Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice) (16 page)

BOOK: Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)
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“Uh-oh. I think I see the Olympian.” Kaleb grins, and pride surges through my veins.

I push off and am airborne for a second. I land easily and a shot of adrenaline flows. A grin takes over my face. “That was fun.”

Kaleb unzips his coat a bit. “That’s the spirit. Are you warm enough?”

“I am.” I move faster up the hill in anticipation of the next jump. This time I don’t make such a drastic increase in the height, but it’s enough to make my stomach flutter.

Off I go, and I’m in the air long enough to feel the sensation of weightlessness. Only a split second, and I’m ready to go higher just for the thrill.

I unzip my jacket a little. My body sweats with the heat generated from the climb. I jog a little up the trail, and excitement pumps through my bloodstream. I move halfway across the cornice.

Kaleb chuckles at me. “I think you like this flying thing.”

I flash him a smile. “I do. You may have created a monster.” I don’t wait for a response and take off. The impact when I land jars my body.

Kaleb stops next to me. “Next time I want you to think about your legs as shock absorbers. When you hit the ground, suck it up.” He lifts a knee up to his chest to demonstrate.

“Of course. We do that when we land a jump in skating.” Wow. I wonder if I could rotate too? I smile to myself. Yeah, let’s get the jumping down first.

Kaleb grabs my skis and trots up the trail. “C’mon, rock star. You earned my Sherpa services for the next few tries.” I notice his hands are now bare. I’m warm too but not enough to take off my mittens. Crazy boy.

A few more tries, and I’m finally at the end. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this. The scary part now is I want to.”

Kaleb looks pleased with himself. He should be. “Let’s see it.”

I jump off, suck up the landing with my legs and stop. When he skis up next to me, I throw myself at him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. That was amazing.”

He looks down at me through his goggles. “I’m so proud of you, babe.” He kisses me lightly.

“I am, too. I never thought I would jump off something that high.”

“I’m starved. Let’s go get lunch and then come back. I want you to try this with a little speed going into the jump.” He leads the way.

After lunch we spend the afternoon hiking up higher than the cornice and jumping off with speed. At the end of the day I’m physically exhausted.

“Every single one of my muscles is jelly right now,” I say while I sit on the bench and lean back against my locker. Cool metal soothes my back, and Kaleb pulls off one of my boots. “How is it you aren’t tired too?”

“I am. But you had to work harder than I did. That was big stuff today.”

“It was. I’ll have to thank you properly.” I send him a smoldering look, because my eyes are the only things that can move.

Strong hands massage my foot. “I like the sound of that. Your place or mine?”

“Yours, so we can do takeout.”

Kaleb’s hand moves under my ski pants and up my calf. “How about yours? If you want to thank me properly…” He leans in close and whispers. “Noise might be involved.”

A flush rises to my face, and I squeak out, “We can still do takeout?” His hand is higher and on my thigh. My core trembles, and a tiny sigh escapes my lips.

“Sure.” His voice is deep.

“You’d better get me out of here,” I say as I melt into a puddle.

Chapter 24

My heart soars as I strut down the sidewalk. The sky’s blue color fades with the afternoon hour, but it doesn’t dim my happiness. I had a successful meeting at the skating rink, and I’ve been hired to teach private lessons. Megan made it so easy for me. One of her prior clients works in admin, and with just a call she got me an alias last name to use. It might be overkill, but Lucas will be out one day, and there isn’t an ounce of doubt in my mind he’ll try to find me.

I shift the deli bag to my other hand and open my lungs to the cold air. When I tip my face to the sky, gentle winds comb through my hair. Even better, I’m about to see my gorgeous boyfriend. That boyfriend is turning into something serious. I’m not ready to say anything, but I think I’m in love with Kaleb.

Not only that, I have friends too. Girlfriends that make me laugh and guys I trust and speak with freely. I feel blessed, and a grin spreads from ear to ear. As a man approaches me I smile at him and realize I’m not the least bit afraid. We say hello as we pass each other.

The bell of The Bike Shop seems to sing out my joy as I enter. “Hey, Gretch. Nobody’s here?”

“Yeah, it’s the lull before the storm. What’s going on, cupcake?”

I love her nickname for me. It tells me she accepts me for the person I am. “I got a job teaching privates at the skating rink.”

“Nice. I need to get over there and check out trampoline time. My air is seriously clumsy.” The buzz of metal being shaved off skis makes me look over at Kaleb as he works the tuning belt. He nods his head at me, and I know when he’s finished he’ll take a break.

“You need to find some grace?” I set the bag down on the counter.

“I do. I saw video today. It was ugly. I look like I’m all, ‘Hey, I’m in the air. Guess I’ll squirm a bit.’” She snickers at herself. “I’ve got power covered, but I need air to look like I planned it to happen.”

“The tramp is good for that. Need any help?” The smell of onions permeates the deli bag, and my stomach rumbles.

“Seriously? Yeah. It would be good for me to hear things from someone else.” She hops up on the counter and swings her legs.

“Whoa. Trouble with Coach John?”

Gretchen grimaces. “Things are kind of weird. I mean, I followed him out here for his coaching, and I think he thought I was coming for his body, too.” She shrugs. “He’s hot and all, but I don’t want to mix sex with my training. My relationships never end well. I need a good coach more than I need a good lay.”

I shake my head and chuckle. “That sucks.” I tilt my head at her. “Fuck.”

She snorts. “Oh, cupcake, you crack me up. You know that word will never sound right coming out of your mouth.”

I jump up and settle my butt on the counter next to her. “I know. I have this friend who tried to teach me. But I just don’t have her gift.”

She leans against me. “Maybe not. Have you tried it on Kaleb yet?”

I push her off me. “No. And I don’t plan to. I’m not sure he would quite understand.” I grin and hear the tuning machine’s roar fade.

“Chicken.” Gretchen hops off the counter. “I’ll go grab my dinner while you two do that thing you do.” She waves her hand at us.

“Chicken?” Kaleb steps between my legs.

Gretchen throws me an evil look as she pulls the door open and I say, “I’m so not telling you what Gretchen wants me to do.”

Kaleb slides me into his body and kisses my lips. “Why not?” He breathes into my ear. “I have a feeling I might like it.”

I tilt my head back as he kisses my neck. “Keep doing that, and I just may.”

The bell rings, announcing a customer. Kaleb steps away. “Can I help you?”

I move to the back with our dinner and watch my sexy guy check in a customer’s skis for a tune. I lay everything out as he finishes up.

“Nice. You were about to tell me something, and now you’re distracting me with food.” Kaleb grabs his sandwich.

I ignore the tease. “I got the job at the skating rink. I’m teaching privates early mornings before work or in the evenings.” I take the top piece of bread off my sandwich and pick up a piece of tomato.

“That’s great. But early mornings?” Kaleb takes my bread and adds it to his sandwich.

“I know. It’s for the serious students. I hope to get a regular or two and keep the income steady.” I put a piece of turkey in my mouth and notice Kaleb watches. “What?” I say around the lump in my mouth.

“You’re adorable when you pick at your sandwich like a bird.” He takes a bite of his.

I smirk at him, but my stomach flips.

We eat in silence. When he’s finished, he speaks. “Want to know what you’re going to ski tomorrow?” His eyes gleam with excitement.

“I’m not sure. Am I conquering another fear?” I drink water from my bottle.

“Maybe. But you shouldn’t be afraid. You’re more than ready for it.” He’s enjoying himself.

“Okay. Do I have to guess, or will you tell me?” I wrap up the remains of my picked-apart sandwich and throw the ball in the garbage.

“I don’t know. Maybe you could tell me what Gretchen wants you to do, and then I’ll share.” His eyes dance with laughter.

“You aren’t giving up on this, are you?”

“Nope.” He steps closer, and I hear the bell ring. Kaleb glances over my shoulder, and when he doesn’t move I guess it’s someone just browsing.

I pull his face down to me and whisper in his ear. “Tonight after work I want you to come to my house and…” I pause to find my courage. “Fuck me.”

He stiffens and pulls back to look at my face. I know it’s bright red with embarrassment. He stutters, “Ah. I’m not sure why. But that’s the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He shifts his hips, and I hear Gretchen’s voice.

“Holy shit. You just said it to him.”

I bury my face in my hands and groan while Gretchen laughs. I mumble, “Pardon me while I die a little here.”

Kaleb steps behind me and wraps his arm around my neck. His erection pushes against my bottom, and I realize he’s hiding it from Gretchen. Like she doesn’t know.

I give Gretchen a mock glare. “You are such a bad influence on me. You know that, right?”

“Whatever you say, cupcake.” She walks over to a boot-fitting bench and sits to eat dinner. Her shoulders shake as laughter fights to escape once again.

I turn in Kaleb’s arms and put a hand on his chest. I change the subject and hope my flush fades. “So where am I skiing tomorrow?”

He smiles down at me with lust in his eyes. “The steepest part of Horseshoe Bowl. But we can discuss this later.” He winks, and now I’m sure my whole body blushes.

“Later. Yeah. I’m going to go now and wash my mouth out with soap.” I pull away, but Kaleb doesn’t let go.

“Come here.” He pulls me back in and kisses me. The moment his tongue enters my mouth I relax. We nibble at each other with our lips, and desire spreads. Moisture gathers in my core, and now I’m the one that needs to squirm.

When we break apart, I look up at him while lust races through me. “Later.”

I walk out toward the door and catch Gretchen’s gaze. I point my finger at her and say, “You. You are so much trouble.”

Chapter 25

Kaleb’s soft breath against my neck is the first thing I’m aware of when I wake. I take in the scent of us as it wafts toward me, and I lift my head to see the clock. It’s a little after five. When I cuddle into Kaleb, he mumbles, “What time is it?”

“Early, go back to sleep.”

“Hhmmmm” He pulls me in tight, and his passion grows.

Blood rushes to my core. Who needs sleep? Besides, there’s something I want to do, and the groggy version of Kaleb makes it easier. I leave a trail of kisses on his neck and move down his chest. With the covers over my head, I make my way down to his navel. I follow the line of hair below, and I find my target.

The moment I lick him he groans. His hard length twitches, and I take it in my mouth. I’ve done this many times for someone else, but it never felt this good. I’m intoxicated by his musky smell. Smooth skin under my tongue tantalizes me. The way Kaleb responds with a growl spurs me on. I can’t seem to get enough of this man.

His voice is raspy. “You need to stop.” He flips the covers off us, and I crawl up his body and kiss a path toward his mouth.

When I get there I whisper, “I want you inside me. Now.” I grab a condom from the bedside table and roll it on him. When I start to straddle him, he flips me on my back. He drives into me, and I cry out. His abrupt entry sends shocks through my body. He thrusts hard and fast, and I rock with him.

He shudders, and I know he’s about to climax. I pant, “Don’t stop. Not yet.” I’m so close. My pleasure mutes his moan as I near the edge. I shatter and hear my voice pant out “Kaleb.”

Both of us heave as our lungs drink in oxygen. I shudder with an aftershock, and Kaleb lifts up on an elbow. He traces my lips with his finger, and I let my eyelids fall closed. His finger outlines my face, and he says, “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

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