ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4] (23 page)

Read ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4] Online

Authors: A.M. Hargrove

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: ReEmergent -Guardians of Vesturon [4]
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Jurek looked at Xarrid and said, “You need to get her back to your quarters and help her get cleaned up. And now you do too. You’re both a bloody mess.”

Yeah, right.”

Xarrid picked up Saylan and carried her back to their room. When he got there, he stripped off her clothes and then his and turned on their shower. Picking her up, he put her inside, where he cleansed all the blood off of her and then washed her hair too. He quickly bathed himself before he turned off the water. Turning on the drying mechanism, he held Saylan while they were both dried and then he carried her to their bed and tucked her beneath the sheets.

Where are you going?” she asked as he turned away.

No where. I’m staying right here with you.”

Will you get in here and hold me please?”

He smiled and climbed in the bed with her.

Remember last night when you told me you were my knight, Xarrid?”

Yes, sweetheart.”

I really need my knight right now, because I’m scared of myself and what I’m capable of. I don’t know who I am anymore.”

You don’t need to worry about that because I know who you are and I’m going to take care of you. Everything’s going to be just fine Saylan.”

Still shaking, Saylan asked, “But how could I have done something so heinous? I mean thinking about it makes me sick. And when you came in the room, I wanted to run away. If we hadn’t been on Lare-Stell, perhaps I wouldn’t run somewhere. I’m so scared Xarrid.”

Don’t be. Jurek said he believes you just felt like you needed to take care of this on your own terms and that’s what you did. Saylan, when we were united, it was for good times and bad...better or worse...sickness and health. I’m here for you and I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Xarrid took her into his arms and held her next to him and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

Saylan pulled back and asked him, “If I hadn’t killed them, what would you have done to them?”

Killed them. I wanted to make sure they knew who I was and that they had erred greatly in doing what they had done. But it seems you took care of that for me. You’re very brave...not that I would ever want you to do anything like that again, but it took a great deal of courage to do that my love.”

Craziness is more like it.”

Inarguably, but we all have a bit of that in us.”

Xarrid, what if it doesn’t leave me?”

What do you mean?”

I mean, what if I’m still crazy after all this is over?”

Using his Vesturion Power of Speed, she found herself on her back facing him as he lay on top of her. He rested on his elbows so he wouldn’t crush her smaller frame with his larger one.

He took his right hand and spread his fingers against her head as he threaded his hand in her hair. Then his mouth was on hers, in the sweetest of kisses. “Saylan,” he whispered, “you’re not crazy and when all this is over, you and I will be together just as we were intended to be. You’re my heart and soul and I know, deep inside of both of those things, and with all that I am, that you’ll be perfectly fine. This is an emotional load for you right now that’s triggering some extremely unpleasant memories, not to mention, your brain is continuing to heal, so there are reactions to things that may have you baffled. But I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere.”

Saylan’s eyes grew dark with something other than fright as she pulled Xarrid’s mouth down to hers. Right before they joined, she asked him, “What did I do to deserve your love?”

He stopped and gaped at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

You’re so good to me Xarrid. I mean, when I think about everything you’ve done for me, I am so blessed to have you as my mate. I will always be grateful for your love.”

Xarrid crushed his mouth against hers and let their passion take control.




Jurek called a meeting with his men along with Sharra and Zander. When they all heard about Saylan’s massacre of the two Xanthian officers, they were astounded that she singlehandedly destroyed them in that fashion. All the color drained from Sharra’s face. She wanted to know if Saylan was okay and asked if she had lost her marbles.

Jurek didn’t quite know how to take that question as he raised his brow at her. Thankfully, Zander intervened and clarified that Sharra never quite understood how to use proper slang.

I think it was a combination of stress overload and memory function. Her brain is getting slammed from so much stimuli right now that in her mind, the only way to deal with these bastards was to truly go after them. And that’s what she did.”

Sharra hugged her belly tightly and had to force back the nausea that threatened to explode from her. “How’s Xarrid?” Sharra asked in a shaky voice.

He’ll be okay. He took her back to their quarters and I imagine she’s sleeping now. I think it’s what her brain needs the most.”

Sharra didn’t quite know what to say or do. It disturbed her immensely that Saylan could’ve done something so brutal.

Jurek, reading her thoughts, told her, “Don’t be so quick to judge. None of us sitting here have any idea of the savage violence she faced while she was a minion. All of those memories resurfaced when she saw those officers, and apparently they taunted her. She snapped and honestly, I think they deserved everything they got. My only concern is that I hope she can get over this.”

Everyone nodded.

What about the others?” Zander wanted to know.

I think we need to let Xarrid decide on this.”

What are we going to tell Rayn about all of this?”

Jurek looked at Zander and then Sharra. “I think you two, along with Xarrid, need to decide that too.”

They all nodded again.

So now what?”

We do nothing until Xarrid rejoins us.”





Saylan could barely breathe. One of them had his meaty paw clamped over her mouth, nearly cutting off her air. His hand was so large, it covered her nostrils as well and she had to strain to get any oxygen. He stunk so badly that every time she inhaled, she gagged.

Please let me die. Please let me die. Please let me die. Please let me die.

It was her mantra. She didn’t know much else, except that she didn’t want to live, but she knew it had to be better on the other side, wherever the other side was. Vaguely, there was a shadow of a thought about that, though she couldn’t exactly remember what.

The beast was tugging down her pants. When the rapes first started happening, she would fight, but then they would beat her and deprive her of food and water. That wasn’t so bad. The terrible part was they would make her go around naked, and it was so cold. She would curl up in a tight ball and shiver in the cold darkness. Their punishment worked because it didn’t take long before she stopped fighting and acted as if she wanted them to do those horrid things to her.

Though her mind was gone, and she didn’t know her own name any more, she hated them with every fiber of her being. She knew her life wasn’t supposed to be like this, but what should it have been? Those memories were all gone, taken away by the beasts.

The meaty paw was now pinching and squeezing and his grotesque body was doing other things to her. She clenched her jaws together so she wouldn’t scream. always hurt. This time it was worse and she tried her hardest, but she couldn’t prevent the tortured sound that burst from her mouth. Knowing she would pay, she braced herself for the blow. Surprisingly, it never came. Instead, she felt a hand gently touching her cheek and someone speaking softly to her. That voice was so soothing and sweet to her ears. Yes, she adored that voice and knew she loved the person to whom it belonged. Afraid she was imagining it, she refused to open her eyes, for she knew she would be staring at the beast as he grunted on top of her.

Then something miraculous happened. When she inhaled, a scent like no other filled her senses. That voice remained, speaking softly to her and the hand still stroked her cheek.

Please don’t let him stop. Please let it be him. Please let it be him.

Her lids fluttered open and there he was, leaning over her, running his hand across her face, over her cheek, in her hair. It was the most beautiful face in the universe. Then she started screaming, because she knew it was a mean trick.

Saylan! Saylan, look at me now!”

Xarrid was frantic and didn’t know what to do. At first he thought she was dreaming, but when she opened her eyes and that gut wrenching scream ripped from her soul, he died a little inside.

He quickly got out of bed, dressed and started calling for Jurek. He popped in almost immediately and recognized what was happening. Placing his hand on Saylan’s forehead, she began to calm down, until her screams ceased altogether.

What the hell was that?” Xarrid asked.

Get over here and hold her damn it!”

Xarrid was there and taking her into his arms without a second thought. He was shaking now and right along with Saylan.

Her face was soaked with tears and her body was damp with sweat. The sheets were tangled around her body, trapping her in their folds.

Large gray eyes looked at him as fat teardrops eked past her lids. “It’s okay, love, I’m here and you’re safe now.”

Her thick onyx lashes were dripping so Xarrid took his thumbs and swept them beneath her eyes to capture the drops. Then he held her head to his chest, kissing the top of it, over and over, murmuring words of love to her. Jurek disappeared and neither of them even noticed.

Lying down, he moved her so she was on top of him and he could cradle her.

I’m so sorry. I’m such a mess.”

It’s okay. Care to tell me what happened?”

It was a dream. I was back a minion. I was being raped. Then you were here but I didn’t believe it. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I think I really am losing it Xarrid.” Then she started to cry in earnest.’re okay and you’re not losing it. You’ve been through so much Saylan. You just need to let your mind heal. I’m going to help you.” He massaged her back, just the way she loved and the whole time he kept soothing her with his words.

I think I need to get away from this place.”

I agree. This is wearing hard on you my love. Let’s see if Jurek will allow us to return to the sanctuary. How does that sound?”

Anywhere away from here. Every time I close my eyes I hear their screams.” She flew to her feet and ran to the bathroom. Xarrid could hear her retching. He rubbed his face and then his neck.

Calling for Jurek again, he waited for his friend to appear.

How is she?” he asked as he returned.

Not good. Would it be too much to ask to return to the sanctuary?”

No. Now?”

As soon as she stops throwing up.”

Christ. That bad, huh?”

Can you do a little healing mojo on her?”

Jurek threw him a look. “What I put up with!”

Saylan stumbled out of the bathroom, but didn’t know Jurek was there. Unfortunately, she was totally naked and then, totally embarrassed, as she screamed in shock.

Bloody hell, man! Why didn’t you tell me?” Jurek yelled at Xarrid.

Xarrid threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t know. Maybe because I had my mind on other things. Crap!”

He hurried into the bathroom to apologize to Saylan, whose face looked like a cherry. Then it all hit her and she started laughing.

You think this is funny?” Xarrid asked incredulously.

Well, it’s either laugh or cry, and I’ve cried enough today.”

Xarrid rolled his eyes. He had a difficult time figuring that one out. “Come on sweetheart. We’re going to the sanctuary.” He wrapped her in a robe and they walked out of the bathroom.

Jurek immediately apologized but Saylan said, “It’s not your fault, it’s his,” motioning with her head toward Xarrid.

Let’s go. I’ll come back for ye olde wise one.”

They popped out and Jurek returned a couple of minutes later for Xarrid. “You’ll explain everything to Sharra and Zander?”

Yes, but what should I do with the Xanthian prisoners?”

Whatever the hell you want. I’m done and I don’t want Saylan anywhere near the bastards.”

Good enough.”




When Xarrid arrived, he stripped out of his clothes, and picked Saylan up. Carrying her to the tumbling waterfall, he set her down to slip her robe off before he walked them into the pond. Taking her into his arms, he let the cool water wash over them, leaving them refreshed and relaxed.

Saylan hugged Xarrid close to her and kissed his neck. “You always know exactly what to do to make me feel just perfect. I want you to make love to me here Xarrid. I want to feel your soul connect with mine and your heart beat beneath my hand as we’re joined. I need you Xarrid, now more than ever.”

Xarrid’s breath caught in his throat. He’d never heard Saylan sound so desperate before.

Sweetheart, this is all about healing. It doesn’t have to be a sexual thing, you know.”

She shook her head for a second and turned away from him. Reaching out, he put his hand on her shoulder, wanting her to know he was there for her.

She whipped her head toward him and launched herself at him, surprising him. “That’s just it Xarrid,” she said, her voice hoarse with emotion. “Sex with you
about healing. You fill me with your heart and soul and when we’re together like that, I feel complete...unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I need to feel that wash away all the pain and the gruesome memories. Don’t deny me Xarrid.”

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