Relentless: Three Novels (25 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Stiles

BOOK: Relentless: Three Novels
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I searched the classifieds for the help wanted ads. There were hostess jobs, cashiers, sales associates, but nothing that I was that interested in. I wasn’t sure really what I expected to find out of this job search. I just knew I needed to get out of the house and stop worrying about if the police would find me and arrest me for murder.

“Whatcha looking for?” asked Brooke, startling me out of my thoughts.

“A job,” I said with a laugh, jumping a little with the newspaper in my lap.

“Didn’t mean to scare you. Hey, I just wanted to tell you that they’re hiring CNA’s at the nursing home where I work.”

Brooke had just graduated from nursing school and working as a Licensed Practical Nurse, an LPN.

“What is a CNA?” I asked.

“Certified nurse’s assistant,” Brooke said.

“Don’t you have to be
for that?”

“It just so happens that my work is so desperate to hire CNAs that they are holding classes to become one. The best part is, it’s free. Oh, Mel, it would be so fun, you gotta do it.”

I thought about it for a second, and said, “Brooke, what exactly does a CNA do?”

“Well, they help the nurses and help the residents with their ADL’s.”


“Activities of daily living, you know like brushing their teeth, helping them get dressed, changing their diapers.”

“Changing their diapers,” I repeated.

“Well, not all of them wear diapers. Some still have control of their bowels.” Brooke laughed as she said this.

“Brooke, what kind of job is this? I couldn’t change anyone’s diaper, I might get sick.”

“Oh, come on, Melanie, it’s a very rewarding job. I did it before becoming an LPN.”

“I’ll think about it, Brooke. It doesn’t sound like anything I ever thought about doing. But I will check it out.”

“Yay, and if they hire you, we can work together.”

“That would be fun,” I said.

That evening, Brooke took me out to dinner. It was a nice change, and the restaurant she chose was amazing. It was an Italian restaurant called “Villa Nova.” It overlooked Newport Beach. It was named after a famous restaurant in Hollywood, back in the day. It was even rumored that Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio had had a blind date there. That was definitely my kind of place. Brooke knew that I was a big Marilyn fan. That part just added to its appeal.

Brooke and I loaded up on bread so by the time our entrées had arrived, we were nearly full.

It was fun to be able to catch up with her. She had been working so much that we hardly had time to hang out.

“Mel, I’ve have been meaning to talk to you about your grandfather.”

“Oh no.” I thought had the police found me and contacted Brooke. What was I going to say?

“I was just wondering, do you think he will come looking for you?”

Oh, thank God, she doesn’t know.
I took a deep breath of relief. “I sure hope not.”

What I really wanted to tell Brooke was not to worry about it because my grandfather was no longer among the living. But I kept my composure.
And my secret.

“You, know Mel. You’re his only family, his only heir. I really think he will be looking for you. Don’t you have some sort of responsibility for some financial things? You said your mom was a famous drug inventor.”

I looked Brooke dead in the eyes and said, “Trust me, Grandpa won’t be looking for me.”

Brooke seemed a little uneasy after our conversation, so I told her not to worry. She wasn’t in any kind of danger. The only one who was in danger was me, but not from my grandfather. I used to love watching cop shows on TV, but now I couldn’t bear to watch them. They only reminded me that I was a criminal now.
On the lam.


Whispered Lies

is available at:

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Also look for:


Vampire for Hire #1

by J.R. Rain

(My uncle!)

Amazon Kindle



About the Author:

Lindsey Stiles lives in Las Vegas with her husband and baby boy. She is the author of three additional bestselling thrillers.


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Table of Contents

The Haunted Cottage

Telephone Terror

Mrs. Honey Pickle

Reading Sample

About the Author

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