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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Reece's Faith (15 page)

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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Reece lifted her shirt and bra up to expose her breasts, then scooted up so she could lay her head on the arm of the couch. Now she could see her hands touching her body.

Those are not Faith's hands.
She closed her eyes.

If they were her hands, they'd be doing this...

She slid her hand inside her Calvins and groaned when she felt how wet she had made herself.

Oh yeah, it's not a race...never did slow and easy before...nice.

She reached down low to see just how wet she was capable of making herself, and was pleasantly surprised at the amount she found.

If I knew my own hands could do this...

Long fingers repeatedly bypassed the one spot that needed attention most. Circling it, teasing it. It was becoming increasingly warm in the room, and the club owner shrugged out of her coat and left it underneath her.

She found herself circling her entrance more often now and twisting her nipples harder, imagining Faith was touching her, teasing her.

"Please.." She begged aloud, lost in her fantasy.

Pulling her Calvins down to meet her jeans, she began humping the air.


A thought struck her then.
My fantasy is having Faith take me?!
She opened her eyes in shock.

No one
Reece Corbett...
Her hand slid down into her wetness and she moaned out loud again.

"My fantasy is to have Faith take me." She stated aloud.

This time it was a realization.

Fuck it, it's just a fantasy...
She shrugged and lay back down to resume her attentions.

"Oh Reece...god yes, that's hot!"

The tall woman shot bolt upright on the couch and saw Faith standing there, wearing nothing but an expression of pure lust.

"You are so damned gorgeous laying there half undressed, squishing around in your own wetness." The actress dropped to her knees beside the couch.

"Uh, Faith..." Reece's heart was pounding so fast and so loudly in her head, she was sure she was going to have a heart attack.

Faith crawled up and straddled her lover's abdomen, reaching down to slide one hand back and forth in the wetness, reaching up with the other to turn blue eyes in her direction.

"You got me so turned on calling out my name." She slid her hand down Reece's neck to her shoulder and down her side, stopping at the odd object protruding from the pocket of the leather jacket. Rooting around a bit, she grinned mischievously when she realized what it was.

"What do you want, Reece? My mouth? My hands?" She pulled the dildo out of the pocket and rolled it across her speechless lover's exposed breasts. "Or would you like me to fuck you with this?"

"God, Faith... " She swallowed loudly. "What the hell has gotten into you?" the club owner asked nervously.

"I do believe you mentioned me taking you?" The actress smiled evilly.

Reece's eyes bugged out and she shook her head in disbelief.

"Yes, baby, you said it out loud." Faith ran the dildo back and forth across a hard nipple. "Personally, I figured you for a top, but I'm willing to accommodate."

"Oh god. I'm toast, aren't I?" Reece was sweating and uncomfortable.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll give you some control." Faith lowered her nipple to Reece's lips.

"Now, suck."

*  *  *


With Faith's nipple ring poking between her lips, Reece's tongue foraged around in her mouth for saliva.
It was there a minute ago...

"Open Reece, suck."

"Uh, Faith, baby... I'm not sure this is going to work," she stammered, struggling to sit upright.

"I heard you, you said it: My fantasy is to have Faith take me. Soo?"

"Yeah, but that's just a fantasy. I don't think I can, you know, let you, do, well... that." She grimaced.

"I'm not tying you up and blindfolding you, honey, just calling the shots." Faith stroked her lover's face.

"Yeah, but... "

"Yeah, but what? Come on, baby," she purred, reaching behind her and sliding her fingers back into the slippery folds. "God you're soaking wet. Just go with it."

"It's just that," Reece gestured behind her to the dildo, which Faith had put on the armrest. "I never .." her voice trailed off.

"Reece? Are you saying you've never been fucked?" Faith tried hard to hide her disbelief.

The club owner nodded with a half-embarrassed smile. "Well, not by someone else."

Oh no, not that image again.
Faith shivered at the thought of her tall lover pleasuring herself with toys. "And your fantasy, does it...?" This time she gestured towards the dildo. "By me?"

"Yeah." Reece lay back down on the couch and covered her eyes with her forearm.

Well, I bet that wasn't an easy admission.
"That's ok, hon, we don't have to do that. We don't have to do anything now if you don't want."
Oh but I want!

Faith caressed the silky dark hair and saw the club owner's tension fade. She leaned over and kissed Reece softly, running her tongue along her bottom lip. The kisses became more intense and the actress smiled when she heard the quiet growl from beneath her.


"Reece?" The actress continued to lick the moving lips.

"Now that you gave me the choice... it doesn't seem like such a bad idea." Reece's lips curled up into a grin.

A million and one images of herself taking Reece crowded her mind all at once and Faith groaned.

"You better mean that, Reece," she warned.

"I do. You're naked, on top of me, and I'm dripping wet." She grasped Faith's hand and placed it back between her legs. "Now come over here and take me." Blue eyes narrowed seductively.

Faith surged with adrenaline and she quickly picked up where Reece had left off. She wrapped her lips around a nipple and sucked it into her mouth, hard. The sudden heat and strength of the suction made the tall woman gasp. The actress captured the flesh between her teeth and smiled.

"You like hard?" She punctuate the question with a nip.

"Yeah, hard.." Reece groaned as her nipple was bitten.

Ok, so this is new. What do I do? What if I hurt her?

"Show me how. I want to fulfill your fantasy." The actress was startled at how hard she was breathing.

Reece slid one hand down between her legs and pressed Faith's palm against her hard. She humped the hand forcefully and moaned. Faith's stomach clenched with arousal and she ground herself into Reece's abdomen.
She's so hot! So horny, so out of control!

The tall woman arched her back.

"Faith, really suck them."
God I want her to fuck me!
She pulled Faith harder to her breasts.

"Oh yeah, baby.. so hot." She sucked and bit at the hard nipples and was rewarded with a shuddering moan. The redhead felt herself get even wetter and she rubbed her sex harder across Reece's ribs.

"Yeesss.. oh.. oh.."
Fuck me Faith.. please..
Reece was on fire.
I need this.. I've lost all control and I don't give a shit!

The sounds coming out of her usually less than vocal lover were driving the actress wild.

"More... now.." the tall woman was shuddering.

"Show me."
God yes!

Reece took hold of Faith's wrist and guided her hand up and down roughly between her legs.

"That's right." Faith was so incredibly turned on by this new information.
Oh my god this is unbelivable!
She allowed her hand to be led in its movements, it felt too good to stop.

"Uh huh.. just like that.." Reece stared into her lover's eyes and nodded, still holding the smaller hand.
I have never been so fucking horny in my life!

"You want more?"

"Yes..more." She flung her head back and arched her neck. "Please.. I can take it."
Fuck me goddamnit!
She wanted to be filled, taken by this woman.
I can't believe this is happening! I need this so badly..

Faith obeyed. She worked her mouth possessively, roughly against her lovers breasts, and Reece growled as sharp teeth manipulated her nipple.

"I love your tits Reece."

"Shit!" The tall woman grabbed on to Faith's hip and pulled her wet sex closer towards her face.

"I bet you can smell me huh? You want to taste me?"

"Yessss...oohhh..." Faith lifted herself up so Reece can take a peek.

"You want that? Breathe, smell it. I know how hot it makes you." Reece began aggressively humping Faith's hand, shuddering and shivering with unquenched desire.

"God you are so beautiful" The actress marveled at the sight.

"Ohh.. that's it..don't to me."
Now.. put it in..

Faith stilled for a second at Reece's plea.
Whoa.. that was close, almost came there.
After forcing down the sensation, she complied with her lovers requests.

"You look so good with your pants half off, your shirt pushed up like that," Faith scraped her teeth along a nipple, "..these tits begging for me." Reece arched her back and whined.

"So wet...and all for me." She bit down again on the nipple and pinched Reece's clit rhythmically with her captive hand.

Reece groaned and covered her eyes again.
Just do it.. fuck me.

Faith continued to tease Reece, her fingers doing what she'd observed earlier.
I can't believe she's letting me do this!
She was a nervous wreck but she'd never let Reece know that. She always wanted to control her tough lover, but was terrified she'd get laughed at if she attempted it.
Now she's giving me permission and I'm scared shitless...I don't even know what to do. Great Faith, way to go.
The actress switched nipples.

Reece could only stand so much teasing; she'd given herself a large dose of it, and now she was way past tolerant. Especially with Faith's juices spilling onto her ribs.
Inside me, I need you inside me.

Faith felt Reece's hand cover her own and guide two fingers to her entrance. The smaller hand stilled.

"Tell me."

"Faith..." the tall woman groaned.
Now woman!

"Faith what?" She let her fingers circle and tease but not quite comply with what her lover was craving.

Reece was about to tell her, but it wouldn't come out. Instead all she did was lift her hips and moan as she felt Faith's fingers flit over her entrance.

"Ohh.." She groaned.

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes," she whispered.

BOOK: Reece's Faith
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