REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel (29 page)

BOOK: REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
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“She’ll do it.
Trust me. If you trust me at all, you’ll trust her,” Gunner said, addressing
the room full of men. Some looked back at him with scorn, others with
admiration; the remainder looked unsure, or indifferent. Ace, standing beside
Gunner with his arms folded across his chest, peered out at the men with a
glare that dared anyone to challenge what Gunner was saying.


“She’ll just take
the money and run. That’s all broads want,” one man said from the back of the


“What money? We
already got paid for the job. This is extra. If she decides to keep this money
and skip town, well, that’s no loss to us. But we stand to make it big if she
doesn’t,” Gunner responded stoically.


“What if she
squeals?” another voice piped up.


“She’ll be with me
the whole time. No time for squealing. And it’s not like we haven’t put ourselves
at this sort of risk before. We have a plan for shit like that, if it goes
down. Any more doubts?”


The men shifted and
looked at each other, no one sure whether or not to object further. After all,
he was their president. Gunner turned to look at Ace.


“Any objections?”
he asked; the two men stared at each other, neither backing down.


“You’re the boss,”
Ace finally said, still not breaking eye contact. Gunner nodded.


“Soon, then. I need
two men to come with us. Ace, of course. Anyone else?”


“I’ll go,” said one
of the younger men, who was sitting near the front.


“Alright. Meet me
in front of the bar tomorrow at nine. We’ll leave then.”



This time, when I
realized I was alone, the panic was less. I still panicked, but it wasn’t as
bad as it had been in the past.
He’s just
getting food, he’s getting me some clothes, he’s getting himself a drink…


When the doorknob
turned, I covered myself in the quilt, worried that it might not be him. But it
was, and as soon as I saw him I felt relief flow through me. But when I saw the
look on his face, my distress returned. He looked worried.


“What’s wrong?” I
asked, sitting up straight. He looked at me and smiled unconvincingly. He threw
a plastic bag onto the bed.


“Thought you could
use some new clothes,” he said. Opening the bag, I saw a short black dress and
nothing else. Panties and a bra would have been nice, but I was in no position
to complain. I smiled up at him with gratitude, but his face had resumed its
gloomy look. He approached the bed, sitting just on the end.


something’s wrong. Tell me,” I said. The shower and bed had been good for the
night, but now I needed to know what was really going to happen.


“Serena, I need to
know if you really love me,” he said, not looking at me. I bit my lip. Did I?
I’d only just met him but…


“Yes. I really do,”
I said, not giving myself time to question my emotions. He looked at me with a
mixture of hope and fear.


“You need to know.
I can’t leave. This is my life. If you want to be with me, you need to…you need
to accept this as your life, too. No more 5
Avenue shopping
sprees. No more Daddy paying your rent. No more maids or fancy parties. We lead
a rough life here. It’s dangerous. Men get hurt. Men get killed. It
pretty, and it
I want you to be my old lady, but…you need to be able to handle it,” Gunner
said, his eyes fixed on mine. I nodded. I knew what he was saying, though I’ll
admit I didn’t quite understand it entirely.


“Serena, if you
want this, if you want me, if you want to be my old lady…you have to prove it,”
he said. My heart dropped. Prove it? How? Was he going to make me do something?
Kidnap someone? Kill someone? Rob a bank? How far was I willing to go to be
with him? For the first time, I realized what his life was really like – and I
wasn’t sure I could handle it, after all.


“Prove it….how? I
can’t…I can’t, like, kill someone, Gunner,” I said. I was relieved when he


“Of course you
couldn’t, doll. I would never ask you to. But what I’m asking you to do, it
could…it could hurt,” he said, the chuckle disappearing from his voice. I gazed
at him inquiringly. He sighed.


“I need you to go
to your father. I need you to confront him. And I need you to take something
from him, something he holds dear. Something pricey would be best,” he said. In
spite of myself, I laughed.


“That’s all?
Gunner, I’ve been thinking about how to get revenge on my dad since you told me
about this whole thing. No problem,” I said, overjoyed at the prospect. He
still looked grim, though.


“You may think
it’ll be easy, but when you’re there…it may be hard, that’s all,” he said,
concern in his voice. I took his hand and held it in mine.


“When?” I asked.


“Tomorrow morning.
We leave at 9am.”


“Shall I wear my
new dress?” I asked, coyly. He smiled at me and leaned in, kissing me deeply.
Breaking away, he snatched the quilt away from where it was covering my


“I’d rather you
wore nothing at all,” he growled. Without a word of warning, he had stood up
and flipped me over onto my stomach. Unlike the other times, I wasn’t ready,
although his touch was still enough to ignite hunger inside me. From behind me,
I could hear him unzipping his jeans.


“Is this what it’s
going to be like? Whenever you want me you’re just going to take me?” I asked,
wiggling my ass in the air playfully. I felt his rough hands on my ass, gently
massaging the cheeks, and the strong grip made my pussy moist. He slapped my
ass sharply, a quick, stinging pain that was replaced almost immediately by warmth;
he followed it up with another quick slap and I groaned.


“You’re mine, now,”
he growled, leaning over to whisper the words in my ear. Just as he finished
speaking I felt him slam his cock into me, filling me completely with just one
thrust; my body exploded with sensation, my pussy contracting with the sudden
impact. I cried out as he began to fuck me roughly, his hands still gripping my
ass and kneading it roughly.


His cock drove in
and out, deep within me, and I thought about being Gunner’s woman, his toy to
use whenever he wanted. The thought brought with it a rush of desire and I
began to thrust against him, matching each stroke. He sped up; I could feel my
blood rushing through my body, my heart pumping faster and faster as he used


“Oh god, yes, fuck
me, fuck me, Gunner,” I cried out, each thrust bringing new warmth and tension
to every muscle in my body. I felt him release his grip on my ass and reach
around to rub my clit; it added new sparks of pleasure to every stroke, his
fingers abusing my clit roughly, his callouses jarring the sensitive flesh. I
could feel him straining behind me as he pumped faster and deeper, his breathe
heavy and panting.


Then my world burst
into a million pieces as he gave my engorged clit a sharp pinch; it released a
tidal wave of pleasure inside me. I felt like my blood was made of pure sugar
as it rushed to deliver the tingling ecstasy of my climax to every part of my
body. Gunner groaned and slammed into me, hard, releasing spurts of cum into my
clenching pussy. I could feel the warm, sticky liquid filling my pussy,
bursting deep inside me as my pussy milked the last of it from his huge cock.


Gunner pulled out
rapidly, while I was still coming out of my orgasmic black-out. He grabbed my
shoulders and pulled me up so that my back was resting on his chest. Turning my
face towards his, he kissed me softly for a long time. When he pulled away I
couldn’t help but sway, my body exhausted and yet wanting to feel his lips on
mine forever.



The next morning, I
stood outside the bar in the short dress, a gentle wind whipping around my
legs. There were a few burly, tough-looking men hanging around but none of them
paid me any mind.


I watched as
Gunner, Ace, and a younger man walked towards me, holding helmets. Gunner held
an additional helmet, as well as a leather jacket. He tossed both at me.


“Wait…we’re taking
a…a bike?” I asked. I’d never been on a motorcycle before, and the thought
scared me. Ace chuckled and rolled his eyes. Gunner just smiled.


“We’re bikers,
Serena. And soon, you will be too. No time like the present to get used to it,”
he said through his smile. I was nervous, but I knew this was no time to back
down. I put on the leather jacket, noting the Rattlesnake insignia on the back.
It made me feel welcomed, and I thought about what it might be like to be a
part of a family like this; unconventional, obviously, but maybe just what I
needed. I popped the helmet onto my head and looked out through the visor.


“Damn, but if she doesn’t
look cute in all that,” Ace said, shaking his head. He wasn’t smiling, though.
Gunner laughed and began walking towards one of the bikes parked outside. I
followed, still nervous. He climbed on and patted the seat behind him; I
hesitated, but I knew that I had to do it. Climbing on, I held tight to
Gunner’s waist and closed my eyes.


As the motorcycle
kicked into gear and we pulled out of the parking lot, I was surprised at how
good it felt. The vibrations of the motor seemed to fill my whole body, and
with my pussy pressed up against the leather seat the feeling was quite
pleasurable indeed. I blushed, even though no one could see me, to think about
what those vibrations were doing to me.


As we headed down a
dirt road, I wondered, not for the first time, just where we were. The answer
became obvious once we hit a main thoroughfare; we were about two hours outside
of Manhattan, in a town on the Hudson. I knew from the vacations I used to take
to a nearby ski lodge.


For the next two
hours, it was like being in heaven and hell at the same time. The vibrations
were intense, but they also made me very sore. It was different than anything
I’d ever experienced: the wind blew my hair out, made my dress fly up, made me
feel free. I could suddenly understand why these men loved their bikes so much.


I was almost
disappointed to see the Manhattan skyline, because it meant the ride was almost
over. But I pushed my disappointment away and instead focused on the mission.
What was I going to say to my father once I saw him? I tried to rehearse a
speech in my head but couldn’t. I would have to wing it. As we drew nearer and
nearer to my father’s uptown apartment, I began to feel a dreading, sinking
sensation in my stomach. I’d been excited, but now I was nervous. Facing my
father always made me nervous; and now, I had good reason for it.


Finally, the
building came into view. The three bikes parked on a side street and we
dismounted. I turned to look at the men, but they didn’t move.


“Aren’t you…aren’t
you coming with me?” I asked, wanting their support.


“You’ve got to do
this on your own, doll,” Gunner said. “But we’ll be waiting right here for you
once it’s done.” He grabbed me and pulled me into a deep kiss. It made all my
fears vanish; for the moment, anyway. Releasing me, he stared deep into my
eyes. “You can do this.”


And with Gunner’s
faith, I knew I could.


I breezed through
the lobby; my father owned the whole
doorman and security knew me. I was confident getting on the elevator and pushing
the Penthouse button. I was confident up until the 14
floor. Then
my knees began shaking and I swore I was going to throw up.


The numbers
increased slowly, giving me lots of time to panic and worry. Closing my eyes, I
steeled myself; I remembered the feeling of the motorcycle humming between my
legs, thinking about how much I’d changed, how much stronger I was now. I
wasn’t a little girl anymore, and it was time to face him.


Finally, the
elevator pinged and the door opened. I stepped into my father’s apartment,
noting with disdain the overdone mahogany and leather décor. I called out to
him, but heard no response. Michael, his butler, popped his head out of a door.


“Serena? What are
you doing here, my friend?” I loved Michael, we’d always gotten along and he
practically raised me. But this was no time to play catch-up.


“I need to talk to
my father. Now,” I said, striding towards him. He must have seen something in
my eyes, because he pointed to my father’s office without a word. I grabbed
hold of the doorknob, took a deep breath, and burst in.


The look on my
father’s face when he saw me was priceless. It told me everything I needed to
know. I didn’t have any hesitations anymore.


“I know what you
I know you had me
kidnapped. I know you had me locked in that room. For what? To teach me a
lesson? I…”


“Serena, I, I…” he
interrupted, but I wouldn’t let him.


“No, Dad, shut up.
I know what you did. You wanted to teach me a lesson; well I’m here to teach
a lesson instead. A lesson about
what happens to a girl when you give her everything she wants except your love.
What happens to her when you abuse her emotions her whole life. What happens
when you go too fucking far. I’m here to collect what’s mine,” I said,
seething. He looked back at me, anger rising in his face.


“Nothing’s yours,
Serena. Everything in this apartment is mine. And everything in your apartment
is mine, too. You don’t know…”


“Then I’ll just
take it. I don’t need you to give it to me. You don’t deserve any of this, you
coward,” I said. I wasn’t going to let him get a word in edgewise. He looked
like he was ready to boil over with anger; no one ever talked to him like this.
But behind that, he looked…afraid.


“Your little plan
backfired, Daddy,” I said, approaching his desk, “you’re not getting me back
safe and sound and oh-so-grateful. You’re not getting me back at all. I’m
leaving this city, and you’ll never hear from me again. You’re not to contact
me, or try to contact me. Or I’ll tell this whole damn world what you did to
your own daughter. And then you’ll
Saks as a client.”


I was at his desk
now, and I ran my finger along his prized possession: it was a gold-plated,
diamond-encrusted watch that he kept sitting on his desk like a trophy. I knew
he’d paid a few hundred thousand dollars for it, a thank-you gift to himself.
It was something he had always forbidden me to touch, the pride of his life,
the thing that he looked at every day to feel better about himself. It was like
a physical representation of the only thing he’d ever succeeded at: making tons
and tons of money.


I saw my father’s
eyes trail down to my fingers as I stroked the watch in its holder.


“Which are you
afraid of losing more, Dad?” I said, snatching it up. The look of panic in his eyes
as he saw me grab the watch answered the question for me. “I thought so.”


With that, I turned
around, proud that he could read the insignia on the back of the leather


“S…Serena! You turn
around this instant! I won’t stand for this! I won’t, I swear to God! You get
back here right now! You think I won’t call the cops on you? I’ll call the
whole damn National Guard on you, you little bitch!” I heard his voice slowly
fading as I strode out of the office, down the hall, and to the elevator. Pushing
the “down” button, I prayed it would arrive quickly. My legs were starting to
shake and I wasn’t sure what I would do if he caught me before I could get on
the elevator.


The elevator pinged
almost immediately, to my great relief, and as I walked in and turned around,
pushing the lobby button, all I could see before the doors closed was my
father’s angry, befuddled face as he tried to catch me. Behind him, Michael
stood trying to hide a grin. I smiled back at him just as the doors finally
closed; faintly, I could hear my father beating his fists against them and
crying out.


The time in the
elevator gave me another chance to panic, but I closed my eyes and counted to
ten. He wouldn’t call the cops, and if he did? He’d have to explain to all his
clients and business partners why he’d set his daughter up to be kidnapped.
That sort of thing would land him on the front page of every paper in the city.
He’d never risk it. I only opened my eyes again when the elevator doors opened
to the lobby. I almost ran out, not wanting security to have a chance to catch


Once outside, I
sprinted around the corner to where the bikes were parked.


“Go, go!” I yelled,
holding the prized watch over my head. Ace and the other man quickly donned
their helmets and jumped onto their bikes; Gunner, though, merely stood with
his arms open. As I ran into his embrace, smelling the musky scent of him, I
almost collapsed from relief.


“Well, I’ll be
fucked, she’s the real deal,” I heard Ace say from his bike. Gunner pulled away
and stared into my eyes. I could see pride and love on his face. He smiled.


“I knew you could
do it, doll. Now let’s get.” He held out my helmet and I put it on; jumping
onto the back of his bike, I relished the feeling of the saddle between my
legs. And that’s the last thing I remember before my new life started.

BOOK: REIGN: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
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