Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy (16 page)

BOOK: Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy
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A tiny sliver of guilt settles into my stomach, but I ignore it as I turn to follow, not wanting to be left alone with Niyah as a companion.

“We house over a thousand soldiers here at any given time,” Niyah says as she notices my wide-eyed gaze as we move away from the wall toward the heart of the base. Long two-story rows of wood and brick buildings span out on either side of me. Even rising onto my tiptoes, I can't see the far end of the base.

Everything is handmade but finely crafted all the same. Whoever originally built this place had skills I can easily appreciate. No concrete sidewalks, flickering electricity, or humming generators. I feel at home here.

As we walk between a row of buildings, their windows clothed in plastic, sheets, and other tacked materials to keep the winter winds out, we emerge into a wide-open courtyard. There is no grass here. It has been long since removed by the pounding of feet and movements of machinery. Snow drifts against the buildings, but farther out into the yard, it has begun to melt, leaving great puddles of mud and standing water.

In the distance, I can see large domed buildings that sit on a small rise. Great black openings within the front of the structures reveal trucks and two Sky Ships. Large blue barrels with evidence of a growing rust epidemic can be seen in a storage building leading to what I can only assume to be a landing area. Dirt roads lead to and from this location, winding through the base.

Everywhere I look, black-clad soldiers are busy at work—some doing minor repairs on buildings, others carrying heavy loads of linens from one squat concrete block structure and into one of the housing buildings.

The scent of food still lingers in the air as we pass by an outdoor lean-to. It has no walls, only steel beams holding aloft a wooden roof. Rows of benches and tables rest beneath. A large group of men still sits in this space, their empty bowls forgotten.

“This is where we train our new recruits, along with our special forces,” Bastien says. I can hear the pride in his voice and I almost smile. It wouldn’t surprise me if he trains personally with each of the groups. “These men are the best we have. Kyan knows I like a challenge.”

And a reason to escape
, I think absently as I look at the training field. Nearly five hundred men stand in square-like formations. It is a sea of black, each man bending, twisting, and shouting commands. They move with one fluid motion as they take to an obstacle course made of ropes, a climbing wall, weaving through barrels and sloshing through mud. I recognize Bastien in their movements.

Some men stand in a row nearest me, laser guns tucked into their waistbands as they aim for wooden targets. Others use small pistols, holding them with two hands to steady their aim.

I turn at the sound of clanging metal and see two men surrounded by a large group of soldiers, swords drawn and flashing in the sun. I move forward, enraptured by the sound. Their bodies glisten with sweat, naked apart from rolled pants that rise above their knees. Their muscles ripple and stretch as they dip and lunge, rolling to their feet to parry the next attack.

“They use real swords?” I’ve never seen one before, but now I want one.

“They aren’t widely used, but some of the men prefer hand-to-hand combat as opposed to lasers.” Bastien looks over at me as Niyah speaks. We both know I fall into that category as well.

I’ve always had a thing for knives, serrated and lethal. Guns are good at long range, but I prefer the heat of battle, up close and in my face. Reckless, as Eamon would say. I prefer to think of it as being personal.

Even I have to admit, as we continue to walk on the outskirts of the training field, that I’m impressed. Not even Kyan oversees a facility as tightly run as this, leaving it to Bastien to keep an entire battalion of men ready for war at a moment’s notice.

“This way.” I turn to follow Bastien as he leaves the field and heads toward one of the buildings that I assume to be lodging for the soldiers. There is nothing flashy about it. No paint on the weathered walls. Only the base essentials. Back to the basics.

I pause at the door to look back and realize, if not for Niyah’s presence, I would like it here.

“I’ll show you to your room.” I blink, surprised to realize it is Niyah who spoke instead of Bastien. “I’m sure a delicate thing like yourself would like to get some rest after such a long hike.”

I bristle, ready with a comeback, but Bastien beats me to it. “Illyria has had plenty of time spent on the battlefield, Niyah. I would advise that you do not underestimate her abilities.”

Cool green eyes drift over me as Niyah’s lips peel back into a smile that is anything but genuine. “No. I don’t think I will.”

The sound of my boot steps along the floor echoes in the narrow hall. Doors line either side. Most of them are closed, but from time to time I peer through a doorway to find a room occupied. The space is small and square with hardly enough room to walk between two rows of beds, stacked on top of each other. I nearly stop and go back when I see the first set of beds, curious as to how such a construction is possible.

Near the middle of the dimly lit hall, we approach a set of stairs. I follow behind Niyah, trying not to notice how perfectly small her waist is or how her hips flare out.
You never used to care about your looks
, I think blandly as I keep my eyes fixed at my feet instead.

“So you’re Eamon’s girl, huh?”

I nearly trip over the last step as I look up to find her watching me from the doorway of the second floor. Her smile is smug, her eyes bright and knowing. I grit my teeth as I nod, knowing she wouldn’t have been quite so brave if Bastien were still with us. Surely she knows this name is one he would rather never hear again.

“Yes.” I nod, wishing I had one of those pretty swords from the training field to shove into her abdomen. “I’m with Eamon.”

“I thought so. Everyone around here is so excited to meet the prophecy girl. You’ll be quite the celebrity. I hope Eamon has a lot of trust in you because I’m sure there are plenty of guys here that would like to get to know you on a more

I just bet she would enjoy that too. Distracting me while she sinks her claws into Bastien.
I ache to challenge her out loud but know I’ll regret it if I do. Not because of any guilt over angering her. I could care less about her. It’s me. Saying the words aloud would make all of this real, and I much prefer to imagine I’m still tucked up in bed, back home, fuming over being locked away by Kyan. Why did I ever complain about that before?

“I’ve heard rumors about you,” she says, seeming unfazed by the fact that I continue to teeter on the final step. She doesn’t move away to give me space.

“Oh yeah? Anything I should know about?” I can hear the ice layering my words, and I grin. Two can play this game.

“Just that you seem to have a bit of a temper problem.”

“Yeah.” I nod as I shove past her, knocking her into the door. “That I do.”

She lets the door swing closed behind her. I turn around when I realize she isn’t following. “My room?”

Her flawless olive-toned skin darkens as she thrusts her hand toward the left-hand hallway. “All the way at the end. The door is unlocked.”

“I’d say it’s been a pleasure.” I pause as I lean in close to her. “But I think we both know it hasn’t.”

Her eyes flash with anger, but she nods. “Likewise.”

She turns on her heel and marches back toward the door.

“One more thing,” I call.

Niyah flips her hair over her shoulder as she turns to look at me. I can see she is seething.

“If you ever hurt him, I promise your death will be slow and

She blanches for a second and then rapidly shifts into a deep crimson. I wiggle my fingers at her in a wave and then turn and walk away, grinning from ear to ear.

“I know all about you,” she calls, and I stop mid-step.

I turn around slowly and force myself to lean casually against the wall. Might as well get this showdown over with now. “You know nothing about me.”

Her smile returns, broad and haughty. “I know the only thing that matters. Bastien left you.”

My mouth goes dry and my heart clenches painfully in my chest. I have to admit the girl knows how to throw some pretty good punches. “And you’re just the rebound.”

Niyah’s eyes narrow and her hands curl into fists at her sides. She juts her chin toward the hall behind her. “Bastien forgot to tell you that if you need anything, our room is in the building next door. Top floor. This one is for men only.”

Our room?
I feel decidedly lightheaded and am grateful I’m already leaning against the wall as her words echo endlessly through my ears.

I can feel electricity spark along my wrists, vining up to my elbows, but I ignore it. “Your room?”

For a moment, Niyah looks like she’s just popped a whole lemon into her mouth. “I haven’t moved in yet, but it’s just a matter of time. He’s been dying to have me with him, but he insisted on renovating the room first. Isn’t that thoughtful?”

“That sounds like Bastien. He always went above and beyond to make me happy.”

Niyah’s smile vanishes, only to be replaced by barely restrained anger. “You were the past. I’m his future. So hands off!”

I throw back my head, laughing. “Are you serious? Do you have any idea who you are threatening?”

A calculating smile returns to her glossed lips. “Of course. You’re the girl who nearly destroyed him. I’m just here to pick up the pieces.”

I see shadows before my eyes, feel the pulsating rhythm of energy coursing down my arms. I clamp my eyes closed and fight for control. “You need to leave now,” I growl.

Niyah laughs. “Why should I?”

My toes curl in my boots as the invisible arcs of energy ripple down the length of my body. “Because if you don’t, I’m going to throw you out… through that wall.”

Strands of coal-black hair begin to rise off my shoulders, but Niyah seems oblivious, lost in her jealousy. “You think just because you’re the prophecy girl that you can boss people around?” Her sneer alters her face enough to disguise her beauty. “You may have Kyan and Bastien wrapped around your finger, but I’m not fooled.”

“Niyah, I’m warning you,” I hiss as the floorboards beneath my feet begin to quake. The door beside me rattles in its frame, the handle jiggling as if someone were trying to turn it from within. I can hear beds stuttering across the floor behind closed doors as the ripples radiating out from me flood down the hallway.

I watch as her eyes widen, suddenly realizing her mistake. She begins to back away, her boots stuttering across the floor. I can hear shouting rising up from the first floor, winding around the stairwell. Doors slam and boots pound the floor as soldiers rush for the exits.

Almost from a distance, I can hear the winds
howling as they beat against the building. At the end of the hall, the plastic covering the window tears free and sails off into the darkening sky. Hail begins to pelt the ground, but I hardly notice as I focus my gaze on the ceiling, fighting to pull back from my anger.

“You stupid girl!” I lower my gaze to see Bastien arrive at the top of the steps, his hair windblown and a trickle of blood dripping from his head. He must have been hit by one of the hailstones. “What have you done?”

He yanks on her arm, pulling her back from me. All I can do is stare and feel. From somewhere within the building, I can hear glass shattering, raining shards onto the wooden floor. I blink as fat drops of rain patter against my nose. I lift my gaze to see a hole being torn through the roof, as if a hand came down from heaven to peel back the layers.

“Her eyes…” Niyah gasps, raising a shaky finger to point at my face.

“Get out!” He yells and hurls her toward the stairs. “Evacuate the building.”

Niyah looks terrified as she darts one last glance at me and then fumbles her way down the steps. I don’t watch as she goes. Instead, I close my eyes and try to focus on the frantic thundering of my heart in my chest.

Deep cracks form in the walls as boards shift and mortar cracks. Bastien cries out as the floor bucks, nearly sending him to his knees. I can feel the paving stones that form the foundation of the building beginning to separate.

“Illyria, I need you to calm down. Just breathe and focus on my voice.”

“You shouldn’t be here.” I open my eyes and realize how dark the hallway has become. I look beyond him and see that a near-pitch dark has fallen over the base. I can still hear the screams, but they sound farther away now.

The last time I lost control, I nearly destroyed everything I held dear. Now, the only thing I care about is standing right in front of me. This time it has nothing to do with revenge but everything to do with love and jealousy.

“I’ll leave when you stop all of this.” His voice is even and carefully controlled despite the winds that tear at him, driving him back. “You have to stop this before any more people get hurt!”

“I know!” I wave my hand to the side and shove Bastien back into the stairwell. With a twisting of my hand, I slam the door shut, sealing him out.

I slide down the wall, burying my head in my hands as the building shudders around me. It is hard to focus. All I can picture is Niyah’s lithe body wrapped tightly around Bastien. An acrid burning churns in my stomach as I double over.

BOOK: Relinquish: Book II of the Rising Trilogy
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