Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance) (83 page)

BOOK: Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance)
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''We're Russians. We've got a lot of friends to call
and that's what I'm going to do. Very soon Hyka will be floating face down in the Hudson River.''

''But what about Igor? Who will look after him?''

''Go back to London. Igor will contact you when he gets better. If he does.''

Cassy thought about what he'd just said. ''If he does.'' There was a chance Igor would be a vegetable, but if Michael
in danger, she would go back to London.



Jesus what wrong with me Cassy thought as she leaned over the flower border and threw up? She'd taken Michael for a walk in the garden of Igor's London home and suddenly felt ill.

''Sick?'' Michael asked.

“Yes. I feel a bit sick. Shall we go inside?''

Michael nodded. ''Inside. Yes inside.''

Cassy went to the bathroom and threw up again. ''Shit,'' she muttered. She took off her top and felt her breasts. She hadn't noticed, but they were a little sensitive to the touch. I'm in a foreign country with the responsibility of an autistic brother, and I'm more than likely pregnant, she thought.

''Michael, we've  got to go far a walk again,'' she said.

They wandered slowly down to a drug store and went inside. The old woman behind the counter gave her a tester kit and Cassy paid.

Cassy didn't know what to think when the display showed: ''Pregnant.'' She wanted to cry. She was thousands of miles from home, and the father of her child was unconscious in
. She put her hand on her belly and closed her eyes. Suddenly she was overcome with tender feelings for Igor that were so strong, she picked up her cellphone and called Dima.

''Great timing,'' he said. ''I'm at the hospital. They called me and told me he'd woken up. Do you want to speak to him?''

''Oh yes,'' she said enthusiastically.

''Hello,'' he said.

''How are you feeling?''

''Okay. The doctor says I'll be out in a few days. They were a bit worried about me,  but the swelling in my  brain has gone down.''

''Thank God. Igor, when are you coming to London. I need to talk to you.''

''What about?''

''I can't tell you on the phone, but I need you to come here as soon as you can.''

''Are you okay?'' he asked.

''Yes perfectly. Michael is
as well. It's just, I.........I need you.''

Igor smiled. He was pleased she'd said that.
'd realized in the few hours he'd been awake that he needed her very much as well. When he thought of her, he knew his days of womanizing were gone. There was only one woman for him now. ''Cassy, Dima and I have one last task, then I will come to London.''

?'' she asked.

''We have to finish what we started.''

''No Igor. You
were almost killed
. My God, you're lying in a hospital bed and talking about going out to fight. Are you insane?''

''Insane or not Hyka is going to pay. This time, we're going with our friends.''

''No Igor, I forbid it.''

''And who are you to forbid me anything? If you
I helped you when I didn't have to. Without me, Michael would be dog meat. Never talk to me like that again.''

Cassy wanted to tell him about the baby. That's why she was so worried. She didn't want her child to grow up without a father. ''Sorry. Do what you have to do. But come to me in one piece and soon. Okay?''

''Alright,'' he said.

When he'd hung
Cassy called a friend of her late

''Dennis it's Cassy.''

''Cassy. How's Michael after what happened to him?''

''Okay I think. There doesn't seem to be any
reaction. Maybe in the future, who knows.''

''Margery and I were so sorry to hear what happened. But at least, he's home now.''

''Actually, we're in London, but it's a long story. Dennis, I need your help. I want to sell everything. The business and the house.''

''Wow. Are you sure?''

''Perfectly sure. I was never really interested in the toy business, and I don't think dad would have minded me selling it. What do you think it's worth?''

''About fifteen billion dollars.''



''Can you start the procedure for me? I'll see that you're well remunerated.''

''Sure. Give me a couple of
weeks; I
'll consult the lawyers and get back to you.''

''Thanks, Dennis.''

Cassy sat down and wondered what it would be like to have that kind of money in the bank. She didn't want to be a business
woman; she
wanted to be a good mother. With that kind of security,
could help her children become anything they wanted. She'd never have to work
and she could buy Michael all the care he needed.

Cassy had promised Igor she wouldn't call him for a few days. He needed time with Dima to correlate a plan for the extermination of the man who kidnapped Michael. Her sickness
and she often went to bed very early and dreamed about how Igor would react when he found out she was expecting his child. 

After a week, she started to worry. She called.

''Igor. What's happening? I'm worried.''

''Not now,'' he said and hung up.

What the hell?
thought. She called back.

''Listen, I'm in the middle of something. Haven't you got any fucking patience?'' Igor said.

''Sorry,'' she replied.

Perhaps she'd interrupted him in
the middle
of the task at hand, she thought. Still, even if she had, there was no need for him to talk to her like that. When he got to London, she would inform him of her displeasure at the way he spoke to her.



Michael was sitting in an armchair working out how many roses were on the wallpaper, and Cassy was lying on the sofa feeling queasy. CNN was on TV, more as background than active viewing.

Cassy started to listen when she heard the words, ''Albanian and Russian.''

''There has been a shoot out in Brighton Beach, New York between what is thought to be a Russian gang and an Albanian gang. It isn't clear what the motive was, but eye witnesses report a group of about twenty Russians bursting into a well know
that belongs to Murat
an Albanian
. The whereabouts of Mr. Hyka is unknown, but it
is thought
he was taken away from the scene by a group of Russian men. So far the police have made no comment, except to confirm that three Russians
were killed
in the shootout and five Albanians.''

''No,'' Cassy said. ''Oh God no, please don't let it be him.''

''Cassy okay?'' Michael asked.

''Yes darling, I
'm fine,
'' she sobbed.

look fine
,'' he observed.

''No really I'm fine.''

Cassy left the room and tried to call Igor. No reply. She tried Dima. Also no
. Now she was frantic. If it was him, what would she do? No, it couldn't be. The reporter had said there had been twenty
and only three were dead. The chances were, Igor wasn't one of them.

Throughout the evening, she kept CNN
and saw the same report time after time. It was no comfort. The names of the dead
weren't given
. All she was doing was making herself more miserable, she thought.

''Bedtime Michael,'' she said at half past ten.

When Cassy got ready for bed, she prayed that he was still alive. She closed her eyes and tried to
but it was useless. An hour later
got up and wandered down to the sitting room. She turned on the TV and again waited for news.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. ''Michael,
to bed,'' she said.

''It isn't Michael. It's me.''

Cassy jumped up and threw herself at Igor. ''How the hell did you get here so quickly?''

''It's only five hours flying from New York.''

''I thought you were dead. They said on CNN......''

''Never believe the press.''

He kissed her and lifted her up. ''There's only one place I want to go with you,'' he said.

''You'll have to be very careful with me from now on,'' she said. He looked at her quizzically. ''I'm pregnant.''

''What? How?''

''That's the dumbest question I've ever heard. I'm about five weeks.''

''So, it's mine?''

''Jesus Igor. What do you take
me for
Of course,
it's yours. You're going to be a father.''

''Oh my God. Really?''


He took her to the bedroom and made love to her. He was a passionate lover, but this time, he was gentle, tender and very loving. Cassy fell asleep more satisfied than ever in the knowledge that he was safe.

When they woke, she rolled to
and he put his arms around her.

''What happened?'' She asked.

''Dima, me and a few others went to his restaurant. We asked him about Michel. He told us to fuck off. He was
very rude
. A few of his men came out and started shooting, but we soon silenced them. Then we took the fat little ass-hole and threw him in the river. At the time, he was wearing a concrete sock.'' He squeezed Cassy to him. ''It's over Cassy.
You and Michael are
safe now. We can go back to New York.''

''I don't want to. I'm selling all my assets in America. I want Michael to have a happy home here. England is much less violent than the US.
He's been
through a lot. I'll pocket a few billion from the sale of the toy
and we can live a happy life, without worry.''

''Okay. What do you think about us?''

''I don't want you. You are far too violent.''

Igor sat up and looked at her face. She was laughing. ''Joke, right?''

''Of course, it's a joke. I love you. I
was terrified
been killed
. At that
I knew you were the one for me.''

''And I love you. So, let's stay here. I'll make some inquiries about a school for  Michael.''

Michael, I'm having a baby,'' Cassy said at breakfast.

''Baby,'' he repeated.

''You know what I mean. Don't you? We are going to have a baby in the house.''

Michael looked at her and put his hand on her belly. ''Okay. A baby,'' he said.



Cassy had a boy and a year later a girl. She and Igor were married when both children were old enough to walk down the aisle with them. Igor concentrated on buying and selling real estate and never again entered into dubious activities.

Michael lived with Cassy and Igor. Their children loved him and looked after him as a brother.



CLEAN REGENCY Romance - Saved From a Scoundrel


Chapter One

Lady Isabeau Camm collapsed in a cushioned chair in the row along the wall, waving her fan in front of her face. It was entirely too hot in the
, and there were entirely too many people there. She continued fanning herself until she saw Anne coming toward her. She lifted her fan high in the air and called out loudly, “Anne! Anne! Over here!”

Anne saw her and made a beeline toward Isabeau, dropping herself
a chair next to her.

“Oh, Izzie!” Anne looked as exhausted as Isabeau felt. “It feels like this ball will never be over. We should just start walking home.”

“It’s much too cold to walk, Anne.” Anne had lived next door to Isabeau and her family since they were
very small
children. They had played together from the very early ages, sharing dolls and secrets throughout the years.
This was
their first time on the season and were both trying very hard to keep up with the
and present the best appearances possible.

“Do I look terrible, Anne?” Isabeau raised the hand she wasn’t using to hold the fan and patted down her auburn hair, feeling just a few strands that had come loose from the barrettes and pins. She instantly flushed, picturing her hair fluffed out all over her head. Anne shook her head.

“No, you look beautiful,
” Anne said, using her handkerchief to dab at her forehead and face. “My, it is quite hot in here. Someone should open some windows and doors.”

“Let’s take a walk on the veranda, Anne. Come on.” She stood up and held out one hand to her friend. Anne took it and stood up. They made their way through the pressing bodies to the
double glass doors that looked out over the veranda and the vast field beyond. Anne pressed the door handle down and swung the window doors out wide. The two women instantly felt a breeze flow past
and they both sighed, enjoying it immensely.

“This was
a wonderful
idea, Isabeau.” Anne stepped out into the evening, taking a small fan similar to Isabeau’s out of her handbag and opening it. I thought I might die in there!”

“Me too.” Isabeau nodded. “I don’t want to be on the verge of fainting when I have my next dance.”

“Who do you have next?” Anne took her card from her bag and put the fan back
it. “I have…” She scanned the card. “It looks like Lord Rupert is next in line.”

Isabeau laughed softly. “Lord Rupert. I have already danced with him. Watch his hands and be careful of his feet. He is quite a talker, as well. My goodness, his business is doing so well, you would think he would be the richest Lord on earth, richer than God!”

The girls laughed. Isabeau glanced at her card. “I have Jonathan Barnaby. He’s an Earl, isn’t he?”

“Yes, he is extremely wealthy!” Anne raised her eyebrows. “He would be a good
I would think. But he’s very young. I’ve danced with him, too. He’s very agreeable.”

“I don’t want to marry anyone unless I love
” Isabeau said. “I don’t care if he is a rich man or a pauper.”

I didn’t mean to imply anything otherwise, Izzie. I know you. I wonder, though, if you would
feel the same passion for a
as you would for a Lord. Having money does make a difference.”

“Money also changes the way people are
” Isabeau said. “I know several wealthy men who had delightful personalities until they became

“I think it’s different when they already have a fortune they have inherited through their family name. I think men with old money are a little more judgmental than the others who have had to work their way to wealth.”

“I would agree with that.” Isabeau nodded her head. “It is because they were once paupers themselves…or close to it. When you are
and you grow up to be rich, you can see things from both perspectives.”

“Who else do you have on your card? There are four more dances. After Lord Rupert, I have good old hairy Lord Henry.”

“Oh no!” They both laughed. Lord Henry had not cut his hair from the time he was about ten years old. He was another
and both girls knew him well. They were all friends and had a good time
so her dance with him was more for fun than anything

The doors the girls had come out of burst open and two young men came through in a hurry, their eyes in search of something. When they spotted the girls, they both called out to them.

“Anne! Isabeau! We’ve been looking for both of you!”

The women turned to see Lord Rupert and Earl Barnaby heading toward them.

“Oh!” Anne flushed. “Have we lost track of time? Oh dear! Has the next dance started?”

Lord Rupert held out his hand to her, flashing a brilliant smile that made his eyes
. “If we hurry, we won’t miss more than a few moments!”

Anne matched Lord Rupert’s smile, took his
and the two of them jogged across the veranda to the door, slipping in swiftly.

“Well, they are very much in a hurry to dance, aren’t they?” Earl Barnaby turned a smile to Isabeau. “I, however, am less motivated to find a spot on the floor. I am feeling…a bit overheated in there.”

“That’s why we came out here.” Isabeau nodded. “It is
extremely hot
in there. And with that many people crowded in there

quite surprised by how many
came tonight. It’s as if everyone from all around the country came here for this one ball.”

The Earl laughed. He held out his
and she took it, letting him take her back across the veranda to the doors. “I think that would be quite a lot more

said when they got to the
. He stopped her when she put her hand on the door handle.

“We don’t need to go in yet, do we? Shall we skip this dance? Or perhaps dance out here? I can hear the music fine. Can you?”

Isabeau was intrigued. It would be quite lovely to dance out here on the veranda. She lifted her arms and smiled at him. He put his arm around her slender
and they began to dance. “Have you had any interesting partners yet?”

“None that had me dancing on the
” she responded softly.

“It certainly seems less stressing than being in there, surrounded by all the others and feeling somewhat suffocated.”

“I agree. How have you fared tonight? Any of the Ladies catch your eye?”

“None yet, present company excluded. I must say I am enjoying this dance in particular.”

“That is very pleasing to hear.” Isabeau smiled at him. “You realize that if we are spotted, everyone will come out
and we will
be surrounded
once again?”

“I’ll take that chance. It’s
a nice
evening out here. I don’t want to stop now.”

“I’m glad! I don’t either!”

and he spun her in a circle. They finished the dance several minutes
and he stepped back a foot to bow deeply to her. “That was a lovely dance, Lady Isabeau! Most enjoyable! I do hope you will consider me as a friend and we can dance again next time we see each other!”

She lowered her head. “I certainly would like that, Earl Barnaby.”

“Please, we must dispense
the formalities! I am Jonathan to my friends and you, dear lady, I do call

“Thank you very much, Ea…Jonathan.” She giggled.

He took her hand and kissed it as the doors opened and several people came wandering through. Isabeau
but Anne was not one of them.

It was Tomas Hurley. He was the
of a duke, the beloved Edward Hurley, who was a business acquaintance of her
But unlike, the Duke, Tomas was rather disagreeable. He
an unpleasant
look on his face.

Isabeau’s heart hardened
and she pulled back a little, not wanting to be too close to him until she had to be. He was on her card and
had forgotten it. She probably didn’t
to remember. He had a strange fascination with
and if she could have avoided the invitation, she definitely would have. But her mother had insisted that both the Duke and his brother would be on her card, whether or not she liked them. They were prominent in society and must not
be shunned

She watched as Tomas Hurley passed the Earl. Both men nodded once and said the first name of the other. There was no love lost between them. She wasn’t surprised. She took a few steps toward the door, hoping to avoid having to speak to him but he was coming straight for her.

She curtsied when he got closer. “
Hurley. How are you feeling this evening?”

“I’m doing well.” His voice was somewhat high-pitched, reminding her of what she felt a weasel would sound like if it could talk. “I saw that Earl Barnaby had to go in search of you before the last dance. I hope you will see to it that I do not have to do the same.”

“I…I do believe there is another gentleman before you on my dance
” she said hesitantly. She didn’t want to dance with him in the first place, much less go out of her way to make sure she was present

“Precisely why I came to find you. I have told you previously of my fondness for you. It looks somewhat inappropriate for you to be dancing with another man on the veranda where no one else is present.”

Isabeau blinked. It was true that he had expressed his desire to see her more
and he had come by the house on occasion to make it clear to her family, as well. But they knew she had no affection for him, which doubled her frustration that her mother had insisted Tomas Hurley be on her dance card. 

“I…am sorry that you feel that way,
Hurley. If you would like to cancel your dance with me because of this blight, I would understand.” She could only wish. She knew he would answer the way he did.

“No, I am still willing to dance with you. You will just have to curb your desire to
when you don’t believe you are
being seen

Isabeau felt rage surge through her. Outwardly, she curtsied again and smiled at him as she went past.
dared not say a
or her anger would betray her. She wondered if she could run out the door before her dance with him and make it home before he could sound an alarm. She could barely contain her
and it ruined the dance with Lord Carlisle, who was next on her card. He was
but she could do no more than fake a smile and dread the moment she would be dancing with

There was a ten-minute break before the last two dances. Isabeau spent that time standing to the side with Anne, wishing she had the courage
just to leave
. If it hadn’t been for the Duke, Tomas Hurley’s agreeable brother, she would have. She knew it meant a lot to be on the Duke’s
side and if that meant dancing with his brother, then so be it.

The time was almost upon her. She felt pressured, anxious.

“Oh, I am not going to like this dance, Anne.” She moaned. Anne took her hand and squeezed it.

“I know. I didn’t enjoy my dance with him either. He is
very cold
and goes through the motions as if I was a big doll of some kind. He only has eyes for you and that is a sad situation for you, my dear.”

“I know. It is extremely troublesome. I fear what he might do when he realizes I am not going to marry him. I don’t even want to dance with him.”

Anne nodded. “I understand. It’s only a short while. Then you will be free of him.”

“But for how long? Until he comes knocking at my door again?” She shook her head and sighed.

“Here he
” Anne said, dropping her eyes. “Stay calm and just dance, Izzie.”

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