Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) (11 page)

Read Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) Online

Authors: Francis Ashe

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf menage, #vampire menage, #Gay Romance, #gay werewolf romance, #gay werewolf erotic romance, #first time gay romance, #gay vampire romance

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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I nodded and groaned meekly. “But there’s still...”

“Ah, your underclothes.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “So wet, such a sweet, beautiful scent your sex carries, Aiden. I know you’re ready for my seed, but I’ve never known a maiden quite
ready. When I pleasured you, I thought you were going to attack me if I didn’t give you what you wanted.”

My lower lip slipped between my teeth and I bit down to squelch the pleasured groan I was about to let out, not wanting him to know quite how badly I yearned for his forbidden pleasure. I didn’t want him to know the power he had over me, over my emotions and my spirit, even if he obviously had control of my body. It was silly, the whole thing was as I look back, but at the time it seemed as though that was the only shred of control I had left, and I simply couldn’t let go of it no matter how badly I wanted.

“But, they must go as well.”

Biting my lip harder, almost until I drew blood, I expected him to yank on the bunched up cloth between my legs until it ripped away as he had with the dress, the thought of which terrified me. Instead, he slowly, gently, almost lovingly, untied the knots on either of my hips and let the cloth fall away as he drew a tremendous breath in through his nose.

“Your scent, Aiden...mmm...I can’t – you make me lose control of myself. I’ve never, not in all my millennia of life, felt this way. You’ve cast some terrible spell of love over me. His finger slid up the back of my thigh and along my slit where he’d pushed before. Dragging it along me, he pushed the tip gently between my folds, and pushed a little harder when he got to my entrance. I let out a gentle yelp, hoping that it would make him go deeper, but he wouldn’t.

“Not yet,” he said. “No matter the witchcraft you’ve weaved over me, I mustn’t give you my seed until you’ve been disciplined. We can’t have you running from me when you’ve got my baby in your belly.”

My breath hitched in my chest. The thought of the huge, thick, savage cock that I’d had my fingers wrapped around sliding into my virginal tightness sent another wave of terror up and down my back. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like if – or when – he finally gave me what I really wanted.

I just couldn’t.

Until he made it impossible not to.

He pulled away completely and I felt the strap, or the rope or whatever it was, slide across the naked skin of my ankle. With a soft groan of pleasure, Theros dragged his tongue along the back of my leg and slid it between the deepest parts of my thighs, touching my wetness with a slow, fat lick that took my breath away.

“Your taste,” he moaned. “Your taste is as sweet, as heavenly as your smell.”

I rattled my wrists, which seemed to snap him out of the trance he fell into when he licked my wet sex. His fingertip went halfway up my back, leaving a trail of honey that cooled in cool air. He licked me again, deeper than before, and I let my head fall backwards on my shoulders, relaxing in a slow side-to-side roll matching the speed of his tongue against my folds.

“Oh! Your tongue, right there, it feels so...”

I had no words to describe the part of me he touched, at least not the right ones, but the tip of his tongue brushed the little button atop my cunny, and I could barely keep my breath in my chest or my knees underneath me when he did it again and again, harder each time. When he regained his senses, pushed back away from my soft, naked thighs again, and his tongue left me, I cried out for him to come back.

Instead of responding, my monstrous lover squeezed my thigh with a hand, and then I heard a pop.

I thought as I realized what I’d felt before on the back of my ankle.
He’s got –


“Ahh!” I screamed as the lash came down across the top of my thighs near where my legs join my body.

Thwack! Thwack!

“I’ve got to teach you not to run, little Aiden!”


He started with very gentle swats across my thighs, across my bottom, but very quickly they grew harder and harder. Just like before with the stretching in my arms, the first few whippings hurt terribly. But then, to my horror, I started to ache for him to continue each time he stopped.


“Yes!” I cried out as he hit me ever harder. The Minotaur’s leather strap bit deep into the fleshy part of my bottom, and a red, hot, angry feeling crept up my back and then warmed into a pleasure that bloomed from the inside out.

“Yes, Theros, yes! Please make me hurt!”

“I knew that’s what you wanted,” he said satisfied with himself. “Beg me.”

“Please!” I said, losing all sense of shame or dignity or anything else because none of it mattered at all. Somehow I stopped caring in any way about preserving myself or keeping away from the sin that he so badly made ache for. Every shred of my being, every inch of my body dripped, burned, and ached for him.

“Louder,” he said.

He slid the strap along my calf, and then popped it in his hands.

“Please! Don’t make me beg anymore! Don’t make me wait! You’ve made me want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Two days ago, I –”

Th – thwack!

Another meaty, wonderful, brilliant white light shot through my body and sent a quivering tremble from my lips to my quim.

“What do you want now? Do you want me to swat you again, or-”

“Yes, oh yes please, please, please. Again and again and again. Harder! Squeeze my flesh and hit me.”

I had no idea where all of that came from. So many years with no satisfaction, so long being taught that my natural desires were somehow wrong or evil, I think, finally began to crack when he touched me the first time, and then when the Minotaur lashed me with that strap, all the shame and guilt and fear I felt exploded out of me with such violent desperation that it was all I could do to keep myself from trying to wrap my legs around his huge, mighty head and take his tongue back where it pleased me so deeply.

“What a naughty thing you are,” he said and then chuckled. “So be it.”

All at once, he whipped me harder than ever before. I was sure that as soon as the leather struck me and bit into my flesh that I was bleeding or bruised, but no – it was just the sweet agony spreading from where he smacked me through my legs, through my back, and burying itself deep inside my...

His hand, so massive that his fingers looped almost halfway around the top of my thigh, right near my deep ache, squeezed in a rhythmic pulse that somehow matched the one that throbbed inside me and both of those matched the quickening beating of my heart.

“Don’t...don’t stop,” I begged.

Theros gave me another pair of whippings as he kneaded his fingers hard into the muscle of my thigh. “The sounds you’re making,” he said, “the grunting and the pleading and the begging, it’s making me want fuck you.”

At his words, I gasped.

Before that, it was all a fantasy somehow, even with the intense pain, the incredible pleasure; it was all just a girlish fantasy. The fire he stoked deep within me when he said those words sent a hot torrent of juice creeping down the inside of both of my thighs. I heard the strap hit the floor with a thump.

Fingers of both his hands bounced slowly up the back of my thighs, stopping to circle freckles, or to explore the gentle slope and the lines where my legs joined. He pushed his delicious face between them, looping his hands around to my belly and squeezing. That tongue, that wonderful tongue, worked between my legs again, stroking my sex, and tasting me.

He moaned, and I felt the vibration against my cunny, against that little button that shot a shock of hot, then cold, snaking up my belly. My nipples hardened, and then puckered as he pushed his tongue against, and then between my velvety folds, and dragged a finger along the line of my hip.

Hot breath caressed the wetness on my thighs as he pushed two of his fingers on either side of my sweetly aching entrance, and stroked my softest place once, and then again.

My knees buckled as the first fingertip tested my entrance, and then when he pushed it inside me, circling gently, and lingering on a place just inside that made me groan loud, I would have fallen if not for his hand on my belly holding me up.

“Weakened, hmm?”

“I can’t...just can’t stand up, it feels too good,” I said, moaning when I ran out of words.

The entire inside of my body seemed to be reaching out, trying to pull Theros toward me so that I could have him all, every tiny bit of him. I wanted to feel that impossibly large rod slamming into my sex, I wanted to feel the agony as he stretched it inside me, and then to feel his juice explode in me, bathing my womb and giving me the little baby I’d always wanted.

With images of all that dancing in my mind’s eye, Theros’s finger stretched deeper inside me, still circling with those careful, delicious, sweet rotations that eased me open and pleasured me all at once. I took a deep breath as he pushed past the first knuckle on his long, thick finger. My tight little cunny started to pull at him, like a babe suckling to get more of his mother’s teat in his mouth.

Deeper, deeper, deeper he pushed that finger inside me, past the second knuckle until it almost disappeared. And those circles he turned – oh gods above the turning – it almost made me collapse into a wet pile like he’d done so easily before. I turned my head to the side, trying to see him, to look up on the face of the monster who had done this to me, but all I could see was one glistening, gold-tipped horn curled up toward the end, and so sharp that if he wanted to, I know he could have driven it straight through me without a second thought.

When he saw me turning to look at him, Theros painted a streak of juice up my belly, between my aching nipples where he lingered for just a moment, and took it all the way to my mouth. I looped my tongue around the honey covered finger, tasting myself on him and being driven almost insane with lust that I still didn’t fully understand.

“Do you like how you taste, little Aiden? Do you like how it feels to have my finger in you?”

Before I could respond, he pulled out, his finger sliding away slowly and making the most wonderful naughty sound as it went. With a smile I couldn’t see but could hear plainly in his voice, Theros teased me, asking if I wanted him to come back or whether I’d had enough.

“No, no, no, please don’t stop,” I whimpered at him. “Never – it’s never enough. Put it back, or...them...put another one in me, please Theros.”

The finger in my mouth hooked inside one of my cheeks just as I started to cry out for him again. And then, all at once, he teased both sides of my sweet sex with fingertips that pushed hard along my lines, right in that place that feels better than anything else in the world, except what he did next.

First one, then another fingertip wrestled just past my vice-tight entrance as juice gushed out either side. Theros took a deep inhale of the scent leaking out of me that he seemed to love and I took one of him – of his leathery, spicy, masculine aroma that stung my nose just a little and made me yearn even more for him to push inside me with everything he was.

“Yes!” I shouted when both fingers moved into me past the knuckle and he began to spread me out in different directions. The tightness between my legs burned for him, and the fear I felt only a moment ago was but a distant, long-dead memory.

Twisting back and forth against my bonds, the leather cuffs bit deep and sent a charge down my arms that clenched the muscles there, then my chest, then my belly, as Theros began to drive the circling fingers harder and harder.

I reached back with my foot, balancing myself precariously on the little platform, and bent my knee so that I could feel the Minotaur’s length if not inside me, at least against my skin. The hard, slick hair that sheathed his cock thrilled the tip of my big toe as I ran it as far down his length as I could. With how little I could bend my leg it wasn’t much, but just the little taste of his thick hardness sent a chill up my back.

He groaned and pushed deeper, those fingers going almost all the way inside my milking, grasping sex. I was so wet and so hot that as hard as I squeezed the muscles between my legs, he slid easily in and out. In, turned, out, turned, and back in. I almost screamed when he drove them in with a third beside the first two – or maybe I did scream, the whole thing is lost in a haze – but then the finger in my mouth slipped out, hooking my bottom lip for just a moment before it went to my chin, then traced a circle around my nipple.

Theros’s huge, powerful hand squeezed my breast so hard that I cried out, and then he rammed his fingers deep and I screamed his name as waves began to pulse inside my core, radiating heat from the inside out.

“Theros,” I said in a soft, desperate voice. “I...I can’t wait anymore. Please...please put your,” I gulped as I said it, “cock inside me.”

“I could do that,” he said with a growl that came from low in his belly. “But then I’d be giving you what you want. What kind of lesson would you learn from that?”

“Please! I’ll do anything you want! I’ll let you keep me in that cage I’ll do whatever you want. I
to have you.”

Even as I spoke, I couldn’t believe the things coming out of my mouth. All the depravity, the helplessness and the defenseless pleading were
the girl I knew. They weren’t the Aiden who rescued her brother once from a barn fire nor the one who used to fearlessly birth cows.

, I thought,
maybe this is just a different sort of fearlessness? I don’t have a choice, and this monster is going to get whatever he wants, but maybe by throwing away all the shame and anguish that I felt at the hands of the arch-Druid, maybe I’m becoming who I was really always meant to be?

The burning, agonized ecstasy that crisscrossed my back had settled down into a gentle, warm, throbbing pleasure that warmed my entire body from the inside out. For a moment, Theros stood behind me, inhaling my scent and softly rubbing his fingers across the back of my legs. His hot, sultry breath caressing the marks he’d made seemed to flow through me, warming not only my skin but also my soul.

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