Read Rekindle Online

Authors: Morgan Nicole,Murphy Rae

Rekindle (15 page)

BOOK: Rekindle
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She stops at the end of the bed and slowly starts to dance. It’s sexy as fuck, but also slow and painful. She’s moving her hands through her now tangled hair and swaying her hips to the beat as she gets lost in the music. Running her hands down her stomach, she stops and finds my eyes and unbuttons her pants, slowly gliding them off. She’s standing in front of me in nothing but a thong. She twirls around so her sweet ass is on full display and begins to move again.

I quickly peel out of my pants and boxers and move to her with one thing on my mind:
my girl.

She gasps, because she’s still expecting me to be on the bed, watching the show. I tangle my hands in her hair and move it to the side, giving me access to her neck, and I lick my way down slowly and torturously. M turns to face me and I waste no time, scooping her up and tossing her on the bed. Now, it’s my turn to play and I’m not holding back.

I bite and lick my way down her body until I get to those sexy-as-sin panties she’s wearing and loop my fingers through them so I can get them out of my way. Once they’re off, I work my way up her legs and nip at her thighs. She shivers under me and I fucking love it. Putting two fingers inside her, I begin working them in and out. She’s so fucking tight and so goddamn wet; I can barely keep my composure. She tries to move with me, but I place my other hand on her stomach to hold her in place as my tongue traces her pussy. I purposely avoid her clit, driving her wild.

“Rhett, please. Please, I need you now.”

“What do you need, Emma? Tell me what you need.”

“I need you inside me. Now.”

“Patience, greedy girl. Just be patient and it’ll all be worth it.”

I hear her frustration and I smile to myself before latching my mouth around her now exposed clit and sucking like my life depends on it. She quickly comes undone and screams my name before her body shudders with release and goes limp.

I work her down from her high and move up, catching her mouth with my own, knowing she can taste herself on my lips. Positioning myself at her entrance, I push myself in slowly, giving her time to expand around me. I close my eyes to keep from losing my shit right now.

“Rhett, I won’t break. You can let go with me. Don’t hold back.”

That’s all the confirmation I need. I pull out and slam back into her and we both gasp at the contact. I begin pumping in and out of her at a rapid pace. I grasp her thighs and spread her, further deepening myself inside her, and she moans loudly while scraping her nails down my back. It fuels me. She’s the gasoline to my fire, and together we create one hell of an inferno. Our breathing becomes erratic and we’re lost in each other. She begins to tighten around me and I know she’s close.

“I can’t hold back. I’m going to come,” M moans.

“Let go, beautiful. Just let go.”

I start playing with her clit as I continue working my way in and out of her. She shudders and grips my cock like a vise. I pull out and slam back in, losing myself in her and letting my own release take over.

We lay there, panting and tangled in each other in deep contentment, when I realize that I didn’t use a condom.

“Umm, M—babe, don’t panic, but I forgot to use a condom. I don’t know how I fucking let this happen. I’ve never forgotten to use one before, but I promise you, I’m clean. We have to get regular physicals with work and I just recently got a clean bill of health,” I say, holding my breath and waiting for the yelling to commence, but instead I feel her shaking beneath me.

“Are you laughing right now?”

“Babe, it’s okay. I’ve been on birth control since I was seventeen, and I had an appointment shortly after moving here, so I’m clean too.”

“Good, because after that, I don’t think I can go back to putting anything between us.”

“I love you, Rhett,” she says quietly.

“I love you too, beautiful girl. Don’t ever forget it, because it will never change,” I say, kissing the top of her head. “Now, let’s go shower.”


Chapter Twenty


Emma Grace


It’s late. My room is dark, but I can see the light to the hall on and I can hear a man’s voice talking. Rhett is snoring softly beside me. I uncurl his arm from my waist and slide out of bed. I tiptoe across the room and throw on my pajama pants and T-shirt. I make my way down the hall. The voice is coming from Cam’s room and her door is wide open. I peek in to see Luke crouched by her bed. Cam is passed out on her mattress in her clothes, and Luke is pulling a blanket over her.

“You are vivacious and smart. Your smile lights up a room. You
worthy—of so much. Don’t doubt that, Cameron. Ever.” He keeps repeating wonderful things about her over and over again, stroking her hair away from her face. I’m just standing there, transfixed. In the months that I’ve known Luke, he has shown little to no emotion about anything, and his words are few and far between. I shake myself from my stupor and move quietly to the living room couch around the corner.

About ten minutes later, Luke comes walking through the living room. He stops abruptly when he sees me sitting on the couch.

“She okay?” I ask quietly.

“Her car is down at Reed’s. I drove her home. She’ll need some aspirin and water in the morning,” he says, by way of explanation.

“What happened tonight, Luke?”

“I walked into Reed’s after my shift to grab a burger. I saw her at the end of the bar by herself. She was already half lit when I got there. Something about a phone call from her parents. So I stayed with her.” He sits down in the chair across from me. “Is it always like this?”

If I had my doubts about anything brewing between Cam and Luke, they’ve been shattered now. He looks so frustrated by the whole situation. I can see his eyes are hard, even in the dim light of the living room.

“Her parents are assholes.”

“Got that much, Emma. The shit she was spewing at the bar. Goddamn. She goes to bed with them in her head every night. Telling her she’s trash. She’s worthless. Fuck that.” He stands abruptly and starts pacing the living room. He grabs the back of his neck tightly before letting out a loud breath, releasing some of his tension. As much as I’d like to let it all hang out and let him know what’s happened, that’s Cam’s story to tell. Not mine. I just hope beyond hope that she decides to open up to Luke. “She doesn’t deserve that. Doesn’t need that bullshit and those lies in her head while she sleeps. I just wanted her to know she’s worth it. Even subconsciously.” He looks almost sheepish admitting this to me.

“You’re a good man, Luke. I’m glad she has you.”

He stares at me for a long moment, absorbing my words before shaking his head and walking to the front door. “I’m not a good man, Emma. The last thing she needs is my garbage tainting her life. I just don’t want her to think she’s worthless when she deserves the world.” He whispers the words to the door, not turning to face me, and walks out before I can refute anything he just said.

I sit in silence and ponder everything—the past 24 hours, specifically. How has my life changed so much in such a small amount of time? Months ago it was just Cam and me against the world, and now we’re surrounded by such a strong group of friends, friends who take care of us and look out for us. And Rhett. He laid it all out on the line tonight. He loves me. I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around that fact. I’ve known it, because I’ve felt it and seen it day to day in the things he does and says. But hearing those words shifted something inside me. The fear that I’ve been clinging to dissipated a little more. The foreboding feeling of dread in my stomach has almost vanished.

I’m not naïve enough to believe that love conquers all. I know that just because our feelings have been bared doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and butterflies. No relationship is ever easy, and I’d be a fool to think that Rhett and I are any different.

A shiver rocks my body and I realize how cold I am. I hop up to head back to bed, but not before taking a pit stop by Cam’s room. She’s snuggled in tightly with her pillow, and her face looks so peaceful, more so than I’ve seen in a long time—even in sleep. Maybe Luke’s words did some good. I close her door and make my way to my bed.

Rhett is lying on his back, sprawled out across my mattress. I strip down and climb into bed with him, resting my head on his shoulder. He rolls to his side and slides his arms around me.

“You okay?” His voice is groggy. I hate that I woke him.

“Yeah, just checking on Cam,” I whisper. “She had a rough night.”

“Anything I can do?”

“No, babe. It’ll be fine.”

“Mkay. G’night, M.”

“Goodnight, Rhett.”

He squeezes me closer and falls back to sleep. It doesn’t take long for me to fall right to sleep next to him.



I’m in that blissful state between sleep and awake, and I’m not sure which is winning out, but one side has a wonderful coffee aroma, and I’m getting kisses peppered down my throat. I definitely don’t want to wake up if this is a dream, but damned if I don’t want to participate if this is reality. Eventually, curiosity wins out and I crack my eyes open. Ohhh! Coffee and kisses are reality. Score!

Rhett is leaned over me in bed, nipping at my ear and kissing my neck. A steaming cup of coffee is resting on my nightstand.

“Rise and shine, M&M. It’s Friday,” he whispers. His voice is still rough with sleep, and I couldn’t ask for a better wake-up call.

“Mmmm. Morning.” I stretch with my arms above my head, arching my back. When I open my eyes again, Rhett is sitting farther back, staring at me. “What?” I question him.

“If that’s how you wake up, I need to be on top of you
morning.” His wolfish grin is infectious and I start laughing. He leans back over to kiss me, and I turn my cheek so his lips land there. “Get up and brush your teeth so I can have a proper kiss,” he growls, tickling my side. He knows how I am about morning breath. Bleh.

I hop out of bed and quickly make my way to the bathroom. No way do I want to postpone morning kisses any longer than necessary. Obviously Rhett has the same idea, because no sooner do I fling the bathroom door back open than I’m in his arms, getting my “proper kiss.”

He pulls away before I’m ready, and I stumble into him.

“My kisses make you weak in the knees or something?”

“Or something,” I say, brushing off my embarrassment.

“Not to fear, m’lady. I’ll take care of that.”

He promptly turns around and crouches. “Hop on,” he says over his shoulder.

My man. A total goof. I hop on his back and he grabs me under my knees. I cannot remember the last time I was carried piggyback. He makes a quick grab for my coffee and carries me to the kitchen. I’m still laughing when he sets me down on a bar stool and Cam comes out of her room.

“What’s with the racket?” she grumbles.

“Sorry,” I quiet down as best I can. “I know your head hurts. Here, sit. I’ll get you some aspirin and water.” I offer her my chair and get the medicine and water for her. She takes both gratefully.

“So,” Rhett starts, “I was thinking of having a cookout tonight and inviting everyone over. You girls game?”

“Mmmhmm,” Cam says, taking a large gulp of water.

“Sure, babe. Need me to pick anything up?”

“Nah. I don’t head back to work until tomorrow night, so I’ll pick stuff up when I’m out today. Just be there around 7.”

“Sounds great.” I smile cheerfully. “I’ll mention it to Shayna today and make sure she can come.”

“Awesome. Now, you,” Rhett says, pointing at me. “Shower. Now. You’re gonna be late. Again.”

I glance at the clock. “Dammit!” I shout, and I make a mad dash for the shower. It never fails.

I’m out of the door forty-five minutes later with toast in my hand and a kiss on my lips, courtesy of my sexy fireman.




Chapter Twenty-One




It took me a few hours to get all the stuff I needed for tonight, but it’ll be worth it. With Tanner being off the job, it just hasn’t been the same. I want to find some sort of balance for us all. We need some normalcy around here, and hopefully we can get back to the way things were soon. Slowly but surely, it’s all falling back into place, but I’m hoping this cookout kick-starts it for us. I’ve got to call Micah and ask him to come over and help me set up for tonight, and honestly, you never know what you’re going to hear when you call him. I unlock my screen and press his name, praying that today he won’t have a girl moaning and saying shit that even makes me cringe. Just because you call Micah, it does not mean that he will stop what he’s doing to talk to you, but I will say he always answers if he hears his phone ringing.

Hey, you’ve reached Micah, King of all things awesome. Sorry you weren’t lucky enough to reach me. I must be tied up, saving puppies or taking over the world but in all honesty I’m probably sleeping because sleeping is what awesome people do. Anyway, just leave me a message and if I like you then I’ll call you back.

BOOK: Rekindle
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