Relay for Life (13 page)

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Authors: Downs Jana

BOOK: Relay for Life
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Andrew cried out around Marcel’s cock and Marcel echoed the sound. It felt so good to be filled up, to be taken by his two lovers. The position left him vulnerable to whatever they wanted to do to him, and he loved it, loved being wanted. His mind unfocused as Matthew started to move, pounding into him with a hunger that translated perfectly through his needy groans of want. Marcel was close, his pre-cum already enough to fill Andrew’s mouth.
“Wanted you so long,” Marcel admitted, thrusting forward and fucking his face. Andrew relaxed his throat and took him deeper. He cried out.
Yes. Yes. Mine. Both of you are mine
. He felt the rightness of it settle into his bones. When they were together like this, he had no doubts that they belonged together. Everything about them called to him, and he knew instinctively that they felt the same. “God, so hot. Watching you be filled with his prick, baby.”
His words ratcheted up the tension, driving him closer to the edge of orgasm without even touching his dripping cock. Matthew palmed his ass, squeezing the globes of flesh as he held them open for deeper penetration. Andrew moaned, sure that the man was fucking him deeper than anyone ever had. “Come in his mouth, Mar,” Matthew rumbled. “Fill him up while I fill up his ass.”
Marcel cried out in answer, his dick jerking before erupting in the back of Andrew’s throat. He nearly choked, trying to keep up with the flow. He swallowed compulsively, needing to not spill a drop. Matthew gasped a warning from behind him, slamming deep. The movement set off Andrew’s own orgasm, and he writhed between them like a skewered fish. He shot, his spunk hitting the swirling water below and being taken away by the flow. His mind blanked on sensory overload. This was exactly what he needed, a reaffirmation of the explosive connection they’d had out in the field. It let him know that he hadn’t imagined it all along.
Finally, they all sagged, finished.
Marcel sighed softly, pulling his arousal from Andrew’s mouth. “Thank you,” he whispered. “You’re both perfect.” Matthew pulled out of him, and they cradled him between them. Andrew was floating in a world of bliss, basking in their shared moment. He let them hold him under the spray and wash him with soft, gentle hands. It felt so good that he was nearly boneless by the time they tipped his head back and washed the shampoo from his hair.
He smiled at them languidly. “Take turns?” Matthew nodded and pushed Marcel back into the spray. He protested at first, but between the two of them giving him insistent touches, he relaxed almost immediately after they started scrubbing him clean.
By the time they were finished, all three of them were squeaky clean and relaxed. Andrew stepped out of the shower first and grabbed them all towels to dry off with. Time had seemed to stop as they got ready together, and Andrew couldn’t help but feel a little guilty that their breakfast had probably gotten cold in the intervening time. When he voiced the thought aloud, Marcel just laughed.
“More than worth some cold pancakes, Andy,” he said, smiling. “Besides, that’s what a microwave is for.”
Andrew sighed. They were really perfect. He just hoped the real world wouldn’t ruin what they had.

Chapter Nine

Matthew listened impatiently to the phone ring as he waited for his dad to pick up. His text messages in the past two days had gone unanswered, and he was starting to worry. Big time.
What if the higher-ups did something because he let us go
? He banished the thought and the question as soon as he had it. He couldn’t think like that.

He was sitting in one of the wooden benches in Andrew’s garden, staring up into a cloudless sky while the city glittered below. Between the soft sound of water from the pond and the softness of the grass beneath his feet, he should’ve been relaxed. He wasn’t.

He stared down at the lit pond and watched the koi fish as they circled close to the bulbs before turning into the darker bits of the water. Andrew had four of them, and all of them were huge and beautifully colored. They’d picnicked out here more than once for lunch and fed them. Matthew had agreed that this part of the house was his favorite. He’d hoped being here would release some of the tension he was feeling.

The answering machine kicked on. “Hello, you’ve reached Jack Gibson. If you leave a message after the tone, I will return your call as soon as possible. If this is Matthew, I love you and call my office line if you need me.”

Matthew sighed. “Hey, Dad, it’s me. I tried your office phone, and it’s been disconnected. Where are you? You said you’d get in contact with me when we got back to the safes. I haven’t heard from you, and I’m starting to worry. Please, if you have to, send me an e-mail, anything. I’m where I told you I’d be with my team. Love you.” He hung up the phone. He had left the message deliberately cryptic in case someone was fielding his calls. Though it didn’t really matter if he told them where he was or not. The UMF could find anyone, given enough motivation. The safes weren’t that terribly large overall. However, if he got an e-mail from him that wasn’t from their secret account, he’d know that someone was fielding his calls. That was something, at least.

Someone put a hand on his shoulder, and he half turned to see Marcel there with a sympathetic look on his face. “No word?”
He shook his head. “No.” He swallowed. “I can’t help but have this bad feeling about it. What if he…” He trailed off, unable to finish.
“Don’t think about it like that, Matthew. You can’t. It’ll drive you crazy,” Marcel said. He circled around the bench and sat beside him, twining their fingers. “They have no reason to do anything to him. He’s probably just on a base where the clearance won’t let him call out. What we stumbled across was big.”
Matthew nodded. He was right. “Yeah, I know. It just doesn’t make me feel any better. I just want to know. He’s—” He swallowed, hard. “He’s all I have.”
Marcel squeezed his hand. “You have us now.”
Yeah. He did. It was weird to think about it. In the past few days, they’d spent every waking moment together. He’d learned a lot about them, their likes, dislikes, their fears, their loves. He was already starting to fall head over ass in love with them, if he were being honest with himself. However, he wanted to share that with his dad, wanted to let him know that he wasn’t going to be alone when he was gone. It was one of his dad’s biggest fears.
He leaned his head down to rest against Marcel’s shoulder. “I just want to talk to him. We didn’t say a proper good-bye.” He knew it was stupid. A lot of people in their line of work never got to say good-bye to loved ones. However, he and his dad had always managed to make all those parting moments count. The last time had felt too stilted and unreal. He wanted to go back and undo it and make it right. Of course that was impossible.
“Hey,” Marcel said, lifting his head with a finger to his chin. He pressed a kiss to his lips. “There is no reason to say good-bye. Until we know otherwise, your dad is fine, and we’ll all have to do the ‘meeting the parents’ thing with him soon.”
In the past few days it had become abundantly clear that the three of them had set roles in their relationship. Marcel was definitely the caretaker. He made sure they were all okay at any given time. Andrew’s role was easy to tell as well. He was the heart of everything. He was their emotional pillar, easily telling both of the field agents that expressing their emotions was necessary to their survival. Beyond that, he brought out their softer sides, if Matthew cared to admit it. He frowned. He still wasn’t quite sure where he fit into the picture, but he felt like he did.
“We can get through anything together,” Marcel continued. “You just have to lean on us, Matthew. Okay?”
He nodded. “Okay.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Where’s Andrew?”
“Setting up the movie in the living room. There is a bug in the viewer that keeps pixelating the screen. He’s trying to fix it. He sent me out here to check on you, though, said you needed me.”
It was uncanny how well they knew him. There were people who he’d known his whole life who didn’t know him like they did. “Do you think we could go grab a movie at one of the theaters instead? I want to get out of the house.”
Marcel hesitated. “You know Andrew doesn’t like going out.”
Matthew shrugged. “I know it’s one of his fears, but it’s late. The theater shouldn’t be that crowded, and besides, we’ll be there. He trusted us to protect him before. And if he says no, I’ll just go for a walk or something.”
Andrew’s voice sounded from the doorway behind them. “How about a jog? I need to stretch my legs. After, we can grab a movie.”
Matthew turned. “You sure? I don’t want to push.” Though he did. Andrew had let his fear control him for a long time, and Matthew knew he might never get over it. However, there were some things that he knew Andrew wanted to do that he didn’t do because of his fear. If he faced it a little, Matthew imagined it would become more manageable over time.
“I want to go to the movies with you guys, order popcorn, something. I pull myself together to go to races. I should be able to do it to do something with my lovers, right?”
There is my strong boy.
Matthew smiled at him encouragingly. “That’s the theory.”
“I never wanted to do anything with anyone else outside. It was never worth it before.” Andrew came out into the garden and wrapped his arms around both of them. “It is now.” He gave each of them a kiss in turn, and Matthew felt some of the tension leeching out of his shoulders. Being between the two of them gave him comfort. “No word from your dad?” Andrew asked, changing the subject.
Matthew shook his head. “Not yet. Marcel keeps telling me to not jump to conclusions yet.”
“He’s right,” Andrew said. “Did you try calling your uncles or Brook?”
“None of them have heard from him, either, and I couldn’t really tell them the extent of why I’m worried. I don’t want to risk the UMF coming down on us.” It would be bad if they thought for a second that one of them was going to blab about the infected in that area. “Though Uncle Jason told me under no uncertain terms that the shrink would be coming to pay us a visit tomorrow at two.”
They all groaned at that. None of them were big believers in paid listeners. That was what they had lovers for. They were working through their issues quite well between them, and Matthew would be all too happy to tell the shrink that tomorrow.
“Well, then, let’s go for a run and then go catch the midnight showing of whatever is playing.” He let both of them go. “I want popcorn,” Andrew added.
“So noted,” Matthew said. “The movie and accompanying snacks are on me.”
He really needed to start looking for a job in the sector tomorrow if he was planning on living here. Though he needed to discuss it with them first. The last thing he wanted to do was assume that they were to the point where moving to one another’s sectors was kosher. He didn’t want any misunderstandings between them.
I could re-up with the SCABs
. He shuddered at the thought. He just wasn’t ready for that yet. The past two field missions had told him he was done with SCAB field work. Besides, he had something important waiting for him at home now.
Marcel pushed himself to his feet, and Matthew followed suit. “I’m thinking about getting an apartment here. What do you guys think?”
Andrew looked pleased as a cat who had eaten the canary. “I think that’s a great idea.” His eyes went to Marcel. “What about you?”
“I think that’s a great idea, and I would do the same. However, the apartments in this sector are outrageous.” He looked at Matthew. “If you’re willing to be my roommate, it would be possible, but it’s going to be tight.”
Matthew frowned. That was not what he wanted to hear. He opened his mouth, but Andrew beat him to the punch.
“Oh, for God’s sake, you two,” Andrew said. “Why don’t you just move in with me? I’ll renovate the adjoining apartment and make the place big enough for the three of us and then some.”
“The place is already big enough for all of us,” Matthew protested. He didn’t want to take advantage of Andrew’s hospitality. “Besides, isn’t it too soon?”
Andrew shrugged. “Today or a year from now won’t make a difference. If it’s meant to be, we’ll work it out. Besides, I want you both close.”
“Well, we’ll at least pay you some kind of rent,” Matthew said. He wasn’t going to be in a position where he felt like he was mooching off his lovers. No way in hell.
“I’ll have my lawyer draw up something official-looking as a rental agreement with an amount we settle on. Okay?”
Marcel draped his arm around Andrew’s shoulders and drew him in for a kiss. “That sounds great, baby.” They shared a light kiss that threatened to deepen into something more. Matthew sighed in appreciation. He had beautiful lovers. They weren’t just beautiful on the outside, either. Both men were generous, kind, everything he’d ever wanted in lovers.
And strong. They’re both so damn strong
. Whether they realized it or not, it was a trait they shared.

* * * *

Marcel panted, leaning down so his hands rested on his knees as he tried to regain his breath. “That is the last time I try to keep up with a championship runner,” he managed to gasp out as Matthew guzzled a water bottle beside him.

Andrew waved at them as he passed them
. “Last lap, guys. Almost done.”
“He’s not human,” Matthew rumbled. “He’s a freaking machine.” “Agreed.” They both limped over to the bench beside the water

fountain and sat. Marcel’s lungs were still screaming at him, and his thighs weren’t much better. He wasn’t in bad shape by any stretch of the imagination. He worked out regularly, and cardio was a big part of it. However, this long distance loping that Andrew was so good at was for the birds.

Matthew chuckled beside him. “He did that on purpose. He wore us out so we wouldn’t be thinking.”

“Well, it worked.” Marcel groaned. “Forget personal trainers. Andrew wins. Hands down.” It was his passion. Every time he talked about it, there was a certain tone of excitement he used. Marcel glanced over at Matthew, who had a bemused look on his face. “So what’s your passion, Matthew?”

He looked up, surprise written on his features. “Where did that come from?”
Marcel nodded, indicating their other lover. “He is passionate about running. What are you passionate about?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I used to think I was passionate about field work, but I’m not sure now.”
“What about field work?” Marcel asked. “Are you more the adrenaline kind of guy, or do you prefer the teamwork?”
Matthew considered him. “Well, actually, neither really. I liked seeing things that no one else had. I liked going new places. I hated the danger, the weapons, and the killing. All that was something I had to put up with to see what I wanted. It didn’t happen often, but the few times I saw something spectacular were worth it. You know?”
“There are safer ways to have adventures,” Marcel said. “You could go tour the underground ruins or go the coast and take a diving course. You know, vacation stuff.”
Matthew blinked like he’d never considered it before. “I guess I never thought of it. You do those sorts of things with family, and my dad and I always had plenty of adventures when we were away. When we came home, we just wanted to, I don’t know, veg out.”
“Things are changing, though. You’re trying to get a civilian job, right?” Marcel asked. He’d mentioned it while they’d been running. He said he was done with the UMF and SCAB work. Matthew nodded. “Well, why don’t you go on some adventures with us? It’ll be good for everyone involved. Andy travels a lot when he’s going on runs. We can stop around and do the tourist adventure thing whenever we’re there.”
“But I might not have off.”
“We can plan around it,” Marcel said. “I mean, there is no reason why we can’t schedule your vacation time around those times. Besides, Deadzone supplies the plane to get us there. It would be no problem bringing you on board.”
“I’ve got to find a job first,” Matthew reminded. He was grinning, though. “However, I like this plan. It sounds like a really fantastic plan.”
Marcel winked. “Happy to help.”
Andrew came jogging up the track a second later, sweaty and serene-looking. Marcel loved that look on his face. It was peace. The only other time he got it was after Matthew and Marcel wore him out with sex.
“You guys ready to hit the shower and then that movie?” Andrew asked, slowing as he got to their bench. “We’ve got thirty minutes until it starts.”
“You going to be all right for the movie?” Matthew asked. He was always so concerned about them, always considerate. Marcel was smitten with him as he was with Andrew.
I guess that goes to prove that love strikes like lightning
. He was startled for a second at his internal admission.
I love them both
. He’d said it before, when he’d been about to be eaten, but had rationalized it as a moment of weakness, given the intensity of the situation. There were no excuses now. It was just how he felt.
“I’ll be fine,” Andrew said, clearly oblivious to the realization that rocked Marcel’s world. “I’m as calm as I can be going into this. I needed the movement, I think. I like to run.” Andrew grabbed his hand and dragged him to his feet. “Come on.”
“Sure thing, love.” He looked over at Matthew. He needed the perfect time to tell them. He wanted to make it special. He smiled as a sense of rightness filled him. He would plan something perfect.

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