Reece's Faith (9 page)

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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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BOOK: Reece's Faith
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"Ok, to make a long story short, my parents are looking for me. They apparently saw me on TV and called the studio. I hadn't told them where I was going, not that they'd care. I really don't have anything to say to them. As a matter of fact, I don't want them in my life anymore, but they're my parents for Christ's sake. Part of me wants them to approve of me, and the other half wants them to fuck off. My mom's not so bad, but I soo want to see my father's face when he sees Reece."

"I wanna see too! Oh yeah! You gotta have her take him for a spin on the bike! Or how about if you put Spike on a leash or..."

"John, I hardly think.."

"Faith, listen, play with this! It's a lot more fun than getting sick over it. Have them come stay by her house and everything! At least think about it. The possibilities are endless."

Faith cocked her head and thought.
He has a mighty good point there don't he? Play with it. Hmmmm.

*  *  *


After a yawn that threatened to swallow Cori's face, Reece led the dancer to the coffee shop.

"Hey boss, this is the booth Faith and I had that first night, you know, the night we saw you and that tramp on your bike."

"Which one?" Reece took a long swallow of caffeine and sighed.

"The night, or the tramp?" Seeing the look aimed at her, Cori continued. "The night you made an asshole out of yourself, and frightened Faith right out of The Lounge."

"Oh, yeah." The club owner looked uncomfortable. "You called me a pussy cat, Cor, it was humiliating."

"Have you looked at yourself lately? The phrase contains the word pussy..." she smirked.

Reece glared at the dancer. "What's that supposed to mean, Freak?"

"Well, if the whip fits..." Cori motioned to the waitress for more coffee.

"You're calling me pussy whipped!?! I thought you valued your life a bit more than that..."

Cori saw the muscles in Reece's jaw clench. "Easy tiger, you say that like it's a bad thing. It's not, I think Faith was the best thing that happened to you."

"I hardly call that a compliment. I am not whipped." She slapped her hand on the table, drawing a few looks.

"You know, I'd think you were tired of all the attention today." Cori teased.

"This conversation is not over. We came here to talk about Faith's parents, didn't we? So talk." The club owner took a deep breath and put her agitation aside.

"Hokay. Here's what I think..."

"Oh no, not that. I don't want to hear any of your brilliant ideas. How about we just ask Faith what she wants to do?" Reece raised her eyebrow.

"I was thinking more along the lines of you meeting them first and beating some sense into them." Cori grinned.

"Her parents? Why would I do that?"

"That's what I want to do. They hurt her. Faith hasn't a nasty bone in her body, it kills me to think that she was so miserable she had to leave."

"You have a point, Cor, but they're her parents. I don't know."

"Think about it, Reece. She was working in a shithole and living in a tenement. She went from riches to rags. Why would she do that unless there was no other choice?"

"If it weren't for her leaving home, I never would have met her, Cor. I want to slap her parents around as much as I want to thank them." Reece frowned and narrowed her eyes.

Cori studied Reece's expression. "You pissed off she never brought it up?"

"And that I never thought to ask. I must be stupid or something. I suck at this 'relationship' thing. Why does she stick with me?"

Knowing it was a rhetorical question, Cori stared into her mug, while Reece beat herself up.

"Because I love you, asshole."

Reece blinked a few times and Cori blushed.

"Well, scoot over, unless you want me to sit on the table." Faith shoved Reece over with her hip.

"Hi, just talking about you, Red." Cori glanced at Faith.

"So I heard." Faith kissed Reece on the cheek and put her head on her shoulder. "So, tough guy, you wanna beat up my parents?" She smiled at her lover.

"How long were you standing there?" The club owner looked embarrassed.

"Long enough to know that I love you two for trying to protect me, even if you are sneaky little bastards."

"Yeah well, it was Cori's idea." Reece shot Cori a glare.

Cori pointed to herself and acted shocked.

"No, really, it's ok." Faith pushed Reece's mug toward the waitress and gladly accepted the coffee.

"Well, what do you want to do, Faith? Are you going to call him back?" Cori leaned forward across the table towards her.

"I already did." she answered nonchalantly.

"What? But how did you..." Reece was confused.

"I wasn't asleep, baby, leave it at that." She kissed Reece on the lips. "You are so cute, you know that?"

"Faith! I am not cute!" Reece was adamant.

"Yeah, and you're not whipped either." Cori added with a chuckle.

"I'll show you what whipped feels like, Freak!"

"You do
want to go there, Reece."

"Children, do I have to separate you?" Faith laughed.

"But she started." Cori whined then stuck out her tongue. Reece tried to grab it but missed.

Faith just shook her head. "You two are impossible, I really don't know why I love you."

Reece wiggled her eyebrows and smirked.

"Oh that's certainly part of why I love
." Faith leaned over and kissed Reece's lips. "Sexy."

"Oh, no, you don't! Don't start that here. So, what's the deal with your parents?" Cori asked.

"They're going to come to the city for a few days." Faith had a devious grin. "You know, see how the other half lives."

"Uh-oh... Reece, I don't like that look."

*  *  *


"NO! N-O!" Reece shouted.

Faith threw herself on the couch. "Come on, baby, it's just for a few days."

"Faith, I have no idea how to act in front of your family. I don't want to be uncomfortable in my own house! No."

"Honey, look..."



"Let them stay at Cori's house."

"Reece, I want to show them up, not freak them out. They'll run screaming from..."

"Faith, please, I don't even know the concept of parents. Don't do this to me." Reece closed her eyes, fighting off the building anger.

The actress got a sick feeling in her stomach. "Oh, baby... I'm sorry..." She felt terrible at her lover's admission. "I wasn't thinking."

Reece sat down next to Faith and took her hand. "Look, I'd love to make your parents feel welcome, but I don't know how. What if I...what if they make you upset..." she shook her head, not wanting to continue.

"I know you won't do anything to hurt me. I trust you honey, I do. I swear, you can't embarrass me if you tried."

Faith crawled onto Reece's lap and lay her head on her chest. "I love you. I'll put them up in a hotel room. I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Ok?"

Reece sighed.
I can do this. They're her parents for fuck's sake!
She tightened her hold around Faith's body and kissed her head.
I have a perfectly good guestroom.... It'll make Faith happy.
Reece frowned.
I am whipped.
She rubbed her cheek on Faith's hair.
If I can't handle it, I'll just find something to do at the office.

"Ok, Faith, They can stay here."

The actress lifted her head up and stared at Reece curiously. "What just happened there?" She tapped her finger on her lover's head.

"I changed my mind. I wouldn't want them to have to wake up to Cori and her freaklet in the morning." She pretended to shiver.

"Oh Reece, thank you so much." She grabbed her ears and kissed her soundly.

"Oh yeah. Do I get another thank-you party?"

"If that's what you want." Faith bent down to kiss her again.

"I want, I want." Reece accepted the kiss and stood up with Faith wrapped around her.

"Well, we better hurry then, they're due here in two hours."

Reece dropped Faith and looked around frantically. "Two hours!? Why didn't you tell me?"

Faith watched from the floor as Reece ran into the kitchen and came back out with handcuffs and some leather straps.

"Honey, as much as I'd like to explore that world, now is not the time."

"That's not what I'm doing..." Reece stopped in her tracks. "What? You do? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Honestly, it never came up." Faith blushed.

"Oh baby! Hold that thought." She bent down and kissed Faith. "Help me parent-proof the house. Grab the dildo from in the video cabinet, will ya?"

"What in god's name is it doing there?" The actress looked towards the cabinet.

"You never know." Reece shrugged. "Oh, and there's some lube in the candy dish by the lamp."

Faith watched, astonished, as Reece disappeared into the guestroom with a shopping bag.
I really shoulda found some snoop time huh?
She chuckled then gathered the items she was looking for. She gave this new dildo the once-over.
Hmm, nice, balls and everything...cherry flavored lube?
She shivered.
Now she tells me. This is going to be a very long few days.

*  *  *


Faith watched from the doorway as her parents exited the limo. Her stomach turned upside down and she felt like she had to go to the bathroom. She grimaced as her mother received a dirty look. She'd obviously said something that her father didn't like. Then he turned and gave Faith the same look. Her stomach twisted again and she squeezed her butt muscles tightly and prayed she wouldn't do something stupid like shit her pants.
Why do they *do* this to me?

"Mom, Dad." She stepped aside to let them in.

"That color is horrible, Faith dear." Her mother said with a sour face.

"Thanks, mom. Have a good drive?" The actress shut the door behind them and led them to the living room.

"This is your home, Faith?" Her dad gave her a disbelieving look.

"Yeah, you want something to drink, Daddy?"

"I'll have a vodka tonic." her mother answered.

"Marsha, you had quite enough in the car. Your mother will have club soda, I'll have a martini."

"Mom, do you want lemon or lime in that vodka?" Faith ignored her father's comment.

"Lemon, dear, thank you." Marsh hmmph'd at her husband.

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