Reece's Faith (64 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"Want company, gorgeous?"

"I'm not in the mood, Cor," Reece snapped. "Careful, I need my head," the dancer gave her boss an exaggerated scowl. "What's wrong with you?"

Cori knew exactly what was wrong with Reece. She'd had a little chat with a certain bleeding bartender. She just wanted to know how Reece was working this out. The dancer figured her friend was in need of some safe companionship.

"I don't know. I feel sorta sick... I think," the tall woman started to walk with the dancer right besides her.

"Oh, that helps."

"Fuck, Cori! Didn't you hear me? I'm not in the mood for chitchat. Okay?"

"It's guilt, Reece," Cori stated confidently.

"What?" the club owner stopped walking and stood in front of the dancer.

"Guilt. It's what you're feeling now."

"Guilt? Why? I'm not guilty of anything..."The tall woman closed her eyes and stopped walking again. "That's it?" she wondered out loud.

"Reece, I spoke to Chris. I know what happened... nothing. But if I know you, you're beating yourself up over it anyway. When it comes down to it, Reece, you did good. If it means anything, I'm really proud of you," the dancer smiled.

It was true. Immediately assuming the worst upon seeing the bartender stumble out of the office, Cori was stunned to find out Christina was turned down. She felt guilty for not having faith in her friend and was incredibly impressed with her.

Meanwhile, Reece had buried her face in her hands. She had an ache deep in the bottom of her stomach, her heart was beating frantically, her mouth was dry, her head was pounding... and she couldn't stop any of it. This was way outta control. She didn't like it one bit.

Cori jumped out of her skin as Reece suddenly picked up a sidewalk trashcan and threw it. It struck the closed gates of a store and bounced down the street.

"REECE!" The dancer screamed more out of fright than concern. She half expected Reece to flip out sometime tonight, but was caught off guard by this. Cori knew her friend was going to go through one hell of a time understanding her emotions. She was sure it was going to confuse the shit out of her. Reece and confusion usually equaled destruction in one way or another. After Faith voiced her fear of the tall woman hurting herself, Cori had to make sure that she'd be okay. She just wondered if

Cori ran after the tall woman as she went to pick up the empty trashcan again. Unfortunately for her, when she grabbed Reece's arm, the club owner lifted Cori and the can off the ground and over her head. "Reece! Drop it! Please... this area is crawling with cops! It's Times-fucking-Square on New Years!" she panicked.

Reece took a huge gulp of air and dropped both Cori and the garbage can. She felt like she may hyperventilate. She leaned her head on a nearby lamppost. Reece trembled. She was breathing heavily and still felt a need to lash out. Though she physically exerted herself, neither the effort nor the loud noise made her feel any better. "Cor?"

"Reece?" the dancer put her hand on the tall woman's back.

"I'm fucked."

"No, you're not. Go home."

"Home? Faith's there!?" Reece shot up to her full height and her face shone with fear.

"Your point is?"

"I can't see Faith. Not like this," she said rather quietly.

"Sure you can. I'll walk with you. You'll go home and you'll tell Faith how much you love her. She must miss you something awful at this moment."

"Cori? You know me... why are you acting like I can walk in there like nothing happened?" Reece was very frustrated with her friend.

"Well, first of all... nothing did happen. If you told Faith about it, she'd be very proud that you didn't act on the temptation. Second of all, you need to talk to your woman, Reece. You can't keep running away anymore. She worries about you too much. You owe it to her."

"Faith doesn't deserve this. I don't now that I can control my stupid fucking self. I'll wind up hurting her... God, I'm such an asshole!"

"She knows you're an asshole. She loves you anyway and the only way you'll hurt her is if you don't go home and talk to her. Don't sell her short, Reece."

The tall woman began walking again, lost in thought. Every so often, she would frown, bite her lip or shake her head. The dancer rooted for her. She wanted Reece to feel secure with Faith. She wanted the tall woman to run
Faith, not away. Cori stayed by her side waiting, hoping what she said was going to sink in, but from the looks passing over the tall woman's face, the dancer was doubtful of the outcome.

Reece's mind was working a mile a minute. Usually one to work off of pure impulse, this was a strange experience. Thoughts crowded in her head, disjointed and loud.
Faith worries? About me? Why? I'm a big girl... maybe she's afraid I'll... or maybe she knew I'd... fuck. Why is this so hard? I'm a shit... I almost let Christina... but wait... I didn't let her, did I? Can Faith understand? Will she still love me? What the hell am I saying? You know you're going to take one look at her in that little black dress and... can she handle it? She did say that she loves all of me... she said she loves The Animal didn't she? So? Wait a minute... all I have to do is talk to her. Tell her I need her, but I... what? I'm afraid? Oh yeah, Reece Corbett... The Animal, is afraid of Faith Ashford. It's not like I have to fuck her, is it? I mean, I can control myself. I refuse to hurt her because I'm weak... WEAK? Did I say WEAK? Oh, god... weak, needy and afraid. Shoot me now. I may as well learn to swoon while I'm at it. Jesus... Hmm... I don't have to tell her exactly, I really only have to tell her I love her. After all, there's nothing but truth in that and if I still need to ravage her, well, then I'll go downstairs and hump a pillow or something. Maybe I'll get drunk. There's that bottle of Champagne...

Eventually Reece reached over and rested her hand on Cori's shoulder. The dancer let out a sigh of relief to feel that hand. It was steady and strong. "You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, Cori. I'm gonna go home and tell Faith I love her. Maybe hump a pillow," she added with a sly grin.

"Don't take this the wrong way, boss, but I love you for that."

"Cor, I never thought I'd say this, but I think I know what you mean."

The dancer squeezed Reece's hand on her shoulder and smiled knowingly. "Oh, my god... a cab! You okay to go the rest of the way?" Cori hardly waited for an answer before she practically threw herself in front of the vehicle. Reece chuckled and waved.

"Well, Corbett... time to face the woman."

*  *  *


Reece locked the door behind her and pressed her body against it, breathing a shaky sigh of relief.

The streets were full of drunks and revelers, little packs of out of towners, each one louder and more obnoxious than the rest. She congratulated herself for successfully ignoring any urge to strangle and/or maim these annoyingly festive people. The tall woman kicked off her boots and soaked up the quiet. It calmed her enough to open her eyes and look around.
Too quiet. She probably fell asleep waiting for me.
Wonder if she's mad?
Reece flipped on the lights and peered around.
I had to get her out of there... too many assholes. I was protecting her, she's gotta know that.

Looking into the living room, she noticed something odd lying in the middle of the floor and went to investigate. "Faith?" she called out while bending down to retrieve the crumpled stockings. She smirked as she lifted them to her nose.
Mmm. Faith. It's what's for dinner.

"Babe?" she called out again.

Yeah, she's out,
she thought, somewhat disappointed.
Aw, fuck, probably for the better, but how am I going to sleep tonight? Ah, alcohol...
The tall woman frowned at the empty bottle of champagne lying on the floor by the recliner.
Crap. Looks like Faith already celebrated without me. I don't blame her... I was so stupid tonight.

Wandering into the kitchen, she cursed when her foot landed in a puddle. Peeling off her wet sock, the smell of the expensive bubbly hit her.
She's drunk!
Reece grinned, suddenly excited.
She's probably waiting upstairs for me right now...
The club owner peeled off her other sock and headed for the stairs, with visions of her naked girlfriend lying seductively on the bed.

She tore open her pants as she entered the bedroom, only to find Faith sprawled out on the bed in flannel pajamas.
Well that serves you right, you think she's always gonna wait for you?

The tall woman dropped her hands to her sides dejectedly and looked at herself in the mirror. Before she had time to beat herself up, the reflection of something colorful caught her eye. Turning to face the bed from a new angle, Reece raised an eyebrow at the wrapping paper, tissue paper and other items surrounding the sleeping woman, who mumbled. "Faith? You up?" she asked quietly.

Climbing onto the bed, the tall woman started investigating the clutter.
Interesting... very interesting...
she snickered to herself, flipping through the pages of "The Joys Of Lesbian Sex."

She attempted to juggle the little pouches of lube, but failed miserably. Her attention was drawn to some black objects, which, when she grabbed, revealed a note: Don't think I didn't notice those chafe marks, young lady. Doris's daughter, the fashionable lesbian I met at the last P-FLAG get together, told me these were all the rage. You just peel off the back and stick them in your cuffs.

Reece laughed out loud, picturing her lover's face while she read this.

Hmm... not a bad idea...
she agreed as she played with the soft, furry inserts.
What other goodies did she give us?
Reece scanned the bed, her eyes narrowed at the item her snoring lover was clutching in her hand. She carefully extracted it and held it up for inspection.
Ooo! I was gonna get this! Cool, Mrs. A!

Faith shifted in her sleep and the club owner's eyes widened.
What the hell happened in here?
she wondered, half amused, half confused. It seemed every toy they had was in bed with her lover. Reece snickered when she caught herself smelling the newest toy.
Nope, not Faith. Musta been seeing if it really did fit them all.

Faith made tasting noises and turned over onto her back. Reece cocked her head at the cute noises and wondered what her lover was tasting in her sleep.

"Faith..." she whispered.
Nothing, not even a twitch.

The tall woman bent over to kiss her, smelled the champagne and frowned. She continued, tickling Faith's lips with her tongue and pulled back.
Still nothing.
"Well, looks like you're gone for the night," she sighed in disappointment.

Reece cleaned up the bed, and read all the notes in the process. She couldn't contain the chuckle reading about Faith's potato and bent over to kiss that, too.

Faith grumbled.

"Oh, that you feel, you horndog," Reece teased her comatose lover and headed for the shower. Standing under the spray, Reece thought about everything and then she rethought it all again. Finally relaxed and feeling much more human, she breathed a sigh of relief.
Ahhh... I think I can handle this. Cuddle, and sleep. I could definitely do that.

The tall woman lost track of how long she let the warm water pound at the back of her neck. It felt too good to leave, so she leaned her forearms against the wall and groaned in pleasure.

"Hey, you better not be touching anything that I should be," Faith's sleepy voice broke through her haze.

Reece didn't jump and her heart didn't pound. Instead, a lazy smile slid across her lips. "Mmm... nope. You can't reach this spot, Shorty," she chuckled.

Faith flushed the toilet.

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