
Read Relentless Online

Authors: Anna Wells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Relentless
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Anna Wells







Anna Wells



Copyright © 2014 by Anna Wells Publishing

Cover design by Seductive Designs


All rights reserved.

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.










To Shelly for making innumerable contributions to this book as a critique partner, editor, and cheering squad.


To Peggy who added that extra polish to ensure this book was print ready.


To my husband  for his non-ending support.

Chapter One

“Wow! You look good enough to eat!” Michaela declared as she opened her front door. She eyed the handsome tuxedoed man standing before her with his thick, wavy, dark blond hair, and sculpted features. And, God, let’s not forget that lean, fit body. He was the kind of man that women fantasized about, unfortunately the two of them were just friends.

“Well, if you insist. Go right ahead. I’m certainly not going to stop you.” Jordan casually leaned his broad shoulder against the doorframe as he tilted his dark blond head to the side in his usual cocky manner. “I might add you look pretty hot yourself tonight,” he said, his blue eyes sparkling as he appraised her figure with obvious appreciation. “Nice… You look great in that red dress. Now turn around so I can get the whole picture.” Michaela did as he asked and Jordan nodded in obvious appreciation.

“Yep, very sexy. I definitely like the way it scoops low in the back and the front. It looks like I am going to have to beat the men off with a stick tonight.”

Michaela laughed, her chestnut curls bouncing as she leaned forward, giving him a quick hug as she pulled him inside her town home. She hadn’t been able to resist buying the full-length evening dress, with its spaghetti straps and plunging neckline; it showed off her figure to perfection. She might be petite, but she was proud of her hourglass figure. “Feel free to shower me with as many compliments as you like,” she insisted good-naturedly. She scrunched her pert nose, her chocolate brown eyes clouding with momentary self-doubt. “You don’t think it’s too much for an office Christmas party do you?”

“No,” Jordan insisted, his warm eyes sparkling with humor. “That dress looks awesome on you, and it disguises the fact that you’re vertically challenged.”

Michaela tried to look annoyed at his teasing, but failed miserably. “Do you always have to make fun of my height?”

“Of course I do it’s too much fun not to.” He flashed a pleased grin at what he obviously thought was a clever response.

“I think you need another hobby besides making fun of me,” Michaela informed him, enjoying the easy banter they always shared.

Jordan shook his head in denial, his face softening as he smiled at her. “Nope, I don’t think so. I am perfectly content with this one. It satisfies all my needs.”

Michaela shot him a skeptical look and gave an unladylike snort before saying, “If that is satisfying all your needs, I suggest you start dating more.”

Jordan’s eyes filled with self-deprecation and something else she couldn’t quite identify. “You’re right about that one,” he said, pausing briefly before asking, “I hate to put an end to this stimulating conversation, but shouldn’t we get going to your party?”

Michaela looked at her watch quickly. “You’re right we should get going. Let me just grab my wrap.” She opened the hall closet and retrieved the garment along with her purse. “I just want to thank you again Jordan for taking me to this party. I hate going to these things alone and since I’m not dating anyone I thought you were the ideal candidate.”

Jordan took the wrap from her hands and placed it on her shoulders, his hands lingering a little more than necessary. He moved his hands up and down her arms lightly before he released her. Michaela felt a shiver go down her spine at his touch while she breathed in the scent of his spicy cologne. What was that about she wondered? Jordan is just a friend, nothing more she reminded herself. Although it wasn’t the first time she had been forced to issue that particular reminder.

“You know me, free food, free drinks, I’m there,” he said easily as he escorted her out the door with a firm touch on her lower back.

Michaela was so distracted by her reaction to Jordan that she didn’t even notice the crisp, cool air of this December night in Boston. She turned and locked the door. Angling her head toward Jordan she treated him to a satisfied smile. “Well, in that case I guess I am doing you a favor.”

Jordan gently grabbed her hand and guided her down the steps beside him. “No way, Michaela, I am not letting you get away with that. Let’s get this straight. I am doing you the favor which means
you owe me
.” When they reached the sidewalk, he raised his free hand to hail a cab.

“Does everything have to be a competition with you?” she asked in exasperation while wondering when they had begun this hand holding thing. It wasn’t that she was old fashioned, there were just some invisible lines that weren’t crossed when you were just friends. Hand holding was definitely crossing one of those lines, she was sure of it. She tried to ignore the way he was rubbing the inside of her palm with his thumb. It felt so intimate that it made her body shiver.

“Michaela everything is a competition,” he told her as a taxi pulled up to the curb, and then he casually helped her into the cab.

Michaela shifted on the seat making room for his large frame. “Even between friends?” she asked.

“Especially between friends,” he assured her.


Michaela’s Christmas party was at the Ritz Carlton located in the heart of historic Boston, close to both Newbury Street and Commonwealth Avenue. As the cab headed toward their destination, Jordan contemplated his current dilemma. He had stumbled into the friend zone with Michaela and he couldn’t seem to find his way out. He was beginning to think there wasn’t one, but he wanted out desperately. He was tired of being the perfect friend; he was determined to be the perfect lover.

He and Michaela had met a year ago; he had been dating Michaela’s friend Joyce Landow, a statuesque woman with fiery red hair and Michaela had been engaged to Noah Jenkins, a young professor at Harvard. The four of them had double dated regularly since Michaela and Joyce were good friends.

Jordan had felt an immediate and undeniable attraction to Michaela. She was petite but she had a very hot body with curves in all the right places and a gorgeous mass of thick brown curls that he wanted to run his hands through. Michaela’s big brown eyes were expressive and always filled with laughter and intelligence and her lips, as far as he was concerned, were begging to be kissed. His desire for her was intense, but Noah and Joyce presented a huge barrier. What little feelings he had for Joyce disappeared the more time he spent in Michaela’s company. He had sensed that something was wrong between Michaela and Noah and he found himself hoping the two would breakup. Deep down he didn’t trust Noah, but maybe, he acknowledged, that was because Noah had what Jordan wanted.

While he had been contemplating how to end his relationship with Joyce, Jordan hadn’t realized
how well
Joyce and Noah were getting along. He vividly remembered the phone call he had received from Michaela after she had arrived home from the office early to find her best friend in bed with her fiancé. As an e-commerce specialist he often chose to work from home when he desired to be free from interruptions, which was where Michaela had reached him. He still remembered the sound of her strained voice vividly, “Jordan, there’s something you should know.”

“Michaela, what is it?” he asked, immediately alerted to the fact that something was very wrong.

“I came home from work early to find Joyce in bed with Noah.” Her tone was flat, devoid of emotion as she conveyed the news that would alter both their lives.

“Shit, are you kidding me? Are you okay?” He was shocked as the implications of her bald statement penetrated his mind. Inwardly he was thrilled for himself, but he knew Michaela must be devastated. Joyce and Noah in one sweaty afternoon romp had solved his problem in one swoop. He briefly contemplated sending the two of them gifts.

“Well, I’m okay as I can be under the circumstances.” She paused obviously trying to maintain her composure. “Look, I just called to let you know what I found. I thought you had a right to know. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be the bearer of bad news.”

“Hey, you don’t have to apologize. You’re not the one that did anything wrong. Where are you? Why don’t you let me come get you? I don’t think you should be alone right now.”

“Well, right now I’m sitting on a park bench in front of the Brewer Fountain in Boston Common,” she told him. “Jordan, you’re so sweet trying to console me when you are in the same position I am.”

“I’m not exactly in the same position. I wasn’t the one who was engaged and really Joyce and I weren’t that serious.” He reminded her gently. Hearing the grief in her voice, Jordan realized it might be awhile before he could pursue her the way he wanted. Without a doubt she was going to need time to heal.

“So you’re saying I am the biggest loser?” Michaela asked, her voice laced with obvious irony.

“That’s right, you’re the biggest loser, but I guess today neither of us came out on top,” he responded as gently as he could to her bitter humor.

Michaela laughed. “You’re right about that. I’m pretty sure it was Joyce who I saw on top.”

“Ouch, I should have seen that one coming. That’s her favorite position.”

“Ooh, TMI, I didn’t need to know that! It’s not as if I haven’t learned too much about her already.”

“Sorry, why don’t we console each other?” he asked.

Not wanting to be alone she responded without hesitation, “I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”

“Great, I’ll come get you and we’ll go somewhere for a drink.”

He found her in Boston Common just where she’d said she would be sitting on a bench in front of the Brewer Fountain looking slightly lost. Giving her a sympathetic smile he grabbed her hand and said, “Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“Emmet’s, it’s just over on Beacon Street. You look like you need a drink or six.”

Emmet’s was a cozy, traditional Boston pub with dark wood paneling, hardwood floors and a fireplace. It was still relatively early and the pub for the most part was empty. They chose a table tucked away in a corner and sipped brandy while they did post-mortems on their respective relationships.

“It all seemed so easy. Right from the start he was always the perfect boyfriend and he did everything right. When he proposed, I have to admit I was a bit swept off my feet. I’m usually much more cautious. Although lately he’d seemed distant and I felt that things just weren’t going to work for us.” She had shaken her head in self-disgust before continuing. “It’s funny, Joyce introduced me to Noah and we all got along so well. I actually encouraged him to go out with Joyce when I wasn’t available! But you know I don’t ever recall saying that horizontal aerobics was one of the activities they should do together.”

Jordan burst out laughing, he couldn’t help it, Michaela was always at her funniest when she was angry. “I guess you should have specified which activities were off limits. Now that you mention it, this whole situation can be blamed on you.” He paused hesitantly before asking, “Did you really find them horizontal, and in your bed?”

Michaela bobbed her head up in down, scrunching her nose in disgust. “Not exactly horizontal, she was riding him like he was a bunking bronco.”

He hesitated, a pained look on his face. “In your bed!”

She nodded before answering, “In my bed, doing the deed, just like they had a right to be there.” She tilted her head back against the chair. “Oh God, I need a new mattress now! I loved that mattress!”

“Well, you did practically give them permission, didn’t you?” Jordan asked sardonically, the two of them found it easy to fall back on their own perverse senses of humor in order to deal with their anger.

“Okay you win, Jordan, this was all my fault.” She raised her empty glass, “I think I need a refill and I definitely have to buy a new bed! There’s no way I am sleeping in that bed again after finding those two together.”

He had smiled at that comment while he signaled the waitress that they needed a refill. The server was there in moments bringing them another round. “You think you have problems? I have to find a new girlfriend because of you.”

She giggled as she sipped her brandy and enjoyed its mellowing affects. “Yeah, yeah my heart bleeds for you. You’re not the one who has to tell their Mom that the wedding to Mr. Perfect isn’t going to happen.”

Jordan had raised his brows in feigned surprise. “You mean you’re not going to marry the guy just because you caught him sleeping with your best friend? You’re a cold woman!”

“I’m picky that way,” she replied dryly. “I think I should’ve realized something was up when Noah kept saying he was too tired to, well… you know,” she admitted while shifting in her seat and crossing her legs.

He had not failed to notice how attractive and toned those beautiful limbs were while her skirt had inched up her thigh. He was very tempted to lean over and run his hand up and down them. He had to force his mind back to the conversation and off her shapely legs. “Funny, I think, Joyce has also been too tired to well… you know.”

She sighed, “It’s scary how quickly your life can change. One minute everything is fine and then the next it resembles a daytime talk show.”

Once again Jordan found himself laughing. “It could have been worse you might
have caught them.”

She smiled slightly appreciating his perceptive outlook. “You have an excellent point.”

He leaned forward, placing his hand on hers. “It looks like both of our sex lives were terrible. We’re so much better off without them. At least we’re still friends.” He knew then that he wasn’t going to remain her friend, not if he had his way. His goal was set.

As much as he had wanted to make his move, Jordan realized he needed to give her time to get over Noah. He certainly didn’t want to be her rebound man so initially he hadn’t minded the friend zone because he was still spending time with her. He had been so caught up in enjoying being with Michaela without the presence of Noah and Joyce that he hadn’t minded that he had wait to get her into bed. After their concurrent breakups he and Michaela became an inseparable twosome, they met for coffee, shared lunches, watched videos and even went shopping together. It soon became apparent he needed to force the transition from friend to lover and he knew that he wanted more than an affair. They had been in the process of rehashing a bad film they had just seen, while they sat a local coffee house, when he had realized between bouts of their mixed laughter that he was madly in love with her, and had been for quite a while. Everything clicked into place in his mind. This was more than sex, he wanted all of her, but after six months he was still in the friend zone and it was time to get out.

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