two kissed again, he lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as the two continued to kiss, while he carried her upstairs to the master bedroom.
Kendu laid Crystal down on the bed and quickly removed his pants and boxers, while he watched Crystal slide out of her thong. Crystal's thighs were so thick, and her ass was so big and juicy, he had no choice but to taste her peach.
She spread her legs as far as she could, and he placed his head between her split and licked and sucked all over her wet pussy, like it was the last time he would ever be with a woman again.
Crystal moaned as she wrapped her legs around Kendu's head and thrust her pussy farther in his mouth. She moaned loudly as she felt herself releasing in his mouth and on his face. She then pushed him on his back and straddled him.
Inside of Crystal felt like heaven. Kendu just lay back and watched as she bounced up and down on his dick, demanding that he come.
Kendu kissed Crystal passionately as he came inside her, and Crystal lay her head on his chest, and the two quickly drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 14
Kendu's sleep was abruptly interrupted when he heard his cell phone ringing in the middle of the night. He looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. It said 4:25
He grabbed his cell phone. “Yo',” he answered.
“We got a problem,” Amazon said into the phone. “Get down to the spot now!”
Kendu listened as the phone went dead on the other line. “Fuck!” He cursed as he slid out the bed and quickly got dressed. He kissed Crystal on the cheek, who was knocked out as he headed out the door.
Kendu hopped in his Audi and backed out of his driveway like a madman. He didn't know what was going on, but from the tone of Amazon's voice, he knew it wasn't nothing good.
Twenty minutes later Kendu pulled up to the front of the spot and saw about ten to fifteen goons standing out front, talking loud. Immediately he knew something bad had gone down.
He walked up and gave all the men he knew dap and made his way through the house. He saw Dirty Black and Amazon sitting in the back room talking. “What's going on around here?” Kendu asked as he gave both men dap.
“It's time to ride out.” Amazon was dressed in all-black. He was tired of waiting around and ready to hurt somebody.
“This clown Big Time made a move on two of our soldiers,” Dirty Black said in a calm voice. “Now him and his whole crew going to have to pay.”
“So what's the plan?” Kendu asked, still a little shaken from being awaken from his sleep so suddenly.
Dirty Black sat straight up. “That clown you used to fuck with named Deuce, you still know where he lives?”
Once Kendu heard Dirty Black say Deuce's name, he knew he was going to have to kill his childhood friend. “Yeah, I know where he lives.”
“Good,” Dirty Black said. “He's the first one that has to go.”
“Not a problem.” Amazon tapped Kendu then headed for the door.
The ride to Deuce's house was a quiet one. Kendu didn't really have too much to say. He just never thought he would have to kill his childhood friend, a person who, when he was younger, had sleepovers at his home and all that.
Amazon noticed Kendu was in deep thought. “Fuck you over there thinking about?”
“Just ready to get this shit over,” Kendu said, his eyes on the road.
Amazon laughed. “This shit is just now getting started.”
“That's what I'm afraid of.” Kendu pulled up across the street from Deuce's house.
Amazon hopped out the van and grabbed a shotgun from the back. He turned to Kendu. “You ready?”
Kendu threw his hood over his head and cocked back his .45. “I am now.”
Deuce and Mousey sat up in his crib entertaining two of their lady friends. The foursome sat up talking, and getting their drink on.
“Yo', hold that thought,” Mousey said as he got up and went to the bathroom.
“Yeah, that nigga always be having to take a shit,” Deuce joked.
Just then Deuce's front door came crashing down.
The two women screamed at the top of their lungs when they saw the front door get kicked open and two hooded men barge in.
Immediately Deuce reached for his 9 mm that rested on the table, but a bullet in his shoulder from Kendu's .45 jerked his body back on the couch.
At first Amazon was going to let the women live, but he couldn't take all that screaming. He immediately aimed his shotgun at the first woman's face and pulled the trigger.
He then turned his shotgun to the next woman.
Amazon cocked another round inside the chamber as he trained his shotgun on Deuce. “Where can I find Big Time at?”
“I—I d—don't know,” Deuce stuttered.
Straightaway Deuce felt his knee get blown off from the force of the shotgun.
“I'ma ask you one more time.” Amazon pumped another round into the chamber.
Out of nowhere Mousey came from out the back blasting his .357, firing recklessly over his shoulder as he dashed straight out the back door.
Kendu fired four shots in his direction, but missed all four as he watched Mousey escape out the back door. He then turned his .45 on Deuce. “Where the fuck is Big Time?”
“Why are you doing this?” Deuce asked, looking in Kendu's eyes. “We supposed to be family.”
Kendu ignored Deuce's comments. “Last time. Where's Big Time?”
“Fuck you!” Deuce spat. “You never cared about me. You was always out for yourself. Do what you gotta do, 'cause I ain't telling you shit!”
Kendu shook his head at his friend's ignorance and disloyalty. He pulled the trigger, blowing his brains all over the back of the couch.
“Come on. We gotta go,” Amazon said, and him and Kendu jogged back to the van.
Chapter 15
Crystal woke up in the morning and rolled over. She found out that she was alone in the bed. She quickly got up and got dressed. She had a wonderful time with Kendu last night, but she had a few things that she had to get done today, so she wrote him a note letting him know that she would call him later. She placed the note on his pillow as she left his house. Then she hopped inside her Lexus and headed home.
When Crystal pulled up in her driveway, the only thing on her mind was a nice hot shower. She stuck her key in the lock then entered her home. She tossed her keys on the counter like she always did, kicked off her shoes, and made her way to the living room. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Big Time sitting on her couch watching Rick Ross's new video on BET.
Big Time sat up on the couch, looking Crystal in her eyes. “Where the fuck you been all night?”
“None of your fuckin' business. What are you doing in my house? And how did you get in here?”
“This my house,” Big Time reminded her. “Now I'ma ask you one more time—Where the fuck you been all night?”
“I been out. That's where I been! Now get out before I call the cops.” Truth be told, Crystal would never call the cops. She hated them and everything they stood for. She was just hoping her threat would scare Big Time, but it didn't.
Big Time didn't want to have to put his hands on Crystal, but he couldn't have her just out all night with the next man. He had to do what he felt was necessary. He walked up to her and slapped her down to the floor.
“Get ya ass up!” he growled. He dragged her through the house by her hair all the way upstairs to the master bedroom. “Bitch, you better have your ass at my house tonight, or else I'm going to kill you! And you better have my daughter with you.” He punched her in the face so she could know he wasn't playing. “Let me not see y'all tonight.” He left Crystal curled up on the floor crying.
Big Time exited Crystal's house, headed to his favorite soul food restaurant. He didn't want to hit her. All he wanted to do was show her that he had changed, and was ready to be a family man and treat her the way she deserved to be treated, but she refused to give him that chance. He loved Crystal and couldn't see himself without her, so he refused to let her leave and go be with the next man.
Kendu and Amazon cruised through every hood looking for Big Time and anybody affiliated with him.
“That was your first time killing somebody you knew?” Amazon asked, breaking the silence.
“Yeah,” Kendu answered. “I just don't know why he would switch sides like that.”
“Just because you loyal doesn't mean the people around you are too. I also had to learn that the hard way. This nigga Big Time still stuck in the eighties.”
“Who the fuck is this Big Time nigga anyway?”
“Some clown who used to be the man back in the day, but what he has to realize is that the game has changed, and so have the players,” Amazon said.
Kendu was about to say something else, until he saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror. “Fuck!” he cursed loudly. “Five-O behind us!” he announced in a panic tone.
“Damn!” Amazon said out loud.
“What we gon' do?” Kendu asked, placing his .45 on his lap. The van was filled with guns, duct tape, rope, and all kinds other shit they didn't have an explanation for. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he did know he wasn't going to jail.
“Fuck it! Speed up then stop,” Amazon said. “We gon' have to take our chance on foot.”
“Fuck it!” Kendu stepped on the gas, his eyes still on the cop car in his rearview mirror.
Amazon gave Kendu dap and looked over at him. “If one of us don't make it, I just want you to know you a real-ass nigga.”
“You too.” Kendu stomped on the brakes.
As soon the van came to a complete stop, both men quickly hopped out and ran in opposite directions. Kendu aimed his .45 at the cop car and sent three shots through the front window. Then he ran through someone's backyard, quickly hopped the fence, and disappeared through the woods.
Amazon ran in the opposite direction, through someone's backyard too. The only difference was, the officer decided to chase him.
“Fuck!” Amazon felt himself getting tired as he tried to escape through the woods. “Fuck this shit!” He turned around and fired two shots. When he looked up, he saw the officer fall to the ground. “Fuck!” He cursed. Then he thought,
Better him than me
. Amazon hit the main street, quickly hopped in a cab, and rode off to safety.
Kendu wiped down his .45 with the sleeve of his hoody. Then he tossed the gun in the woods along with the hooded sweater, before making his way to the main street and blending in with the crowd. He tried to catch his breath, but his walk was still swift.
Three minutes later he finally realized where he was. He wasn't too familiar with the area, but he knew it was a train station at the next corner. Kendu was just grateful that he got away from the police officer. He was hoping Amazon had as much luck as he did.
Just as Kendu spotted the train station, he saw Big Time exit some restaurant, carrying some food. “Damn!” He was hoping Big Time didn't see him.
Today must not have been his day, ‘cause Big Time immediately spotted him and recognized him as the guy he saw hop in a cab at Crystal's house. He also remembered him at the cookout, standing next to Dirty Black.
From the evil smirk on Big Time's face, and the way he sat his food down on the hood of his car, Kendu knew something was about to go down. He instantly regretted tossing his gun in the woods.
Kendu was going to try to walk past him, but Big Time blocked his path with an ice grill on his face. Once the two got close enough, Kendu swung on Big Time. Big Time easily blocked the punch, using technique fifty-two that he had learned while in prison. He threw a quick jab that landed squarely on Kendu's nose, causing his eyes to water. He smiled as he blocked a few more of Kendu's punches.
Once Big Time got tired of playing with him, he dipped one of Kendu's punches and caught him with a clean uppercut, knocking him out cold. “Bitch-ass nigga!” He snarled, kicking Kendu in the face like it was a soccer ball.
Big Time looked up and saw that now a crowd had developed. A smile quickly appeared on his face. He pulled out his penis and urinated all over Kendu's face and clothes. Once that was over Big Time grabbed his food, slid back in his car, and bounced, leaving Kendu laid out on the ground.
Fifteen minutes later Kendu finally came back around. The only thing he remembered was bumping into Big Time, and that was it. He picked himself up off the ground and noticed that a nice-size crowd had formed.
“That nigga got knocked the fuck out!” he heard someone from the crowd say, which was followed by laughter.
Kendu touched his face, and his hand came away wet and sticky, smelling like urine. “What the fuck!” He thought out loud as his blood began to boil. Big Time had not only knocked him out, but he'd also humiliated him. As Kendu continued on towards the train station, he knew wherever he saw Big Time again, it was going to be on, on sight.
Big Time made it back to the hangout crib and couldn't wait to brag about how he had knocked out one of Dirty Black's boys, but when he got inside, he saw everybody standing around Mousey. “Fuck going on around here?”
“They just killed Deuce, and tried to take my head off!” Mousey said, a hint of fear in his voice.
“Who?” Big Time asked.
“Dirty Black's peoples,” Mousey said. “About fifteen of them bum-rushed the crib, and they all had machine guns.” He lied to make himself seem bigger than he really was.
“So how you get up outta there?” Big Time asked.
“I shot my way up out that bitch!” Mousey told him.
“Fuck it! These niggas wanna war, that's what they going to get,” Big Time said, looking around. “Yo', Action, me and you going to go take care of Dirty Black tonight. The rest of y'all niggas, I want y'all out here on these corners getting this money.”
Big Time and Action Jackson exited the crib. If Big Time knew that Dirty Black had his people try to take out his little nephew, he definitely would've killed Kendu right there in the middle of the street earlier.
“What's the plan?” Action Jackson slipped his hands inside his black gloves.
“We going to pay Dirty Black's ass a visit,” Big Time said as they both hopped inside the ride. “But, first, I gotta go pick up my babies real quick and take them back to my crib,” he added, headed towards Crystal's house.
Big Time pulled up in Crystal's driveway and hopped out the car. He had a serious look on his face as he banged on the door.
After three minutes of waiting, Big Time turned, lifted his leg, and kicked the door. It took two tries before the door finally gave in. Big Time and Action Jackson searched the crib like it had a hidden treasure.
After searching the house for over six minutes, he and Action Jackson came up empty.
“What you wanna do now?” Action Jackson asked.
“Let's go handle this business. I'll catch up with her later,” Big Time said, and they exited the house.
Kendu hopped out the shower still upset that Big Time had pissed on him. He already had planned in his head what he was going to do to him the next time they bumped into each other. He dried off and threw on some sweatpants and a wife-beater. He thought about ordering some food, but his jaw was still a little sore from the beating he took earlier in the day.
“Fuck this shit!” Kendu cursed as he opened up a bottle Grey Goose and poured himself a shot. He downed the liquid fire in one gulp then poured himself another one. He downed the second shot and was about to pour a third, when he heard somebody knocking on his door.
“Who the fuck is knocking on my door at this time of night?” he said out loud. He grabbed the .380 he had resting on his countertop and headed towards the door.
Kendu opened the front door and saw Crystal and a little girl who he figured was her daughter standing on the other side with a bunch of luggage. The look on their face said that they didn't have any other place to go where that clown Big Time wouldn't find them. He stepped to the side, so Crystal and her daughter could enter his home.
As Crystal walked past him, she mouthed the words, “Thank you.”
Kendu just replied with a head nod. “And what might your name be?” he asked the little girl.
“Jessica,” she replied politely with a smile.
“Nice to meet you, Jessica,” Kendu said, gently shaking her hand. “Make yourself at home. If you need anything, and I mean anything, you just let me know.”
After Kendu got Crystal settled in, and Jessica ready for bed, him and Crystal sat on the couch cuddled up on one another.
BOOK: Redrum
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