Relapse (Doctor Dom Volume 4) (A BDSM & Medical Play Novella) (2 page)

BOOK: Relapse (Doctor Dom Volume 4) (A BDSM & Medical Play Novella)
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Chapter 3



I hung up the phone and just stood there for a few seconds. At some point, I was going to have to tell
Lisa what I’d done, and I hoped she would take my interference the right way. Because I wasn’t trying to be her ex-Dom. I wasn’t trying to control her life. But I had to do what I could to protect her. Just in case.

The image of Andrea in the operating room flashed before my eyes, and my stomach churned. He’d done a number on her, this Liam guy. She’d bee
n beaten bloody, and she’d hit her head against a counter. Thankfully, she’d been able to reach for her phone and call 911 at that point. When she’d dialled the number, the asshole had come to his senses for a second, and had made a run for it.

Andrea was in a coma. We had no idea how dangerous Liam was. John had suggested round-the-clock security. The detective in charge of the case had agreed. Toronto PD wouldn’t give us 24/7 protection, obviously. The chance of anything
happening to us was slight at best. But John had a guy.

I had nodded, and
just like that, there was a private security company watching my house, Lisa’s office and Lisa’s condo. Someone was following her to the pub right now. Someone would be keeping a watch on us until Liam was safely in jail.

I didn’t want to scare Lisa. I didn’t want her to scoff at the danger either. As it was, I wasn’t going to be able to sleep peacefully until the cops had Liam in custody. Possibly longer. Because when I closed my eyes,
all I saw was Andrea’s battered face. And I was desperately afraid it could happen to Lisa.

Chapter 4



When I saw Patrick walk into the bar, I had to work to hold back the tears. All of a sudden, I was seriously, profoundly glad to see him. “Hey,” I greeted him as he joined our table, reaching up to do an awkward one-handed hug. He smiled and kissed my cheek, returning my hug for a second before sitting down at the spare chair at my side.

“Someone sitting here?” he asked, realizing a little belatedly that the spot might not have been free.

I smiled at him. “You are. Here, meet everyone. You already know Monica and Mandy. This is Mandy’s husband Jason, and Monica’s husband Ethan.”

The guys shook hands, and Ethan pushed a pitcher of beer over towards Patrick, finding him an empty glass. “Thanks,” Patrick said, pouring himself so
me, and taking a long sip. “God, I needed that.”

I’d already filled the crew in on the situation; the call we’d received in the middle of the night. Andrea being beaten up. They had been appro
priately horrified and troubled, but thankfully, they didn’t ask Patrick about her, letting him drink his beer in peace. I raised an eyebrow at him. “You are drinking tonight?” I asked softly, leaning towards him so no one else at the table could overhear. “Not on call?”

He shook his head. “I’m in no condition to operate,” he replied. “Petra’s on call for the next couple of days.”

“Andrea?” I asked.

grimaced. “I’m not ready to talk about it right now, baby,” he said. His hand rested on my thigh. “Later?”

I nodded. “I’m glad you are here,” I said instead.

He smiled at me, and reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “Me too.”


We ended up having a blast, just hanging out, eating dinner and drinking pitchers of beer. Finally, at ten, Patrick turned towards me. “Lisa, I’m totally wiped out. I’m functioning on just a couple of hours of sleep.” I nodded, and got ready to gulp down my beer. He looked at me, slightly puzzled. “No, no, stay with your friends, I wasn’t suggesting you leave,” he said.

I leaned close to him. “Do you want company?” I asked him softly.

He smiled at me. “I always want you around, Lisa,” he said quietly, and my heart stopped for a second as I absorbed the simple romance of that statement. I looked at him, and then away, suddenly shy.

“Guys, we are out of here,” I announced instead, reaching for my wallet to toss some money on the table.

Patrick shook his head. “Let me, it’s my turn,” he said. I rolled my eyes at him. I think I’d paid once the entire time we’d been out, and that was because he’d been on the phone when I’d settled the bill. A fight for a later time.

“See you tomorrow?” Mandy asked me. I nodded.

“Band practice,” I explained at Patrick’s puzzled look, and watched his expression clear. We put our coats on, and headed out, and Patrick flagged down a cab. “Remember that first night we necked in the cab?” I giggled as I slid in the back seat. I might have been a little tipsy.

He smiled at me. “How can I forget?” he asked. “It isn’t every day a beautiful woman sends me a drink and then comes home with me.” He pulled me into his body, and his
lips met mine, and I turned to him seeking his touch like I was parched for it. I moaned my desire into his mouth, and I felt the wetness seep from my pussy. Just from a kiss. From the feel of his hands on the back of my neck, pulling me towards him. From the slight tug at my hair, pulling my head back.

“How can I be this hot for you all the time?” I groaned into his ear. He moved his hand on my lap, up my thighs, and rested it at my inside thighs. I cursed my jeans. He was so close to my aching pussy. If I had been wearing a skirt, he could have pushed his fingers into me. Made me come right there in the cab.

With his other hand, he grasped a hold of my fingers, and pulled it over his dick. He was hard. I groaned again, and rubbed my palm against his erection, and I felt his sharp inward draw of breath. “Same way I am for you,” he grated.

“Cab,” I muttered, giggl
ing slightly. I felt like the horny teenager I had never had the opportunity to be. I pushed back the bitterness that that thought brought; the horrible memories from the acne still had the power to hurt.

Thankfully, the cab pulled up at the door before I had time to get too introspective. Beer did that to me sometimes. But right now, there was a very sexy guy sitting next to me who was sporting a massive erection
because we kissed. The wounds of the past didn’t matter.

Patrick paid the cab guy, and we both got out, and he reached in his jacket for his keys.

“Hey,” I said, as we entered his house. I’d just remembered. “I have your key.”

He gave me an even look. “Ms. Preston,” he said. “Is there a reason we are talking about house keys right now?”

Oh fuck. That was his Dominant voice. The one guaranteed to produce instant lust in me. I gazed at him, not hiding the arousal that glazed my eyes. “No, Dr. Anderson,” I said softly.

He looked at me. “You sounded a bit upset earlier on the phone. Is there anything that I should be concerned about?”

I shook my head. Right now, a haze of lust had taken over my brain, and my relationship concerns didn’t seem to belong in the moment. “Just stupid stuff,” I confessed. “I’ll tell you in the morning, I promise.”

“Anything going on with us that will impact us playing tonight?”

“No, Dr. Anderson.”
Take me hard, Patrick.
Use me for your pleasure.

He smiled with genuine warmth as he saw the naked longing in my eyes. “I trust you’ll tell me if
there’s a problem,” he said. At that, I felt a tiny trickle of guilt run through me. I’d been open and honest with Patrick as we played all but once. Once though, I’d been unwilling to use my safe word. At some point, I would have to tell him. But not now.

“No exam room, baby, we’ve both been drinking,” he said. “But the bedroom?”

“What would you like me to do, Dr. Anderson?” My voice was soft and compliant. My head was already close to the space where I existed only to do as Patrick told me, giving him complete control in exchange for this feeling of utter bliss.

“I’d like you to go upstairs to my bedroom
, Lisa,” he said. His voice was level and authoritative. The voice of a man who very much expected to be obeyed. “Take off your clothes, but leave your underwear on. Bend over the bed.”

“Yes, Dr. Anderson,” I said, not bothering to hide my pleased grin. Ooh. I was going to get spanked. I loved getting spanked by Patrick.

He laughed at the expression on my face. His chuckles followed me up the stairs.


“You asked me to spank you that first night,” he mused. His voice was both amused and remembering. He was behind me.

I nodded, though I wasn’t sure he could see me, positioned as I was, face-down, bent over the bed. “You seemed pretty happy to oblige,” I said into the bed covers.
I really tried not to sound snide, but I failed miserably.

Smack. His palm came down on my ass, my red thong serving as no protection at all from the sting. I yelped. “Sorry, Dr. Anderson,” I said contritely. That spank had hurt.

“Much better, Lisa,” he said. “Now, I do want to spank you tonight. But I can’t decide if I want you bent over the bed, or on my lap.” I could hear his footsteps as he walked around. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his shirt fly through the air, heading towards the chair in the corner and missing it.  “What do you think?”

I wrinkled my nose, wondering what the catch was. But I had been asked a question, and so I replied. “On your lap, Dr. Anderson,” I said.

“Hmm,” he said. “Raise your head and look at me.”

He’d seated himself on the bed, leaning casually against the headboard. He had taken off his pants as well, and was just wearing a pair of boxers. He looked so relaxed, so effortlessly sexy that I swear I whimpered a little. “Please put me over your lap and spank me, Dr. Anderson,” I begged.

“Did I say you could talk, Lisa?” His voice was level.

I shook my head.

“Because I didn’t.” There was sweet danger in each of those words. My stomach clenched with sheer arousal, and I could feel the ache between my legs. I was soaked through. I’d been wet since the cab ride and I could feel the scrap of lace stick to my pussy. I could even smell myself.

“Crawl here,”
he said. “On the bed, towards me.”

I did as I was told, trying for a sinuous crawl, emboldened by the look of heat in his eyes.

“Are you a good little kitten, Lisa?”

Oh fuck. I was going to combust before he even touched me if he kept talking to me in this tone. The idea of obeying Patrick, of being his
obedient pet? At this moment, it was an image of sheer eroticism.

“Yes, Dr. Anderson, I’m your good little kitten,” I whispered. I kept my eyes lowered.

“Yes you are.” Utter male satisfaction in his voice. “How many beers did you have?”

I strove for focus to answer his question. In the background of my mind,
it registered that he didn’t know. That he hadn’t counted my drinks, trusting me to act like an adult. The few times Nick and I had gone out together, I was allowed to drink and eat if he permitted it, and it was always what he ordered. I hadn’t enjoyed being treated like a child.

“Two and a half pints,” I answered.

“Are you drunk?” he probed.

“No. Slightly tipsy and very horny.”

He laughed at that. “Ah Lisa, I love you,” he said, affection and amusement in his voice, and I blushed to hear his tone. “Tell me if this position makes you sick, and we’ll switch up, okay?”

He pulled me onto his lap, hard, and
flipped me so my head was hanging off the side of the bed on the floor. “How’s this?” That dominant edge was back in his voice, and my voice softened immediately.

“Good, Dr. Anderson,” I whispered.

Patrick grabbed my wrists and held them in place. “Now, Lisa. I’d like you to hold still, part your legs a little, and stay quiet. Understood?”

“Yes,” I said. Waves of lust crashed over my body as his hand stroked the back of my thighs, then curved around the inside and rested against my aching, soaked pussy.

“Your panties are dripping wet, kitten,” he observed. “Only bad girls get this excited by a spanking.”

“I’m your naughty little slut,” I said, offering him that word for him to use. I wanted to hear him say it, but tomorrow morning, I would be happy I’d said it first.

Spank. His palm crashed down my ass. Pain radiated from the spot he’d hit me. “Yes, you are a naughty little slut, aren’t you?” I could hear the amused edge in his voice, overlaid with a ragged lust. I could feel his hard dick rest against my lower stomach. 

“Yes, Dr. Anderson,” I said.

“And what happens to sluts, Lisa?”

Smack. Another hard blow that had me
squirming in pain, and mewling quietly as the sting from his hand spread through my ass.

“They get punished,” I groaned.

“They do, indeed.” I heard the satisfied smirk in his voice. “I’d like you to thank me for each stroke, Lisa.”

I groaned in utter lust and ground against his cock. Two quick, stinging smacks stopped me, and my nails dug into my palms as I processed the pain. “Thank you, Dr. Anderson,” I said obediently.

“Too much?” he asked me quietly. I shook my head. A resounding swat of my backside followed, and I wriggled and kicked my legs.

“Lisa.” His voice was a warning. “If you move those legs, I swear, you are going to be very, very sorry. I will tie you up and flog the living daylights out of you, do you understand?”

Heat rushed through my body, making me limp with intense arousal at the image those words evoked. “I’m sorry, Dr. Anderson,” I quivered.

“I don’t hear you thanking me.” His voice was even.

“Sorry, thank you, thank you,” I babbled and he chuckled. “I didn’t realize I was so funny,” I said snidely in response.

Two hard, bruising snaps of his palm, and I yelped in pain. “Thank you,” I whimpered.

“I don’t like backtalk from my sub, Lisa.”

I twisted my head around to look at him. He’d never called me
his submissive before. We’d been playing Dom/sub games right from the first, but we hadn’t openly acknowledged the roles we assumed in play. A small smile was playing around his lips, but his eyes were serious. He just caressed my ass lightly as our gazes met, and my smile grew. His sub. Yes. I very much wanted to be both his sub and his girlfriend. It was a bit of a shock how much I wanted this, to be honest. This was a part of my life that I thought I’d locked away forever after the tragedy that had been my D/s relationship with Nick O’Malley.

“I’m very sorry, Dr. Anderson,” I murmured, meeting his eyes openly, letting my acceptance of the role and my deep need to be submissive for him shine through. He leaned forward and kissed my hands, still held behind my back.
Two resounding smacks followed, and I flailed on his lap, and wailed my thanks.

Keep it down,” he ordered.

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