Read Reforming the Bear Online
Authors: Vanessa Devereaux
nodded. Before they’d figured out what was really wrong with Sam, Kaitlin had
been Sam’s one and only buddy and they still loved being around one another.
think those two will get married one day,” said Aiden.
marrying a human? Would Liam be happy with that? He knew he wanted his nephew
to be happy, period, so if marrying a non-shifter did that for him, Liam would
never stop him.
don’t know about you but my days of this sort of thing are behind me,” said
Christopher. “I’m going home to my wife and daughter.”
guess I’ll head home too. Bridget’s been fussy and whiny all day. Charlotte
thinks she’s getting her first tooth so I guess I should give my wife a break
from our cranky little girl.”
“Guess I’ll see you at the wedding,” said
nodded. Liam drank the rest of his beer. Most of the other married guys had
left. Ash and one of the women had also gone. Bear was sitting talking to other
guys, so it was probably the perfect time for Liam to slip out without it
looking like he was a party pooper.
use the restroom and then while no one was looking, head out of the bar via the
back door.
walked to the left and went through a hallway where the door to one of the
rooms was open. He glanced inside: one of the women was leaning over a table
with Ash, pants around his ankles, fucking her like the world was going to end
tried to dart back before being seen but Ash caught sight of him and waved.
want to come and join in the fun? This is some pretty good pussy.”
some other time,” said Liam.
walked to the restroom and then saw two other shifters getting condoms out of
the machine on the wall.
drawback to being with humans. Hate these fucking things,” said one of them.
whole bunch of foil packages fell out at the same time. Both shifters pocketed
most of them and headed out. One package still sat on the floor. Liam bent down
and picked it up, intending to put it on top of the machine, but instead put it
in the back pocket of his jeans.
idea of covering his cock with this rubber monstrosity didn’t appeal to him one
little bit but suddenly the very thought of being inside Lucy seemed the right
thing to do tonight.
Chapter Ten
knew she was being stupid, but that didn’t stop her from pulling the blanket
over her head and peering out over the top of it. The wolves were howling
again. She wanted to go to bed, but couldn’t muster up the courage to go the
short distance from Liam’s place to the apartment. Her leg felt better, but she
didn’t think she’d be up to running if the situation arose.
She knew that. It wasn’t as if
wolves would pounce on her while she traipsed across the path. However, she was
a city girl and out here in the country she felt out of her element.
had told her he’d probably be home late so he probably wouldn’t mind her using
his couch for her bed. She snuggled down on it and set her head on one of the
pillows while pulling the blanket up around her. Both the couch and blanket
smelled like Liam. But then of course, they would. She held the blanket under
her nose and took in the musky smell. A combination of both him and the
aftershave he wore. She flicked off the light, hoping he didn’t mind her
sleeping here
… or even sleeping in his
was now like Goldilocks. Was he one of the bears? She laughed, not knowing why
she’d thought of that particular fairy tale. On second thought, she did know
why. For some strange reason, Liam did remind her of a big strong bear. The way
he’d carried her from the ditch to the car that evening … not to mention those
powerful arm and shoulder muscles of his.
wolves howled again. She bit her lip. A bear would win in a fight against a
wolf, right?
turned over and told herself to put all thoughts of wolves out of her mind. Lucy
wasn’t aware that she’d actually fallen asleep until she heard something moving
outside the window. Something was being dragged off.
focused on the clock. It was only twenty minutes after she’d last looked. Had
someone from Mike’s company found her?
No problem, it was safely locked up in the apartment. And could it be
a wolf outside the door?
she was mistaken, it sounded like a garbage can being dragged along.
Food. The wolves
were after food
That meant they wouldn’t be after her.
put her mind at ease until she heard what sounded like the back door opening.
put her head under the blanket. Yeah, like that was going to save her from a
wolf’s jaw.
wolves could talk and they sounded like Liam, she figured she’d be perfectly
safe now. She poked her head out from under the blanket, realizing she must
look a mess with some of her hair sticking up and some hanging over her eyes.
got scared. I hope you don’t mind,” she said when he walked into the living
about, being scared? Nope, everyone’s entitled to that.”
sat on the floor in front of the couch. She smelled the aftershave on his skin
and the vague hint that he’d enjoyed a beer not so long ago.
I meant about me sleeping on your couch.”
welcome to do that too. I’ve done it many times myself. Slept here for a whole
month when Danny died. Hardly moved from the spot. I kept going to sleep
thinking I’d wake up and it would be a bad dream, but when it wasn’t I couldn’t
put her hand on the side of his face, rubbed it and enjoyed the sharpness of
his stubble. He was such a kind and sensitive soul. Maybe that’s why others
thought he wasn’t easy to be around. He was different, and sometimes people
didn’t know how to handle that.
spotted a smudge of pink lipstick by his ear.
see you enjoyed the bachelor party?” She wiped her finger over it and showed it
to him.
I hadn’t realized that was on me––and I stopped by the pharmacy on the way home.
What must people have thought?”
really not your color,” said Lucy, licking her finger and ridding him of the
rest of it.
woman the lipstick belonged to wasn’t really my type either. In fact, the whole
party wasn’t really my thing.”
don’t think I’ve ever heard a guy complain about a bachelor party before. My
brother and his friends really enjoyed his. They went on a
type of adventure.”
I’m getting too old for that sort of thing. So what were you scared about?”
they howling again? You do know it’s a full moon out there.”
smiled, and Lucy slapped his arm for messing with her.
was scared to walk to the apartment so I thought I’d stay here for the night. I
didn’t expect you home this early. And then I heard something being scraped
along outside the window.”
was me … I put the garbage can out ready for the pick-up tomorrow. You’re
welcome to stay here all night, but don’t you think you might be more
comfortable in my bed?”
His bed.
Did that mean
he’d sleep on the couch? There was one way to find out.
you be in the bed too?”
leaned toward her with the smell of the beer getting a tiny bit stronger the
closer he got.
you like me to be?” Liam asked.
think I would. You could keep me safe from the big bad wolves outside.”
would that be the only reason you’d want me beside you?”
ran her fingers through his hair, looked in his eyes, but his lips were upon
hers before she could answer him.
guy knew how to kiss. She opened her mouth to him, letting his tongue slide
over her lips. The very tips of their tongues kissed and dueled before he slid
it deep, sliding over her teeth, making the room spin and her pussy ache for so
much more than a kiss.
pulled away from her.
what’s your answer?”
not the reason I want to be in your bed. I want you to make love to me.”
smiled. “So my trip to the pharmacy wasn’t wasted.”
She hadn’t seen
them in his bathroom cabinet––but she wasn’t going to own up to being nosy.
and what did you buy?”
think you already know.”
you didn’t have any on hand?”
was playing devil’s advocate now.
laughed. “I had one with me from the party, but I used it on the way home…” He
put his hand up. “And I know what you’re thinking and no, I didn’t have sex
with anyone. I was practicing slipping it onto my cock.”
What are you, Mr. Perfection?”
Mr. Perfection
liked the sound of that. Everything he did to Lucy was going to be sheer
perfection. Or at least he hoped she’d think so. He hadn’t been kidding when
he’d said he’d practiced putting the condom on. He pulled into the spot where
he usually parked before he went on one of his bear runs and made his first
attempt at wearing a condom. Putting it on had been borderline comical. It had
fallen off twice before he’d managed to roll it along his shaft. When he’d
gotten it all the way up he felt like his dick was being murdered.
didn’t like it one bit and had second thoughts about going through with the whole
‘sex with a human’ thing, but then on the drive back into town he’d seen Lucy’s
face, her body and recalled how he wanted to hold her and make love to her.
Surely it wouldn’t be so bad once he got inside her.
had turned the car around and headed to the nearest pharmacy and purchased a
box of the biggest size condoms they had. And here he was, ready to put one to
good use.
picked Lucy up in one fluid swoop and carried her toward his bedroom. He pushed
the door open with his foot and proceeded to go inside. He placed her gently on
the bed, getting down on the floor and taking off her shoes very carefully so
he didn’t hurt her.
sure your leg’s up to this?” he asked.
feels one hundred percent better than it did twenty-four hours ago. And I know
you’ll be gentle with me.”
smiled. He lifted her leg and kissed the top of her foot.
are going to spoil me. That’s such an old-fashioned gesture,” she said.
had no idea that it was. Bear shifters often did it to their partners at the
beginning of their mating ritual.
He got
on the bed beside her and pushed the hair away from her eyes and cheeks. He
leaned in and kissed her, both of them falling down onto the bed until they
were lying there facing one another.
ran his index finger down the side of her face and along her jawline. Her skin
was so soft. He carried on running his finger downward until it reached her
collarbone and then the hollow spot where her neck and chest joined. The subtle
scent of her perfume drifted his way. He took it in, enjoying the fragrance.
She was aroused. He could smell that too. Not as strong as the scent of shifter
female. Lucy’s was sweeter and in fact, aroused him more than that of his own
kind. His cock began a steady beat, pounding against his boxers and jeans.
drew an outline of her right breast through her t-shirt. He’d seen her nude and
the mere thought of seeing her body unclothed again made his cock grow harder.
nipple hardened against his finger and pushed outward. The smell of her arousal
grew stronger, forcing him to roll her onto her back and lift her t-shirt
upward. She raised her arms allowing him to remove it.
She wasn’t wearing a bra. How lucky for him.
Her nipples were red and beautiful and all he needed to do now was taste them.
leaned over and took the left one into his mouth, hearing her groan as he
sucked on it. He popped open the clasp on her jeans, unzipping it with finesse
as he continued to suck. Pushing his hand inside her pants and panties, he
realized he couldn’t get any farther without taking off the rest of her
clothes. As if she could rid his mind, Lucy lifted her hips and butt, allowing
him to get up on his knees and pull the clothing from her body.
hoped she didn’t mind him just staring. Well, not exactly staring but admiring
her beautiful body. Her luscious skin. He gently touched the scrapes and
bruises, wishing he could give her some of the shifter’s restorative powers to
heal her quickly. He ran his hand over her navel, lingering there while he in
his own crafty way studied the curls on her pubic region. They fascinated him
because this was actually the first time he’d seen them up close. He let his
hand slide and move over them.
widened her legs. He got the sense that she wanted to be touched there not only
by her actions but because her arousal grew stronger, making him hard and
needy. Liam explored her curls some more, letting his finger glide through them
and then down until his middle finger hit a fleshy outgrowth.
swallowed. This was where a human woman’s clit was located. Not inside their
pussy, but above its opening. He pressed on it seeing her legs wobble while
hearing a sexy groan escape from her mouth.
should warn you that I’m a woman who likes her clit pampered before the main
that put some pressure on him. He had to get this right.
circled it with his thumb, feeling it harden and grow almost like his cock was
doing right this minute. Liam applied more pressure while seeing her legs part
some more. He spied her folds and just the slightest hint of her opening. Would
he be able to hold off, pleasure her, thrill her and put his own needs on hold?
wiggled her butt and he got back to playing with her clit. Circling it,
massaging it until he heard her continual groan and then without warning her
lower body stiffened and her legs shook.
bubbled from her opening, its odor driving him a little insane. He ran his
fingers down her folds to reach it and then slid his finger inside her. Tight
and warm. Why had he waited so long to have sex with a human?
knew why. He hadn’t met Lucy.
tickled the walls of her pussy seeing her wiggle and smelling her getting more
aroused. The sweet smell engulfed the room. If he didn’t get his pants off they
might never go over his swollen cock and that would be a disaster.
Mr. Perfection. The way he’d
teased her clit, the expert way he’d run his finger around the inside of her
pussy. She was primed and ready for him.
stood so Lucy reached out and helped him undo his pants, tugging the zipper
extra hard over his erection. It finally yielded, allowing him to lower them
and then take off his boxers.
swallowed twice. He was big and beautiful. In fact, she’d never been with a guy
that looked in such good shape, and whose cock made her pussy do back flips
just looking at it.
he seen the stream of juices that had just erupted from her? She’d never been
this aroused before.
reached for a condom and she couldn’t help but smile when she saw him rolling
it on his cock. She tried to picture him practicing the act before he’d arrived
home. Surely he’d done this many times before. He definitely wasn’t a virgin,
was he? Or maybe he’d had a girlfriend who was on the Pill.
snapped the rubber and she wasn’t sure if that had been on purpose or by
accident. When she heard him give a slight groan she guessed the latter, but
tried not to smile.
laid flat on the bed, feeling Liam gently part her legs. Even her bad leg didn’t
hurt because she was too busy thinking about what it was going to feel like
having a man like Liam making love to her. And what that beautiful cock would
feel like buried deep inside her.
closed her eyes feeling the tip of his cock nudge her opening. Seconds later,
he was inside her, filling and stretching her and exciting every nerve ending
in her body.
kissed her, a tender graze of his lips on hers, before he began moving and
before long turning it into a steady thrust. Lucy placed her hands on his arms
and ran her index fingers around the edges of his biceps.
getting involved with Liam on a physical level wrong? Not the sex, but the fact
that she didn’t plan to be around on a long-term basis. Maybe they should have
talked about that before he’d picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.
closed her eyes. It had all happened so quickly, and she’d never been one to
resist a good-looking guy who wanted to make love.
shifted positions slightly, aiming his cock more toward the back of her pussy.
The G-spot. She bit her lip, feeling the very first stirrings of her orgasm
building deep within her body. He picked up his pace as if he could read her
body, what was going on inside it, and what she needed next.
Mr. Perfection
whimpered just a little feeling the nerve endings in her belly and her pussy begin
to stir, each one of them waking up from a long sleep. Yeah, it had been awhile
since she’d slept with a man. A whole year, at least, maybe longer.
dug her heels into the bed, forcing her body upward toward Liam’s. He suddenly
stopped moving and Lucy wondered if she’d done something wrong, something to
upset him, but then she felt it. It began as a slow steady beat inside her
channel, and then it got faster, wilder, almost like he was using his cock as a
guessed she was so lost in the moment, she was imagining things. He really was
still thrusting and not stationary. Whatever it was, her mind playing funny
tricks on her or not, it felt so fantastic. Sinfully good … and a huge orgasm
was on its way.
screamed out, not believing that she could ever be that loud, especially during
sex. She’d never really been vocal while making love. Well, she’d never had a
cause to be.
held onto her, his cock still beating double-time within her. She groaned, her
legs shook and two wonderful orgasms washed over her in quick succession. He
began moving again, at a speed she didn’t think was humanly possible.
that she was complaining in any way but he wasn’t giving her body breaks in
between the climaxes. Constant pleasure. Was there such a thing? Obviously.
held his arms, digging her nails in, hoping she wasn’t hurting him as he took
her on a roller coaster ride. The pleasure tunnel was coming up soon. Lucy
cried out again and then felt him go still. Despite him being sheathed, she
felt a warmth spread within her.
have a pretty heartbeat. Very rhythmic and almost like music,” he said.
can hear it.”
yeah. Almost makes me want to dance.”
laughed and he tapped her on the nose.
need to go for a run,” he said.
time to do it.”
once my leg’s one hundred percent again, I’ll try a post-sex run. Well, that is
if I have the opportunity to have sex with you again.”
want to?”
I definitely want to.”
winked at her.
wouldn’t be your sneaky way of getting out of post-coital snuggling and
spooning, would it?”
laughed and shook his head. “I’ll give you all the spooning and snuggling you
want once I get back from my run.”