Remember Me Always: A Contemporary Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Remember Me Always: A Contemporary Romance
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IT'S SIX O'CLOCK on a Friday evening when someone knocks on my door.  I finish straightening my uniform and rush to the door, thinking that it's Buddy asking me to come in early.  Instead, Colton stands on the porch with a bouquet of flowers in his outstretched hand.  I stare at the flowers and then look up at him.

"I wanna take you out tonight," he announces.

I stare down at my uniform.  "But I have to work."

He shakes his head.  "Buddy and I made a decision to close the bar early.  Besides, everybody's at the fair tonight.  Which is where we're gonna be, too."

"The fair?" I ask, my eyes lighting up in delight.  Colton and I frequented the town event back in the day.  We used to stuff ourselves full of funnel cakes and cotton candy and ride the roller coaster until we felt like throwing up.  We were young and in love, and I would love to recreate that feeling with him again.

He smiles a crooked smile.  "Yeah."

I tentatively take the flowers out of his hand and bring them up to my nose, inhaling their sweet scent.  "So we're going out on a…a date?"

He nods, his smile widening.  "Yeah.  Is that okay?"

"More than okay."  I step back into the apartment, and he follows.  "Just let me change out of my uniform and put these in some water.  Then I'll be ready to go."

Colton patiently waits for me to get ready.  I change into my favorite pair of jeans, a fitted, charcoal, v-neck tee and a pair of sneakers.  Nobody dresses up to go to the town fair considering it's in the middle of a large field that's mostly grass and dirt and mud puddles.

After putting the flowers in a vase, we leave.  The moment we reach the bottom step, Colton pulls my hand into his.  I'm smiling like an idiot as we walk hand in hand.  Since it's only about a mile into the center of town, there's no need to drive.  And the comfortable silence that surrounds us as we walk couldn't be more perfect.

As we approach the field behind the town hall building where my dad spends most of his days, I spot Buddy, Shelby Rae and Lillian waiting at the entrance.  Shelby's eyes lights up when she sees me, and she waves emphatically.

I look up at Colt and see that he's wearing a big grin.  "You planned all this?" I ask.

He nods.  "Yep."

I can't help but smile too.  A night of fun with friends is just what I need.  All four of us get our ride tickets and walk into the fair.  I've always loved the atmosphere that the fair brings --- the smell of food, the bright lights, the sounds and the people.  Lillian opts for a kiddie ride, and pulls Shelby Rae and Buddy in the opposite direction of us.

"So what do you want to ride first?" Colton asks me.

I beam up at him and say, "The roller coaster, of course."  That's what he always wanted to ride first, so I'm hoping that maybe it will jar some type of memory for him.

He pulls me towards the ride, and I can't help but love the way he hasn't let go of my hand since we left the apartment.  Something strangely beautiful is happening between us, and I feel like I found my long lost love again.  I can't help but float on cloud nine as we spend the night riding rides, eating food and playing games.

"Ferris wheel?" I suggest after we finish eating a funnel cake.  I brush my powdered sugar covered hands on my jeans as Colton throws the empty plate away.

"Sure," Colton answers.

There's no line for the Ferris wheel, for which I'm glad, and we get the first open seat.  The ride operator clicks the safety bar in place, and then Colton and I are lifted up off the ground.  I grab onto him and squeal as we go up.

He chuckles and holds me close.  "The Ferris wheel was your idea.  Remember?"

I nod and can't help but laugh.  "I'm afraid of heights, but I love the thrill."

"Oh, so you're one of
," he says sardonically.

"One of what?"

"A thrill seeker," he says with a big grin.

I shrug.  "I guess so."

I glance around the fairground and see Buddy coming our way.  Déjà vu hits me hard and fast as I watch Buddy slip a bill to the Ferris wheel operator.  The operator smiles and pulls a lever to stop the wheel, stopping Colton and I at the very top of the ride.

"I'm gonna kill you, Buddy Lawson!" I yell down to him.

Buddy grins up at us and winks.  "You two have fun now!"

Colton turns in his seat to look at me, causing the metal car to precariously rock forward and backward.  I squeal and grab onto Colton, practically strangling him to death with my vice grip on his neck.

"Easy," he laughs softly, while gently moving my hands from his neck to his waist.  I gladly hold onto him, burying my face into his chest.  "So, you weren't kiddin' when you said you're afraid of heights," he says sarcastically.

"No.  I'm gonna kill Buddy for doing this to us again."


I nod against his muscular chest.  He smells divine, like body wash…and Colton, his own unique scent.  "Last time we rode this together.  He slipped the guy a twenty, and we were forced to stay up here on the top.  He knows I hate heights."

"It's not so bad," Colton says.  He moves a little, causing the seat to sway again.  My hands latch onto him harder.  "Look around, Penny.  You can see the whole town from up here."

He coaxes my head from his chest, and I carefully and slowly sit up.  "Wow," I whisper.  Last time I had been too afraid to even look.  But now I see why Colton doesn't mind it.  The town of Willowbrook is alive and bright below us.

"There's my house," he says, pointing to the right.

"And the bar," I add.

He nods.  "Looks different from way up here.  Almost seems small and insignificant…even though that's my whole world."

I glance over at him and smile.

"What does it make you think of?"

I sigh contentedly and softly say, "Home."  My eyes dart to the ground below us, and I instantly regret my decision.  Quickly, I turn my attention back to Colton.  "Why doesn't perilously dangling a few hundred feet in a metal box above the earth scare you?"

He considers my question for a moment before saying, "Maybe I like bein' scared."

"Why?" I ask, desperately wanting to hear his answer.

"'Cause it makes you realize how much you wanna be alive."  He turns to me.  His palm gently cups my cheek, and he drags his thumb along my lower lip.  "Did we happen to kiss last time we were up here?"

"I believe you used that tactic to try to distract me."

He smirks.  "Well, damn.  I guess I had all the right moves back then, too."

And with that, he leans down and presses his soft lips against mine.  I'm instantly lost in his kiss and his touch, and I forget all about being scared.  It worked like a charm last time as well.

His fingers thread through my hair as he possessively claims my mouth.  His tongue plays with the seam of my lips, and I'm quick to part them.  His silky tongue darts into my mouth and tangles with mine.  My hands seek out his muscular chest, and I grasp his shirt in my hands, pulling him impossibly closer to me.

A man clears his throat loudly, instantly pulling us out of the moment.  My eyes widen when I see that the Ferris wheel operator had lowered us down to ground level during our fierce make-out session.  I stare past the man and grimace when I see the line of people, who obviously just witnessed the whole show given the judgmental looks on their faces.

Colton quickly raises the bar that had secured us in the seat and takes my hand, pulling me behind him and away from the Ferris wheel.  We disappear into the dark behind one of the game booths.

"That was so embarrassing!" I say with a giggle.

Colton traps me in his arms and chuckles.  "It was so worth it."  He gently tucks a piece of stray hair behind my ear and gazes into my eyes.  He looks hungry, like he could eat me alive, and it makes me gasp.  I know that look, and it always gave me chills.

He pulls me flush against him and is about to kiss me again when I hear someone calling my name.  Growling, Colton lets me go.  "This is far from over," he whispers into my ear.  "Tonight.  You're mine.  All mine."

His promise pools like hot liquid seduction between my thighs.  Quickly composing myself, I stare over at the most beautiful sight.  Buddy and Shelby Rae are walking towards us with Lillian in between.  Buddy and Shelby are intermittently raising their arms while Lilly sails through the air with squeals and laughter.  They look like the perfect little family, and I couldn't be happier for all three of them.  I hope with all of my heart that they make it.  Shelby and Lilly deserve happiness after all that heartbreak.

"Had enough of the Ferris wheel?" Buddy asks with a shit-eating grin.

I cross my arms in front of me and shake my head.  "I'll get you back someday, Buddy."

"That's what you said last time, but you still haven't gone through with that threat, Penny."  I roll my eyes, and Buddy chuckles.

Through our friendly bantering, Lilly turns and shyly looks up at Colton.  "Will you win me a stuffed animal?  Please?" she asks with big brown eyes just like her daddy.

Colton taps the end of her cute button nose with his fingertip and says, "Sure thing, Lilly.  I'm gonna win you the biggest stuffed animal we can find."

Lilly lights up with a super-sized grin and puts her small hand into Colton's much larger one.  "Well, what are we waitin' for then?  Time's a wastin'!" she exclaims, pulling him towards the game booths.

All three of us are laughing long after they walk away.  I can't help but stare at Colton and Lilly together and picture our kids someday.  I know it's way too soon to think about the future since Colton and I are just now finding each other again, but a girl can dream, can't she?

"So, you and Colt, huh?" Shelby Rae says, breaking me out of my reverie.

I bite my lower lip and nod emphatically.  I'm practically bursting with happiness, and it's been so long since I've felt that way.  I just want it to never end.

Shelby Rae smiles.  "I told you it would all work out in the end.  You and Colt have a special connection that no one else in this world shares.  Doesn't matter if he can't remember you.  His heart will show him the way."  She hooks her hand around Buddy's arm.  "Let's go get some cotton candy."

"How old are you?  Ten?" Buddy jokes.

"Oh, Buddy.  A girl is never too old for sweets," Shelby says, and I completely agree.



*  *  *  *  *



WE'RE ALL ENJOYING our bags of cotton candy when a gigantic panda bear comes waddling towards us with Colton close behind.

"She insisted on carryin' it," he says with a chuckle.

Buddy looks around and jokingly asks, "Where's Lilly?  All I see is this giant panda."

Lilly sets the bear down on the grass and hops out from behind it.  "Here I am!"

Buddy grabs his chest as if she scared him half to death.  "Oh, there you are!"  He reaches down and gives her a little tickle, making her giggle out loud.

I smile at the two of them interacting.  It's clear that Buddy would make a wonderful dad to Lillian.  And when Shelby Rae glances at me with a raised brow, I know she's thinking the same exact thing.

Buddy lowers the bag of cotton candy so that Lilly can grab a huge handful.  "Not so much!" Shelby scolds, but it's too late.  Lilly takes a big bite out of the giant cotton candy ball.  Shelby rolls her eyes and mutters, "Looks like we're not goin' to bed anytime soon."

Colton walks over to me with a shy smile on his face, one that I haven't seen for a long time.  I glance at the panda and back to him.  "Didn't they have anything bigger?"

"I told her I'd win her the biggest one.  I always keep my promises."  He leans down and kisses my sweet lips.  "Mmm," he hums against my mouth.  "Cotton candy kisses are the best."

I smile at him for what seems like the umpteenth time tonight.  In fact, I've been smiling so much that my face will probably hurt tomorrow.  It's so nice to have Colton back.  It's beyond words how I feel right now.  It's like a dream.

Buddy is sneaking another handful of cotton candy to Lilly when she suddenly asks Buddy, "Did you know my daddy?"

I can hear Shelby Rae's sudden intake of breath at Lilly's question.  Buddy slowly kneels down to Lilly's level.  "Yeah, I did.  We were friends in high school.  Your daddy was a great man."

Lilly's big brown eyes sparkle in the bright lights.  "Yeah.  He was pretty great."  She looks down at the ground.  "I sure do miss him a lot."

Buddy puts his finger under her chin and gently raises it.  "I'm sure there's no other place he'd rather be than right here with you."  He points up to the sky above us.  "See those twinklin' stars up there?"

Lilly follows his gaze and nods.

"Your daddy's up there watchin' over you."

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