Remember Me (Storm Lords Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Remember Me (Storm Lords Book 1)
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One corrupt businessman should be easy. So why were her palms sweating? And why were her knuckles showing white where they clutched the str
aps of her bag? She unpeeled her fingers and took a deep breath.

Be cool

Which was a great idea. In theory.

Thinking about it, coming here alone might not have been the best plan. She could have brought a photographer along. Why hadn’t she thought of that
? Was it too late? She could go back to the office, pick up a photographer, maybe pop home first and get changed into something more…

At that moment, the elevator came to a standstill, and the doors slid open.

She was being an idiot. Just do the interview
and get out of there, then she could write the story and forget all about Caden Wolfe. Except she had an idea that wasn’t going to happen easily. After all, it was hard to forget someone you dreamed about every night. She closed her eyes and saw those sexy
, midnight-blue eyes fixed on her as though they were staring into her very soul.

Her cell phone rang, dragging her out of her daydream.

She pulled it from her bag and looked at the caller ID.

Her father. Guilt gnawed at her; she hadn’t seen him since her
return from Afghanistan. But she couldn’t cope right now—she’d have to call him after the interview. Switching off the phone, she shoved it back in her bag.

The elevator led into a large reception area with a desk in the center and a pair of oak doors at t
he far end.

The desk was empty.

Her pulse picked up as she crossed the thickly carpeted floor, until she could hear the rapid thud of her own heart.

She rapped on the wood.

“Come in.”

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door.

The office was situated
at the corner of the building and two outer walls were made entirely of glass. Caden Wolfe stood with his back to her, staring out through the floor-to-ceiling windows; hands shoved in his pants pockets.

He wore a charcoal-gray suit, his usually immaculate
hair ruffled.

As the door clicked shut behind her, he swung around and stood silent, his eyes feasting on her. As his gaze met hers, a wave of heat washed over her. His eyes filled with a carnal hunger, inhuman in its ferocity. She swayed toward him and h
ad to put out a hand to steady herself.

Then the hungry look was wiped from his face, leaving his expression blank.

His photos didn’t do him justice; in the flesh, he was magnificent, his long lean figure shown off beautifully in the dark business suit.

e finally reached his face and found him watching her, but still she couldn’t look away. He reminded her of some dissipated angel—perfectly sculpted cheekbones, wicked blue eyes, thick lashes, passionate mouth.

Looking at him, something stirred in her mind

Something she needed to remember.

“Are you okay?” The deep, cultured tone of his voice was like crushed velvet caressing her ears. A shiver ran through her.

He raised one arched brow, and she shook her head to clear the intruding thoughts running through
her mind. “Sorry. What did you say?”

As he strode toward her, she had to fight the urge to give way before him. Then he stopped a foot away, and now her contrary mind screamed to close the distance between them.

He inspected her, his head cocked to one si
de. “I know you were injured recently. I was just asking if you were okay. You looked…unwell.”

Had he hesitated before that word? Could he see into her mind? She hoped not. “No, I’m fine.”

“Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, tea, champagne…”

we should just get on with the interview.”

“There’s something I’d like to talk to you about first.”

She frowned. “It’s quite simple. I ask you questions. You answer.”

“Actually, I have a…proposition for you.”

“You do?”

At her tone, a slight smile curved h
is lips. “I do. And we might as well be comfortable while I put it to you.”

Without waiting for her to answer, he shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it on the seat beside him. As he reached up and loosened the maroon tie, she stared, fascinated at the t
riangle of pale skin revealed below the strong column of his throat.

The air seemed to be sucked from the room, and she swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. Then she bit down on her lip hard, the pain bringing her back to herself.

Did he know what he was doi
ng? With his looks and money, he must be used to women drooling all over him. He could hardly be unaware of it. Though strangely, while she had an extensive file on him, there was very little information about his private life.

She cleared her throat. “So,
this proposition…?”

“Why don’t we sit down?” he said, gesturing to the cream leather sofa behind him. She looked at it dubiously but followed him. After sinking onto the leather, he patted the cushion beside him. Phoebe took a seat in the far corner, perc
hed on the edge, and looked at him with what she hoped was an expectant expression.

What proposition could he possibly have? Was he aware she was out to expose him and his company?

“First, let me say, I’ve read your work and I’m quite aware of the stories
you usually write. You don’t like big organizations. Hardly surprising considering what happened to your father.”

She started, shocked at his words. Her father had worked for a large multinational corporation. He had been injured in an incident at work wh
en Phoebe was ten. He’d never recovered fully, and he had never received any compensation. It had devastated her family. But how the hell did Caden Wolfe know that? “Have you had me investigated?” she asked.

“Of course.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but
he held up one beautifully manicured hand and she closed it again.

“I’m presuming it’s going to do me no good to tell you that Stormlord Securities has never been involved in any illegal or underhand practices.”

Did he think she was a naïve idiot? She didn
’t bother to answer. “The proposition?”

He relaxed in his seat, long legs stretched out, arms resting along the back of the sofa, regarding her out of half-closed eyes. “I want you to spend the next five days here, with me.”

Astonishment held her speechles
s for a minute. She swallowed, clearing the lump in her throat. “Why would I want to do that?”

He shrugged one elegant shoulder. “You can shadow me, ask me any questions you want, see for yourself how the company really works.”

“It won’t take me five days
to do that.”

“We’re in the middle of negotiating a new set of government contracts. Isn’t that what you’re interested in? I seem to remember you asked about ‘allegations of corruption’ at our last meeting.”

“You remember? I wasn’t sure…” She hesitated; she
hadn’t been certain until that point that he’d been aware of their prior meeting. But it seemed he knew it had been her in Afghanistan. Whatever she thought of him, she owed him for that. “You saved my life. I never got the chance to thank you.”

“And woul
d you like to now?” He considered her for a moment. “Do you know that in some cultures, if you save a person’s life, that person belongs to you?” His voice had lowered to a husky drawl that seemed to promise all sorts of carnal delights.

She fisted her ha
nds, her nails digging into her palms. “Luckily, we don’t live in one of those cultures. But you do have my thanks.”

“No need. It was an instinctive response.”

She shook her head, her brain working furiously. Something about Caden Wolfe set her on edge,
tipped her off balance. The idea of spending more time with him made her stomach churn. On the other hand, she wanted this story. Her gut instinct told her there was something not right about Stormlord Securities, and he was giving her the perfect opportun
ity to investigate. But why would he do that? It didn’t make sense, unless he believed he had everything buried so deep she would never dig it up.

If so, he was underestimating her, and she’d get her story.

But five days? She glanced across at where he lou
nged watching her, and her tummy did a little flip. “I could sit in on some meetings, I suppose.”

“This is an all or nothing offer. Twenty-four/seven. Starting now.”

“You’ve got to be kidding—you expect me to stay with you twenty-four hours a day?”

“And ni
ght.” His voice dropped again to that husky drawl, and she shivered. Then he smiled, a slow curl of his lips. “But don’t worry. I’m not suggesting you sleep with me.”

Sleep hadn’t actually entered her thoughts. It had been five years since her last relatio
nship imploded, since Josh had given her the ultimatum to make some sort of commitment or it was over between them.

So it had been over between them, and she hadn’t slept with anyone since. And strangely, she hadn’t missed the sex.

Until now.

Only force o
f will kept her from squirming in her seat. Her breasts ached and heat was pooling low in her belly. She looked away, out the window where snow was swirling down, willing the coldness into her blood. “So what are you suggesting?”

“We have an apartment for
visitors. You can stay there. That’s the offer—take it or leave it.”

“Why? Why make the offer at all?”

“Because we have nothing to hide. But bad publicity can seriously damage a company, especially one in as sensitive a business as ours. Tell me—what happe
ned to the last company you ‘investigated’?”

“They went out of business. Look, I’m not even sure I’d get the go-ahead for this. You’re not the only story I’m working on.”

“I’ve already discussed it with your editor. He’s quite willing to lend you to me for
as long as it takes.”

“What? When? He never mentioned it to me.”

“We spoke just before you arrived.”

She nibbled on her lip; it looked like she didn’t have any choice in this. If Patrick had already agreed, she was stuck with it. Especially when she had i
nsisted she wanted to stay on the story.

“Okay, it looks like I’m your shadow for the next five days.” Her brows drew together, and she regarded him suspiciously. “But don’t let this life-saving thing go to your head. I don’t belong to you, and I’m not you
r property, Mr. Wolfe.”

He smiled. “The thought never entered my mind.”



The word screamed through his brain. Cade kept the smile firmly fixed on his face while he struggled with the overwhelming urge to drag her into his arms and show her just ho
w much she belonged to him.

Now and forever.

“Of course you’re not my property,” he lied. “And please, call me Cade. And I’ll call you Phoebe.”

“You will?”

She definitely sounded suspicious. Unlike his Eleni, who had trusted everyone. Did she feel anything
for him? He desperately needed some sign that there was hope.

He studied her; the black pants that hugged the curve of her hips were tucked into knee length boots. On top she wore a jade green sweater and a black leather jacket. Her blond hair was cut off
blunt at the shoulder, framing a heart-shaped face, pointed chin with a deep dimple, dark brown eyes flecked with gold, and a small full mouth reddened where she had worried it with her teeth.

She was so close. Breathing in deeply, he filled his lungs
with the sweet, intoxicating scent of her. He caught a trace of something else, the musky scent of her arousal, and his gums ached with the need to taste her. His cock stiffened in his pants, his balls aching viciously, and he dropped his hands to his lap
to hide the evidence while he fought for control.

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