Remember Me Always: A Contemporary Romance (12 page)

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His attempt at making a joke makes me even more infuriated.  "Thanks, Buddy," I huff before making my way out the back door.  I don't want to go through the front and risk the chance of bumping into Colton's girlfriend…or whatever she is.

As I make my way up the stairs, I decide that it doesn't matter if she isn't actually his girlfriend.  Three years is a long time to be with someone and have it still considered a fling.  It has to be more than that.  And it all comes down to the truth --- he found someone else.  Suddenly my guilt over saying yes to Tucker disappears.  After all, Colton shouldn't be the only one who gets to move on with his life.



*  *  *  *  *





I WATCH PENNY leave and swear under my breath.  I'm such an asshole.  And the first step is admittin' the problem…right?

If only I could rewind the past four hours, I would.  I would have broke things off with Ruby Sue and told her I needed some space while I got all this shit sorted out with Penny.  But now it's too late, and I royally fucked up things with her.

It makes me mad that Penny is so insistent that Ruby Sue is my girlfriend, but I suppose Ruby did stake her claim on me earlier.  Ruby always was a jealous one.  But she shouldn't be jealous since we're friends with benefits and nothin' more.  Sure, we've been messin' around for years, but I haven't even met her parents…or any of her friends.  It's not like it's one-sided.  Ruby Sue also sees me as nothin' more than an occasional fuck.

"You punched a bag of flour?" Buddy asks in disbelief.

I glare at him as I attempt to shake off some of the white powder from my clothes.  Penny drives me crazy…and not in a good way.  That girl can get under my skin like no other.

Buddy stares at the floor with a frown.  "You're making an even bigger mess, Colt.  Why don't you just go home, man?  I'll close out for the night."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

Before I can step outside, Buddy says, "Hey, Colt, a little word of advice."


"One girl is a handful.  Two is just plain old crazy."

I roll my eyes at him.  "Night, Buddy."

"Night, Colt."

I trudge up the hill to my house, strippin' off my t-shirt on the way.  I run my fingers through my hair to get rid of the last of any flour remnants.  Buddy's words haunt me as I walk.  I'm not stringin' both girls along.  First of all, Ruby Sue and I are just friends with benefits.  And Penny and I ---.  Well, I don't even know what the hell Penny and me are.  It's not like I'm datin' both of them or havin' sex with either of them.  All in all it should be uncomplicated, but it's anything but.  I need to figure this shit out and quick.  I feel like I'm danglin' on the edge of the cliff and waitin' for somebody to push me over.

I don't know what the hell got into me tonight.  Why should I care if Tucker takes Penny out on a date?  It's really none of my business.  But then seein' them together tonight got my blood boilin'.  I just wish I could understand why.  There must be some dormant anger inside of me when it comes to those two.  I didn't know Tucker Hayward until he started comin' into the bar recently.  I don't even remember the guy from high school, but every time I see him I just wanna punch his lights out.  Maybe we have some unspoken hatred towards one another because of somethin' that happened in the past.  Hell if I know.

I hop onto the porch and scratch Mack behind the ears.  He follows me inside as I go to the kitchen for a beer.  I take a long swig and shake my head.  I just want things to be the way they were before Penny got back into town.  And I know there's only one way to make that happen.

I need to stay far away from Penny Preston.













AFTER OUR LITTLE fight, Colton avoids me the rest of the week like I have the bubonic plague.  I'm still reeling over the fact that he has a girlfriend, so I'm totally fine with the cold shoulder.  I'm still mad at him, too.

It's Friday night, and the bar is busier than it was last Friday.  It's just Buddy and I at the helm, and I'm surprised at how well we manage the bar together when we don't have any distractions, namely Colton.  Said distraction is currently moping in his office behind closed doors.

I'm in the process of wiping down the bar when a bouquet of red roses appear in front of my face.  Looking up from the flowers, I see Tucker Hayward with the biggest smile on his face.  "I know it's not Saturday yet, but I just saw these and couldn't resist."

I lean forward and sniff the sweet-smelling roses.  "Oh, Tucker, they are lovely.  Thank you."

His smile widens as he takes a seat at the bar in front of me.  "I was trying to think of restaurants we could go to, but then I realized that I don't even know what you like to eat.  I didn't know if you liked Italian or seafood.  And then I was worried that maybe you don't like to eat carbs or maybe had a shellfish allergy or ---."

I place my fingertips over his mouth to halt his rant and laugh softly.  "I'm sure wherever you choose will be great.  I love pasta actually, and I'm not allergic to anything that I know of."

He instantly seems to relax, and I can't help but find his nervous behavior positively charming.  It's nice to have a devastatingly handsome guy being so flustered around me.  The fact that he's thinking about me and bringing me flowers even before our date lets me know how much he's looking forward to it.  And I find myself really looking forward to our date as well.  I haven't even so much as gone out on a date with another guy in the five years since Colton and I ended things.  I was busy with college life and completely heartbroken.  But now I think maybe my heart is finally healed just enough to try something new with someone different.

Tucker and I talk for another five minutes or so before he leaves.  Smiling, I carry the bouquet of roses back to the kitchen to put them in some water.  I'm humming and arranging the flowers in a vase I found under the sink when I hear the door to Colton's office open.  I stop humming and stiffen my shoulders.  I never know what kind of mood Colt is going to be in, but it's almost always angry and broody.

"Who brought the roses?" Colton asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

I pick up the vase and set it on one of the shelves so that I can take it home with me later.  "Tucker Hayward," I answer without looking at him.

He harrumphs, goes back into his office and slams the door.

Well, that was interesting.

At least he didn't punch another bag of flour
, I think to myself with a grin.  I smell the roses one last time before floating out to the bar for the rest of my shift.  I suddenly feel lighter and happier than I've felt since I've been back in Willowbrook.

Yeah.  Tucker Hayward is just the distraction I need.



*  *  *  *  *



I TAKE ONE last glimpse at my reflection in the mirror before leaving my apartment.  I've decided on a little black dress and matching heels.  You can never go wrong with an LBD, in my opinion.  And since I don't know where Tucker's taking me, I figured it was my best bet.

It's ten minutes until six, but I have a feeling Tucker will be early.  Sure enough, when I round the corner of Crawford's Bar, Tucker is waiting outside of his silver Escalade.  His face instantly lights up when he sees me.  "Penny, you look beautiful."

Such a charmer.
  He's already laying it on thick, and I just eat it up.  It's been a long time since I've had a guy be so nice and flattering to me.  "Thank you, Tucker.  You clean up pretty well yourself," I say, eyeing his suit jacket, dress pants and shiny shoes.  He looks like a politician, and a handsome one at that.

He opens the passenger side door for me and closes it once I'm inside.  He rounds the front of the vehicle and climbs in behind the steering wheel.  "All set?" he asks.

I take a deep breath and nod.  I don't know why I'm so nervous, but I don't think it's all nerves.  I think some of it is guilt.  Guilt that I'm finally dating somebody other than Colton for the first time in my life.  I suppress the guilty conscious quickly, though.  I don't want anything to ruin my date with Tucker.



Tucker takes me to a nice, little Italian restaurant at the edge of town.  I haven't been here in ages, but it was always my favorite.  I can't help but wonder if he knew that somehow.  Maybe I mentioned it years ago during one of our study sessions.

We're seated at a secluded table near the back.  The place is fancy with white tablecloths, linen napkins and candlelight at each table.  It's a very romantic atmosphere, and I order a glass of wine to qualm my nervousness.  Our waiter is very friendly and clearly Italian from his thick accent.

We both order a pasta dish, and it doesn't take long for the awkwardness between us to fade.  Tucker seems to be clearly enjoying my company, and I am enjoying his.  We small talk about things that happened back in high school and then what we've done with our lives since then.

"Culinary school after a political science degree?  Political science I can understand, but culinary arts ---.  I remember when you burnt that cake in home economics class when we were partners," he says with a grin.

I hide my face in my hands.  "Oh, God.  You remember that?" I ask, mortified. 

"They had to evacuate the school because of the smell.  That's hard to forget, Penny."

Giggling, I reach for my glass of wine and take a long sip.  "Yeah, I suppose I'll never live that one down."

"It was my first F.  Ever," he remarks.

That makes me laugh again.  Maybe it's the wine talking, but I'm having a great time.  Who knew Tucker Hayward was so damn charming and sweet?

"Penny, I have an ulterior motive for asking you out tonight.  I actually have a proposition for you," Tucker says, suddenly growing very serious.

My interest is piqued as I wait for him to continue.  I have no idea as to what
he could possibly be talking about.

"When I go back to New York at the end of the summer, I'd love for you to come with me and be my campaign manager while I run for state senator.  We have a tight race ahead of us, but I know with you behind me that I just can't lose."  Before I can protest, he adds, "Everything will be provided for you --- a place to live, a nice salary and an office right beside mine."  He says the last sentence with an anxious grin.

I realize that he's asking me for so much more than just being his campaign manager.  He wants a future with me by his side.  Am I ready to even consider moving on from Colton?  I glance around the restaurant.  Isn't that what I'm doing already, though?  Moving on?  I am on a date with someone else…and Colton has a girlfriend.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I tell him, "I don't know, Tucker.  I just got back and ---."

"Just promise me that you'll think about it," he says, reaching across the table and placing his hand over mine.  "That's all I'm asking."

I give him a small smile and nod.  "Sure.  I'll think about it."

His eyes light up with satisfaction.  "Okay.  Now, enough talk about politics and the future.  I want to wine and dine you tonight."  He raises his wine glass, and I replicate his gesture.  "To us," he says with so much hope lacing his voice that it makes my smile broaden.

"To us," I say back.

Our glasses touch, and then we sip our delicious and very expensive wine.  As Tucker and I chat about everything under the sun but politics, I feel like a small piece of my heart is beginning to mend itself back together.  Maybe Tucker Hayward is just the person I need to get over Colton.  Maybe it is time to move on and never look back.  I just don't know if I have the strength to do that yet, but I'm going to find out.



At the end of the night, Tucker walks me to my door.  I nervously fiddle with the straps of my purse while looking anywhere but at him.  "I had a great time," I tell him, and I can hear the tremor in my voice.

Why am I so nervous?
  But then when I look up at his striking blue eyes and perfect smile, I realize that I'm starting to develop feelings for Tucker.  Maybe they started all the way back in high school when we were always competing against each other for the highest GPA.  They're not the same feelings I have for Colton, but it's a small spark that could definitely develop into something more.  There's hope in that realization, and that's all I need to convince myself to step forward, wrap my hands around Tucker's neck and pull his lips down to mine.

The kiss is soft and safe.  He's not pushing his luck, and I'm glad because I'm not ready for anything more right now.  This is the first and only other guy I've kissed since Colton.  But instead of feeling guilty, I feel…free.

When we part, he gets a goofy grin on his face, and it makes me laugh.  "Do you know how long I've waited to kiss you, Penny Preston?"

"A long time?" I offer.

"Too long."  His hand reaches up to cup my face, and I can feel the tenderness in his touch.  I close my eyes.  And when I open them, I can see the sudden heat in his gaze.

I don't stop him when he kisses me again.  His fingertips graze my jaw line as his lips claim mine.  Something happened between our first and second kiss.  That little spark from earlier suddenly ignited into a fire, and I know I have to suppress it before it gets out of control.

But for right now, I just want to kiss someone who wants to kiss me.  And I'm going to enjoy every single second of it.

My hands trail up the muscular planes of Tucker's chest, and he releases a groan in the back of his throat.  My back presses up against the door as he steps closer to me, entrapping me.  His tongue presses against the seam of my lips; and I open my mouth, inviting him in.  Our tongues tangle together as his hands slide from my hips and up my ribcage to brush past my breasts.

He tastes like wine and smells like clean linen and sage.  It's intoxicating; and I find my traitorous fingers curling into his shirt, pulling him impossibly closer.  The kiss grows more and more heated; and his hands start to wander under my skirt, leaving a trail of fire on my skin in their wake.  I shamelessly groan into his mouth, because it's been so long since I've been touched like this.

The back door of the bar opening causes me to halt the kiss.  I gently push against Tucker's chest, and he immediately takes a step back.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs is Colton.  He's holding a trash bag in one hand and staring up at us like he's not believing what he's seeing.  I watch as the emotions flash through his gaze, finally settling on anger.  He drops the bag where he stands and storms back into the bar.

I close my eyes for a moment and then turn to Tucker.  I refuse to let Colton ruin this night.  "Thank you for tonight, Tuck.  It was really…unexpected."

"I hope unexpected means good?" he asks with a shy grin.

I smile and nod.  "Very good."

He smiles back.  "Maybe we can try this again sometime?"

"Sure.  I'd love to."

He takes my hand in his and brings it up to his mouth before placing a gentle kiss on my skin.  "Goodnight, Penny."

"Night, Tucker."  I watch him walk down the stairs and leave.  A contented sigh comes from my lips, and I can't help but grin.  It was a great date, and I never thought I would ever be able to enjoy a date with anyone who's not Colton.  I definitely proved myself wrong.  And there's nothing like getting the sense that everything's going to be okay.  Maybe my heart can heal itself…and maybe I don't need Colton in my life after all.

Sighing again, I trudge down the stairs and pick up the heavy bag of trash, carry it to the dumpster and heave it in.  I stare at the back door of the bar wondering why Colton had seemed so upset to catch Tucker and I kissing.  It's not like he hasn't been kissing Ruby Sue in front of me, and I'm the only one who has actual feelings in this situation.  Colton can't even remember me and doesn't want to remember me.

Shaking my head, I walk up the steps to my apartment and lock myself in for the night.  I'm done with worrying about the consequences and about hurting Colton's feelings when he's already done irrevocable damage to my heart.  I'm just trying to slowly piece myself back together, and I think Tucker is the first step in a long series of steps to help me with that.



*  *  *  *  *





I WATCH OUT the front window until I see Tucker's Escalade disappear down the road.  Good.  He didn't stay the night.  But he did kiss Penny.

My hands curl into fists at my sides as I pace the floor in front of the bar.  The bar has been empty for an hour now, but I stayed here, cleanin' up…or at least that's what I told myself I was doin'.  I spent more time watchin' the clock and the front window and waitin' for Penny to come home.  It's almost like I'm obsessed with her, but I don't know why I feel that way.

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