Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance) (35 page)

BOOK: Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance)
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Harry took out some coins and put them in the coffee machine they were standing
next to
. ''Okay so he's a leader. But what about his behavior? Have you got anywhere with him?''

''I've had two days with him so far. Give me a bit more time. But rest
Josh is quite some guy.''

''I knew it,'' Harry said.


''You're falling for him. God help us. If you can't sort him out, nobody can.''

Loren looked at Harry and wondered if he and his wife still made love. ''I'm not falling for him, not at all, okay?'' Harry nodded.

Loren and Harry spent the rest of the evening sitting on a sofa in the corridor.
Every now and then
they heard Josh talking. After six hours and countless cups of coffee, Loren nudged
who had fallen asleep. Josh was standing next to them with all his siblings. ''Tubby we're going to London. They're all coming with me. We've said
and now it's time to go. I'll look after them all. I'll hire some help. My house is big
and it'll be great to have them all with me.''

''You and Loren will have to take the train back to London, there isn't enough room in the chopper for all of us.''

Harry and Loren looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.



''Loren, what a surprise,'' Josh said when he answered the door at his mansion the next day.

''Can I come in?'' she asked.

''Sure. But no stupid questions okay?'' Despite the loss of his mother, Josh was
horny; he
hadn't had sex for a few
and Loren looked good enough to eat. She was wearing lip gloss. Lip gloss always turned him on, as did the black pantyhose she was wearing. 

''Can we talk?'' Loren asked.

''Come on it's four o'clock, I'm gagging for a drink. There's a great little place just down the road.''

''What about the kids?''

Booths looking after them. They're all round the kitchen
eating her chocolate cake.''

Josh told his bodyguard to wait outside the George and Dragon. It was a real English pub, the sort Loren had read about but never visited.

''Tony, my boy, get us a bottle of bubbly and a couple of glasses.
This is
Loren; she
and she thinks I’m fucking mental.''

''You are, mate,'' the barman replied.

''Cheers. You're looking gorgeous today,'' Josh said to Loren.

''Josh, I want to be serious for a while.''

''Fuck me.'' Josh rolled his eyes. ''Don't you ever give up? I know you've changed your mind about me in the last few days. I can see it in your eyes.''

''Josh, I.....''

''And Loren do you know what's more?'' Loren shook her head. ''You want to screw me, and that's fine because I want to
you as well because you're hot, and for my sins I've started to like you.''

''Josh, you
are the biggest asshole. No wonder they call you a prick in England.''

''I may be both, I may be neither, I don't give a dam. But I know when a woman wants
and I'm looking at one right now.'' Loren put her hand to her neck and played with the pearls she was wearing.
He leaned closer.
''You like me don't you? You don't want to like me, and you aren't sure why you like me, but
and you want me so badly, it's written all over your face.''

''Josh, what you did in Manchester with your siblings, it was....''

''Fucking shut up and kiss me,'' Josh pulled her to him. She tried to
but her body betrayed her. When his lips touched
she put her tongue in his mouth. He pulled away. ''See I told you, you were gagging for it.'' She pulled him back to
and they kissed once more. ''Tony, we need a room,'' he shouted across the pub. Loren looked around, but they were the only ones there.

When they reached the door to room four, Josh unlocked the door and pulled Loren inside. He kissed her
and she moved her head to one side to give him better access. All the time she was fighting with herself. What she was doing was unprofessional, but whatever she said to herself she came back to the same theme. He was gorgeous, talented, and possessed mental strength the like of which she'd never seen before.

''Come on pretty lady, stop thinking about how bad you are. Relax, I wanna fuck you so bad, '' Josh said as his hands began to unbutton her blouse.

''Oh God Josh, you're so irresistible.
You just never give up do you?''

''Giving up is for wimps. I see what I
and I get it. And I want you.''

Loren hadn't had sex for two years since she'd split with her TV presenter boyfriend. He'd betrayed her so badly she'd had trust issues with any man that came anywhere near her. She knew one day she would begin to trust again, but that it would happen with such a wacko as Josh she could never have imagined. How was she going to explain to Harry what had happened? She may even lose her reputation. But nothing seemed to matter
now; Josh
was going to screw her and boy
she ready.

Josh continued to nibble her neck and unbutton her blouse. When it fell open, he put his hand inside and felt her breasts through her bra. She tossed her head back and took out the clips that held her hair up. It
fell down
over her shoulders and
and Josh gathered it in his hand and pulled her head back further. Loren groaned but was silenced by his tongue making small circles
of her many erogenous zones. He let her hair go and pushed her blouse from her. In a second her bra was lying on the floor next to
and he was running his thumb over her nipples.

''You've got
the most gorgeous
tits I've ever seen.'' Her nipples were rock hard under his touch and so sensitive she felt a charge running down to her moist center.

''Take your clothes off, Josh. I want to see you naked too.''

Josh stood back and pulled his T-shirt over his head. She rubbed her hands over his torso feeling the tight muscles under his warm skin. ''I like the eagle,'' she said.

''You've never fucked anybody with tattoos before have you?'' he said. ''You've only ever been with posh boys.''

''Oh God, why do you make me feel so secure in your company?''

''Because you are.''

She ran her fingers over the eagle and looked into its eyes. They were menacing as if it was eyeing up its prey. Josh was eyeing up his
and he liked what he saw.

Loren licked her lips when she saw his hand unfasten the button on his jeans. He pushed his jeans and his shorts down in one movement. When he stood back up again, she moaned at the sight of his smooth shaft, rock hard pointing at the ceiling.

''Well don't just gawk at it. Come and get some,'' he said massaging his length seductively.

Loren had always hated porn. As far as she could see it was all about the man.
hated shots of women on their knees in front of men, sucking their cocks. But now she wanted to do just that. She wanted to take him into her mouth and taste him. 

When she
he pulled her head onto him and moved in and out of her hot mouth. She so loved the smoothness and the taste of him, fresh and masculine.

on, touch
yourself, you know you want to,'' he said when he saw her hand loitering between her legs. ''Pull up your skirt and feel yourself.'' She looked up at him and saw his eyes urging her on. She hitched her shirt up around her waist, pulled down her pantyhose, and put her hand inside her panties. When he saw her fingers moving down below, he pushed deeper into her mouth feeling her lips encase him, and her mouth sucking on his tip. After a couple of minutes, he threw her off him. She looked up anxiously but soon realized it was her turn.

''I wanna taste you, Loren. You look so fucking good.'' He pulled her to her feet and pushed her back onto the bed. He ripped her pantyhose and panties from her in a show of strength she'd never experienced before. He took hold of her ankles, pushed her legs wide apart and buried his head in the softness of her womanhood. She screamed out his name as soon as she felt his tongue touch her clitoris. As he circled her tiny bud, he inserted two fingers into her and began to massage her G-spot. Loren wondered where he had learned to do that, but it was so pleasurable she didn't care. It was an attack on all
and she soon began to pant uncontrollably. Josh was now so turned on by this wonderfully sexy professional woman, that his penis began to ache to be inside her. But he wanted to make her
come; he
wanted to feel her body quivering on the end of his fingers.
didn't have to wait long. A soon as he began to suckle on her clitoris, she exploded in
a loud,
brazen show of feminine sexuality.

She lay gasping for air as he took his shaft in his hand and inserted it into her. The feel of him
her, filling her, was
and she wrapped her legs around him. She looked at him as she thrust so hard that he shoved her up the bed out of reach. He didn't seem to care. He got on the bed, turned her on her stomach and entered her from behind.
He was so forceful, the vibration of his thighs slapping against her buttocks triggered another huge orgasm.

''What are you doing to me?'' she moaned.

''I'm fucking you. Don't you like it?''

''I love it.''

Once again he pulled out of her and rolled her over. This time, he straddled her and held her leg up against his chest. It wasn't possible for her to be more open, more exposed to his gaze, more at his mercy. But she wanted to be all of those things. 

''Give me it, Josh, come
me. I want it all,'' she shouted when she saw how close he was. She gritted her teeth and rode out her third orgasm just before he said her name and exploded in her.

They lay on the bed for some time, exhausted. It was Loren who spoke first. ''What was that then?''

''What do you mean?''

''Was that a throw away fuck or did it mean something to you?''

He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow. He kissed her on the mouth. ''A man like me isn't supposed to get all emotional. But if you want to know, it was more than
meaningful; it
and I
do it again. A lot.''



Josh stopped being a womanizer but not an Alpha male. He became Loren's
didn't control her, he guided her, advised her and protected her. He also fathered her children, all four of them. One day when he'd made her come over and over, she'd admitted that
she'd loved
him from the moment she met him. But she'd had to stay professional. He told her he'd hated her at first but after a while, he'd noticed her sexy legs and wanted more.

They became
a celebrated
couple. A rock star and a psychologist, she ten years older than him, with a rock solid marriage and lovely kids. An exception to the rule, against all odds.



BWWM Romance – Brandy: a Russian Bad Boy Romance


I nervously toyed with the small porcelain mask I
was given
.  The silver along the edge was starting to come loose from my handling it, and the plumage that jutted from the top
beginning to bend slightly.  Still, I felt that nobody would notice the small wear and tear at the masquerade party.

My driver wasn’t particularly chatty, which was probably for the best, as my Russian was still a little rusty.  So, I took out my phone again and checked the time.  It was just a little past eight in the evening.  The night air slipping through the slightly-open window was crisp and refreshing, and it helped me
my head a little.

The car turned down a
and we passed a pair of ornate iron gates.  We came to a full
a pair
of well-dressed and muscular men approached the window.

“Invitation,” they ordered.

I pulled the glossy paper
from my clutch purse and held it up. 

The talkative of the two men snatched it and examined it for a moment before passing it back. 

“Enjoy your evening,” he said.

I nervously rolled the window up and affixed the mask to my face.  I
doubted that it would hide my real identity.  My gown for the evening left little to the imagination, and the mask wouldn’t hide my dark skin. 

As we continued to drive, the estate came into view.  It was possibly the largest house I’d ever laid
eyes on
.  It may as well have
been called
a castle, as the brickwork alone made it appear to be so.  Massive windows stared at anything that dared pass their gaze, and it felt like it wasn’t just the windows doing the staring.  Lights erupted from the house as though a beacon, both warning and inviting travelers.   Guests walked to and
drinks in hand and masks planted on their faces, making merry around the looming castle of a house.

We came to a
and my door was tugged open by a well-dressed attendant whom also wore a mask.  He provided me a hand and assisted me from the car.  My heart began to beat a little harder as my nerves continued to surmount.  I inhaled deeply and exhaled, pushing back the nerves for another moment.  I had been in situations like this before and wasn’t about to lose my composure.

I strolled up the red carpet leading into the manor with
an aloof
gaze and curious mind.  I had been to gala’s and gallery openings, but this was something to behold.

People danced and drank without a care, I couldn’t say I
recognized anyone, but that feeling was quite liberating.  I wanted to commence my
drinking, but my situation held me back.

“I see you’ve arrived fashionably late,” said a man’s voice from behind.

I recognized the voice quite
as Viktor’s, the man who was kind enough to send me the invite and the mask. 

“A girl needs to look her best for these sorts of things,” I replied.  I began to turn but his arms caught me and held me in place.

“You needn’t have worked so hard, knowing what’s under that dress would make any man weep with joy.”

“Yes, but I find it best to wear clothing when I’m still easily recognized,” I replied. 

“I need to speak
you in private,” he said. “Follow me to my study.”

I nodded.  He released me and pushed his way through the opulent crowd while I followed.  As we made our
I couldn’t help but get the feeling that I was
being watched
.  I looked
and nothing seemed
out of place, considering the party, except I noticed one person standing near the library with a drink in hand that tried his best
not to make
eye contact.

I didn’t have much time to think about the stranger as I was
being shoved
into a small office room that opened beneath the entry stairs.  Viktor closed the door and twisted the key.

The room was surprisingly quiet and very cozy.  A desk sat in the middle of the room with a high-backed leather chair protruding from behind.  In front of the desk stood two smaller leather chairs.  The wood paneling adorned the
and rich green carpet stained the floor. 

Viktor dropped the key and bent down to kiss me deeply.  I craned my neck to reach him, standing on my tip-toes as I did.  His lean muscular arms grasped me tight as I melted into them.

He massaged his arm down my
but I stopped him before he could go any lower. 

“I’m here to talk, and it’s rather important,” I said.

“I have much to say to you as well, have a seat.”

I sat
in the smaller of the chairs; Viktor walked to a nearby decanter and poured himself a glass of Cognac before sitting himself next to me.

“I hope you like the party, it was the only way I could think to get you here without pretenses,” he started.

“You are having this party because you couldn’t just invite me to come over?” I asked. 

“Yes.  I have too many people watching my home right
and it’s important that I speak
you as soon as possible.”

I sighed, slumping into my chair and getting a little more comfortable.  My nerves were back, and
this time,
it wasn’t about being the only
woman at a party. 

“There are a lot of people that don’t like me,” he said, “and many of them would stop at nothing to get revenge in any way they can.  I want you to know this.  I cherish our time together, and I need to keep you safe.”

“Viktor,” I said.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Before you continue, I need to tell you something …”

I stood back up and began pacing near the door.

“Last month, after you bought that painting from the gallery, we slept together.” 

He smiled, appearing to remember fondly the night we gave in to our passions.

“Well, I visited a
found out that I’m pregnant.  You’re the only person I’ve been with in quite a long
and I know you’re the only one who could be the father.  I want to carry this baby to term.”

Viktor’s smile faded, but only a little.  I started shaking, fearing the worst was in store for me.  I waited for him to yell and me, and throw me from the building, but it never came. 
he just took me by the hand until I stopped shaking before answering.

“I would love to be the father
your child.  But, this is very distressing for me.”

I nodded, assuming that he just thought I was telling him so that he would offer me money, but I so wished that he wouldn’t.

“Now I have two people that I must look after.”

He guzzled the last of the cognac in the glass and walked over to pour himself another.  He turned to offer me a drink, then realized, shaking his head that I would surely turn it down.

“I have received a few warning calls this past week.  There is a man that I used to work with, Anton.  He’s dangerous and will stop at nothing to take his anger out on me.”

He returned to his seat, and I to mine.  He leaned close to me and kissed my cheek. 

“Brandy, he may try to kill me.”

I couldn’t believe the words I was hearing.  It was at that moment that I wanted a drink quite badly.

  “Why is he trying to kill you,” I asked.

He let out a sigh.

“I suppose now is as good a time as any to tell you,” Viktor stood up and went to his desk.  From the top
he produced a small wallet and handed it to me. 

Inside the wallet was a hunk of bronze in the shape of a shield with a sword stabbing through the top. 
A familiar
hammer and sickle displayed prominently in the middle.  The markings and text were

“That’s my badge
the former secret service.  Anton was my partner,” he said.

I returned the
and attempted to make sense of everything I had just heard.

“You didn’t answer my question,” I replied
a creaky voice.

Viktor flashed a smile.

girl,” he said. “You’re right, I haven’t answered.”

He took the seat next to me again.

when Anton and I were coming up in the service he wanted more power.  The more he grasped for it, the more it slipped through his fingers.”

“I don’t understand,” I said.

“He took bribes, loaned his services out for favors, and even kidnapped public officials.  He’s dirty.”

I thought for a moment. “Wait, you stayed his partner while knowing all this?”

“I’ve done some things I’m not entirely proud of
keep my country safe.  For doing
I have been rewarded with great success.”

A shock of horror crept upon the back of my mind as I tried to understand the man before me.  I had only known him for the last few months when he would come into my gallery and buy pieces for his
collection.  To imagine the sweet man that I met as a thug and a gangster was becoming unbearable. 

I stood up and walked to the door, unthinkingly.  It
was still locked
.  I felt Viktor’s arms around me
and I lingered for a moment. 

“Where’s the key?”

He didn’t appear to be in a talking mood, but I wasn’t in the mood for intimacy.  I pushed him off and searched around for the key, which I spotted on the floor.

“Don’t go.”

I looked him in the eyes as he begged me to stay.  It was
a soulful
look, a look of longing, and it was difficult to say goodbye.


I twisted the key in the lock, while replacing my mask, and made quickly for the front door.  I could hear Viktor coming from
but he was too late. 

I pulled myself into the car I had arrived in, which wasn’t too far from the entrance, and my driver knew I was ready to leave. 

I removed my mask and turned to
who stood at the end of the red carpet, in an attempt to get my attention. 

I couldn’t tell if it was my imagination or not, but I could make out the appearance of the same masked man from before, this
it seemed he was staring at my car.  If I weren’t in such a foul
have found myself more than a little unnerved.

My phone began buzzing before I reached the end of the driveway, it was Viktor calling me.  I couldn’t think
of anything
he could say that might calm me down right now.  I’m not a person who gets involved with gangsters, but now that I had
so bad?

Viktor was still a good man, in my eyes.  I had never seen him treat anyone with disrespect, and that included the few times I met his personal driver. 

The odd part of the night was that I couldn’t help but find his new persona, the dangerous and
gangster, as a serious turn on.  I could feel my chest grow heavier as I thought about it more, and my brain was alight with possibility.  I slept with a
and I was having his baby.

I tried my best to think of something else, but the more I denied myself the pleasure, the stronger it became.  I could feel myself becoming more aroused by the second.  The yearning I had for his touch took over my hands, giving them a mind of their own as they caressed my gentle curves.

was snapped
from my fantasy by the car coming to a stop in front of my apartment.  The driver was already walking around to my door, so I tried my best to hide my excitement.

I have a suspicion that he knew what was on my mind, considering the cheeky smile that seemed plastered on his face.  My cheeks were flush with embarrassment as I
sprinted up the stairs toward my room.

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